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Sophomores Wear Golden I

Volume XVI. Z-123.
o Io nn a e
Milledgeville, Georgia, Saturday, November 15, 1941 No. 8
..u'l ' t"HVJi''V',j>v'S!f>'mm':}''^''' ••;;'''
Annual Contest Arouses
Class Spirit on Campus
By Jewell Willie
Pygmalion was a skilled sculpture who lived in ancient
For reasons which nobody could possibly imagine, he
'•. hated' all women, perliap» because
he could abide nothlngi short .ef
Seniors Dance perfection and all human beings
are ;fr^uglit with -jimperfectioni*
which detract from perfect beau-
InGymTonite ty. Therefore, Pygmalion hied
himself to his studio and* carved a
The first class dance is to bo f*^"® ° ' * ^ ° ^ ^ ^ "^^^ ^ ^ P^^'"
held. tonight from 8 to 12 o'clock ^'',' ^" ^^^^^ ^^y-
when the seniors and their dates ^^« ^^' ^ ^ «*> "a^^e«» '^a* ^^
swing into the "little red school, 'f^'^^ ^^ ^°°^ "^« ^^t but more
house," or In other words the^^f^f J"^«- ^^ ^«" '^ ^^^ ^"»^
* ,' _,. his statue,
transformed gymnasium. T h e _ •
practice teacher will find herself '^°r ^be last few weehe, there
quite naturally situated with ff^e been two «roup8 of collec-
blackboards, dunce caps, and "^^^ f ^ ^ f ^ ^ ° ^ °^ '^^^ «»^P^^-
waitresses dressed In pinafores. ^,^« '''\«^"'*^ and sophomoro
The Auburn Plainsmen who will ^^^^fs had chosen as tkelr goal
furnish the music will have a ,^''^''="°^ ^" ^^f »*^y« ^ ^
Picket fence surrounding them f " f i ° ^ ^^^ ^^>^^'' «"»»^»- «^^-
which will ad4 to the illusion of ' ' \ ? ' ^ •'' ' ^ " ' - ^ ° ' ' ^ ' ' • -
a school yard ^^® ^^** ° ' wmning the slipper.
Class President Naaicy Rag- ^°^^^\ mushroomed up all
land will lead out with her date, *f°"°? ^J^ «*"»»"« ^^^^ ^^S^-
Sam Newell fresOimen were determined
The tea dance was held this '«^^stroy the sophomore morale,
afternoon in Sanford dining Imll ^°^, *^« Bophomores were just
Gay colored leaves were used In ^' determined to shake the fr^h-
decoration for the danc© to carry ^ ' , ^ ^ ' " ' ° ^^°- ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^^^ high
out the autumn Idea. ""l^ ' ^ ^ f ^^ "« ' " « ^ ^ ^^^ »i8^t
The following is the senioi- ^^"° *^* «°P^°°^"'e, ^1*88 walk-
date list for the dance: Rose. «r ^ff ^he-stage wearing the ejip-
mary Jones, Wilson Darden; Pol' per'
som Woodward, P a u l J o n e s ; Lib- / ^ « ^ « ^ a y the freshmen Darned
I? by Upshaw, Gene Branch; Thel- ^^f sophomores in effigy at Nea-
ma Anderson, Clark Gay; Sara ^^^ , f Pods an* the sopliomwes
Maltha Daniel president of College Government, holds the Golden Slipper, just before Murray, Hubert Cheek, Jr.; Mar- ^^^^^^^f with a hair-raising
tha Colvln, John Kane! Catherine «^^°iba"sm Friday moraiBjg.
tof Sims!^^^^^^^^^ of sophomores, received it last night. Carolyn Bowman, president Adams, J. R. Colvln; Grace, Boyd, , ^ " " ^ ° ^ *^e P^^^^ a t ^ » e expec-
of freshmen, looks on. Braxton Harrison; Eunice Odom, ^''''^ *'^®"«e ^^^^ t^« auditorium,
Leslie Prickett; Virginia Salts. ^^ Intermission the elasBes mxg

American Made Art Frosh Elect man, Robert Tate; Clyde Ellen .f« *°"^^y ^« posible, supported
Longley, Lewis Higglns; Julia ^^J}^ «^»^«r <^»»»8««-
Higgison, Gilbert Davis; Hilda The freshman play, THE FAUL

