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Group 4

- Wahyuhadi. Wibowo
- Jono Setiawan
- M. Afip Ramadhani
- Risma

Afip : Hiii Bang Jono , Hiii Bang Wahyu good morning . I have been searching for you two
Jono : What are you going to give us money ?
Wahyu : Ohh Yeah or maybe some ice cream ?
Afip : No, I need your help with my task.
Jono : We are busy ?
Wahyu : Yes we are find other people.
Afip : Ooh you two, I hate you two.
Risma : Hii , What are you doing here , dont make noise at the Library.
Jono : It was Afip
Wahyu : Noisy Afip
Afip : Risma, They wont help me with my task , you mush help me then ?
Risma : What task ?
Afip : My English task , Ihave to make an English Novel
Risma : I want to, but Im not good at English, you mush ask Bang Jono and Bang Wahyu to
help you.
Afip : I told you they are saying no , I hate them
Risma : Cmon you two help Afip.
Wahyu : I will but for an Ice cream.
Jono : And bakso, you mush treat us bakso and ice cream.
Afip : Oke, I will help then now.
Risma : Then me to, treat me to.
Afip : But you do nothing to help me with my English task.
Risma : But I help you ask Bang Jono and Bang Wahyu to help you.
Afip : Ooh, Oke But lets do my task first, then we can go to the canteen.

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