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SLSP Risk Assessment

Risk Assessment (low,

Persons who Property which may Further action required
Hazard Risk Controls already in place moderate, high, extreme
may be harmed be damaged to control risk
(see table below))
Electrical fire from equipment Crew and cast All equipment and the Unplug equipment when it isnt being HIGH Fire extinguishers on
overheating studio used. Make sure equipment isnt standby and posters up with
being used for long periods of time. the fire escape plan.
Damaging ears with speakers Crew and cast n/a Make sure volume is at a suitable LOW Turn off/down sound in the
level. Make sure speakers arent right studio. Use ears plugs/
next to peoples ears defenders.
Tripping over cables Crew and cast Cameras the cables are Make sure all cables are neat and LOW Have a first aider on hand.
attached to tidy, and they are flat to the floor.
Damaged electrical equipment Crew n/a Check all equipment before turning it HIGH Immediately replace broken
with exposed wires on, check for damaged wires or equipment. Have a
exposed live metal. defibrillator nearby.
Water being spilled - slips/falls Crew and cast All equipment and the Make sure no open liquids are HIGH Fire extinguishers on
and electrical fire studio brought into the studio, if people want standby and posters up with
to have a drink they can do so in the the fire escape plan. First
corridor. aider on hand.

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