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Art of Success


for success in wealth ,health and relationship.


Karma Mastery is to achieve success in all departments of life be it health,wealth ,re-

lationship karma.Most people clear their limiting beliefs but do not understand that
unless one releases the fear that causes such limiting beliefs and the defence mecha-
nisms in form of karmic oaths ,these issues linger on.

emotional attachment of human behavior:

Body develops
Defense Mechanism - revenge, vows (karmic oaths); negative learning or deci-

* This takes one away from their true / divine purpose of life.

for eg.when a child experiences abandonement in childhood,he has a fear of being

abandoned,rejected ,unworthy ,seperation from loved one.To protect himself from
future hurts ,he creates an unconscious karmic oath of being alone to be safe .

Meanwhile healing is being experienced ,forgiveness is of the most importance.Only

with self realisation can one achieve total forgiveness.This self realisation needs to
come from a space of unconditional love creative energy as compared to an angry
egoistical energy.

Forgiveness is directly proportional to the compassion one has.

In this course we are going to work specifically on issues of

A. Relationships
B. Wealth
A. Health

Day 1: Relationship Mastery
Who is a Soul Mate?
Soul mate is a person that we recognize and there is a deeper connection with this
person that can be intuitively experienced. When you are with this person, your heart
chakra will have an enormous amount of electricity, which will be physically felt
through your crown chakra.

Soul mate is not just whom you want to fulfill your unfulfilled life with but whom
you meet to grow and evolve. One must love oneself in the now to bring a good soul
Many people fall in love with the future promise of how the soul mate will be not be-
ing in love with that person in the now causing serious problems when the person
does not become.

Its very much important to spend moment of time where you also appreciate each

_______________ __________________________________________________

1.Write 1 quality about another person that you most admire and reason for it 2.Ap-
preciate the person for it in class.


Can You regain spiritual magnetism after a mistake re-


Spiritual magnetism, if lost through traumas in Relationships, marriage or in unmar-

ried life, can be repossessed through meditation and the practices we will teach you.
But you should take responsibility after learning this technique to avoid mistakes so
that the laws of the universe support you in your life.

Never feed your creative instinct with demeaning thoughts. Avoid anything that stim-
ulates the creative impulse through the sense of sight, touch, or by discussing unde-
sirable stories.
Diet is an essential factor too. Using the creative energy in sports or energy-consum-
ing physical exercise is very helpful.
Transmuting the creative impulse:

This is a Powerful Technique and will be explained personally by the Mentor

Having children:

Parents who wish to have a spiritual child must prepare their minds in advance.
Thoughts of inviting a noble soul into the body temple is very blissful.
During physical union, the mind should be kept at the point between the eyebrows at
the third eye chakra and it should be done only after bringing the energy and taking it
to the creators plane having blessings from the creator, directing the holy work of
creation. It is important not to allow the mind to become identified with only physi-
cal passion. The Ancient knowledge says that during this time, a life current is gener-
ated, serving as a doorway.
Thoughts that only focus upon physical pleasure attract sensual souls. The souls with
divine knowledge who will change the vibration of the family neighbours, coun-
tries and the earth turn away at a distance, preferring to wait rather than accept re-
birth in an a physical body which will give them the Genetic beliefs and Karma of
Suffering, lust, self sabotage and any curse which might be in the morphogenic field
of the DNA which might be accepted by any of the ancestors of the family lineage
and the Divine soul gets trapped into the karma of the body and it takes him lot of

time on the earth to re remember his divine purpose and sometimes his time to
leave the earth comes before he finishes his work.

If you cannot find your soul companion, do not hurry until you found one. It is better
to remain single than to enter into a wrong relationship and marriage. Through medi-
tation and related techniques, unmarried people can unite the creative force with the
soul-force within. While you are waiting for your soul mate to come you can medi-
tate with the technique in the union of your soul, physical body with God. A union
with God will bring perfect love and eternal fulfilment, free from the disappointment
of Karma of human love. Such a union should be the goal of every soul and physical

Relationship Healing
1. We try to get from our partner what we did not get from our parent, so give to
yourself that love rather than burdening your partner with that huge expectation

2. Its also important to heal negative emotions of fear, betrayal, anger, loneliness,
and abuse, unworthiness that is stopping us to enjoy our personal relationship.

3.One must also know how other person feels love, does other person like
1. Gifts
2.quality time
3.acts of service affirmations
5.Physical touch and gestures

Whatever you have thought in your life subconsciously has made you what you are
today. If you can get control over your thought, you will become the master of your
life. As shown in the figure above subconscious mind is 88% part of your mind that
stores all the data, emotions, programs and is spread throughout your body. Accord-
ing to its programs, this part of the mind creates your life.
Your subconscious does not change the reality of the world around you; it changes
your own reality thereby making you feel the world is different. It just filters the in-
formation that you present to it in order to support your beliefs or the picture that you
hold in your mind.

Filtering out and deleting is one of the most useful functions of our mind. The mind
is bombarded with millions of bits of information every second. The subconscious
mind has the power to filter out the unimportant stimuli.

Sumant: Thought has the ultimate power. You are what you are because of what
you think. So take RESPONSIBILITY

We pay attention only to what is important. Having the ability to ignore 99% of the
input is a great natural gift and we could not survive and operate efficiently without
We are blessed with the ability to block input from all our senses. This deletion/fil-
tering function is designed, by nature, to enable us to not waste time and energy on
concepts that are deemed understood by our mind.

We may refer to the deletion function as Mental Scotoma or Negative Hallucina-

tion. To understand mental scotoma, lets first look at physical Scotoma.

Physical Scotoma
Scotoma is the phenomenon of looking at an object, yet not seeing it. It is based on
the physical structure of the human eye.
Try the following experiment:
Hold the book about a foot from your face. Close your right eye and look at the right
star. Now slowly bring the page towards you. What happened to the left star?

At some point the left star disappears from view. Yes, it is still there, but you just
dont see it. The explanation is simple. On our retina there is a spot without any light-
sensitive cells. This is the notorious Blind Spot.
This is due to the fact that all the nerves from the light-sensing cells lining the retina
converge in one spot to form a thick cable of nerves that exit from the eye and into
the brain.

What is Spiritual Magnetism
Magnetism of every kind originates in the Universal Consciousness.
Magnetism is the power by which you draw things to you: the right partner, the right
job, business, the right people, and so on.

A Cluster of magnets

Each human being is a medium through which God's magnetism flows. All parts of
the body that come in pairs--eyes, ears, hands, feet, etc.--form magnets of greater or
lesser power.

