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New Officers For Kuen, Tackle, Is Baseball Player In ne FIRESIDE Library H osts To Street Question Is
AuxiliarY L. ~l. Captain Sunny South ANENT CONTRIBUTIONS
\VToman's Club Still Uppermost
The Fireside column. one of
jJopulflr G~l'll'7CTd StUr/CIl t Eppa J (nec// Get/iI/g' S1I1l- the oldest features of Our Town, iJlteresting MeetiJlg Helel 1\/0 DcciJioJl Yet Reached
Lear/c J:I' C/J{)JClI /; \' - J,c,<'io1/
, has been leading a sort of a hap-
If/OJJlClJ for jy25 G'//OSCII elltl1/imolls!-)' /;II I'll cd ill F/o rid{/
hazard existence of late. It has
been a case of "now you see it;
III r. lV1. C. A. 'JileJday By Borough Council
now you don't." But with the aid
our readers, Doc Howard and
.'\mcrican Legiun :\uxiliary. i I ;ene. l\.ucn. \'arsity tackle ;It ~Juinry Let.: \'ollTll. \I'ho ~pelld,
Gene Davis we are going to re-
,\ In«'t interesting meeting tli The :otreet paving program,
tlie \\ timan'" Communit\' Clul) IllId('r the bond issue, came up for
\'ar!Jerth unit. \,,,. ;1:>1;. ;It it, 1)e- I...\1. lor the last 1\\'U )l'ar~. W;I~ hi, ~part· :,atun!a\' afterlH'lJn, in form.
\1 a~ held la~t Tuesday ait('rlllllJn cunsit.lera tion when Coullcilman
l'ember nH:ding ell·l·tcd 1he iol- unani1lluusly electeu ca.ptain u~ the the sUlllmertime as 'l'itchn and UUf- Messrs. Howard and Davis
11I1\'illu ofti<:<~rs: Lu\\cr .\lenon Illgh ::irhuol toot- tieldl'l' lin .'\arllerth'~ "hampion'hip have agreed to accept contribu- in the IlJIJu\' lJf thc Y. :\1. C..\. \ \ en tz presen ted a special report
tions for the "colyum" at their building. this portion l,f the f(lr the streets and highways COI11-
.\11';. I'larry .\. ~illlpson, prt:si- 1,;t1l team iur 1 :J~,'j last. \\ eek .. The Itaseltall tealll. i" 'I'ending the places of business on Haverford
dent: .\Irs. H('lln' .\. :-:-mith. \'in: election took place lInme(!Jatcly Chri"tlllas hulid;IY~ gelting ~un­ avenue. Now if you, oh reader, building is L1ccupied by thc :\ar- mittee, of \\'hich he is the chair-
president: ).Irs. 'Fd\\'in 11. \ \ ipi. !,l'iure the annual. fuotball dinner hUrlll'd in Fl',ri'la. will but do your part we will I !>nth Ctlmmunit\, Libran', the man. This committee unani-
soon have the Fireside in a staff ui \\'hich ha"d charge '"i the n!UlIsly recommended, first, a
'I'l'rctary: .\lis~ blith Ilell itt. ;I.t the hlh;h srhuul 111 Ardmore last .\nd he i, cnjuying it tllll. ~11 111\!L'h
flourishing condition once more. pr,,;...:ralll itlr the aiternlJon. ,·!tange in the policy of lav'ing
trca"urcr. :--aturday e\'l:nll1g, anti \\'as. an-I' SlJ that he is tI~illg til' illk alld p;ljl('r Any news of general interest is The president of the club, .\11',. <'lll-hs. gutters and siucwalks, in
Uirel'tllr~: ).1 r~ . . \. \\. BUr1l~, Illlullc ed dUrIng the Cllur~l' ut the to chide hi~ iril'lId~ ill the l'hilly wanted. Contributions must be
~[rs. Earl Dicl"il:. )'lrs. :;;lrah d1!1I1t:r :ollOrtly after\\'ard. in by Wednesday night.
