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DIGITAL PHOTOGRAPHY Name (first & Last): Per:

Getting to Know Me (GTKM)

First Assignment – make sure you put your name on all assignments & powerpoints as well as in the
file name, as the FIRST part of the file name…. For example, I would submit this as: MsMarniGTKM.doc
If you messed up and have to submit one again, do it this way: MsMarniGTKM 2.doc
Email completed assignment to
Create a Microsoft Word document TWO PAGS ONLY!!! -- that includes the following information.
Screen Capture your photos, then shrink your photos to fit the page (ask if you’re not sure how).
You’ll need to register with Microsoft Office, use your first name and SPPS as your company.

PAGE 1: Answer the following questions use complete sentences.

1. A Picture of You (if you have one floating in cyberspace…) if you don’t have one take a quick selfie and
send it to your email and get from there.

2. Three Photographs from the internet that INTRIGUE you… use COMPLETE sentences.
a. Describe the photo
The first photo is a fish, second is a bright sky and some trees, lastly is a soccer ball
b. Explain why it interests you. These photo interest me because I like to go fishing and I sometimes
play soccer with friends. Lastly I enjoy viewing nature on some of my spare time.

3. Why did you take this class?

I don’t even know, think they just put me in here cause I forgot to pick a few of my classes last year.

4. What are your experiences with photography? Be specific.

My experiences with them are pretty bad cause I don’t know anything about them beside just taking photo.
5. What do you want to learn most in this photography class?

I wanted to learn how to take the best photo with good qualites when I’m with friends or family.

6. Write a brief paragraph (5 -7 sentences) describing your idea of the perfect day. Who are you with?
Where are you? What is the weather like? What are you doing? Atmosphere? (calm, party mode, etc) Food?

My perfect day would be me with some of my friends hangingout at the park on a beautiful day. No dark
cloud floating in the sky, only bright clear sky. The birds be singing and butterfly be flying all over the places.
There be some chicken, water bottle, and some chips so if we hungry we can eat. We be playing sports like
soccer, chatting and laughing.

7. Do you have your own camera, a camera on your phone, or access to one that you will be able to use
PAGE 2: What does Ms Marni need to know in order to help me to succeed in this

8. How creative am I? I’m a 4 at being creative

a. Now use words to explain your answer: I’m not that good at being creative because I usually just
like to lay back and enjoy the view of how things are.

9. What are three words that best describe me?

a. I’m a short asian
b. I’m not much of a talker
c. I’m always wearing my sweather

10. What are three things I do when I’m not at school?

a. I usually play games when not in school
b. Go hangout with friends when there’s nothing to do at home
c. Usually sleep or read some kind of books when I’m super bored

11. My favorite subject in school is: History

a. Explain why: I just liked to listen to the teacher talk about those wars in the past and I guess it
kind of create a image in my head about it.

12. Last semester I struggled with/doing? I struggled doing math because I’m not that good with math and I
just don’t like math.

13. It’s difficult for me to learn when:

a. I’m absent in school
b. Forget to ask for missing work
c. Don’t ask question

14. What other art classes have I taken? (another school, camp, middle school, etc)
a. What was your favorite project in that class?
Other art that I have taken are drawing 1 and piano. I just like to play the piano and listen to the song the
teacher play to us.

15. Meet and greet three students (new to me) that I do not know. Ask at least his or her name, grade level,
and what they did over the weekend.

Grade & Name Weekend Activities

Alex Work and hangout with friends
Ken Make music and edit video
Austin Play basketball and sleep

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