Soul magnetism is expressed through the eyes, weakly or strongly, depending on

one's spiritual development. Some highly developed people are able to spirituals or
heal others solely by the magnetism of their eyes.

Spiritual Magnetism

Unless your magnetism is right, you will catch hold of the wrong people or things. If
we are to take an example, fear creates a Plague like magnetism by which a person is
filled only with fear, distress and plague like energy.
The magnetism of humility, I repeat humility will invite positive friends, saints, and
of course creator of all that is.
If we could only ask creator of humility without sacrifice and self sabotage we will
witness the feeling of divine all around us and inside us.

If you use all your magnetism to attain material things, sooner or later you will be
disillusioned. But if you first maturate spiritual magnetism, it will convoy you in the
proper ways to backlog your material needs.

Relationship between Individuals with Strong and
weak magnetisms:

Every existing being on earth has the power of magnetism, but very few people are
actually positively magnetic. Negative qualities such as revenge, hatred, jealousy,
feelings of inferiority stops positive magnetic power. There are people who say that
even materiel desire would obstruct Positive karma.
There is no harm in asking for materiel from creator, the meaning of desire what
saints like Buddha refer to is that you desire what is not yours because what is yours
need not be desired, you can always have it what you want from creator what
you divinely feet is your requirement. Desire gives the feeling of greed where as
need gives the feeling of requirement, so I believe you can ask for what ever ma-
teriel you want from creator any time any where

If you are absent-minded, thinking one thing while doing something else, your
energy is digressed and you have a cramped magnetism. Doing everything with
will power and concentrating on your goal strengthens your magnetism.

If you are a captive to any of the senses, you are losing magnetism. If you have
charge over them, you are developing magnetism. Emotionalism is very magnetising,
whereas even-mindedness in the face of all strenuousness leads to magnetic living.

To attain magnetism, it is of utmost importance to keep to our physical body and

your subtle bodies free from poisons that stops the flow of positive and divine en-
When you have worked on your negative beliefs and cleaned your self with self sab-
otaging beliefs you will find your self shining with the divine magnetism of creators
love and will attract positive and loving people in your life. Not only we have to re-
move the source memory and bottom belief but heal all other memories holding the
dysfunctional neural pathway.

Only with inner cleanliness can all of your energy be displayed through your eyes,
face and body.
There are many men and women on earth who are looking for their sol mate, rather
longing for their soul mate and it would be very easy for them to have a wonderful,
loving, honorable and caring partner and the life would be mushy.
Make More Money script


I know how to be comfortable with change.

I know how to be . successful and I love to be successful.
I know how to be successful and I am confident of my success always.
I know how to live with pride and I earn very well.
I know that theres plenty for everybody
I know how to express myself with dignity.
I know how to express myself with dignity.
I know how to express myself with dignity.
I know how to express myself with dignity.
I know how to do things and achieve guaranteed success.
I know how to manifest things and achieve in the now instantly.
I know I am responsible for everything in my life and I am powerful.
I know I am lucky and I am in the habit of winning.
I know I am lucky and I am in the habit of winning.
I know I am friends with everyone and I am supported by everyone.
I know I communicate very well even with strangers.
I know I am focussed to create assets for myself.
I know I am comfortable to request and ask for help.
I know I am loved and admired and I enjoy it.
I know I am accepted and loved by everyone.
I know how to live in balance easily and effortlessly.

Exercise: Healing letter to Partner
1.Bring energy into your space and open your heart chakra
2.Allow yourself to enter in the energy of expression
3.Write and pour out all the emotions without judging on the paper

4.Once finished, ask the source to send this energy to the person.


Sample letters

To a Dear Former Friend with Much Love,

"I really did not like it when I was very sick and you did nothing to help me. It made
me feel hurt that you were angry that I got sick, even though it was not my fault and
there was nothing I could have done to prevent my illness.
I felt sad that someone who was a business acquaintance showed me more real sym-
pathy and offered me more real assistance than you - who I called 'friend' - did. It
clearly showed me that I had not conquered my own fear of others liking me - not for
who I was - but for what I could do for them.
This 'pushed all my buttons' and raised some deeply painful childhood issues. I am
sorry that I overreacted to it as I did. I am sorry that I did not call you when I prom-
ised. I am sorry that this caused us to drift apart. I forgive you now for ignoring my
illness. I understand that your life has not prepared you for reacting well to sickness.
I understand that is why you behaved the way you did.
For the sake of all the good times we had together, I would like us to be friendly
again... but you must understand that your behavior towards me while ill must
change. I need sympathy and understanding not anger. If you can do this for me, I
know we can still be friends. If not, thank you for all you have shared with me.
Know that wherever you travel on your life's path, I always will wish you well and
hope you find all the joy you desire.


To My Dearest ...,

You know that Im a person of few words. I dont often say what is on my mind and
even if I do, it usually

doesnt come out quite right. But what I do not express verbally doesnt mean I dont
feel it in my heart.

I may not say I love you everyday as some do. I may not have bought you beautiful
gifts on occasions that

matter. I may not have empathized when you were crying out for understanding. And
I may not have done

the right things to make you feel loved.

If you are going to judge me on these things alone, I know I have failed miserably.
But if only you could look

through my heart to see who it is beating for, you would know the depth of my love
for you.

Darling, my emotions may not show but a love that is mostly hidden like mine is al-
ways deep and eternal.

My heart can accommodate no other apart from you and I know this is how it is go-
ing to be for the rest of

my life.

Expressionless I may be. Cold I may seem. But true love doesnt need to be shown. It
resides in the heart

just as how it resides deep in mine. And no matter the seasons that will come and go,
it will be there

withstanding the test of time.

As I write this today, the words are hard to flow. It is not my nature to be expressive.
But no matter what, I

want you to know that you are loved and cherished. And I want you to know that I do
care. My words will

never be able to describe exactly how I feel so, let me end this letter with 3 simple
words, straight from my


3. My Dearest ...,

Up until a few months ago, I still believe that true love only happens to others. I, on
the other hand, was

contented leading a solitary existence given my own eccentricities. But fate obviously
has different plans in

store for me when our paths crossed.

When we first met, feelings that I didnt know existed stirred in my heart. An unex-
plained desire to know you

better and a burning hope that I made a good impression. It is not often that we come
across a person in

our lives that we want him/her to take notice of us and ignite the spark that is embed-
ded in our hearts.

