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Toddler Strategy Sheet Template

1. Name: Landon
Goal: Landon will use words to label or request two times each day in lab.
The teachers will model language as they offer Landon choices when appropriate of help him request items.
The teachers will use parallel talk and self-talk to model words, and use open ended questions when playing with Landon.
The teachers will pair words with a childs play and actions (IELG D5 G52 Age 6-18 months CI 9 CS 4).
2. Name: Hadley
Goal: Hadley will verbally identify and point to 10 new body parts by the end of the semester.
The teachers will model language to Hadley as they describe body parts during parallel play.
The teachers will provide Hadley with opportunities to explore, identify, and discuss self and familiar others using photos, mirrors, photos, and
dramatic play objects (IELG D4 G44 Age 16-38 months CI 2 CS 7).
The teachers will use parallel talk and self-talk to model words, and use open ended questions when playing with Hadley.
3. Name: Harrison
Goal: Harrison will use his words to identify objects two times per toddler lab.
When replying to Harrisons attempts to communicate, the teachers will confirm his intentions and then extend the topic. IELG D5 G52 Age 16-
38 Months CS 2
The teachers will model simple sentences. IELG D5 G52 Age 16-38 Months CS 5
The teachers will respond to Harrisons single words using sentences with descriptive responses. IELG D5 G52 Age 16-38 Months CI 1 CS 4
4. Name: Amy
Goal: Amy will engage in 2 new play activities each toddler lab.
The teachers will model enthusiasm for Amys efforts and use words to describe physical activities. D2 G21 Age 16 to 38 Months CI 1 CS 2
The teachers will plan grows motor activities both indoors and outdoors. D2 G21 Age 16 to 38 Months CI 1 CS 4
The teachers will play a variety of active games with Amy. D2 G21 Age 16 to 38 Months CI 1 CS 5
5. Name: Kaiden
Goal: Kaiden will engage in one sensory play experience each day in toddler lab.
Teachers will introduce Kaiden to a variety of creative arts and materials and encourage open-ended exploration.
Teachers will show appreciation of Kaidens art by commenting on his efforts.
Teachers will model sensory touch and play and exhibit excitement to give reassurance for Kiden.
6. Name: Lila
Goal: Lila will separate from her parent/caregiver without crying each day she comes to toddler lab.
The teachers will redirect and distract Lila by inviting her to join in activities that match her interests.
Teachers will model an activity for Lila. Once she is interested, the teacher will separate herself from her.
Teachers will support separation when caregiver says goodbye. Allow the Lila to say goodbye and assure her that caregiver will return. No
sneaking out of the room.
7. Name: Carson
Goal: Carson will take turns with a peer one time each lab.
The teachers will provide support for Carson as he communicates with other children to ask for turns with toys and play equipment as well as
show empathy for all children involved.
The teachers will help problem solve by suggesting Carson may have the toy or item of interest after the other child has had their turn and then
give an amount of time their turn will last and time their turn and when their time is up make sure Carson gets his turn.
The teachers will help Carson wait for his turn by supplying him with other toys and items to play with until it is his turn.
8. Name: Porter
Goal: Porter will use his words to resolve conflict or express himself once per lab.
The teachers will help Porter by using self-talk as a way to help him see how words can be used to express ourselves.
The teachers will support Porter by supplying him with words when he struggles to find them on his own.
The teachers will listen carefully to Porter as he is talking and respond to him after he is finished speaking and not just say things like uh huh
and okay but really respond.
9. Name: Ryan
Goal: Ryan will use an appropriate tone of voice at least twice a day in lab.
The teachers will model appropriate tone of voice when they are talking to Ryan.
The teachers will provide opportunities for Rylan to interact with other children by modeling appropriate conversations and then inviting him
to join in.
The teachers will label emotions for Ryan and help him put a name to his feelings when appropriate.
10. Name: Lewis
Goal: Lewis will use words to label or request two times each day in toddler lab.
The teachers will model language as they offer Lewis choices when appropriate or help him request items.
The teachers will label emotions for Lewis and help him put a name to his feelings when appropriate.
The teachers will use parallel talk and self-talk to model words, and use closed ended questions when playing with Lewis.
11. Name: Heather
Goal: Heather will separate from her parent/caregiver without crying each day she comes to lab.
Teachers will validate Heathers feelings of separation anxiety or anxiety experienced during transitions or during new activities (IELG D3 G34
Ages 16-38 Months S1).
When Heather experiences anxiety, teachers will reassure her and offer comfort.
A good-bye routine will be established to create familiar transitions from home to toddler lab and between activities in lab.
12. Name: Lexi
Goal: Lexi will pronounce three words with clarity each day in toddler lab.
The teachers will listen to Lexi when she speaks and will give her ample time to respond (IELG D5 G52 Ages 16-38 Months S1).
Teachers will respectfully correct mispronunciations of words by repeating the word or phrase back clearly (IELG D5 G52 Ages 16-38 Months
Teachers will validate, respond to, and expand Lexis attempts at communicating (IELG D5 G52 Ages 16-38 Months S2).

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