Dorm Otiicers Wllliford, Frank Gregory; Kath- OF THE HOUSE OP USHER, had

Featured at Exhibit ryn Coleman, Dick Drauss; ^®^° *^^°°s®» ^e«^««e o' " « ^^'
Ruth Adams, Robert Bell; Jane n^osphese and qualities of eensa-
All dormitory oficers have Simpson, Worth Zeagler; Prances "^n^i^m. The weird,_ghOBtly way
Block printed book jackets, telephone book covers, dress been elected now with the excep- Lehmann, Jimmy Rheinfrank; (Continuea ou Page S)
ornaments, decorated notebooks, tiles, hand decorated tion of those In Terrell A. This Lucia Rooney, Tom Karnes; Vir-
handkerchiefs and numerous other art products will be on election will take place Monday ginla Langford, James Odom;
sale during National Art Week • night, Nov. 17. Grace Roy Smith, Sam Hlnson;
Jean Stewart, A. J. Powell; Mar-
State Retreat
which is to 1)6 celebrated on our The following girls were elect- garet Baldwin, James Johnson;
campus November 17-23. IRC AddS NcW
These purchasable objects will MeiUbcrS tO RoU
Monday night Nov. 10:
Bell Annex—Marjorie
Jo Anne BiVins, Charles Har- Held in Athens
Paul, grove; Jessie Marie Bre,wtoa,. The Student Officers' -retreat
be on display in Room-8 o£ the president; B^tty Sumner, Vjice- Sam Bailey; Jane Smith, Jiw ,„* ,,v,. i „^ , n
Arts build'ing from 9:00 until Anne Hammett, Dot Hall, Ethel president; Marga,ret Bartenfeld, - , T r, 4.1 .i. „L 1,,^°^ " leaders in Georgia col-
12:30 and from 3:00 until 5:30 Hembree, Georgia Lee Stone, secretary; Hazel Hollaman, treas- Cralg; Loree Bartlett, "Tink" l<>geB opened today !«»• Athens.
daily. In caee you find an article Betty Robb Peacock, Evelyn urer. T ii„^„. Mar
Miller; T^., r,« -tr ^„ The meeting will continue until
Jaclmon LenaV. Price, Vance
Bowers, Reese „ * A A
that you desire to buy, the man- Jones, Vera .Bennett, Lillian ci TT .i^i. T 1^ Tr 1 "°°»^ tomorrow. Among thQ
Sharp Harriet Jones, Dan Kel. „ , „ ,, ™ „,
agera of art week are asking that Whichard, Janie Frances Bevin, 1 XT 1, T. . J Tj. V. . iN*M speakers are Mr. Henry T. Ware,
Terrell Proper—Louise Sim- ley; Nellei Bond", Idia Gates; Mil- „ i.v . , ^ *,
you, leave the object until the Lola Frances Carr, Helen Gre- , J , n . nil n i. » J,. Southern regional representative
mons, president; Hlld-a Cates, dred covin. Billy Bates; Aud ey ^^^^ ^MCA. who win deliver
end of the week so as to keep nade were elected to become
vice president; Evelyn Echols, Jenkins, Gene Flowers; Martha . . . „ ^ ;.'
TT J « TLT „ T. 11 T J c .. the keynote address. Cynthia Mal-
^ ,. . . . .
the exbfibit intact. ;Tlie article members of International Rela-
secretary; Bobbie Robert, treas- Hudson,
•t, n\jt,,
Hall Bell; Judy Strauss, ,
-a ^ m i
„„,«* ^
r> ^^'V, YWCA Secretary, and- Mary
wiU bo marked "sold" and re- tlons club at a meeting held, Jim Coi-bit Rebecca Taylor, Er- _ ' • , , .' , •. ^ '
urer. „ Tx , Ti * A- Jeanne Everett, president of the
served in your name. Monday nigbt. nest Rogers; Doris Estes, Gray- elve talka
son Hill; Jean Wyatt Robert ' * ^^ ' ' * ^ '
OTHER AJITIOLES Terrell B and C—Lucy Nell Txr ,1, V, rt, , if ixrVV Representing GSOW at the r e -
William King Clara Mae West, , / „ , „ m - .»
Mrs. Burnside, ceramic Instruc „ . , , Cunniiigbam, president; Louise Pani RoirerB-^ ^^^'^^ are Mary Jeanne Everett,
Til/•«•»,!l"i n . Tjn„f„. M«i Virginia Parker. Bdithe Trap-
is offering Bom© of her work. She Kemmie, secretary; Rebecca Llbby Hubert, Don Booty Hel- ,, ' , „' .. ^.^
(Continaea on P«»0| 4) Faust, treasurer. ' ' nell, Augusta Slappey, Mary Jeft
(ConUmica on Page 8) Welchel and Cynthia Mallopy.
Saturday, November 15, 1941 Saturday, November 15, 1941 THE COLONNADE Page Three
Page Two
Gadabout Campus Camera Huxley Writes Biography Chapel Programs yocalist and Pianist Appear
Are Announced
A recent bulletin, published by the Dean of Women has My! You can't se© straight tins
Of Father Joseph Lieut. N. V. Wblte, Qhftplaln
of the Seventh Training Battal- On Appreciation Hour
lion, from Camp Wheeler, will
been misinterpi^ted by several of the housemothers and week for the seniors. They're aU By Dorothy Miller speak in chapel Monday, Novem- The weekly music Appreciation Hour Wednesday night,
in a dither over.the senior d-ance.
students on the campus. And what a dance it's going to
GREY EMINENCE by Aldous Huxley is the story of ber 17. November 19, 'will feature Miss Margaret Fisher of Atlanta
The announcement read that students must be introduced he! Father Joseph, the right-hand man and collaborator of Friday's program will be pre- and Mitchael McDowell of the music department' of the
by responsible people tb soldiers if they werte not old ac- Speaking of. seniors reminds Cardinal Richelieu. Since this is the first full-length sented by the Square and Folk University of Georgia.
quaintances. This does not mean that students may not me.of one senior in particular. I. biography from the pen of the '• • Dance club members who will Miss Fisher studied at Greens-
just couldn't understand why Faye versatile Mr. Huxley, it Is an event give a skit as a preview of the boro colleges at Greensboro, N. C,
date men in uniform.
Johnson was so attentive to the of the first importance. It is in- barn dance which will be next Library Subscribes and under Gllman Alexander and
The announcement had one purpose: to encourage the phone on Sunday evening, hut Saturday night.
girls not to make dates with soldiers of short acquaintan- when Dorsey Rowe showed up, I
teresting to compare GREY EM-
INENCE with some of the earlier To the Faculty To New Magazines Carl Beutel of the department of
— The library faas added several '"^'^^'^ °^ ^^« ^^^^'^^ conservatory.
ce. Girls may' datq any friends whom they have known be- knew the reason. works by Mr. Huxley.
Please do not forget to di»! r«l^ 1. l^T M. new periodicals to its subscription f^ ^^^ ^^^° ^ voice pupil of
fore coming to GSCW or any soldier to whom they are in- One of the "P. C.'s" on our GREY EMINENCE is thei story L n U r C h INOteS Ust for 1941-42. one of these is ^^^^^ ^'""^^ °^ '^^ Curtis in-
^^e FIRST of the mystical yet worldly Fath- cuss in our classes what you