You are that person to me and my instinct has not been wrong. With each successive
date, I come home

with a stronger and stronger longing to make this last. A firmer belief that you are
the one that I could share

my life with. And a deepening love that reached a depth that I have never ever expe-

For some, love doesnt occur in an instant. Even I used to think that love takes some
time to grow,

especially the kind of deep love that envelops us now. But love can also be strange. If
the person feels right

in every way, love can take on a level of intensity that we never knew we are capable
of feeling.

And this is what Im experiencing right now. Being with you is comfort, love, secu-
rity, contentment, passion

and happiness, all rolled into one. A myriad of feelings but each works with one an-
other to build a profound

emotion in my heart that only you are capable of arousing. This relationship may be
fairly new right now but

I can earnestly say that I love you with all my heart.

Loving you always ... 4. Dear ...,

Sometimes, it comes a point in our lives when we have to think what we are doing
and where we are

heading. When happiness fades, we need to look for new beginnings. When love dies,
we need to step

away and carve out the dead feelings.

I know it is difficult to let this relationship go. We have been through so much to-
gether that it hurts just

recalling a tiny fraction of the time we spent as a couple. But I also know it will only
hurt more if we let this

relationship drift. The same inevitable parting will confront us then making it even
harder for us to recover

and find that elusive happiness and peace of mind.

We have had our fair share of love and happiness. Let that be the memories that will
stay with us as we go

our separate ways. Continuing on will only leave us with more bitter recollections
that will overwhelm the
happier shades that we once shared. Thats simply because true happy moments will
never be possible
from now on when the magical feeling has long gone. Instead, what will set in is in-
difference, making us
strangers, not lovers, in our own home.

Perhaps you will find that Im trying to justify my decision to move on. To alleviate
my guilt of leaving this

relationship. Maybe Im and for that Im truly sorry. But I also strongly believe that
a person as special as

you deserves someone much better. Someone who can love and cherish you the way a
lover should rather

than depending on crumbs from a dying feeling which is better left buried.

Therefore, this relationship is over. Harsh it may seem but I also want both of us to
be happy. If I cant feel it

in my heart, neither can I give you what you rightly deserve. That being the case, let
us go and seek our own

rainbows, which Im sure will appear when the time is right.

Goodbye and take care.

Sincerely ...

5. Letter:
Honey- I don't know how to start this letter. I love you and I know that you love me
too, but I need you to understand how I am feeling. I know

that I have been fighting with you a lot lately and I am sorry, its just that I am so mad
at both you and myself. I wonder what would of happened if I said that I wanted to
keep our baby...I know that you would of been supportive, but I didn't want to put
you through that pressure, because I know what you wanted to do.

I know that you are still hurting...I just don't know why we don't talk about it. I need
someone to talk to. I feel so alone at times. If I could do it all over again, I would
probably tell you that I wanted to keep it.
You will never know exactly how I feel, because you never carried our baby inside
of you. Our baby was totally dependent on me...and I let it down. It was my final de-
cision, and I know that I could of decided to keep it, but I didn't. I hate myself for it. I
feel like now I have lost so many experiences...I will always wonder about my first
baby, what she (I believe that our baby was a girl) would of looked like, what she
could of became, and everything about her...I wonder where she is.

I know that you have been supportive and that you are trying to understand, but I
need more. I need you to be willing to talk more. You always tell me that it is not my
fault and that it was our best decision...that is not what I want to hear from you...I
need you just to listen to me, tell me how you feel and hold me and let me cry in
arms...just like you did when I found out that I was pg.

I love you, and I do not want this to ruin our relationship. I want to spend the rest of
my life with you, but I need you to listen to me more...I need your help.
I love you,


Karma oath and vow releasing:
Clear all binds of Vows made in this lifetime and past lives.
To release both parties of said vows while not incurring any shame, guilt or regret for
previous involvement and engagement with an ideal or relationship.
To instill a healthy foundation from which you shall proceed from this moment for-
ward to only form bonds with ideals and/or others that are for the Highest and best of
yourself and any others.
This renouncement may be used in its entirety or you may choose to alter it in to a
form that better suits your personal beliefs/needs. Creating unconscious signals is im-
1.State the issue
2.Ask for evidence /last time it happened and create symptom signal
3.Specify and bring out emotions by asking, what is the worst consequence that
would happen if issue continues and how does it make you feel 5-10 times
4.When emotions are active, ask unconscious to trace and find the first karmic source
memory causing this issue and this consequence.
5.Verify the source memory by feeling unconscious symptom signals.
6.Express negative emotions, beliefs and karmic oaths
7.Cancel negative emotions and beliefs, renounce karmic oaths.
8.Bring gods positive emotions, beliefs, learning and self-realization in space to let
go of this experience for complete healing.
9.Verify healing and spread healing in all times
10.Manifest a successful outcome.



Renouncement of Karmic oaths and Vows:

1. Connect to creator
2. Give the command :Creator of all that is it is commanded to
Invite Spiritual Law of karma ,my heavenly masters ,angels ,Higher Self,
Guides, ancestors and my preferred Higher Protectors.
to renounce all vows and attachments, made intentionally or unintentionally, to all
entities and energies, groups, organizations, or negative influences, or any which
were made with any individuals that no longer serve for a Higher Purpose, From this
moment forward, I shall only perform actions, based upon my highest level of crea-
tors Consciousness.


List of negative emotions that may be stored and un-
Out of control . Hopeless

Script for Changing destructive behaviour
Today you are standing at a fork in the road of your life. You have come to a deci-
sion point. Should you continue to do what you have been doing with regard
You think about all the problems and concerns that __________ brings into your life.
(Mention some of the reasons your client told you she wants to make the change).
The road on the left is a slow downward road. It is easy to take the Low Road. You
could just coast down it. It is the path of doing what you have been doing for so long.
But, it is a path of misery. The road on the right goes upward. It will take some effort
to take the High Road. But, it is the way of freedom, health and life. It is the road of
being in control of your life. It is the High Road To Success!

Look at the road on the left. It means carrying all of the problems associated with
continuing to ________with you even longer than you already have. Think of how
bad ________makes you feel. Really allow yourself to feel the weight of the burden
of this self-destructive behavior. Feel your desire to be free from all of the ill effects
of hurting yourself this way.
I'm going to count from 1 to 3, and we are going to go down that low road of being
out of control one more year. 1, 2, 3! There you are, after one more year of being out
of control--of being miserable because you have continued
to______________________________. You feel the weight of the disappointment in
yourself. You notice the things that litter this painful way of living (mention para-
phernalia, such as ashtrays, bottles, etc.) (If it seems appropriate to the issue, point
out the people associated with the problem, the bad influences.) There is a mirror
there and you see yourself and you ask yourself, "Am I pleased with myself? Am I
happy to have another year of __________? Do I feel better having made this deci-
sion? Do I feel healthier or worse? Do I look and feel better about myself, or not? Do
I feel smarter? Feel the disappointment you have in yourself for continuing to
__________________for another year!"