\'orth on tIl{' bralld of \\'Cather the\' II. . \ . .I acolJ", called the meeting that instead of requiring the prop-
lones, )'1rs. 10se1'h .\lilln, .\lrs. Thl: unanimous distinction is a nlll~t ~hi\l'r ill. ()ne of the~e gluat- ttl order and asked for reports from erty u\\'ner to provide these at his
, the l'ariLlus departments. "wn expense and discretion they
'lames IIu\\l'l;stein, )'Irs. emns. ullique unl:. It is the first time in ing l:l'istle~ lIas received It)' ye l:di- '111is is the Iar_."e~t "( lUI' To\\'n"
., .\lrs. Ross, chairman of Ci\'ics, should be laid by the borough,
. Th e ret i ri ng pre:--i de'nt COI11- \·C;) rs that afoot ba II captain ha~ tor in his sanctum sa II l'l Ortlll 1 thi" C\'I'r I,uldi~hcd.
t(lld Iii the plans for a community \\'here necessary, and to a uniform
p]etes a three-year term, during Lel'll elected \\'ithout a dissenting we('k froll1 (lrlandn. Fla. where 1-:1'-
\\'hich the unit has made constant lute at the Arum ore institution. 1';1 is staying. Christmas tree such as was had "tandard and then chargcd by the
progress. The unit has not only In sp!te oi the fact that the men In his letter Eppa telb oi his mll- :\11'. and .\lrs. \\'illiam C. Clag- last \'car, and a motion ",as made, burllugh to the abutting property;
respunded tll e\ery call uf the de- '1uahhcd tu \.. o~e fo.r next year's tor trip South, ui a hunting trip ill hUrIl, of Chcstnut avenue, \\·ill gilT and ·~ecunded. that the club make ~el·(lnd, that pavements be laid
a dinner dance this c\'ening- at their a donation tUI\'ards this. ir'l!n ,'nrb to curb without a sep-
partment in its State and national Ieadn ",cre 11Jnded II1tO groups of Virginia and then in\'ites further ;lrate and distinct gutter, and,
acti\·ities. hut has rendered much eight, tile and se\·en. five having ell\,\' II\' the "t;ltCll1ellt that he plalb home. .\1 r~. Fr\'e, dramatic chairman.
llical sen'ice, ha\'ing at all times 11" "aftiliatiolls" and eight helong- to sta)' in Florida until the latter made a p1l"a that those \\'ho arc in th ird, that the proportion to be
maintained a gllod \\'orking 01'- ing t" the faction ~hat elected 1';lrt uf March or early April. )'lrs. ;-;. F. Haigh, oi :\arkrth all\ \\;1\ intere~tl'd in dramatics paid by the borongh and the prop-
crt v owners be determined bv
ganization held instantly respon- Frank l'eahud)' captam last year, El'pa is an enthll"iastic rooter for a\,enue, entertained at 500 \\'edlll'''- gi"e thr'ir names tu her so that she
day a ftemoon. mig-ht knu\\' "n \\'h0111 to call flJr CO~111cil at 80 per cent. paymeri't
,j\'e to any call ior sen'ice in a l'\'ny Olle of the 20 letter-men cast Florida's climate, as witness the ful-
\\'tlrk in this department. by the borough and 20 per cent.
