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Section 5.

1 Finding Zeros of Functions 431

5.1 Finding Zeros of Functions

We start with the definition of a zero of a function.

Definition 1. A number a is called a zero of a function f if and only if

f (a) = 0.

As an example, 3 is a zero of the function f (x) = x2 − 2x − 3 because

f (3) = 32 − 2(3) − 3 = 0.

Similarly, readers may check that f (−1) = 0, thus making −1 a second zero of the
function f . In Figure 5.1, note that the zeros of the function (−1 and 3) are the
x-values of the points where the graph of f crosses the x-axis (the x-intercepts).
y f

(−1, 0) (3, 0)

Figure 5.1. The zeros of a function

are found by noting where the graph of
the function crosses the x-axis (the x-

This relationship between the zeros of the function and the x-intercepts of its
graph suggest that we can find approximations of the zeros of a function by
interpreting its graph.

I Example 2. Sketch the graph of f (x) = x3 − 4x2 − 11x + 30 and use the
graph to estimate the zeros of the function. Check your results with Matlab.

1 Copyrighted material. See:

432 Chapter 5 Function Functions

We begin by setting up an “array smart” anonymous function for f (x) =

x3 − 4x2 − 11x + 30.

>> f=@(x) x.^3-4*x.^2-11*x+30;

Plot the graph of f .

>> x=linspace(-10,10,200);
>> y=f(x);
>> plot(x,y)

Adjust the viewing window and turn on a grid to help with the approximations
of the zeros.

>> axis([-10,10,-100,100])
>> grid on

In Figure 5.2, it appears that the graph of f crosses the x-axis at (−3, 0), (2, 0),
and (5, 0). Hence, estimates of the zeros are −3, 2, and 5.

Figure 5.2. Estimating the zeros from the

graph of f .

We can check these results by evaluting the function f at each approximation of

a zero.
Section 5.1 Finding Zeros of Functions 433

>> x=[-3,2,5];
>> f(x)
ans =
0 0 0

Hence, each of the values −3, 2, and 5 are zeros of the function f .

It is unusual to make approximations that turn out to be the exact zeros of a

function. As readers might intuit, this example is a bit of a “setup,” designed to
help introduce the concepts. Let’s look at another example where the exact zeros
are not so easily found.

I Example 3. Use the graph of f (x) = x4 − 29x2 − 132 to approximate

the zeros of f . Then use Matlab’s fzero function to determine more accurate
approximations of the zeros.

Note that

f (−x) = (−x)4 − 29 ∗ (−x)2 − 132 = x4 − 29x2 − 132 = f (x),

so the function is even and the graph is symmetric with respect to the y-axis, as
seen in Figure 5.3.
First, define an anonymous function to emulate f (x) = x4 − 29x2 − 132.

>> f=@(x) x.^4-29*x.^2-132;

Plot the graph.

>> x=linspace(-10,10,200);
>> y=f(x);
>> plot(x,y)

Adjust the viewing window and turn on the grid to help with approximation of
the zeros.

>> axis([-10,10,-500,500])
>> grid on
434 Chapter 5 Function Functions

In Figure 5.3, note that it appears that we have a zero crossing (x-intercept)
near x ≈ −5.5. Because the graph is symmetric with respect to the x-axis, the
second zero crossing is near x ≈ 5.5.

Figure 5.3. Symmetry helps.

Let’s use Matlab’s fzero function to improve on these approximations. One

syntax of use follows.


Here, FUN is a function handle and X0 is an initial guess of the zero. FUN must
accept a real scalar input and return a real scalar function value. Readers will
recall that we have already made the following anonymous function definition.

>> f=@(x) x.^4-29*x.^2-132;

Thus, the variable f contains a function handle that refers to this function. As
we believe we have a zero near x ≈ −5.5, we will use this as our initial guess to

>> x=fzero(f,-5.5)
x =

We can obtain more digits with format long.

Section 5.1 Finding Zeros of Functions 435

>> format long

>> x=fzero(f,-5.5)
x =

We can check this result manually.