I'm going to count from 1 to 3 and we are going to go down to the 5 year point on
this road of being free of ___________ to the year ______! 1, 2, 3! There you are af-
ter 5 more years of being on the low road. Bring fourth all of the effects of that
choice! Really allow yourself to feel the effects of that decision. You feel
___________. You feel hopeless. Now look around you and you see all of the (men-
tion items associated with the problem, i.e., ashtrays, or candy wrappers, etc). Those
are the things that have done this to

you. So, you can't stand them any more. Maybe you even dislike the sight of them. If
there are people associated with doing this _____________, are they really your

friends? Do they really care about you? Again, you ask yourself, "Am I pleased with
myself for ___________ for 5 more years? Do I have the right to do this to myself?
Am I healthier for making this choice? How is it affecting my life? Is my life better
or worse? Do I feel smarter for _________________ for an additional 5 years?"

And now I count from 1 to 3 and we move down to the 10-year point on this low
road of continuing to the year_________. 1, 2, 3! There you are after 10 more years
of hurting yourself by _____________. Once again, bring fourth all of the cumula-
tive effects of that choice! Really allow yourself to feel the effects of that decision, of
continuing to _______for 10 more years. You feel _____________. You feel more
hopeless. Again, you look around you and you see all of the (mention items associ-
ated with the problem, i.e., ashtrays, or candy wrappers, etc). Those are the things
that have done this to you. So, you can't stand them any more. Maybe you even hate
the sight of them. If there are people associated with doing this _____________, are
they really your friends? Do they really care about you? How do you feel about
them? There is a mirror there and you look at yourself. You ask yourself, "Am I
pleased with myself for ___________ for 10 more years? Is my life better or worse?
Do I feel intelligent for ________ for an additional 10 years?" Really feel the conse-
quences of remaining on this low but easy road.

As I count back from 5 to 1 you come all the way back to the beginning of the fork in
the road. 5, 4, 3, 2, 1. And, you feel better because none of that has to happen yet and
it doesn't have to... You have decided not to let that happen to you. You have decided
to take the High Road of Success on the right! You know that it will take a little more
effort, but now you know in your heart and mind that it is worth it. You have decided
to start taking better care of yourself! In fact you have already left the old way by
coming here today! You are already taking your first steps toward freedom and suc-
cess on the road on the right.
Let's see how this new decision to ____________ for life affects you. You think
about all the good positive changes that becoming free from the self- destructive
habit has brought into your life! Being free from all those problems--the feeling of
really being in control and confidant. You are now on the path on the right, it means
success and a feeling of energy and optimism.

I'm going to count from 1 to 3, and we are going to go down that road of having
made this change for one year. 1, 2, 3! There you are after one year of being in con-
trol. You feel good, great! You have done it you are a success

and you never felt better and you are going to feel even better yet! There is a mirror
there and you see yourself and you ask yourself, "Am I pleased with myself? Am I
happy to have accomplished my goal for a whole year? (If it seems appropriate to the
problem, point out the things/items and people associated with this new way of living

and being.) Do I feel better having made this healthy decision? Do I feel smarter?"
Feel the pride and health that is inside of you. Was it worth it? Do you want to con-
tinue to stay on the High Road of Success?

I'm going to count from 1 to 3 and we are going to go down to the 5 year point on
this road of being successful in making this change to the year_______! 1,2,3! There
you are after 5 more years of success, of reaping the rewards of making this perma-
nent change in how you ____________. 5 years of being in control and energized!
Bring forth right now all of the effects of that choice! Really allow yourself to feel
the effects of that decision. You feel strong. Everything in your life is better for hav-
ing made this permanent change. Enjoy the feeling of knowing that you have made a
permanent change, knowing that you will never go back to the old way.
And now I count from 1 to 3 and we move down to the 10-year point on this High
Road of Success to the year _______. 1, 2, 3, and there you are after 10 more years
of making this good and positive change in your life. Bring forth all of the effects of
that smart choice! Really allow yourself to feel the effects of that decision, of contin-
uing to be in control for 10 more years. _________________ is now simply some-
thing that you used to do. It was a mistake to have ever done it, but now you are free
and will remain free for the rest of your life! You look into that mirror one more time
and ask yourself, "Am I pleased with myself for __________________ for 10 more
years? Would I ever go back to that old bad habit of hurting myself by
________________? Am I glad that I have made this permanent change? A change
made for good?" Of course you are!
I count back to 1 and you are back in the year __________________, 5,4,3,2,1. You
now have a new found level of certainty that you are ready-- really ready to make
this change! You are now ready to accept powerful guidance to help to keep you on
the road on the right, the High Road of Success.

DAY 2 - Wealth mastery
What is Money?
Money is a spiritual energy, all energy flows from creator.
Financial debt is the result of either entering bad debt or not earning money.
There are 2 sure ways to have more money apart from inheritance, gifts and lottery!
1. By wisely investing your current wealth
2. Earning new wealth by promoting yourself

Smartly investing Wealth

There have been people who have wisely invested their current wealth and multiplied
their money 1000 times .It takes dedication, patience and skills to know investments.
However the most important skill is patience. Managing money is like managing
emotions; a patient person is calmer and is better equipped to handle money as com-
pared to a restless person.

Promoting yourself
Many people are afraid of promoting themselves, if you cant promote yourself then
why would someone else promote you. Its very important that you see value and
worth in yourself. This brings our topic to self- esteem or self worth. Having a hi-
Self-esteem is the key factor, one requires energy from sacral chakra to create abun-
dance and this chakra stores the memories of low self-esteem.

So how can one build high self-esteem?