worth\' ca"use. ).[rs. Hurns has his lote for Kuen as the most logi- lowing: "You can hardly believe or
payment by the abuttors. This
for the past t\\'o years been an of- cal candidate. realize that there is such a uig dif- \\'. Gordon Smith has sold fori . .\lrs. .\nderson, the Juninr
third recommendation was a ma-
ficer in the Montgomery-Bllcks The vote was a tribute to the ference between the temperature of Charles]. McIh'aine to Joseph 11. lliaJrman,. announced that. the
jority report of Councilmen Wentz
Bi-Collnty American Legion Aux- tackle, who in the two years he the two States," he writes. "Yester- ShutT a tract of gruund upon the n1l'l111>crshqJ of thIS part ot the
and Leitch, with a negative vote
iliarv, and at the State cul1\'en- has had a regular berth on the day I was in swimming and received southerly side of Avon road, auout club had rea~hed se\'cnt)', and tl~at
by the other member of the com-
tioll' at Greensburg, was made l\laroon and \\'hite has come to a nice coat of sunburn, while vou -1-60 feet southwesterly from Oak a Inem1>ershlP. drt\'e was 0~1 to 111-
Eastern chairman State Recon- be regarded as one of the most I are perhaps trying to keep warm road. The purchaser will build a t'1'l'ase ~I'('n tIllS number. She also
:\Ir. \\'entz also read a written
struction Committee to which dependable men 011 the team. wrapped in furs and O\'l'rcoats...\11 large residence for hi" own occu- ttlld_ 01 the plans ul1(ier way for
\\'ork she can now give more un- Kuen earned his letters last year. the flowers and the fruit trees are pancy. I \\'('1 tan' \\·"rk. a dance. anll a mu-
~lcal slltlw.
opinion on the street paving situa-
tion from Senator Stites, the bor-
divided attention. The incoming lIe is also a track man and earned beautiiul and ('\'l'rything that you
president. )'Irs. Simpson, is a his letters in that sport last spring see looks like a picture instead of TIle :\le11llJership Chairman. ough solicitor, which stated that
The roo i is being laid on the new
woman of broad experience in 01'- through his hig'h jumping. actual nature. :\Irs. Douglas. read the names of the sections of the borough code,
lJUilding of the Lutheran Church. previously cited by Council as
ganization work and possesses ad· A successor to Manager Lewis "\Ve had a wonderful trip, stop- Cook Brothers are doing the work. the new members.
ministrative abilities of a high :\k Makin has not yet been chosen, ping in Virginia at my grandfather's Two other :\ aroerth firms are bus\' :\lrs. Livingston. who has restricting their action, were per-
missive and not mandatory. The
character. These, together with but indications are that that posi- for a week. doing a little hunting on the work. Henry alld Compto;l charge oi comforts for the sick.
the support of a directorate of tion will go to either Chandler and trapping and horseback riding are installing the heating and the t"ld "f the work and asked that solicitor ruled that Council was
proven worthiness bespeakes con- Laughlin or John \Voodward. The while there. I got six rabbits in one !\ aroerth I'lumbing Co. the plumb- those who are interested in anI' free to proceed with the paving
tinuance and ever increasing pro- Athletic Association of the school oay and don't think 1 ever pulled a ing work. branch of welfare work report t;' and apportionment of the costs as
gress for the Harold D. Speak- will vote shortly on the manager trigger in my life before. My total her. seemed desirable and expedient.
inan unit. for next year. collection was 17 rabbits, six pos- !\irs. Jacob then turned the I I e said that the vote of the people
Mrs. Alice Bahm, of Elm terrace. meeting- ;)vcr to Mrs. \\'ood, who had indicated the positive desire
High tribute was paid retiring sums and three skunks. no clothes
has returned from a trip to Balti- ga\'e a short history of the Library. of a large majority of the citizens
LARGE ATTENDANCE Captain Frank Peabody by Princi- to bury either.
more, Md. The enormous amount of work that the paving should be done,
Bad pal C. B. Pennypacker during the "We covered a total of 1500 miles
At Scout Meeting Despite course of a speech at the banquet. on our trip, and I would be safe at done by members of her staff 'vas and he urged all reasonable speed
Weather. He declared that Sir Francis was saying that not more than 100 miles Mr. C. Y. Narrigan, of \Vindsor amt1singly and instructively t01d in accomplishing that end. He
It takes more than rain to damp the scrappiest, pluckiest football were bad, that is, you couldn't make avenue, is builuing a lIew home at hy the following: :\lrs. Batchelor, offered the sen'ices of his own
the enthusiasm of the boys of captain that Lower Merion had good time over them, while the re-, 517 Haverford avenue. cataloguing; Mrs. Fowler, .,1,eJv- office to assist in the legal require- , .....