troduced by a responsible person. The responsible person campus is Jewel Byrd Lanier, for FRATERNITY L0DS9 IM AMERICA- LUCKY er Joseph and a magnificent psy- expect in scholarship. The BUILDING AND B U I L D I N G stitute. Helen Riley Smith and
she enjoyed the ' home-going BUILT AT KENYOM COLLEGE (OHIO) sa^ BAPTIST— MANAGEMENT, which is pub- ^ " " ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ « " Sullivan,
may be another boy of long acquaintance or another stud- dances at Mercer last week-end. chological and dramatic study of scholarship committee of Col-
By OaTA KAPPA EPSlLON-1652.' •m' a man who followed a policy in lege Government is making an Malnus Rawls, assltant secre- lished of Building Owners and ishe was the contralto soloist
Did you note the nrnd- rush for tary of the state BTU, spoke at Managers association. It deals with the college glee club and at
world affairs so contrary to his effort to improve scholarship
If a girl continues seeing a soldier for several weekends, tickets to "THE MAN WHO COLGATE uNivERsrry
on the campus and they ask BTU here Sunday afternoon, No- with rental rates, operating costs, the Trinity Episcopal church,
the housemother will ask her to write for* special permission CAME TO DINNER?" CREW RACES WAS FOUNDED BY 13 InneF nature.
your cooperation in making a vember 9, on "Following the Liv- spare^aving devices, elevator Ashevllle, N. C. and at St. Luke's
MEN W r m B DOLLARS Mr. Husley describes him .as
from home to date the boy thereby relieving the school of andMary Griffith, Ruby Donald,
Blossom jDavis were visitors
RIVALRIES. IM 1652-THE LONG SERIES AND 13 PRAYERS.' "one of the forgers of one of the uccess of this movement. ing Christ." Other guests present and apartments. Episcopal church, Atlanta.
were Mr. Gainer Bryan, state
responsibility. . " to our campus last week-end. BETWEEN HARVARD AND VALE BEGAN.' lin^s in the chain of our dlsas^ BTU secretary, Mrs. Bryan and Another one Is the GEORGIA Mr. McDowell is an accomplish-
All boys in .uniform who date GSCW girls are cordially Does Mr. Noah just like to trous destiny." He believes that Gainer Bryan, Jr. BUSINESS REVIEW, which in- ed pianist. He is a graduate of
invited to do so. They are welcome on the campus. *«alk or is it that he likes to the road traveled by the feet of . Sunday school—10:15 terest many students. It is pub- Emory university, where he was
stand before "such a sea of Father Josepn led . to August AllllOUIlCeilieilt BTU—2:30 lished by the Bureau of Busi- accompanist and piano Isololst
beautiful faces?" 1914 and September 1939. There- The Commerce Club will hold Church—7:30 ness Research at the University ^jth the glee club,
Class Cooperation V^asn't that half holiday ap-
preciated on Armistice day? It
fore, this' book should be of even
greater interest to use In this
its November meeting Tuesday
night at 7:15 .In fBeeson. ^Rec
Everybody Is invited to attend
the Fellowship Hour Immediately
of Georgia. The review summar-
Izes business conditions for the
He later studied piano with
Hugh Hodgson at the Univer-
The Golden Slipper contest is the only time during the year gave us a chance to catch up on period of world conflict as a pos- Hall. Miss Willie Boggus, of the after church Sunday night In the nation and state and carries ar- g^y of Georgia and with Sacha
when the classes actually develop some form of class spirit past work and get ready for sible clue to world events leading Milledgeville Banking Company Men's Bible class room. tides on subjects of current in- Qorodnitzkl of the JuUiard School
It has become a tradition and duringj the past week the sister some more. to the present. will be the guest speaker. Taking YWA meets Tuesday at Mrs.
I must say the "peppiest" girl The story is beautifully told. In the club theme for the year, H. N. Massey's, University of FREE WORLD is the third on
classes cooperated with each other in bringing the whole I've seen around in a long time a mystical, philosophical vein "What Have I to Choose from Georgia students will speak. Meet the list. In It are discussed topics
school intoi the affair. is Joyce Slate. Even the hospital M ; | | | | A
In the past the freshmen and sophomores have beon the didn't stop her from singing last I I C I I I I V 11
Do You Know? that is a relief from so much of
the atark realism we have In lit-
in the Field of Business," she
will discuss bankjing and account-
in front of Atkinson at 4 o'clock. of current interest such as
"What About Germany's Fu-
only classes concerned. Friday night the contest was near- night. 1. Who gave th© paintings in ©ratur© today. ing. CATHOLIC— ture?" MADEMOISELLE, the
ly as important to the juniors and seniors as it was to the The town girls are nominating By CATHiailNE FOSTER the new gallery in Washington, • The first Issue of "The Commer- At Newman club Friday after- famous fashion magazine, Is the
cial Letter" will b© distributed
underclassmen. The class' songs had been practiced for weeks girls for president and' secretary Tinkle-tinkle-tinkle rings the
this week.
D. C, known as the National Gal-
Senior Dance before the meeting. Each issue Is
noon, November 7, Father Cas- fourth one and should interest
small bell as it announcers din- sidy showed moving pictures on every girl,
in advance by all Vour classes. 2. The name of the gallery in
('Continued from page 1) edited by a different member,
Virginia 14urtson nas a fine ner to a formal dinner party. the "Holy Land" and the "Coro-
Tills contest is judged on; several things but a form of this country most famous for en DeLamar, Jim Crumbley; The November issue is edited by nation of the New Pope." Another periodical with a
time chasing people to get pic- Ding-dong sounds the large bell
rivalry mugt .not develop between the classes. This an- tures for the paper. It's almost as it .announces the hour of Modem Art? Martha Daniel, Jack Herod; Anhe t^^e club officers. Plana, for a club French title is LA VOIX DE
nual] event is a fine tradition for the campus and improves as nerve-wracking as Ibeing church. In every phase of our 3. The name of the artist who Gwynn, F. W.' Dent; Betty Bule, yearbook have been completed EPISCOPAL— FRANCE, a newspaper published