Ans: By handling questions and objections of other people appropriately.
Your answers will depend upon the personal vision you have for yourself in the

Exercise : Promote yourself

1.Promote your book to class, description as below

2. First page title; second page your Vision of yourself in the world 3.Third page is
your biggest achievement in your life, excluding when you became a parent or a
4.Fourth page is how you would like people to remember you 100-1000 year from

_______________ _______

The following meditation is designed to increase drive
and confidence to make more money, and to eliminate
negative beliefs about money.
I have a strong drive and motivation to increase my monetary income.
I release now limiting beliefs about money or my ability to make
more money. I choose now to trust myself to make more earn more
money. I will use money for my own good and the good of others. Money is neither
good nor bad; its how people utilize money that
makes it good or bad.
I trust myself to use money in a good way. I can have more money
and choose to be more generous. When I have more money, I can afford
to be more generous...and do good with money. I treat myself better
to things I want...things I deserve. Having material wants...material needs...wanting
more money to meet those wants and natural
and good. I can have what I want.
I deserve to have anything I can imagine...and I can have it without depriving any-
one else of what they want. In fact, themoremoney I have,
the more money I can spend. When I spend money, I give the money to someone they have more money to spend on what they want.
So by having more money and getting what I want...I am helping others
get what they want. And thats a good thing. I can help myself and
help others when...I make more money. I want to make more money.
I imagine myself in my castle, standing at a luxurious door made
of silver...encrusted with jewels. I use my key to unlock the door. As I open it, as I
open the door now...I see a treasure chamber. The chamber
is full of open treasure chests brimming with gold and silver coins...sparkling rubies,
emeralds, sapphires, and other precious
gems. There is a chandelier made of diamonds...and the bright
sparkling light reflecting off the coins and jewels amazes me. The
room is finely decorated with tapestries lining the walls depicting
royalty. And as I look more closely, I realize that I am the one
depicted in the tapestries. I am royalty! The treasure chamber is mine
along with everything it contains. In the middle of the room is a
large, golden goblet sitting on a table amid a cornucopia of fine
food. I pick up the golden goblet...and see my own royal reflection
in the polished gold. I now drink from the goblet of riches...and the
ambrosia of wealth tastes good. I feel so good...I feel happy...that Ive discovered my
treasure chamberthat all of its contents are
here to serve me.
I live in an abundant universe. I allow myself to partake in that abundance. I recog-
nize the abundance of wealth that is all around me in its myriad forms, and I allow

myself to flow with that abundance. This abundance includes money and material
supply. As I freely receive I can freely give to others that they, too, might share in the
abundance of the earth and the universe. I accept more material supply with joy and

I am open to make more money. I am open to all good opportunities to make more
money. I am careful and wise in my decisions to
make more money. I draw the people and opportunities I need to have more money. I
am smart enough to get what I want. I get what

I want. I get what I much as I a moral and ethical manner.
I now foster the thoughts and attitudes necessary to become more materially abun-
dant and to make more money now. I allow my creativity to guide me to...generate a
greater monetary income now. (TheWake-Up)
I will awaken from hypnosis by counting to five. When I reach the number five, I
will become fully alert and wide awake. One...beginning to awaken from hypnosis.
Two...becoming aware of my surroundings... feeling satisfied, safe, and comfortable.
Three...looking forward
to positive results from this hypnosis session. Four...feeling absolutely wonderful. wide awake and fully alert.

1. Rich people are spiritual and honest

2. I can become free and have money too

3. It will have my sense of who I am as a person and still have money.

4. Ill become a balanced and caring person and still have money.

5. Ill attract the blessing of others and still have money.

6. I will do right actions if I become rich

7. I am a good man and still have a lot of money

8. I can have money and stll Ill have my privacy.

9. If I get rich Ill preserve my values

10. I can be rich and spiritual!

11. If Im successful, my friends will support and continue liking me

12. Im part of my parents, I forgive them and allow myself to make more

than they did.

13. I remember whats truly important and still have money

14. Money is pure spiritual energy.

15. Money is the blessing

16. Money is spiritual

17. Its a virtue to be rich

18. I am rich and I am a good man

19. I will always have lots of money

20. I can and will get ahead

21. Im very worthy

22. Ill always be succesfull anyway
23. We can afford everything we want

24. Im smart enough to be wealthy!

25. I deserve to earn rich amount every month

26. It is possible for me to earn so much

27. Friends around me make so much money, so do I

28. Financial success will mean joy ,freedom

29. Rich people earn with honesty and trust.

30. I am ready to work to earn money.

31. Money grow on wealth trees!

32. It actually takes same amount of work to earn 1000 times more !

33. It is good and correct to making money easily and effortlessly

34. It is possible for me to making money effortlessly and easily

35. I attain my highest peak potential every day

36. I deserve money and abunadance.

37. Im like those rich abundant people
38. There is virtue in being rich, and wealthy people are morally abundant.
39. Those who have figured out a way to achieve wealth and financial

security deserve it.

40. Everyone including me can be assured financial success

41. It is limitless to how one can attain wealth and how much money one can

42. Saving and investing money also means making money

43. I am always making infinitely more money than I am spending

44. I can charge too much for I deserve it.

45 I safely invest money through creators perspective

46. I have plently of money always for any situation.

47. I love wealthy people

48. I work to save and invest for my assets .

49. I can afford what my wife/family/husband loves

50. I can buy what I like most

1. I deserve good things in life.
2. I have huge personal value and worth.
3. Im important.
4. I matter and Im significant.
5. Im good enough
6. Im capable of giving people what they want. 7. Im a good person.
8. People care about what I do.
9. People care about who you are.
10. Everybody wants you.
11. God Loves me.
12. God blesses me.
13. I can accept love (or joy).
14. The world is better with me.
15. Im receiving plenty of support.

1. I can do everything well. 2. I can make things happen. 3. I'm a good manager.
4. People believe in me. 5. I belive in myself.
6. I can win anything.
7. Ill always succeed.
8. Im a success
9. Other people always get what they want, and even I do. 10. I can trust myself to
create a comfortable life for myself. 11. I can take good care of myself.
12. I can take good care of those who are important to me.

Internal critical parent

1. The positive talk in my head gives me an belief for achieving success. 2. Im good
child and I forgive and ask forgiveness from my parents.
3. I can always be a good daughter/son.
4. My parents were always proud of me.

5. My parents are/were happy for me.
6. My parents always wanted me.
7. I have always been a blessing.
8. I can always live up to my parents positive belief.

1. Im always safe.
2. The world is safe for me.
3. Life is safe for me.
4. People are safe for me.
5. everyone will support me.
6. If I reveal myself Ill be honored and loved.
7. If Im not on guard all of the time Ill still be safe with god. 8. People often bless
and support me.
9. I can trust myself to protect myself.
10. I can trust myself to take care of myself.
11. My boundaries are always respected.
12. I can set boundaries.
13. Its safe to open up to receive.
14. Power is safe; its better to have it.
15. good things happen to me always.

16. I have my privacy.

17. I always believe something good to happen.
18. I have my fathers support through god and feel forgiveness ,support and safe.

