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15  Past simple: affirmative and negative

Past simple affirmative Past simple afirmativa Past simple negative Past simple negativa
I lived yo viví I didn’t live yo no viví
you lived tú viviste you didn’t live tú no viviste
he lived él vivió he didn’t live él no vivió
she lived ella vivió she didn’t live ella no vivió
it lived (ello) vivió it didn’t live (ello) no vivió
we lived nosotros/as vivimos we didn’t live nosotros/as no vivimos
you lived vosotros/as vivisteis you didn’t live vosotros/as no vivisteis
they lived ellos/as vivieron they didn’t live ellos/as no vivieron

La forma afirmativa del pasado puede ser regular

I didn’t get up late.
(terminar en -ed) o irregular.
watch – watched, live – lived 1
buy – bought, get up – got up 2
have – had, send – sent
1 Completa las frases con los verbos del 5
recuadro en el pasado.
get up  chat  have  buy  study  send  live
3 Completa las frases con la forma afirmativa
I sent a text message. (✓) o negativa (✗) del verbo entre paréntesis.
1 We Science. You lived
2 Emma a car. in Barcelona. (live  ✓)
3 He with his friends. You didn’t live
4 You early. in Bilbao. (live  ✗)
5 They in Oxford.
6 I breakfast. 1 They
Science. (study  ✓)
2 They
2 Une las dos partes de cada frase. Luego
escribe las frases en forma negativa. Geography. (study  ✗)

I got up late 3 He
we studied breakfast early. (get up  ✗)
she sent an email 4 He
Damian bought Geography late. (get up  ✓)
I had in Paris
they lived some clothes

Vocabulario clave
buy  comprar   car  coche   chat  charlar   clothes  ropa   early  temprano   email  correo electrónico
football  fútbol   friend(s)  amigo/a(s)   Geography  geografía   get up  levantarse   have breakfast  desayunar
late  tarde   live  vivir   match  partido   rain  llover   Science  ciencias   send  enviar   study  estudiar
text message  SMS   watch  ver

PHOTOCOPIABLE © Oxford University Press 1000+ Activities


16  Past simple: affirmative and negative

Past simple affirmative Past simple afirmativa Past simple negative Past simple negativa
I wrote yo escribí I didn’t write yo no escribí
you wrote tú escribiste you didn’t write tú no escribiste
he wrote él escribió he didn’t write él no escribió
she wrote ella escribió she didn’t write ella no escribió
it wrote (ello) escribió it didn’t write (ello) no escribió
we wrote nosotros/as escribimos we didn’t write nosotros/as no escribimos
you wrote vosotros/as escribisteis you didn’t write vosotros/as no escribisteis
they wrote ellos/as escribieron they didn’t write ellos/as no escribieron

La forma afirmativa del pasado puede ser regular

(terminar en -ed) o irregular.
play – played 2 Completa las frases. Usa la forma afirmativa
write – wrote, do – did, go – went, run – ran, (✓) o negativa (✗) del past simple de los
drink – drank
verbos del recuadro.
practise  drink  cook  do  go  write
1 Mira el diario de Anita. Completa las frases They went to New York.  ✓
con la forma afirmativa o negativa del past
1 We milk.  ✗
2 Neil the piano.  ✓
3 I my homework yesterday.  ✗
Plans 4 He an email to Magdalena.  ✓
do my homework  ✗ 5 She dinner yesterday.  ✗
1 go swimming  ✗
2 run 10 kilometres  ✗
3 practise the guitar  ✓ 3 Indica el error en cada frase. Luego escribe
4 play tennis  ✗
las frases correctas en el pasado.
5 cook dinner  ✗
6 write an email to Belinda  ✓ I didn’t cooked dinner.
7 go on holiday!  ✓ I didn’t cook dinner.
1 He didn’t went on holiday.

She didn’t do her homework . 2 The cat drink the milk yesterday.
1 She .
2 She . 3 They did studied English at school.
3 She .
4 She . 4 We not do our homework.
5 She .
6 She . 5 You practise the guitar yesterday.
7 She .

Vocabulario clave
cat  gato  ​cook  cocinar  ​dinner  cena  ​do your homework  hacer los deberes  ​​drink  beber  ​
email  correo electrónico  ​English  inglés  ​go  ir  ​go on holiday  irse de vacaciones  
go swimming  ir a nadar  ​​​guitar  guitarra  ​kilometre(s)  kilómetro(s)  ​last year  el año pasado  ​​
milk  leche  ​New York  Nueva York  ​plans  planes  ​play  jugar  ​practise  practicar  ​run  correr  ​​
school  colegio  ​study  estudiar  ​tennis  tenis  ​write  escribir  ​yesterday  ayer

PHOTOCOPIABLE © Oxford University Press 1000+ Activities

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