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Heather Duren

FRIT 7234

Digital Citizenship Mini Lessons

I am responsible for teaching digital citizenship lessons at my school. I chose to create 3 mini lessons
focused on digital citizenship so that I will be able to utilize these lessons this school year. The following
lessons are geared towards 5th grade students.

Mini Lesson 1: Preventing Cyberbullying

ISTE Student Standard:

(2) Students recognize the rights, responsibilities and opportunities of living, learning and working in an
interconnected digital world, and they act and model in ways that are safe, legal and ethical.

(2b) Students engage in positive, safe, legal and ethical behavior when using technology, including social
interactions online or when using networked devices.

Guiding Question: What is cyberbullying and how can you deal with it?

Lesson: This lesson will walk students through brainstorming positive and negative experiences they
may have while online. Students will explore the definition of cyberbullying and learn ways they can deal
with cyberbullying. Students will have an opportunity to connect with local experts, including our school
counselor, and learn about dealing with cyberbullying.

Resources: Common Sense Media Digital Citizenship Nearpod Lesson (Unit 3 Lesson 4) slides

Assessment: Students will work in pairs to extend their learning by recording skits focused on ways of
preventing cyberbullying. This will allow them to showcase their understanding of cyberbullying. They
will produce iMovies which will be made accessible to other students.

Mini Lesson 2: Avoiding Plagiarism (Part I)

ISTE Student Standard:

(2) Students recognize the rights, responsibilities and opportunities of living, learning and working in an
interconnected digital world, and they act and model in ways that are safe, legal and ethical.

(2c) Students demonstrate an understanding of and respect for the rights and obligations of using and
sharing intellectual property.

Guiding Question: How can I show respect for people’s work?

Lesson: This lesson begins with students watching the BrainPop video “Plagiarism”. Students will then
explore the curated set of resources titled “Ethical Use of Information”. They will have the remaining
time to explore the resources to help answer the essential question.

Resources: Ethical Use of Information resources:


Assessment: Students will complete the Plagiarism Quiz found in the set of curated resources.

Mini Lesson 3: Avoiding Plagiarism (Part II)

ISTE Student Standard:

(2) Students recognize the rights, responsibilities and opportunities of living, learning and working in an
interconnected digital world, and they act and model in ways that are safe, legal and ethical.

(2c) Students demonstrate an understanding of and respect for the rights and obligations of using and
sharing intellectual property.

Guiding Question: How can I avoid plagiarism?

Lesson: This lesson continues with the work from lesson 2. Students should have explored the resources
provided in lesson 3. In this lesson, students are to answer the following questions:

What is plagiarism? What are ways to avoid plagiarism? What does copyright mean? What are some
examples of copyrighted materials?

Students may create either a slide presentation using Emaze or Prezi, record a commercial using iMovie,
or record a song about plagiarism using Audacity. They must, at minimum, answer the provided
questions. They will present their authentic work to the class.

Resources: Ethical Use of Information resources:


BrainPop Plagiarism:




Assessment: The presentation will serve as the assessment for understanding.

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