did the most famous painting of Earl Davis; Anne Hammett, Olln and the book is now at pfess. 8:00—Holy Communion In French twice a month from
each. year. Clark Gable's autograph-seeker daily lives, in school and out,
October through May and once
and not nearly so interesting. bells play an important part. Of- George Washington? Gordon; Eloise HIghtower, John- • 10:30—Sunday school
were created at a time when an- , 4. The most famous portrait ny Rose; Georgia Lane, Marshall _j- ,. . _ , ., 11:3 0—Morning prayer and a month in June, July, August
Atlanta concert ticket holders ten bells are our commanders and and September. French students
Quotable other kind of emergency con- heard Helen Traubel, dramatic give many orders each d<ay. Eveju
fronted most of America, an soprano, at the city auditorium on the housewife spends a portion of
emergency that still prevails in Monday evening.
painting in the world and- where
it is? '
5. Who did the finest inter-
Hinson; Frankle Morgan, Hank
Caver; Daphne Norman, Haa-ry
Bilden; Winifred Stokes, Max
J r l i y S l C a i H^aUCatlOIl
rjlnh M c o t S
2:15—Young People's organi- may try reading the news In
zation at the rectory French.
her time bowing to the authority
Quotes many sections of our country.
No country or no government is
of a bell, as she goes repeatedly
to the door.
pretation of "The Last Supper?"
6. The greatest living water
Tyson; Miriam Jones, Wilson
Smith; Virginia Ryals, Loy Ev-
MISS Louise Smith, state pres- Adele Shingler is to have charge The last two are the JOURNAL
ident of the Health, Physical Ed- of the program Sunday afternoon. OF SOUTHERN HISTORY and
safe when men are unemployed. colorist? erett; Martha Thompson, Paul D. ucatlon, and. Recreation assocla-
(By Associated Colegiate Press) A major question is this; Could
the same results FOR EDUCA-
A La Mode At GSCW we get up by a beU.
eat by a bell, go to class by a
7. The most famous living
woman painter In America?
Wallace; Johnnie MacFrlzzelle,
Duncan A. McRae; Marguerite
tlon spoke at the first Physical
Education club meeting ,of the
The GSCW League gave a BULLETIN, whose titles Indicate Of Music. And on a year's leave,
• "We have not, as yet, faced TION have been attained had candy pulling in the basement of their contents. he studied with TelchrauUer In
By BLANCHE LAYTON bell, and retire by a bell. Some- 8. The most famous painting Bassett, Dewi Thomas; Hazel year, November 6, at 7:00. A
courageously the issue as to the money for public education the Methodist church this after- Leipsig, Germany and studied
Carolyn Smith looked Stunnin'g times we long to hear these bells, by an American in a foreign art Killlngsworth, R. G. Domlnguez; supper served !plcul(f style ipre- These Six magajines will be
whether or not certain federal expended by the several agencies in her powder blue rabbit's hair noon at 4:00. theory and composition with
as at the end of a class, at din- gallery? Carolyn Hlllyer, Red ceded the business meeting. Olym- on the magazine shelves and the Schenk and Grabner at Leippzig
ftgencies are essential either in been allocated to the state and dress. It is gathered on each sidd Sunday school—10:00' newspaper on the newspaper
ner when we are hungry, and at 9. The niost famous living Boylngton; Virginia Collar, Ma- pia Diaz was chairman of the conservatory. He has also done
aiding the development of the thence to communities for the of the front skirt and gored in Church—11:30 rackls.
recess jtinie during study lliall. woman painter in France? i rion T. Clark; Araminta Green, occasion, special work with Nadlne Bou-.
educational program or in pro- development of the community black. Square silver buttons run League—2:15
However, it seems that niost of 10. The most beautifully pro- Frank Jordan; Blanche Layton, langer and with Harold Bauer.
viding educational opportunities program? If there is no confi- down front sides of blouse and PRESBYTERIAN— .
not now existing in our respec- dence I'm .state dapartm^3Uts| of sl^irt. It has a tailored iieckline. the time we dread to hear the portioned building in the world? Bob Llchenthel; Ernestine John- ""^^ °^®®""S opened with a He studied organ with Hugh
Rachel Irvine will apeak on the
bell ring because so often it tolls flon, Jack Young; Edna Davis, ^«l«o°^« ^^^'^'^ ^^ ^^e president,
tive communities. I refer here education or in the state as an Have you seen all the knee out the bad news that we must
11. The most beautiful -tomb'
in the world? Maurice Lane; Evelyn Lane, War Cornelia Harris. Reports were
Presbyterian church seal at Ves- Announcement Porter, New York City and with
Gunther Ramin, Leipzig conserva-
particularly to the National Youth administrative agency, is it not length socks arpund these cool given by Virginia Hudson, sec- pers Sunday. The regular meeting of the
Administration, the Civilian Con- time that this fact be'made pub- days? Mildred Pharr had on 'get up out of a warm bed when 12. The most beautiful dome ren Merrltt; Violet Farley, W. M
retary; Glynese Smith, newly Sunday school—10:00 COLONNADE will meet in the tory. At present he is assistant
servation corps, the Work , Proj- lic and that steps be taken to we are pleasantly occupied'. in th© world? Van Sickle; Jeannette Lashley. prpofessor of music at the Uni.
some black ones Wednesday, and Billy Budd; Ethel Bell Smlth^ elected treasurer, and Wynelle Morning worship—11:30 COLONNADE office, Monday, No-
ects administration and , other 13. Tile two most famous Greek Vespers—5:00 vember 17, at 4 o'clock. verslty of Georgia.
(Continued on page 4) they went very nicely with her statues possessed by the Louvre? Glover Jordan; Lynda Standard, Shadbum; vice-president. The program Is as follows:
agencies.. AU of these agencies But, adapting Our lives to a
black skirt and her white long- 14. "The most .magnificent Lawton Peterson; Oneida Ben- T h e d u b members accepted the 1. Die Ehre Gottes aus der Na-
schedule enables us to be order-
sleeved sweater.
ly human beings and to find
