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Task 5

Presented by
Lina Mara Seplveda
Code: 52.964.853
Group: 551037_7

Dina Esperanza Bonilla

National Opened and Distance University.

Degree in English as a Foreign Language.
Translation Techniques
Activities to develop
Read the contents for Unit 2.

Choose one of the following postulates and write an essay about 200 300

I decide to choose

C) Later Duff (1989) identifies three essential purposes of translation as an

activity in language learning: accuracy, clarity, and flexibility. He argues that
translation trains the learner to search (flexibility) for the most appropriate words
(accuracy) to convey what is meant (clarity).


Translation is a process very interesting for the learners, is when we

translate one text, document, book, written paragraph from one language to
another, without lost his meaning; the translation process is when we refer to the
writing language, we translate a text is called the source text and the target
language is the language to be translate.

According to Duff H (1989) identifies three essential purposes of translation

as an activity in language learning: accuracy, clarity, and flexibility. He argues that
translation trains the learner to search (flexibility) for the most appropriate words
(accuracy) to convey what is meant (clarity).the translation activity in the
classroom serve to increase the learner vocabulary, the student can improve his
grammar, structure, he can think the properly words to be used and improve his
second language level; with the translation process the student can feel confident,
reading documents and writing from one text to another language without change
the text meaning, the learner can reinforce his reading and writing skills and also
can think the ideas of the text, this will help to the student with his learning process.

Is important the translation activities to enhance the four skills and develop
accuracy, clarity and flexibility, this will help for the student communication in the
second language, as Liao, P and Chamot (1987) In terms of using translation as a
learning strategy, translation has often been classified as one of the cognitive
learning strategies but in my opinion is important as teachers to reinforce all the
time in the students their four skills and their fluency and create spaces with
different activities, this will help to the students to be critical thinkers, understand
the content of the translation and the meaning of it, thus learning the second

Popovic, R. (n.d.). The place of translation in Language Teaching [PDF].

Recovered from:


Liao, P. (2006). EFL Learners' Beliefs about and Strategy Use of Translation
in English Learning. RELC Journal, 37(2), 191-215. Retrieved from

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