Narberth. In spite of last Mon- ever had, and that his leadership tmining 1-1-00 was over some of die ing: :\lrs. Drew. repair; Mrs. Don- ments necessary to quality certain'
day's downpour the Roy Scouts was a large and contributing factor best concrete roads in the country. Mrs. E. C. Batchelor, of Chest- nelly. reference. and ?\1rs. Hongler. streets for paving by the borough.
mustered almost their full to the no-defeat record ",hich There is a 100 per cent. improve- nut avenue, gave a luncheon Thurs- Juniors. After some preliminary discus-
strength for their weekly troop L. M. maintained throughout the ment in the roads ill the last two day at her home. Among the guests Mrs. \\lood then introduced sion, during which citizens were
meeting, at which, in addition to season. years. The worst State for tra\'l~l­ were ?III'S. William Russell, Mrs. Mrs. Florence Coates, poet, of gi\'en an opportunity to speak,
the regular program, the younger Peabody in his talk modestly ing ",as Georgia and. I suppose. it C. P. Fowler, Mrs. R. F. Wood, Philadelphia. who gave a most Councilman Henderson moved
meinbers experienced the thrill of disclaimed credit for his own or has the worst roads 111 the UnIOn Mrs. A. B. Ross, Mrs. A. H. Jacobs. beautiful talk on hooks and their that Council should go into execu-
seeing a Second Class man ad- the team's excellent showing the without any exception." Mrs. William Livingston and ::\'1rs. \'alue to us. "TelJ me what YOIl ti\'e session for further considera-
vanced to the First Class. past season. In turn, he told of J. S. Harris. admire and I wilJ tell you \~hat tion of the paving problem. This
Byron Newton was the member his admiration for several of the you are," quoted Mrs. Coates. She motioll was carried by a 5 to 2
honored in the interesting cere· players on the team, and drew a NARBERTH JUNIORS ~[rs. A. E. Turner will return scored the "silent drama" by say-
\·ote. Councilmen Leitch and
many. This means that he has picture of the pluck they had next week fr0111 a trip to Atlanta.. ing that it deprived us of great \\'entl being the two who voted
passed through about 20 tests, ad- shown in various games. Participate in Ridley Park Fashion Georgia, where she visited her son. against it. As a result of this
Show. no\'els, imagination, and good
vancing through the tenderfoot Coach Frank Forsthurg, in his Everett. motion, the citizen spectators were
drama. "No time i~ less idly spent
and the Second Classes to his response, had a word of praise for At the Junior Community Cluh ubliged to leave the room.