Vera Bennett has green "knee time for everything we need and
creation of the Renaissance?"
15. America's greatest, living
nett, Cyril Brelterbach; Sarah
Brown. Howard O'Keefe; JImmIe
mvltatlon by Miss Smith to be-
^ome members of the association Japan Next War Arena- tur—Beethoven
Traum durch die Dammerung
The Colonnade lengths" to wear with her green wish to do. Bells or some other woman textile designer? Sue Pateraon, G.T. Meyen; Mar-
earet Peacock, Jimmie Layton;
g^g represents. A motion was
^^^,^ ^^^ accepted that Mary Believes Drew Pearson —Strauss
plaid jumper and white sweater. signals are necessary to keepi this 16. A living artist who has La Procession—Franck
Published weekly during school year except during holi- Others I've seen around with fairly rigid schedule. When we done a series of interesting wood Doris Dunn, Bob Powell; CaroJ Frances iScott and Jane Bowden By Virginia Austen Amour, viens aider, "Samaon
days and examinatiotn periods by the students of the Geor- this "Scotchy" look are Edna Da- leave college there will be no cuts illustrating "Canterbury EBtes, Bander Turner; • Ru|th ^jecome associate members of the
"The United Sitates' most likely war arena now lies in and Dalilah" Saint Saeng
gia State College for Women, Milledgeville, Georgia. Sub- vis, Martha Wright, and Dot Eley. bell^ to , help us live an orderly Tales?" Pearman, Joe Hill Hall; Physical EducatlOR club. The —Margaret Fisher
scription price $1.00 per year. Entered as second-class mat- These knee length socks are real life. If, however, Ave are careful, 17. Why two figured matenals Mary Gibbs. Joe GIbbs; Genev,a meeting ended with comments by Japan," stated Drew Pearson, world-famed newspaper man, 2. Preludes: 1. Danseuses da
Morris, Robert Warren; Rose- ^p yoertrude Manchester, fiead in his talk here Wednesday night. He continued this point Delphes—DeBussy
ter October 30, 1928, in the post office, Milledgeville, Geor- favorites with all of these girls. we will find that it will not be should* never be worn together?
mary Ewlng. Major Claude Meuf- of the department; "This year by saying that Japan was now— —•—-—: --r
. "Mademoiselle" Ethel Hem- hard to plan and follow a sched- 18. The cathedral with the 2. La fUle aux cheveux de line
gia, under the act of March 3,1879. fer; Mary Frances La Tavor, J. ^e're planning for the best and m an extremely difficult sltua- to get supplies to Russia and the
bree appeared in French class ule, because of the habit we most beautiful stained glass? —Debussy
tiUCIA ROONEY Editor last Monday with blue shoe formed at college. Instead of real 19. Why table mats, runners, L. Williams; Mildred Johnson, most succesful program we've tlon-not actually wanting war «^">^y f^ the Rnsaians to hold Reflects dans I'eau—Debussy
EVELYN LANE Business Manager strings in her saddle oxfords. The bells, there will be mental bells tray covers should never, be turn- Miller; Mary V. Price, Reese had," she said. With the united States and not °"t until spnng. the Russians —Michael McDowell
John Flfttt; Martha Ducey, Jack . . , , . „«f„„„* „* i'htc are able to do this, Hitler will
PAULA BRETZ Managing Editor blue in her shoe laces was the to remind and command us' as we ed at an angle?
being able to retreat at this "^ , ' ,, „
3. Pilgrim Song—Tschaikowsky
very same shade as the blue in go about our daily tasks. But, If 20. Why pictures should never Thornton; Jo Del Dodd, Vernon
RUTH ADAMS ..,. Associate Editor Bragg; Patty Cheney, Sam Mc- gi^^,j.j^gg ^j ^^^^^^^^ j„ ^^^,1, . . be sorely pressed for oil and gas- Lullaby—^^Scott
her wool skirt. we are careless, our lives will be hung with one wire, if it i'S
B ^ T Y . P A R K ....'. , News Editor Carolyn Edwards was. very col- soon become cluttered with wast- Lendon; Nancy Cheney, Morris ^^^ ^^^^^^^^^ education, because
point. .. , . , , X,. , Forest of Oaks—Mac Fayden
visible? Mr Pearson said that labor is °»"e that it might mean the col-
Ai'aminta Green '. ,.. Feature Editor legiate in appearance in a striped ed time and once more we will 21. Whether values in figured Armstrong; Mary Ellen Flatt, ^^ ^^^^^^^^^ service and centrali- the greatest problem now in our "«P«« ^f, l ^ V " " ' ' ' Hills—LaForge ,
Dot Miller Literary Editor wool skirt and a green slip-over not have time, for anything. rugs should be close or decidedly Johnny Draughon; Isabell© Trus- nation of schools, Is noted by dl- defense program and that if the the southeast. , —Margaret Fisher.
MARY PIVEASH '............. Exchange Editor "sloppy-job." Therefore, let us not fuss and contrasting? aell, W. L. Nix; Betty Shaw, ,.gj.^Qj.g ^j ^jj^g^ departments at strikes continue to be called, dras- " Is Mr. PearsoxJ's, opinion that
grumble when a task, perhaps an Ralph Brown; Mary Ester Har- j^j^aca College, 4. Intermezzo, dp. 117, No. 2—
ViriGIl^A HUDSON .:, Photographic Editor Sue Herring looked just as 22. The name of the first fur-
vey, W. T. Cunningham; Scotta
tic legislation to prevent these the Axis powers are definitely Brahms
"spic and span" as ever in her Unpleasant one, is announced by niture designer to hiave furni- strlWbs may be necessary. the victors In Europe today and
Mary.Eiragaa .Shultz,' Emma .Hagan ..Circulation Managers red corduroy skirt with a white a bell, but try to realize the ture called after himself rather Hlli, Lester Morris; Emily Cook, — Rhapsodle, Op. 119, No. 4 —
In regard to the winning of that it will most probably be
Typists: Ernestine Johnson, Sarah Sloan, Gwen Jarvis, Constance short-sleeved sweater. The un- value of the training fliese b,ells 'than the reigning fnonarCh or walker McElheny; Miriam Ben- Zeke Daniel; Owen Jarvis, Fred Brahma
the war, Mr. Pearson said that necessary to establish a second
(Continued on page 4) give us. the period of the time? . nett, Bob Tayjtor,; Beryl Harper, Taylor. . —Michael; McDowell
Martin.' • ••;''•' the outcome depended largely o„ front In Wes-tern Euro\)e before
the ability of the Unite* States Hitler ctin be defeased.
Page Five
THE COLONNADE Saturday, Novemlber 15^p4X^, Saturday, November 15, 1941
Page Four

