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Plan Outlining Goals, Sub-goals and Measures

GOAL 1: I will explore various learning abilities by including centers in my

teaching stations.
TQS Focus: 1. How contextual variables affect teaching and learning. 3. (h)
Teachers apply a variety of technologies to meet students' learning needs. (e)
Teachers plans are founded in their understanding of contextual variables and
are a record of their decisions on what teaching and learning strategies to apply.

Sub-goal 1: Integrate a center into one of my lessons.

Strategy 1.1 Explore resources that allow for a successful classroom to use center-based

Strategy 1.2 Understand the ways my students learn best. Try using centers that benefit the types
of learners I have in my classroom.

Strategy 1.3 Discuss with my TA create a plan that will work in my classroom.

Measures: I will develop a lesson plan that focuses on centers and I will reflect after. This will help me
be able to see strengthens and weaknesses. I will have to ensure that I focus on the ESL needs and
consider all of my students before I plan.

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