>> f(x)
ans =

It is doubtful that this zero is exact (remember roundoff error), but it is far more
accurate than our intial estimate −5.5.
We can find the second zero (i.e., x ≈ 5.74456264653803) by appealing to
symmetry, or we can issue a second call to fzero, feeding it a second estimate at

>> x=fzero(f,5.5)
x =

Solving Equations with FZERO

Matlab’s fzero command can be used to solve equations.

I Example 4. Solve the equation 5 − 2x = e−0.25x for x.

The approach is simple. First, make one side of the equation equal to zero.

5 − 2x − e−0.25x = 0

We could set up an anonymous function to emulate the function on the left-hand

side of this equation; i.e., f=@(x) 5-2*x-exp(-0.25*x). However, let’s write a
function m-file instead. Open the editor and enter the following lines.
436 Chapter 5 Function Functions

function y = f(x)

Save the function m-file as f.m in the current working directory (or save in a
directory of choice, then switch the current directory to point at the directory
where you’ve saved f.m).
Test to see which f will be executed at the Matlab prompt. Here is the response
we received.

>> which f
f is a variable.

We received this response because the anonymous function we created earlier still
existed in the command window workspace. Clearing f and trying which again
produced the following result on our system.

>> clear f
>> which f

This path response is where we saved the function m-file on our system. It is
also the current directory. However, here is one more piece of evidence that we’re
good to go.

>> type f

function y=f(x)

This is exactly what we entered in the function m-file, so we are sure that Matlab
is calling the correct function. Now, plot the function (the result is shown in
Figure 5.4). The commands that follow can be executed at the Matlab prompt
(provided the current directory matches where you stored f.m), or you can save
the commands in a script file (again, in the same directory where you stored f.m).
You can then execute the script by typing its name at the command line.
Section 5.1 Finding Zeros of Functions 437


Turn on the grid to help estimate the zero of f from the graph of f .

grid on

In Figure 5.4, note that the graph of f crosses the x-axis between 2 and 3.

Figure 5.4. Solving

equations with fzero.

A second syntax of use for fzero follows.


At first glance, this looks identical to the first syntax offered, but in this case X0
is a vector of length 2, which represents an interval containing a zero of FUN.
It is required that the function values have opposite sign at the endpoints of this
interval. In Figure 5.4, we note that we have a zero crossing in the interval [2, 3].
Additionally, the function is positive at one endpoint of [2, 3] and negative at the
other endpoint. Finally, remember that we must pass a function handle to fzero,
which we can create “on the fly” with the syntax @functionname.
438 Chapter 5 Function Functions

>> x=fzero(@f,[2,3])
x =

We can check the solution by evaluating our function at this zero.

>> f(x)
ans =

Note that the function value is approximately 2.22 × 10−16 , which is essentially
zero. Therefore, x ≈ 2.21241937532019 is a solution of 5 − 2x − e−0.25x = 0, and
is also a solution of the equivalent equation 5 − 2x = e−0.25x .

Matlab’s Definition of a Zero

Matlab’s definition of a zero differs from the mathematical definition of a zero,
which is defined as a number a such that f (a) = 0. Because Matlab uses floating
point arithmetic, it might not be possible to find an exact zero. Consider for
instance, the function f (x) = x3 − 2, which has a√single real zero (and two
complex zeros, but that’s another story), namely x = 3 2. The cube root of 2 has
no exact floating point representation, so we will have to be content with finding
an approximation of this zero of f .
Instead of searching for a point where the function actually equals zero, Matlab
searches for a point where the function changes sign (from positive to negative or
from negative to positive). For a continuous function, this will be near a point
where the function equals zero, but strange things can happen if the function is

>> fzero(@tan,2)
ans =

Readers should note that this is an approximation of π/2.

Section 5.1 Finding Zeros of Functions 439

>> pi/2
ans =

The graph of the tangent has a vertical asymptote at x = π/2 and is positive on
the left-hand side of this vertical asymptote, negative on the right. Although π/2
is not a zero of f (x) = tan x, the function does change sign near this point and
fzero, in this case, converges to a floating point number near π/2.
However, if a continuous function changes sign, then it must cross the x-axis
and have a real zero. In this case, fzero will converge to a floating point number
near the actual zero.
Again, Matlab defines a zero as a point where the function crosses the x-axis
(i.e., where it changes sign). Therefore, in the case of f (x) = x2 , which has a zero
x = 0, fzero will fail to find this zero because the function does not change sign
near this number. We can see this by first defining an anonymous function.