Insecurity with people

1. I do what is right fo me and other people
2. Standing in front of people and talking excites and brings joy to me.
3. People appreciate me, and that feels good, so I interact with more people 4. I will
make a champion of myself.
5. I will remember what Im supposed to say and be confident.
6. everyone will approve of what I have to say.
7. Its safe to stand out from the crowd by having more money or success than them.
8. People make me excited and joyful.

1. I know how to preserve my identity.
2. Its safe/OK/comfortable to do new things.
3. Im sure who I am.
4. If I do new things I will be safe.
5. If I behave differently I know who I am.

6. If I do new things I will know how to act.
7. Ill be safe and visible.
8. Finding out who I really am is safe and exciting.
9. If I make changes I am happy to take care of myself.
10. If I stop being dependent I know how to act.
11. everyone will recognize me and Ill be supported.
12. If Im financially successful I know how to handle the money or my new role or
peoples expectations of me.
13. If Im successful I know who I am.
14. If I make changes great things could happen.
15. When I did new things in the past I always made good learnings. 16. The results
of my life so far are respectful.
17. The unknown or unfamiliar is exciting.
18. I can move forward with courage.

Position in the peer group

1. If I make positive changes my friends will like me even more. 2. If I have no prob-
lems I am supported even then.
3. If I have no problems I can plan ahead.
4. If I have no problems I can talk about spreading gods message. 5. If I make posi-
tive changes Ill be supported.

6. I dont need occasional crises and my friends careand support me unconditionally.

7. If I have abundance people will still take care of me.
8. I know people love me if I have lots of money.
9. If I earn huge money people still tell me they love and trust
10. If Im successful people will want to relate to me. They will want me for the per-
son I am.
11. People I enjoy spending time with will always be in my life.
12. Rich people are as good as me.
13. People in another economic group will look at me with respect.
14. Rich people are god serving so I want to be rich.

Position in the family

1. Its OK to make more than my family. 2. If I change my family will support me. 3.
If I change Ill be supprted.
4. If I change I will know who I am.

5. I have the strength to go through this process and still have support from my fam-
6. I will know what to do on my own.
7. If I express my needs my family will appreciate me.

8. everyone takes me seriously.

9. I can defend myself.
10. My family trusts me.
11. I want to grow myyself in family.
12. I deserve to be accepted, acknowledged and appreciated.

Change, the world and making things happen

1. Something good will happen. 2. I am in protection.
3. I am safe and secure.
4. everyone I love will be safe. 5. I will gain the life I want.

6. I will be safe.
7. My family is safe.
8. I am powerful to protect myself.
9. I am fearless and courageous.
10. To be safe I remember I am with god.

11. I can protect myself knowing everybody is my friend. 12. standing up for myself
is right and correct.
13. The way people around me act is respectful.
14. I know what to do
15. Everything that was familiar is safe. 16. Change is safe/OK/comfortable.
17. Everything changes and its ok
18. I can be happy with change.

19. What the world is coming to is happiness.

20. I can do everything to protect myself from any dangers around me. 21. Im for-
give the government and other people.
22. I love God/Higher Power for creating me.
23. I live life without revenge and with oneness and friendship
24. I am supported.
25. Theres everything I can do.

1. I am proactive
2. I am a good person for being proactive.
3. being proactive keeps me safe.
4.I love being proactive

5. When I am poactive I am succeeding.
6. being proactive gives me control
7. When I am being proactive people love me

1. I can manage money.
2. Money helps to elevate.
3. god serving people can earn money.
4. People with money are good.
5. Its spiritual to care about money.
6. Its spiritual to accept money for spiritual acts. 7. God loves me when I am rich.
8. Money grow on wealth trees.

So what is your money pattern?

If your desire to earn money comes from rebelling, anger, proving yourself, fear, it
will not give you happiness.

If you link it to joy and your purpose it will make you happy.
That is why you must have a shared vision; your family and office should have a vi-

Vision for family-

Vision for Business /Job-

Share it with the person next to you-





Exercise:Manifesting in steps

The process of manifesting in steps has a number of stages.

1. The client is given training in relaxation response.
2. The therapist and the client work together to create a hierarchy of manifestation.
This is series of imagined scenes, each one causing a little more anxiety than the pre-
vious one.
For example, a hierarchy of manifestation for a public speaking might look like this:
1. Think about public speaking
2. See the word public speaking
3. See picture of public speaking
4. Be in same room as speaker in
5. Sit next to speaker at distance
6. stand next to speaker
7. speak along with speaker in class
8. speak alone in class
Example of successful travel without fear

3. The client gradually works his/her way through the hierarchy, starting
with the least anxious stimuli. They visualise each anxiety provoking
situation while utilising the relaxation techniques, After sometime This
event no longer causes them stress.
4. The client then moves on to the next step in the hierarchy, again
remaining relaxed while they visualise the stressful situation. Once
this is mastered they move on again and so on. The therapy moves at
the pace decided by the client. If they feel that they are unable to
proceed, they can move back a stage until they feel more confident
5. Eventually, the client will reach the top of the hierarchy, and will have
mastered the anxious situation to create manifestation.

Manifesting technique

1.Achieve total relaxation and let sensations of relaxation be spread in your body.
2.Visualise each step in the hierarchy and pair up with relaxation and move forward
to next step repeating relaxation response at every step.
3.experience the manifestation visually,auditorily and kinaesthetically in detail and
express gratitude to creator and universe.


DAY :3 -Health Mastery
What is health?
Health is the amount of Energy, life force, vitality a person is carrying .Bad Health is
the result of poor choices that creates unhealthy Karma. This Karma is being carried
on many levels. A feeling of Unconditional love is the best way to heal health issues.

Emotions like Anger, fear, sadness, loneliness, betrayal, unworthiness, rejected,

abuse, guilt, shame etc are major reasons for causing health problems.

Exercise: The Body Scan

The Body Scan is one of the most basic exercises for developing
Body awareness. The Body Scan is the way that people first learn to take stock of
how they are feeling, and how their body is moving (or not moving) in any given
moment. This simple procedure can yield so much in terms of developing mindful-
ness, highlighting your ability to regard your body with acceptance, and discovering
deeper parts of yourself. It can be a way to experience your body in a safe, relaxing
way and are the beginning steps in any kind of body accessing intervention that
might be a part of your therapy.

Here is a typical protocol for the Body Scan:

1. Lie down on your back in a comfortable place with your legs uncrossed and
Your arms down by your sides. Make sure that you are warm and comfortable
(But able to stay awake!).
2. Allow your eyes to gently close.
3. Take a few minutes to feel your body as a whole, from head to toe, the

Surface of your skin, and the sensations associated with the touch of the floor or pad
you are lying on. Let yourself sink into the floor or mattress and allow the surface
to fully support you.

