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Commitment to Success – Algebra II/Geometry

“You have to expect things of yourself before you can do them.”

“I've always believed that if you put in the work, the results will come.” – Michael Jordan

Name of
Student Goals:
1. Maintain our Big Goal - 80% content Mastery of Each Unit
2. Successful completion of all academic requirements.
Student Responsibilities:
1. Maintain an excellent participation grade and attendance in class.
2. Maintain student notebook.
3. Complete all homework assignments and commit at least one to two hours of review time before
each test.
Student Expectations:
1. Student will be prompt, prepared, polite, positive, and productive.

I, ___________________________________, have read the syllabus and understand the expectations placed upon
me as a student in Ms. Russell’s Algebra II/Geometry class. I agree to follow the rules, procedures, and
expectations of Ms. Russell’s class in order to reach my full potential. I will be prompt, prepared, polite, and
productive at all times in order to reach my individual goals and to help my class achieve our goal. Finally,
I will do what I have to do, in order to do what I want to do.

X ________________________________________________________________________ Date______________________
Student Signature

Name of Parent/
Parent/ Guardian Tips for Success
1. Make sure your student is rested each day, attends school each day and arrives on time.
2. Stay in contact with teachers and school- Email, call and check the teacher’s website frequently. (see
3. Help your student practice organizational skills- Make sure students keeps an updated notebook and
has all necessary materials to be successful. (see attached sheet for required materials)
4. Help your student develop good study habits – Provide your student with somewhere private and quiet
to study. Help your child to set aside a particular time to study.
5. Ask your student, “What did you learn in school today?”

I, ___________________________________, as parent/ guardian of this student have read the syllabus and
understand the expectations placed upon my student in their English I class.

X_______________________________________________________________________ Date _________________________

Parent/ Guardian Signature

As your teacher, I agree to:

1. Teach the best that I can, and work at getting better throughout the semester.
2. Prepare my lessons as best I can so that they are challenging and engaging.
3. Keep a positive attitude about you, our class, and about our school.
4. Treat you with respect.
5. Teach until mastery.
6. Hold you to high expectations in your academics and behavior.

I am the master of my fate: I am the captain of my soul.

I, Ms. Russell, make these promises to you and your parent/guardian because you are important to me and
I value you and your education.

X_______________________________________________________________________ Date__________________________
Teacher Signature

Fall 2010 Syllabus – Algebra II/Geometry

“Insanity is doing the same things over and over again and expecting the different result” – Albert Einstein

For us to continue to grow as a classroom and maximize our education we need to assess our progress and
makes changes as needed. Below is a brief rundown of what is required to be in this classroom for Algebra

Behavior Expectations and Rules:

Start of Class – Enter class respectfully, gather materials, and get started on the Do Now. Put
homework on the corner of your desk to be checked.
Raise your hand and WAIT to be called on – If you have a question do not shout out
Obey the SIGN – Start of Class, Quiet Time (no talking), Group Time (soft talking allowed), End of
Be on Task – Working on math during the entire math class – no exceptions
End of Class – Put materials away, sit at seat and wait to be dismissed by the teacher

Required Materials:
Everyday starting on Monday, August 30th, in order to be in class you must have the following:
1. Math Binder – Minimum 1” binder with clear plastic cover, 8 divider tabs, loose leaf
2. Sharpened Pencil – Mechanical or Regular, Pens will not be acceptable.
Homework will be given every day (except on test days). It is expected that you will be studying or
working on homework every night for this class. Homework must be done and fully completed on
time - Late homework will not be accepted.
You must check your school email on a daily basis – I will often send out important information or
homework assignments by email. You will be responsible for anything sent by email.

Attendance is absolutely critical for your success in this class. For each tardy and unexcused
absence you will lose participation points for that day, if you accumulate three tardies or unexcused
absences it is an afterschool detention. Absences will only be excused with a note – you must
bring this the day you return from school. You are responsible for making up all classwork and
homework for the day you missed.

Getting Help:
Getting help after class is the number one way to improve your grade and help you master topics. I
am available in the following ways:
1. After School: I will be available Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday 2:15 – 4:00pm unless
otherwise posted.
2. Phone, text, or Email: You may always contact me at (980) 355-9082 before 9:30 pm or
3. Website: The class website:
4. Facebook: You may find me on Facebook (“Ms. Russell”) under the Charlotte network.
Failure to follow any of the above expectations or rules will result in the following consequences:
1. Warning – Immediate 20% loss of participation points for the day

I am the master of my fate: I am the captain of my soul.

2. Out of the Classroom – Immediate loss of all participation points for the day. You will be
sent out either to another teacher’s room, the hallway for a little while, or the office. This
also may result in a phone call home, detention, silent lunch, or referral.

For meeting or exceeding classroom expectations, the following rewards could potentially result:
helper of the day, positive phone calls home, candy, handwritten notes, stickers, and/or tickets to a
professional basketball/football game.

All work should be your own, original work, unless the original source is cited properly. If you are
caught cheating, you will receive an automatic zero on the assignment and be given a referral. No
exceptions. Potential loss of credit or failure of the class could also result.

Tests/Projects 50%
Quizzes 25%
Participation/Classwork/Activities 15%
Homework 10%

I am the master of my fate: I am the captain of my soul.

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