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Observation Task 4: Observing a teacher during a Science Lesson

To observe Science teaching in action and begin to understand effective strategies for Science
teaching and learning in groups.


You will need a copy of the Observation Table:

Before the Observation

Arrange to observe a lesson that focuses on Science and discuss the lesson with the
teacher beforehand so you can know the Objectives and the lesson development.
Ask the teacher what strategies she will use to help her deliver the lesson.
Get an idea of the Inquiry/experiment the students will do.
Objective: they differentiate between adults and young (Animals and

Strategies: using data show and brainstorming

Inquiry/Experiment: No experiment

During the Observation

Complete the Table and make notes in the appropriate column on:
How the teacher introduces key terms and engages students:
The topic and how its introduced: What similarities and differences between adults and
children, by showing the picture for adult and young people.
How much of the lesson is teacher talking time: 10 minutes
How much group work is used and if students are active participants: 4 groups
What materials were used and their purpose: Data show, to show the picture and
differences between adult and young people.
How much Arabic is used? All the time.

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