4. Feel the rising and falling of your belly with each in breath and out breath. Just
breathe naturally and notice....
What parts of your body move when you breathe?
In what order are they moving?
Are you breathing through your mouth or your nose?

Are you inhaling fully, or is there some restriction that prevents you from taking a
full in-breath? When you exhale, do you empty your lungs fully?

5. sense how much of the surface of your body is present in your Awareness. Scan
the surface of your body and notice how much of it is in your awareness. Note those
areas that seem to be missing.

6. Go down to your feet and toes. First direct your attention to your toes, Notice the
sensations there, and then try to direct your breathing down into your toes. See if you
can breathe in and out of your toes. Just notice what happens, even if it seems
nothing is happening. Notice the sensations and what occurs when you direct your at-
tention and your breath to that area.

7. Begin to move on to other areas of the foot, ankle and legs. Do the same process
with each areafirst take note of the sensations, then see if you can (imagine, or)
feel your breath going in and out of the area. Slowly dissolve your connection with
one area and gently and slowly move on to the next onethe soles of your feet, the
whole foot, the ankle, the shin area, the calf, the knee, the upper leg, and the hips.
Buttocks, pelvis, belly, low back, etc, etc.
Breathe with each area, note the sensations, and note your level of awareness of that
part of the body.
8. This exercise is best done frequently at first, since it is designed to teach you to fo-
cus your attention on your body in a mindful and open way.

Exercise: Blessing the water with unconditional love
1.Gather in groups blessing the water with Unconditional love healing energy.
2.Share the water, absorbing the healing energy in your body. 3.Identify the taste
change and texture change in water.

The Expressive Movement Exercises

1. Vocalizing: The act of vocalizing is one of the most important ways
In which feelings are discharged since it involves the movement of the Breath, the
creation of your own personal sound (a vital part of your Physical identity), and the
expression of your own words. Vocalizing is The primary way in which you extend
yourself out into the world, and Bring your insides outside.

Rapid Healing script
The following suggestions are designed to increase the bodys
ability and speed at healing itself because of illness or injury.
I greatly increase the power and speed of my body to heal itself in
every way.
My mind controls my body. My subconscious mind regulates my
bodys ability to heal itself of injury and illness. My subconscious regulates the
speed at which my body heals itself. In hypnosis, I have the
ability to direct my subconscious mind to heal my body perfectly... efficiently...and
to heal more quickly.
I now commission my heal my body with greater efficiency. I di-
rect my mind to safely increase its ability to overcome illness very rapidly from now
on. I overcome injury rapidly from now on. I
direct my direct my heal injury restore and regenerate
healthy cells faster now. Regenerate healthy cells faster now. I overcome illness and
injury faster now...more efficiently from now on. My subconscious utilizes the re-
sources of my a biologist
or a chemist. My subconscious is an expert in its own biology; my subconscious is an
expert in the chemistry of my body. It knows exactly which just the
right proportions...are needed to promote rapid healingrapid healing now. I can im-
agine my subconscious
is like a scientist in a laboratory...the laboratory of my body. I can see
the scientist...a genius in biology and chemistry. The scientist has a
big laboratory...with access to a huge pharmacy...the pharmacy of my body. My body
contains every chemical and every cell it needs....It can create any substance or cell it an expert. I imagine my inner scientist hard at work...using scientific ma-
chinery and devices
its carefully examining cells of my body under a microscope...
deciding now which chemicals to mix and match in a test create a condition of quick recovery and rapid healing for my entire body. I
watch as the scientist finds the antidote...the formula
for quick healing...and pours the potent mixture into a long tube...a
tube that leads to the part of my body that requires quick and efficient recovery. The
formula will continue to be available for all current and future injuries or ill- I will always heal rapidlyI am a rapid healer.
My subconscious mind follows my directions now to create a condition... and send
the message to every cell of my restore total health quickly.
I will awaken by counting to five. When I reach the number five, I will become
fully alert and wide awake. One...beginning to awaken ,Twobecoming aware
of my surroundings...feeling satisfied, safe, and comfortable. Three...looking forward
to positive results. Four...feeling absolutely wonderful. FIVE

Inner child Work: Write a letter to inner child

Dear 7-year-old name,

You are going to be OK.
It wasnt your fault that your father died. You are not responsible. Remember that
you are a child and that you are not responsible for your family. Allow yourself to let
out all your feelings. You have permission to cry, to be angry, to be a child for as
long as you need to be. You are not your mothers mother. And you are not your sis-
ters mother. You are a child and this is all you need to be right now.
Allow yourself to be sad until your sadness melts away. Even if it takes time. You are
in so much pain right now and that is OK. This is where you are right now. One day
the pain will go away. One day at a time you will start to feel better, lighter. Just
heal at your own pace. Do not push past you pain or ignore it. This is worse than
feeling it. Do not shut yourself off. Your emotions will wash away your pain and you
will smile again.
A few years from now you will feel truly happy and alive again and you will feel the
presence of you father. He will always be by your side. He never abandoned you. He
only changed shape. He is pure light and continues to love you and your family.
Although it is very difficult for you and your family right now, your fathers time was
up. But he will continue to guide you and support you forever. You will always be his
beloved daughter and he will always be your father. Always. The bond you share is
forever. Nothing can separate you. Not even death. He will always be with you.
One day you will smile when you think of you father and you will see how beautiful
and magical your life is because of him.
I love you, Karina, and you are never alone. Remember this. Always.
45 years old

2 .Dear Sweet Little One,
What a beautiful little girl you are! Are you 3? Come sit on my lap and talk to
me for a while. Would you like to snuggle?
What a precious gift from God you are.
Would you like to play a game with me? Do a puzzle? Play in the sandbox?
Would you like to swing with me? Maybe we could play tag. I love spending
time with you! You are such a blessing to have in my life!
You can always tell me anything you know, and I will listen to you. If you are
happy, you can tell me shout it to me even! I will be happy for you and proud
of you and take joy in your joy.
If you are sad or angry, that is okay. You can tell me how you feel, and I will lis-
ten to you. Your feelings are all okay.
If you are confused, just ask me, and I will try to help you understand.
If you are lonely, come to me and I will spend time with you. If you need some
loves, I will cuddle you and hug you and give you lots of kisses - whatever you
If you are scared or worried, come tell me, and we will pray together and ask
God to take away your fears and protect you from danger. And I will hold you
until you feel better.
Tell me whats on your heart little one. I will listen to you and not judge you.
Ill nurture you and everything about you. I'll spend time with you. Thats what
Ill do, because I know thats what you need. I know thats how you feel loved.
Ill do all this because I love you . . .