>> f=@(x) x^2;

Regardless of what initial guess you feed fzero, you will get an error message
similar to the following.

>> fzero(f,-1)
Exiting fzero: aborting search for an interval containing a sign
because NaN or Inf function value encountered during search.
(Function value at 1.7162e+154 is Inf.)
Check function or try again with a different starting value.
ans =

In attempting to find an interval where the function changes sign, fzero manages
to leak out to infinity, and as a result, crashes and fails to find a zero of the

We can use Matlab’s optimset command to set options for use with fzero. You
can build a default options structure for fzero with the following command.
440 Chapter 5 Function Functions

>> options=optimset(@fzero)
options =
Display: ’notify’
MaxFunEvals: []
MaxIter: []
TolFun: []
TolX: 2.2204e-16
FunValCheck: ’off’
OutputFcn: []

The optimset command restures a Matlab structure with several fields. The
name on the left-hand side of this command is optional, but we typically use the
name options. You can access each field of the structure by using the variable
name, followed by a dot, followed by the name of the field you wish to access.

>> options.Display
ans =

The structure built by the optimset command contains fields that are used by a
number of functions, such as fminbnd, fminsearch, fzero, and lsqnonneg. The
structure contains 6 fields, only four of which the fzero command will recognize:
Display, FunValCheck, OutputFcn, and TolX. 2 Note that TolX is set to 2.2204e-
16, which equal eps, the distance between the number 1 and the next largest
possible floating point number that follows the number 1.

>> eps
ans =

Thus, this default tolerance provides very accurate approximations of zeros. You
can lessen this tolerance should you want to sacrifice precision for an improvement
in speed.
It is instructive to set the Display field to ’iter’. This can be done using the
dot notation described above.

2 For a complete description of the options available to fzero, type doc fzero at the command
Section 5.1 Finding Zeros of Functions 441

>> options.Display=’iter’
options =
Display: ’iter’
MaxFunEvals: []
MaxIter: []
TolFun: []
TolX: 2.2204e-16
FunValCheck: ’off’
OutputFcn: []

However, you can use optimset to achieve the same result. 3

>> options=optimset(options,’Display’,’iter’)
options =
Display: ’iter’
MaxFunEvals: []
MaxIter: []
TolFun: []
TolX: 2.2204e-16
FunValCheck: ’off’
OutputFcn: []

The function f (x) = x2 − 2x − 2 has two real zeros, x = 1 ± 3. We will use
fzero to find one of them. First, define an anonymous function.

>> f=@(x) x^2-2*x-2;

Next, we call fzero, passing it an initial guess and the options structure built

>> fzero(f,-1,options)

Because options.Display equals ‘iter’, fzero displays output describing its progress
as it searches for a floating point approximation of the zero. The first part of the

3 For a complete description of the use of optimset, type doc optimset at the Matalb prompt.
442 Chapter 5 Function Functions

output shows fzero searching for an interval around the intial guess where the
function changes sign. We’ve left off the last column of the output to save space.

Search for an interval around -1 containing a sign change:

Func-count a f(a) b f(b)
1 -1 1 -1 1
3 -0.971716 0.887663 -1.02828 1.11394
5 -0.96 0.8416 -1.04 1.1616
7 -0.943431 0.776926 -1.05657 1.22947
9 -0.92 0.6864 -1.08 1.3264
11 -0.886863 0.560252 -1.11314 1.46535
13 -0.84 0.3856 -1.16 1.6656
15 -0.773726 0.146103 -1.22627 1.9563
16 -0.68 -0.1776 -1.22627 1.9563

Note how fzero expands the interval [a, b] around the initial guess as it searches
for a change in sign. In step 16, note that the interval has expanded to [a, b] =
[−0.68, −1.22627]. Most importantly, note that f (a) = −0.1776 and f (b) =
−1.22627, so the function f (x) = x2 − 2x − 2 changes sign on this interval.
Hence, this interval must contain a zero of the function f .
The second half of the output details how fzero searches the interval [a, b] =
[−0.68, −1.2263] for a zero. Note how the values of x converge to the zero while
the values of f (x) converge toward zero. The procedure fzero will stop if f (x) = 0
or when two consecutive iterations of x differ by an amount set by a rule that
involves TolX, in the case 2.2204e-16.