American Made Art Colleges Make Arrangements

GSCW Has Winner In
Better Drivers Contest
(Continued from page 1)
la a graduate'of Alfred Univer-
sity, -one of'the finest ceramic

For Entertaining Soldiers

# • Campus Sportations • •

By Mary Brewton
schools In this'countty.
Each day there, w;Ill. be a dem-
By Araminta. Greene
Early in October a committee composed of four Jessies
onstration of some craft and a wrote a letter to the editor suggesting that **we have a^..
A written examination, numerous driving teats at the "small exhibition arranged to dance for the soldiers from Camp Wheeler. (Or p e r h w .
I Annual Barn
Dance Slated
the Folk cluh will teach a number
of different square dances.
The committees are: d'ance
committee, Martha Munn, chair-
DFT r7k\0ni\^r
llJLw KiOl^ll\iCil
Annual Contest
(Continued from page
(Continued from pai
in which Madeline,
4:00 Sports equipment rented Wright,. slipped around among
the way to escape Hate, Evelyn

Blood, Francfes, and
Eleanor Jane Thornton.
Both Pgmalions did a job of
that the judges affirmed
Sears' Roebuck parking lot in Atlanta, and a ten mile drive t)oint out good and bad design In man; Leslie Brown, Margaret
through Atlanta, were the experiences through which Elaine the various objects. The sched- some R. A. F. cadets, ahem)." or checked out the winding dark corridors was to be excellent.
V: Keel, Olympia Diaz and Ernes-
Carter, a GSCW freslimftn, passed ^
before she was announced the
So, curiously being aroused, ;—•
ule for demonstrations from 4:0U your reporter got busy and wrote club at a picnic supper in Nea-;
to 4:30 is as follows:
..•". :— ,., ' ,
For Saturday tine Henry; decoration commit-
tee, Mayo Aultmau, chairman,
4:15 Hockey
4:30 Plunge
too realistic. The narrator, Eliz-
abeth Branch, lowered her voice North Dakjota Agricultural Col.
lege has chosen 22 students tO'
second best driver In the state NYA News Monday: Batik/
Tuesday: Finger painting
to twelve Georgia colleges to ^bn woods. Later in the,evening,:
find out what other students are these students attended on in- ;
All GSCW students, faculty Dorothy Keel, Billy Bailey, Mary
7:15 Meeting of managers and to the right pitch to enhance the
members and their wives are in- Esther Harvey, Ethel Hembree, skill cluh presidents
whole ghastly atmosphere. Usher, receive La Verne Noyes finan-
of Georgia. . doing to aid In providing recrea- formal dance .given by the sen- . Marta Duke, and Jeffrey, Ann cial scholarships in 1941-42,
By SARAH SARBETTE Thursday: Freshmen doing la- tion for the ^30ldier3 stationed lora in Saford Rec. hall, vited to the barn dance sponsor- and Peggy Howard; invitation 8:00 Modern Dance club
Lunsord, managed to go quietly
Elaine, who has been driving pel decoration. Sophomores •— near them. Out of those twelve ed by the Folk; cluh in the big committee. Gene Staley, chair- 8:00 Swimming cluh
crazy. The audience wondered
for three years, was one of 24, 12 Dr. I. Q. visited Peabody last book: binding. gym Saturday, November 22. ^an; publicity committee, Myr- TUESDAY Pleased to Announce
schools seven replied, and from Several other clubs of the caw- about their own sanity at the
boys and 12 girls, who attended Thursday night in the form of Friday: Stitehery. the seven, four report activity in P^s are also considering aa their from 8 to 12. Because of last tig Keel, chairman; contest com- 4:00 Sports equipment rented Mrs. Dorothy Thomas
close of the play.
the Ford Good Drivers' league Mr. Pete Peters, who held a quiz EXHIBITS this "field" year's project plans for enteir- year's success, plans are being mittee, Joyce Slate, chairman; or checked out Formerly with MUdred Wright
contest in Atlanta last summer, on nutrition with volunteer NYA The following exhibits will be Georgia*Tech reports that its Gaining soldiers stationed far ' made for 1,000 guests. singing committee, Ernestine 4:15 Hockey The sophomore play was pa- Two Master Operators
While there they stayed at the girls as contestants. He was met held from 9:00 to 12:00 and from athletic association has purchas- ^^'^^ their homes. When these Pumpkins, corn shucks, ancS Henry, chairman, prize commit- 4:15 Tennis club triotic. It's central theme was Mrs. Vernie Gay. Leathers and
Blltmore hotel and were enter- by an enthusiastic and Interested 3:00 to 5:30 daily. ed 1500 steel bleachers and erect- P^^ns materialize, the Colonnade barn yard implements will be ^^«. ^elle Bond, chairman; prop- 4:30 Plunge Americanism. The soldier, Jane Kitty Weathers
tained with a supper at the rain- audience, who cheered him Monday: Good and bad table ed them at the north end of Grant wo^ld like to hear from them,

used tor decorations. Guests will ^^'^y committee, Marie Hargrove, ^ J = ^^ Folk I)ance club Sparkes, complained wonderfully
bow room In the Henry Grady through the program. It was a arrangements with pottery — field. These seats, regularly about present day conditions. It Dial 5128
crawl through hay and climb over ^^^airman; refreshment commit- WED^ESDAT
hotel, a parade from the hotel to double-or-nothlng program: A china and crafty linens. the fence into the bam loft. Re- tee. Martha Ducey, chairman, 4:00 Sports^ equipment rented wouldn't have been terrible if he
the parking lot where the contests nickel for the first question, a Tuesday: Good and bad pot-
priced at two dollars, are re- Freshman Y Club freshments will consist of apple ^ary^ Frances Scott, and Sally or checked out had. listened to the Present, G and L Dress and
served for non-commissioned of- I..
were held, and a banquet at dime for the second, and 20 tery. cider, 'POP corn, peanuts, and ^^i^h; stencil committee, Ann -^^l/ ^ock^y Jeanne Peterson and the Past,
ficers and service men at fifty Names Officers Beauty Shop
which the winner was announced cents for the third and last. What

madge, the head of th© Highway the jack-pot for the final ques- sive and expensive.
Wednesday: Good and bad
and at which were Governor Tal- the girls didn't win was put In household objects, both inexpen- cents.
Agnes Scott has a faculty The freshman Y club met Mon-
mdmber who is a captain In the ^^^ ^^^^^ ^^ Beeson Rec hall and
sugar cane. Fiddles, slap bases, ^ammett. chairman.
° . .„ »
and similar instruments will fur-
'^'' T f n .
7:155 Modern Dance club
1 h Lillian Hiddlebrooka, but the Fu-
ture, Dorothy Lewis, showed him