3. Dear little one,

When your mother left you never to return it wasnt your fault. When your father
made you into a commodity for himself and others it wasnt your fault. You dont
have to go through the rest of your life carrying the burden of guilt that was not
yours to carry. Put down the shame and walk away.
The words spoken over you that left you believing you were worthless and unlovable
were lies. You are precious. But dont go trying to replace the love you should have
had by seeking out a mother who will reject you further, or from other men who will
abuse you again.
Look inside your heart. Look inside your soul. The treasure that is you is waiting to
be nurtured and released. Trust your quiet determination that lies within. You will

4. Beloved,
There is something I need for you to know.
Your voice is your sacred gift and its safe for you to use it.
You can trust what you know what is wrong for you and you can shout out about
If you tell your secrets, they will leave your body and will no longer burden you.
What youre carrying isnt really yours, its doesnt belong to you, and you dont de-
serve it.
Set it free.
Set yourself free.
Open your throat and scream it to the sky, tell everyone who is listening, and dont
you worry not one little bit about how they react.
You dont have to feel other peoples feelings for them.
And you dont ever have to make yourself smaller than you are so that other people
feel safe.
All of the pain you are holding in your body the fear, the shame, the guilt belongs
to someone else, something else. It isnt yours.
I see you running and I know that you are trying to run away, but what I need for you
to understand is this: You dont have to run away. Turn. Raise your hand. Yell,
Stop! and feel the power of the Earth rise into your feet, your heart.
Know that your guardians are all around you.
Know that you are a beautiful person.
Know that you are strong.
Know that you did nothing wrong.
Leave the pain on the ground and walk away, toward the blue sky and cool river
where you toss in smooth stones, one after the other and watch the ripples dance.
Dig a hole in the ground and yell down it.
Find the clearing in the forest and sing.
Open your throat, coat it with honey.
Open your throat and listen to your sound. Your voice.
There is no one else in this world with a voice like yours. There is no one else who
can tell your story.
You were born to do this, my love.
Sleep well. Float in your dreams.
Set yourself free.
You are so immensely loved.

Signed With Great Respect,
Your Future Self

5. Dearest little one,

There are many things I wish I had been able to tell you when you were younger. I
know you felt sad and voiceless about your parents separation. You loved them
both, but by leaving one behind you felt somehow you had betrayed your father. You
felt you should feel the same way as your mother though you didnt deep inside. You
knew they were not getting along but you didnt know that this did not have to do
with you.

Im here to tell you its okay that you still loved your daddy though you were angry
with him too. Its okay for you to love your mommy and feel resentment towards
her as well. You are allowed to have many mixed-up feelings. You are a child,
what goes on between the adults is their stuff, not yours. I know you wanted to make
things better. You wanted things to be normal. You felt somehow they werent an-
ymore. You strived to be the good girl: obedient doing as you were told. Not rocking
the boat. You were worried about making things worse.

Im here to tell you its okay. Whatever you are feeling is ok. You are enti-
tled to your own feelings they dont have to be the same as others. You have per-
mission to be angry, happy, sad, excited, resentful, frustrated, detached, engaged, an-
ything you feel like. You have the right to change your mind about these feelings at
anytime. You dont need to be stuck in any of these feelings; they can come and go
as you please like the ebbs and flows of an ocean or a river.

You have permission to be a child, to play even when the adults are serious. It
does not make you a bad person. You do not need to compensate or make up for hav-
ing these feelings by trying to do the right thing all the time. You do not need to be

right or good all the time. Life is meant to be experienced. Children are meant to ex-
periment and learn about the world around them. Mistakes will happen. Thats ok.
children learn this way.

What I really want to tell you is that it is okay for you to be your own unique person
with your own thoughts, opinions and feelings.

You are allowed to be you.

Lots of love,
Your adult self

Script for Success
Think about a goal you are desiring to reach. It can be any goal. Imagine a per-
fect scenario for accomplishing this goal. You wake up every day ready to work
and move forward toward your objective. Its easy to get ut of bed and start your
day because you know how great you will feel. You will feel great all day long
knowing that at the end of the day you will be another step closer to achieving
your dreams. As you work, everything just falls into place, everything works out
perfectly. You take on stress as a opportunity and you are calm as you overcome
hurdles, there is nothing that you cant overcome. No task seems unreachable to
Everything is within your grasp. Nothing is out of reach for you. You reach for
something and you hold on with a firm grasp and you constantly reach higher
and higher becoming closer and closer to your goal with every reach. You do not
look back on past problems and stressful situations, because you have already
accomplished them, they no longer hold you back, they have made you stronger
and more capable of reaching your dream. You feel confident and strong, you
know you are putting all of your skills and talents toward good use. You focus all
of your energy toward your goal. You overcome one challenge after another,
which only gives you more energy. You keep coming up with new and creative
ideas and you are easily able to implement them. Finally, you are able to achieve
your goal. You are at the top and the view is magnificent. Every obstacle you
overcame, you look upon as a triumph and you would do it all over again in a
heartbeat. You feel such accomplishment. Goals and dreams that you have been
focusing all your energy toward are finally realized. You are successful and
proud. Family, friends, and co-workers see you as successful and have great re-
spect for you. Notice how happy you are. You see yourself for who you really
are, intelligent, caring, creative, and successful. You deserve to feel successful
and respected. Now bring this success into the present. Realize that you can ac-
complish anything. You are confident and strong. You are able to make easy
choices because your head is clear and you can see the way to the top. Now im-
agine your life 5 years from now. Take a look at what you have become and how
hard you have worked. You have had many great successes. You feel more ful-
filled than you ever have before. You have realized that once you accomplish
one goal, it is easy to accomplish
everything else you set your mind to. It was easy, you say to yourself. It was so
easy it makes you even more motivated to accomplish many more goals and
dreams. You feel fulfilled and satisfied by your successes. You are on top and
you wish to always be on top, because this is where you are the happiest. Every-
one around you wishes they were as motivated as you. People aspire to be you
and to be as motivated as you are. Now look at yourself 10 years from now. You

are still motivated and succeeding at everything you put your mind to. Every
goal is coming easy to you because you feel so satisfied with every step that you
feel the energy to keep accomplishing one goal after another. You face them
head on and accomplish each and every one. Life looks promising. You are now
excited about your future and know that you are the reason for your successes
in life. You did it and you feel very proud of yourself.


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