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self harm

Sebastian, Ty, Vanessa, and Sophia

Self Harm Definition(Sebastian)

Self Harm can be vaguely defined as: “Any damage to the exterior of a person’s
body that is inflicted on themselves through their own will”
self harm reasons pt 1(Sophia)
● Emotional pain
● Negative thoughts or worries
● Stressful situations
● Physical pain seems > emotional pain
self harm reasons pt 2(Sophia)
● Feeling lonely, worthless, trapped
● Seize control over body
● Relieve strong emotions
● Addictions like, drug abuse and alcoholism
self harm reasons pt 3(Vanessa)
● Specific traumatic events
● Several semi-traumatic events
● Excessive pressure: work or stress
● Self punishment
● Self normalization
self harm reasons pt 4(Vanessa)
● Prejudice
● Depression
● Self hatred
● Mental illness
goody bag(Sebastian)
● Use simple objects
● Makes people a bit happier or calm
● Distract people from their problems
goody bag Basic(Sebastian)
● Small card with a picture and a quote
● Worry stone
● Infinity puzzle
● Small treats (mini chocolate box, lollipops)
● Stress ball
goody bag 1: creative(Vanessa)
● Inspirational book
● Small card with a picture and a quote
● Worry stone
● Infinity puzzle
● Play doh
● Small treats (mini chocolate box, lollipops)
● Stress ball
● Small journal (a booklet to write in w/ a pencil, 5x6)
goody bag 2: Gadgets(Vanessa)
● Buckyballs
● Small card with a picture and a quote
● Monochrome Puzzle Cube
● Helicone
● Worry stone
● Infinity puzzle
● Small treats (mini chocolate box, lollipops)
● Stress ball
goody bag 3: mix(Ty)
● Worry stone
● Play-doh
● Mini journal
● Helicone
● Art kit
● Buckyballs
● Infinity puzzle
● Small card with picture and quote (positivity)
● Stress ball
● Small treats
● Monochrome Puzzle Cube
the end

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