Department, the chief of the state tion. The winners of this ques- Friday: Good and bad flower army and who has brought sol- ^^^ following officers were elect- nish the muBic; Usually the object with the ^.^^ gp^^.^^ equipment rented
patrolmen, and other state of- tion split the( amount in the jack- arrangement. Guests are to come as partners, least decoration has the greatest ^^ ^^^^^^^^^ o^t
diers to different campus func- g^. p^ye Hancock, president; A new stock of LEA!THERETT Gift Goods consisting
ficialB. ' pot. Dr. I. Q. kept the program Those girls who compose the tions. The Athletic association ^^^^ Lunsford, vice-president; a boy and a girl, dressed in over- ^^'^ quality. ^..^^ Hockey
When asked to whom she owed lively and hilarious by adding a sales committee are: Katherlne
has also Invited "some soldiers" -^^^^ Vo^ynQ, treasurer; and Fran-
of Scrap Books, Photo Albums, Dest Sets just opened.
her driving knowledge, she said, question or a suggestion of hisCunningham, chairman Martha \ alia, gingham dresses, and similar 4:30 Plunge
.to one of Its open houses, and ^^^ g^o^^e, ' membership chair- attire. Everybody will be divided Tlie Executive board of the Rec. 7:15 Cotillion cluh
"To my parents. My mother was own now and then, Ducey, Mary Ida Ursy, Dorothy on Oct. 27 the Glee club gave a ^^^^^
into groups—horses, cows, chick- reation association elected Pearl FRIDAY
Wlootten's Book Store
always sweet about riding with „, Lewis, Nolle Moore, Mary Frances program at Fort McPherson.'
me and my father was especially ^^^' ^- ^- P^'^^ram is only a Lewis and Mary Esther Harvey. ens, piga—with tags to designate cullifer, junior physical educa- 4:00 Sports equipment rented
Georgia Teachers college In each group. tion major, chairman of outing or checked out
educational. He never took the presented ^^'^ °^ ^^^« fornutrition
the month program
of No- The following will serve on the Statesboro isays, "Although we
wheel when I got in a tight place During the dance, which will be activities for the spring quarter, 4:30 Plunge
, ^ vember. Posters were made by publicity committee: Lucia Roon- have made no definite effort to
but always made me S^t «ut of ^^^^^ ^^ the impor- ey, chairman, Ruth Adams, and entertain the soldiers, except at made mostly of country dances, joy^e siate originally held this SATURDAY
It myself." After the contest Mr. ^^ ^^^^^^ ^^ ^^^^^^^_
Carter presented her with a de- ^^^^^ ^^^ ^^^^^^ ^^^^^^ ^^^
Lunnie Parker. a dance held this summer for
The selection and arrangement them, "we do welcome them on
MilledgeTille, Ga.
• position but had too man> points
to hold the position.
Come out Tuesday afternoon
2:00 Sports equipment rented
or checked out
8:00 Play night
1 \ \ . .u 1 A.i«n the best posters as judged by Miss committee will include the fol- our campus at any time. We Monday and Tuesday
Monday and Tuesday Ladies' Fine SHOES and see how GSCW's tennis club
The test dnve through Atlan- ^^^^ ^^^^^ lowing: Miss Mamie Padgett, also welcome th& soldiers at play
November 17 & 18 members rate with several GMC
ta was Elaine's first experience ^^^^ ^^^ ^^^^ ^ ^^ ^^^chairman. Miss Bancroft, Miss night which is chaperoned by players when they play at 4:15. C o t t i l l l o n C l u b
$3.98 and $6.50
at driving In a city of tha size. ^ t^^.^t. Films for theRensing, Betty Sue Smith and house mothers of the different Rosalind RusseU and Melvyn Don't forget, girls! Learn the _ ,.,.,, Monday; and Tuesday
Before this her traffic esperiencea ^ ^ ^ ^ j ^ ^^^ ^^ ^^ . , j , ^ ^ ^ ^ Mary Kennedy. dormitories. Douglas Tango the way the Cotillion club U l V e S J i X h i D l t l O n
were In Albany and Thomasville ^^ „ ^^^ ..p^^^^ ^^ ^^^ p^^^. Special Shipment
The campus is cordially invited At Emory university the Dram- in teaches it. The date—November The Cotillion club will give a MARITIME MUSICim
as Meigs "doesn't even have a to visit these demonstrations and atics club gives draftees free
red light." ^'"^• exhibits during National Art tickets to all performances and "This Thing Called 20. The time—7:00. The place— master lesson in the Tango, No-
large gymnasium. vember 20, at 7 p.m., in the big
Qati... (joU,.. atid Qlul

If you want the |best,
^ ^, , It is hoped that interest in bet- Week. repeats performances at Camp Love'^ \ Shop at

There was only a fraction of ^^^ ^^^^..^^^^ ^^^ stimulated and Kentucky State Industrial Col- Blanche I^ayton is in charge
an inch difference between ^^^^ ^^^^.^^^ ^^ ^^^^^^^^^ ^^^ Gordon and Fort McPherson if With lege, a school for Negroes, offers and she and twelve memhers of P'4
Trees and columns were never requested. At the time Emory
Elaine's score and that of her ^^^^^^ ^^^ ^^^^ ^^^^ ^^ ^^^^^ meant to serve as billboards. Binnic Barnes and Allyn E. E. BELL'S free' tuition to residents of the the club will give an exhibition;
successful rival. ^^^^ ^^ ^^^ p^.^^^^^^ gave this information " no other
student activities had been or-
Also News and Cartoon .

the girls will teach the new steps
tQ anyone who wishes to learn. ^I^ERIDAN 1/-^
Last Thursday's chapel pro- f\l^. «**«THA JACK
ganized, The whole student body is in-
gram was made up of people Quotable Quotes GSWC in Valdosta. Brenau col- Wednesday, November 19
vited and, as these master les-
called at random from the audi- (Continued from page 2) lege and Shorter college report Jean Arthur ->
MUledgeville's Leading Hotel sons are given for their benefit, Free ticket to Miss Lois Grant
ence and asked to perform. Some that there are no camps near i n '^^ • '
correct the difficulties that pre, there will he no admission charg-
Modem — Reasonable Rates recited poetry, some played a vio- Please brin^. ad with you
their schools. Sadie IHansford.
lin and piano,'and some gave vail? Wise educators will sup- president of the Athletic associa-
"The Devil and Miss ed. Come and learn new varia-
tion of the Tango.
Eimis Hotel talks. The originality of the pro- port the idea that there musr be tion at Shorter, adds, "I really Jones'*
gram made It interesting and en- national planning; that there There will be other master Wednesday Only
and truly think the girls would With
joyable for the group. must be inancial aid to provide lessons on various dances given
the equal iBducational opportun- like to do what ever they could, Rober Cummings and Charlet'
during the year.
but under the circumstances they Cobium
The BSU council of GSCW pre. ity. This should not mean, bow-
can't very well. News and "What Happens at
sented a typical council meeting ever, that outright ttdniinistra-
N o w under-arm at chapel Monday. tlon of educational programs And GSCW? Yes, she has a Nigiii"
New NYA project students are: should accompany . either the report to make too. On Oct. 11,
Cream Deodorant
Doris Manning, from Alamo and planning or the financial assist-
Imogene Edmondson, from For- ance. The security of democracy
several students from the avia-
tion training field of th© Royal Bing
Thursdajy, November 20
Crosby, Mary Mwi'tia and
tBasil Bathbone
^ Don't DATES
Take Your Girls To
Stops Perspiration la contingent upon the. use of Air Force near Macon were guests
of the International Relations i in <r Ask a "highbrow" question to set PAUL'S
Sara Singletary left Sunday to our states and our communities;
accept a job at her home In to solve major problems and the "Rhythm on the yourself right with the prof after
problems that exist In communi- gored. .
ties." Alonzo G. Grace, Connecti- Celeste Hooks is one of these River" he called on you and you had to
cutt Commissioner of Education, "gifted gals" who can make her With Free ticket t0 Miss Jerry Drew
Miss Shoffeitt, the recreation
teacher is teaching social dancing sounds a warning against broad- own clothes. I have in mind just
Oscar Levant and liHian say **Not prepared" Please bring' ad with you
ening federal control. now a navy .blue corduroy suit iComelly
ut her afternoon classes.
which looks very good on her. Also Sport and Cartoon >^I^v UO beautify your fingernails
1* Does not rot dresses or men's Dr. Francis Wilson, associate A La Mode Watch this column next week, Friday, November 21 ^ with that wonderful IThursday and Friday
shifts. Does not irritate slcin. professor of zoology at Tulane girls, if you really want to know Boscoe Kams
' 2. No waiting to dry. Can. be
University, collects eels in order
(Continued from page 2) what is worn to the dances. long-lasting, gem-hard
used right after shaving, pressed pleat gave fullness tor a *The Gay, Vagabond'
3* Instantly stops perspiration
for 1 to 3 days. Removes odor
to study their embryolocy and flared skirt.
life history.
The art quality of an object is
in 4 Dura-Gloss EYES EXAMINED
from perspiration. Did all of you see that candy not determined by Its monetary Plus *'FerUa| of the joncle"
4* A pure, white, greaseless, necklace Rosemary Bwlng was value. Latest Styles in Eyewear.
stainless vanishing cream. ~ wearing around here? It was Saturday, November 22
B( Arrid has been awarded the Glasses Correctly Fitted.

