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Reflection 6

(Performance Arts)

On Monday 30th of October 2017, me and my friend did performing arts about the music
and movements. My friend takes 3 students from her class (KG 2) and I take 3 students from my
class (KG 1), and we did it in my class. The music that my friend used it was if you happy and
you know it song, and I used five little monkeys jumping on the bed song. When we did the
performing arts, it was a break time for my class, but my friend class there were have a lesson.
First, we explain for them what we want from them to do, and we explain that there are activities
after we finished the performing arts, also we motivate them before we start the performing by
told them that we will give you a gift if you do well, and we gave them balloons and stickers.
The activities for the five little monkeys jumping on the bed were one of them is to color the
mask (monkeys), and the other one was by using the paint the students should put the thumb or
any finger they want and put it in the paint after that they use their finger print and according to
the numbers that were written on the papers they should use their finger print to put how many
fingers print in the 10 frames. The activities for the if you happy and you know it song was by
using the cupcake they should use a melt chocolate to make for example, a happy face, sad,
angry, or scary. In addition, the second activity was by using their hands, they should paint their
hands and press their hand on their papers, after that they use the googly eyes and anther paint by
using the brush to make the mouth e.g. happy, sad, angry, or scary.

The things that were well are the students did activities after they did the performing arts,
and the music were enthusiastic, and the students were engage and interact to do the performing
arts. The thing that wasnt well is that difficult to choose students will do the movements of the
song. In the future, I will use the performing arts in my class because I feel is useful and it is a
new and a fun way to teach the students. According to Froebel and Woldorf they are believed to
use the performing arts in the school

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