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Fly Front Zipper Sewing Instructions

1. Trace your personalized Pant Master Pattern.

2. Trace the fly front extension pattern according to the length of zipper you are using.
3. Trace the zipper guard pattern according to the length of zipper you are using.
4. Match the fly front extension pattern piece to the pant center front before cutting the
5. When cutting out the fabric, cut the fly front extension and the pant right front all in one 7
piece. For stability, interface the fly front.
6. Stitch the center front crotch seam beginning 2 inches from the inseam crotch point and
ending at the dot on the fly front extension.
7. Continue with a basting stitch, along the center front seam line, from the dot to the waist
8. At the lower edge of the fly front extension, clip to the seam allowance. 9

9. Place the closed zipper face down, on the right side of the right fly front extension. Keep
the zipper stop even with the dot, and the left edge of the zipper tape even with the 8
basted seam.

10. Stitch next to the zipper teeth – only through the zipper tape and fly extension.
11. Fold the pant fronts toward the right side. Place the unstitched side of the zipper flat
against the left fly extension. Stitch only through the zipper tape and the left fly 11
extension, along the middle of the tape.

12. From the wrong side, place the zipper and the left fly extension flat against the left pant
front. On the right side of the fabric, carefully mark the fly stitching line using chalk or
removable marking pen. Topstitch through all thicknesses from the lower edge of the
zipper to the waist edge.
13. Remove the center front basting stitches.
14. Fold the zipper guard along the fold line, wrong sides together. Press. Stitch the 12
raw edges together, using an edge finishing stitch.
15. Place the zipper guard behind the right front and topstitch through all thicknesses,
⅛” from the zipper teeth.
16. On the inside, tack all layers together at the bottom of the zipper.

Fit & Fashion

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