made of taffee wrapped In silver Bill Elliott and Iris Meredith
Approval Seal ofthe American Let Us Clean Your Dress
Choice Christmas Gifts and many colors of cellophane. , ••, I n
Institute of Laundering for
Flo Finney covered the cam- For the Senior Dance
being harmless to fabrics.
ilnid is th« JJ^RGEST SELLINO
Different Varities pus In a light blue corduroy suit "Across the Sierras"] Dr. S. H. Dillard A ^4ea^ PICTURE!
DE9DORANT. Try a jar todayl Mso Christmas Candies worn with a white short-sleeved
blouse on Wednesday. The back
Free Delivery

|«King of the Royal Mounted^' Nail Polish lo Office at J. C. Grant Co.
Free ticket tk> Miss Pearl Caraion

_- ,
ARRID AtnUiturMMUliigtoiletgood*
Rosens 5 & lOc Store of the Jaekiet had an Inserted
belt, and her skirt was four- At All Cosmetic Counters Millcdgevillc, Ga. Please bring ad with you

39^*l«» •(«lw>tol0|tiiBdS9^i«ri) LORR LABORATORIES • Paterson, N. J,

4'*(-Wv'.l,A»>,';ii;jM';M' .i.'^|.Wi«^i*iW-,(?.-i;.i'
• w-ti. ^.r;?; M'.t:,'':TiW;fVH^ii\:pri\r:,-.-H:i^Ju.i^

Page Six THE COLONNADE Saturday, November 15, 1941

Answers To Do Whistler. in his service. Both Pe- The intrinsic value of a paint-
9. Marie Laurencin.
Museum Receives secretary
ter Fair, and his wife, Susannah ing or piece of sculpture is not
You Know (Prints by these artists can be New Relic , Bone of Charleston, S. C, are to be found in Its exactness—to
1.' Andrew Mellon and Kress seen in the Art Department). buried in the Milledgeville ceme- 'life-qualit).
of 10 cent store fame. By ABAMINTA GREEN tery.
10. The Parthenon.
2. Museum of Modern Art in 11. The Taj Mahal. After reading last week's ar- The spoon is decorated with a
New York City. 12. That on St. Peter's cathe- ticle on the G-sorgla museum, basket in relief near the end of "Life itself is a series of in-
3. Gilbert Stuart. dral in Rome. Mrs, J. L. Beeson, wife of for- its handle. Below this is engrav- telligence tests in art apprecia-
4. Mona Lisa by Da Vinci—la 13. The Winged Victory and mer President Beeson of GSCW, ed a set of initials, now illegible. tion."
owned in the Louvre. Venus de MIlo. wrote in to tell students of the
5. Da Vinci. 14. The dome of St. Peter's ca- newest relic to be added to the
6. John Marin. thedral in Rome. museum.
7. Georgia O'Keeffe. 15. Ruth Reeves. The gift is a silver tea spoon, Stays on Top
8. Portrait of His Mother by 16. Rockwell Kent. owned by Jared Irwin, first gov-
17. It creates too much confu-
sion in one's figure—so avoid a
striped skirt and plai* blouse or
ernor of the state to live in Mil-
ledgeville, and his wife, It is
H Odorless Cleaning plaids with polka dots.
given to the museum by a de-
Luncheonette — Soda Fountain
scendant of the governor's sec-
One Day Service 18. Chartres cathedral. retary, Peter Fair, through Mrs. Good Food
ChMi Dress Clamed Free to 19. It creates an angle inhar- Beeson. '
Good For 6 Days Only
monious with lines of the object When Governor Irwin was com- ^Served and Priced to Please You—
on which they are placed. ing to Milledgeville in 1807 he
20. It creates an angle Inhar- offered an old Revolutionary war
We Deliver Dial 224
monious to the lines of the room. friend, Peter Fair, a position as
21. Close values so as to avoid
SENIORS "spottiness."
Take Your Dates to 22. Chippendale.

Best Short Orders in Town

?hone 5134;

the word along..,

Have fun-be friendly l%y hesterfi

Smokers take to Chesterfield
Treat yourself and like a duck takes to water...
iiecause fhey're definitely Milder
« others to fresh-tasting Coo/er-Smoking... Better-Tasting
*.% -1 /*. Wrigley's Spearmint Gum ,>
Chesterfield's can't-be-copied blend .Tl the right
combination of the best cigarette tobaccos that
The Flavor Lasts grow both here and abroad . ;. gives a man what
^,^--r^iiS2»il/ he wants. ..a cigarette that's definitely iVlLDER and
- • *
C; .^^*^ that completely SATISFIES.
Copyright 1941, Ltccnr & Mvuti TOIACCO CO.

"The Bells of
Record of the Week Hall's Music Company
• '•
By Tony Pastor The Record Shop

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