Search for a zero in the interval [-0.68, -1.2263]:

Func-count x f(x) Procedure
16 -0.68 -0.1776 initial
17 -0.725465 -0.0227694 interpolation
18 -0.732075 8.22065e-05 interpolation
19 -0.732051 -1.56576e-07 interpolation
20 -0.732051 -1.07248e-12 interpolation
21 -0.732051 0 interpolation

Note that x converges to a floating point approximation of 1 − 3.
Section 5.1 Finding Zeros of Functions 443

>> 1-sqrt(3)
ans =

In the next section, we will spend some time writing our own zero finding func-
tions. They will incoporate what we see above, looking for a change in sign of the
function to identify an interval containing a zero of the function.

Earlier we saw that although x = 0 is a zero of the function f (x) = x2 , Matlab’s
fzero command failed to find this zero because the function does not change sign
in any interval containing this zero. It is instructive to send our options structure
to fzero in this case to watch what happens.

>> fzero(f,-1,options)

Because the output is humungus, we list only a few lines.

Search for an interval around -1 containing a sign change:

Func-count a f(a) b f(b)
1 -1 1 -1 1
... ... ... ... ...

2069 8.581e+153 7.36335e+307 -8.581e+153 7.36335e+307

2071 1.21354e+154 1.47267e+308 -1.21354e+154 1.47267e+308

Note that as fzero searches for an interval surrounding the intial guess, it does
not encounter a change in the sign of the function. Hence, the endpoints of the
seearch interval reach outwards, approaching infinity. The previous error message
we recevied should now make sense.

Exiting fzero: aborting search for an interval containing a

sign change because NaN or Inf function value encountered
during search. (Function value at 1.7162e+154 is Inf.)
Check function or try again with a different starting value.
ans =
444 Chapter 5 Function Functions

5.1 Exercises

In Exercises 1-6, perform each of the following tasks for the given function.

i. Write an anonymous function and use the function to draw the graph of the
given function over the given domain. Turn on the grid.
ii. Use fzero to find the zeros of the function in the given domain. Use the
line command to mark each zero with a marker or choice and use the text
command to label each with its coordinates on the plot.

1. f (x) = 9 − 4x − x2 on [−7, 3].

2. f (x) = 2x2 − x − 8 on [−3, 4].

3. f (x) = x3 − 9x2 + 2x + 8 on [−2, 9].

4. f (x) = 4 − 13x2 + 2x4 on [−3, 3].

5. f (x) = e−0.25x sin(2x) on [0, 2π].

6. f (x) = e0.10x sin(x/2) on [0, 8π].

In Exercises 7-12, perform each of the following tasks for the given equation.

i. Make one side of the equation zero, then write an anonymous function to draw
the graph of the non-zero side of the equation on the given domain. Turn on
the grid.
ii. Use fzero to find the solutions on the given domain, then mark them on your
graph with the line command and annotate them with the text command.

7. e−0.25x = x − 4 on [0, 8].

8. e0.10x = 5 − x on [0, 7].

9. sin(2x) = x/2 on [0, 2π].

10. 2 cos(x/2) = −x/5 on [0, 4π].

11. x = x2 on [−1, 1].

1 + x2
12. e−x = 4x2 on [−1, 1].
Section 5.1 Finding Zeros of Functions 445

In Exercises 13-18, perform each of the following tasks for the given equation.

i. Create two anonymous functions f and g, one for the left-hand side of the
equation, one for the right-hand side of the equation. Use these to draw the
graphs of f and g on the same coordinate system for the given domain. Use
different colors and/or linestyles for each graph. Turn on the grid.
ii. Make one side of the equation zero, then create a third anonymous function
h to evaluate the nonzero side of the resulting equation. Use h and fzero to
find the zeros of the function h.
iii. Use the line command and the information provided by the zeros from the
previous item to mark the points of intersection of the graphs of f and g, then
use the text command to mark the points of interection with their coordinates.

13. 9 − x2 = 2x + 1 on [−5, 5].

