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1. Answer any SIX questions.
2. All questions carry equal marks.
3. Neatness in handwriting and clarity in expression carries weightage
4. Illustration of an answer with clear sketches ? diagrams carries weightage
5. All unused pages of answer script must be cancelled out by two lines (x) across the page

Q1. Values of some main engine exhaust temperatures displayed in the engine control room differ from those
displayed on the engine for the same cylinders.
(i) Explain how it may be determined which readings are inaccurate; (ii) State possible cause for these inaccurate
readings; (iii) Explain how the location of the faults may be detected.
B. State the periodic checks which should be carried undertaken to ensure that remote engine instrumentation is
reading accurately.
2015/SR06 2016/SR11 2017/SR04 2017/SR09

Q2. A. As second engineer describe the procedure involved in the complete inspection of a cylinder liner and piston
assembly, indicating areas of significant interest.
B. Explain with reasons, possible faults which might be found;
C. Suggest how such faults might be avoided.
2012/SR7 2013/SR10 2015/SR06 2016/SR01 2016/SR11 2017/SR09

Q3. With reference to main engine automatic slowdown and shut down systems;
A. List TWO shutdowns and TWO slowdown parameters, stating why EACH is applied to an engine.
B. State how EACH of the shutdown and slowdown parameter listed is safely tested when the engine is operating.
2015/SR06 2016/SR11 2017/SR04 2017/SR09

Q4. Under CSM bottom end bearing of a large 2stroke slow speed engine is due for survey
A. As 2nd eng explain the procedure involved in complete inspection of a bottom end bearing;
B. List the precaution to be taken;
C. Indicate the reasons for possible defects which could be encountered and state how they may be rectified;
D. What test are carried out on completion of survey and reassembly.
2009/SR8 2007/SR3 2010/SR1 2012/SR1 2012/SR12 2013/SR1 2013/SR10 2013/SR11 2014/SR01
2014/SR11 2014/SR12 2015/SR01 2015/SR03 2015/SR06 2015/SR08 2016/SR02 2016/SR06 2014/SR03
2016/SR11 2016/SR12 2017/SR03 2017/SR04 2017/SR09

Q5. Describe the procedure to be under taken when upon a routing schedule for changing fuel injector on a main
engine it is found that the injector body is seized and cannot be removed using conventional means.
2007/SR1 2011/SR12 2012/SR1 2012/SR12 2013/SR1 2013/SR6 2013/SR8 2013/SR12 2015/SR01
2015/SR06 2015/SR08 2016/SR07 2016/SR09 2016/SR11 2016/SR12 2017/SR03 2017/SR04 2017/SR09

Q6: Briefly describe your action plan on following exigencies:

A. Leaky economizer tube, while at sea; B. Leaky intercooler of main air compressor, while maneuvering.
2008/SR9 2010/SR11 2010/SR8 2013/SR10 2014/SR10 2014SR11 2015/SR06 2016/SR11
2017/SR04 2017/SR07 2017/SR09

Q7. A. Explain in detail how you would isolate one of sprinkler system for routine maintenance.
B. Describe all tests and inspections you would make and C. how you would return the system to service.
2008/SR12 2008/EMG 2007/SR2 2011/SR4 2011/SR4 2009/SR1 2008/SR4 2008/SR7 2011/SR9
2012/SR4 2012/SR10 2012/SR11 2013/SR1 2013/SR8 2013/SR09 2014/SR02 2014/SR11 2015/SR03
2015/SR04 2015/SR06 2016/SR03 2016/SR10 2016/SR11 2017/SR04 2017SR09

Q8. During normal engine operation, a turbocharger rapidly loses speed and the speed reduction is accompanied
by appreciable noise - A. State with reasons the possible causes;
B. Explain in detail how the engine might be safely operated if the damage caused by this incident is such that the
turbocharger cannot function;
C. State with reasons the factors which may limit engine operating speed with the turbocharger out of operation
2011/SR9 2013/SR1 2013/SR7 2013/SR10 2014/SR11 2015/SR06 2016/SR07 2016/SR11 2017/SR03
2017/SR04 2017/SR09

Q9. Severe engine vibration has recently become evident when the main engine for which you are responsible
operates within a certain speed range –
A. State, with reasons, the possible causes of such vibration;
B. State the consequences of operating the engine under such vibratory conditions;
C. Describe the procedure you, as Second Engineer, would implement in order to investigate and rectify the problem.
2011/SR9 2012/SR4 2013/SR1 2013/SR09 2014/SR11 2015/SR04 2015/SR06 2017/SR03
2017/SR04 2017/SR07 2017/SR09

Note : If you are looking for answers prepared in organized manner with clear drawings
please visit our website by CLICKING HERE


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