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Modelo de Avaliao Simple Present


1) Complete as sentenas usando os verbos no Simple Present. (Os verbos esto entre parnteses e
quando for negativa estar indicado com a palavra not)

a. Pedro, Mrcia, and Isabela always ________ (ask) a friend when they _________ (not/know) the
meaning of a word.
b. Clara usually _______ (try) to guess the meaning of the words.
c. Rodrigo and Fabio always _______ (use) the dictionary to check the meaning of key words. Fabio also
_______ (study) the spelling and the pronunciation of the new words.
d. Susana _______ (skip) the words she ________ (not/understand) but she never _______ (go) back to
them later.
e. Bia ______ (guess) the meaning from the context, and Lucas often _______ (do) that, too. Lucas
______(have) a good bilingual dictionary and he sometimes ________ (use) it to confirm his guesses.
f. Felipe and Eduardo _______ (write) the new words in their notebooks, and Camila ______ (write) lists
too, but she also ________ (include) example sentences in her lists.
g. Joo Marcos ______ (use) the glossary in the textbook to check the meanings of new words, but he
sometimes _______ (look) up the meaning of the new words in a dictionary.

2) Complete as sentenas usando um dos verbos: close, drink, live, open, speak.
a. Ann _______ German very well.
b. I never ______ coffee.
c. The swimming pool _____ at 9 oclock and _____ at 18.30 every day.
d. My parents ______ in a very small flat.

3. Passe as frases abaixo para forma negativa e interrogativa.

a. He knows me.
b. Nei loves pop music.
c. I love you.
d. We play cards every week.
e. She goes to school in the morning.
f. He talks a lot.
g. Maria likes milk.
h. I go to the gym on Mondays and on Fridays.

4. Complete as frases com as formas do verbo TO BE: am/are/is/was/were

a. She ____ from Canada and I ____ from Brazil.
b. We _____ at school yesterday and today we ______ at home.
c. She _____ sick yesterday but today she _____ fine.
d. They ______ musicians.
e. I ____ happy last night.

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