14. x2 − 3 = 5 − x on [−5, 5].

15. 3e−0.1x − 2 = sin(x) on [0, 2π].

16. 6 − 5e0.1x = 3 cos(x) on [0, 2π].

17. 2x2 /(1 + 0.5x2 ) = 5 − 3x2 on [−2, 2].

18. 10xe−x /2 = x on [−4, 4].

Matlab’s fzero routine demands that the function you pass as an argument must
have exactly one input, a vector or scalar, and only one output, which must be a
scalar. Any deviation from this dictum and fzero will fail. So, how can we find
zeros of functions that have one or more parameters? One possible method is to
first define the function’s parameters in the workspace, then create an anonymous
function of one variable that includes the use of the parameters. For example,
suppose that we wish to find zeros of the function f (x) = x3 − x + c for various
values of the paramter c. We would first assign a value to the parameter c in the
workspace, then create an anonymous function of a single variable.

f=@(x) x.^3-x+c;

We can now evaluate the anonymous function over a domain, plot and annotate
the plot as follows.
446 Chapter 5 Function Functions

grid on
titleStr=sprintf(’The graph of y = x^3 - x + c, c = %d’,c);

Once the graph is drawn, we note the existence of a zero in the interval [1, 2], call
fzero, then annotate the graph with the result.

textStr=sprintf(’(%f, 0)’,xz);

The resulting plot follows.

Section 5.1 Finding Zeros of Functions 447

The reason that this works is the fact that the anonymous function is a function of
a single variable x, as determined in its argument list surrounded by parentheses.
In Exercises 19-22, perform each of the following tasks for the given function.

i. Assign the given values to the parameters in the calling workspace.

ii. Create an anonymous function for the given function, then use the anonymous
function to draw the graph of the function.
iii. Use the graph to find an intervals bracketing the zeros of the function and pass
these intervals, along with the handle to the anonymous function, to Matlab’s
fzero command to find accurate approximations of the function’s zeros on
the given domain. Use the line command to mark the zeros and the text
command to annotate the zeros with their coordinates.

19. f (x) = x3 + cx + 1, c = −5, on [−3, 3].

20. f (x) = cx3 + 5x + 1, c = −2, on [−2, 2].

21. f (x) = x3 + cx + d, c = −4, d = −1, on [−3, 3].

22. f (x) = cx3 + dx + 2, c = −1, d = 4, on [−3, 3].

448 Chapter 5 Function Functions

5.1 Answers

1. The following code was used to generate the figure that follows.

%% Exercise #1
close all
clear all

f=@(x) 9-4*x-x.^2;
grid on

title(’Zeros of f(x) = 9 - 4x - x^2.’)


’MarkerSize’, 12,...

hText1=text(z1,f(z1)-1, strcat(’(’,num2str(z1),’, 0)’));

Section 5.1 Finding Zeros of Functions 449

’MarkerSize’, 12,...

hText1=text(z2,f(z2)-1, strcat(’(’,num2str(z2),’, 0)’));


450 Chapter 5 Function Functions


7. The following code was used to produce the solutions shown in the figure that
Section 5.1 Finding Zeros of Functions 451

%% Exercise #7
close all
clear all

f=@(x) exp(-0.25*x)-x+4;
grid on

title(’Solutions of $e^{-0.25x} = x - 4.’)


’MarkerSize’, 12,...

hText1=text(z1,f(z1)-1, strcat(’(’,num2str(z1),’, 0)’));

452 Chapter 5 Function Functions


Section 5.1 Finding Zeros of Functions 453

13. The following code produces the image that follows.

454 Chapter 5 Function Functions

%% Exercise #13
close all
clear all

f=@(x) 9-x.^2;
g=@(x) 2*x+1;
grid on
title(’Solutions of 9 - x^2 = 2x + 1.’)

h=@(x) f(x)-g(x);

’MarkerSize’, 12,...

hText1=text(z1,f(z1)-1, textStr1);

’MarkerSize’, 12,...

hText2=text(z2,f(z2)-1, textStr2);
Section 5.1 Finding Zeros of Functions 455


456 Chapter 5 Function Functions


Section 5.1 Finding Zeros of Functions 457


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