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Why We Are Shallow by F Sionil Jose | Wisdom | Religion And Belief
Why we are shallowHINDSIGHT By F Sionil Jose (The Philippine Star) Updated
September 12, 2011 12:00 AM) I was visited by an old Asian friend who ... ... Wilfredo
Villacorta. the San Jose Mercury News. how can we prevent the masa from taking this
poison without recognizing their right to make fools of themselves?

Why we are shallow | Arts and Culture, Lifestyle Features, The ...
Why we are shallow. HINDSIGHT By F Sionil Jose | Updated September 12, 2011 -
12:00am. googleplus ... Sure, religion is the opium of the masses as Marx said. So then,
how can we prevent themasa from taking this poison without recognizing their right to
make fools of themselves? Again, shallowness because the good ...

[PDF]DE LA SALLE UNIVERSITY National Artist F. Sionil Jose ... - DLSU
Jul 28, 2014 - 2401 (twente fr,o, wun) is a landmark number along. Taft Avenue. It is
the location ID of De La Salle University, home to outstanding faculty and students, and
birthplace of luminaries in business, public service, education, the arts, and science.
And 2401 is the name of the official newsletter of DLSU ...

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