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Ice Dagger (thrown)

Creo (rego) Aquam 10

R: voice D: mom, T: ind
5 Damage

Shackles of Ice
Rego aquam 10
R: Voice D:Sun, T: Part
Freeze a circular Portion of a body of water into Ice
trotz magic resistance eingeschlossen,
cold damage wenn es durch Magic resistance geht
Strength roll zur befreiung
komplett eingeschlossen = ersticken

Shackles of Ice als Creo Variante um es um den Gegner zu erschaffen

CrAq 25
R: Voice, D: Mom, T: Ind
A variation of /Mighty Torrent of Water/ (CrAq 15) in which the jet of water is replaced with a cone
of ice. The jagged ice causes +15 damage
(Base 10, +2 Voice, +1 additional effect, changing the water to ice)

Base +3= 5*3 m max in natürlicher form

+1 unnatural form

CrMe 5
R: Touch, D: Conc, T: Ind
This spell lets the caster speak
directly into the target’s mind for as
long as he maintains concentration.
(Base 3, +1 Touch, +1 Conc)

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