than that spent in good reading,"
present rating. He is now eligible the scrubs and the hard knocks meeting last week the following ),1 I'. alld :\lrs. C. S. Rice and said Mrs. Coates. React a great The executive session continued
for the Merit Badges, which are which they took in daily practice. girls were chosen to represent the daughter moved into their new deal and only the best and urge ior more than an hour, and before
awarded by the Court of Honor Secretary Byrnes, of the Board club at a fashion show given by home on Hagy Ford road near the childr~n to read the classics. it ended Councilman Brown was
after the candidate demonstrates of Education; Superintendent S. the Ridley Park Juniors last Mon- Montgomery, recently completely Dickens, Robert Louis Stevenson. obliged to leave. It is creditably
his fitness along specialized lines. E. Downs, and Philadelphia sports day night, December 8: Vir- by E. J. Hartzell. reported that at this session the
etc. Cultivating the intellect en-
Atherton Lane, the Assistant writers were other speakers. ginia Davis, Verna Maltby, Mary proposition to apportion the cost
larges and corrects the heart. She
Scoutmaster of the Narberth Announcement was made by Davis and Peg Eckhert. Mrs. An- 1\lrs. \Vard Pierson will enter- clMed her talk by reciting- two of on the RO-20 per cent. basis re':'
Troop has already passed more ~1r. Joseph J. Derham, of Rose- oer-soll, Mrs. Jacohs and some of tain her card club at her home on her poems, which were enthl1si~ ceived a tie vote, with President
than 21 tests necessary for him to mont, father of four sons who have the Junior girls braved the storm Stephany Place next Tuesday. Hall and Councilmen Leitch and
tically recei\'eo hy an appreciative
qualify as an Eagle Scout. a high seen action on Lower Merion foot- to go over to Ridley Park and sup- Wentz voting in favor and Coun-
dist.inction as any good Scout ball squads, that Ill' would offer a port our girls. Mrs. E. Stanton Henrv and son cilmen Redder, Henderson and
A numher of memhers of the
knows. cup to replace the Kilpatrick cup, The Fashion Show was in the are visiting Mrs. Henr/s parents. Cris\\"old oppused. A motion to
At the next meeting, which will which was won by Lower Merion form of a \"edidng party, the Rid- ,Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Babson, in
(Cohtinued on Fourth Page)
(Continued on Fourth Page)
be held on Monday at the Scout this year by virtue of its victory, ley Park Junior constituting the Washington, D. C.
House, Lt. Com. Van Auken will the third successive, over Radnor bridal party and the wedding CHRISTMAS DELIVERIES AND THE TEAM
address . t~e Scouts on signalling High; The cup, Mr. Derham, guests were representatives from l\fr. and :Mrs. \\'alter Cowin and
Of Mall In Narberth to Numbered
and radiO 111 the navy. As his title stated" would go to the school other Junior Clubs. Most of the daughter, Marjory, will leave today Homes Only. of the University Was Among Those
implies, Commander Van Auken winning three out of five of the girls were attired in evening. for Miami, Fla .. where they plan to Orders have been issued by the
is' a naval officer and his presence annual football classics, none of gowns. hut our girls wore Spanish spend the winter.
Postmaster General that an work "And the University of Penn-
assures.a mighty interesting eve- shawls and made a very striking of the post office employees shall sylvania football team was among
(Continued on Fourth Page) appearance. The gowns in the Mr. and 1\1 rs. Robert Town, of
bing. This talk will be the first of cea~e at 11 o'clock on Christmas those present." This bids fair to
<i series that the newly organized bridal party were loaned by a Beach Hill road. entertained at a day. he come the appropriate concluding
" Fathers' Association is planning Fathers' Association. gown shop in Chester. The only dinner party at their home on De- in order for all Christmas mail line for the society editor writing
. for the Narberth Troop and part Plans are ra,pidly maturing for thing that was lacking was the cember I in celebration of their to be deli\'ered by that time, it up the coming Penn-California
o~,;.,awell-conceived program with the next meeting of the Fathers' bridegroom. wedding anniversary. Among the
will ~e necessary to employ in- gridiron g-ame at Berkeley, Cali-

tlij):c further development of the Association. A number of in- Don't forget the Junior Dance guests were Mr. and Mrs. Charles expenenced letter carriers. I n- fornia, on New Year's Day.
Scout movement as its objective. teresting speakers will be present to be given in Elm Hall, Saturday. Reefe. Mrs. Yvonne McClure, Mr. structions have been issued to Except for the Penn team, and
Scout~aster Art COOke will be and every father of a boy or girl December 27. Music bv Sea- Arch Kirkpatrick and Mr. and Mrs. these carriers not to waste time perhaps the California eleven, the
glad tq welcome new candidates and every man interested in the graves' Orchestra and admission. Locksley Peebles. inquiring where people reside in coast affair would be a strictly
, at this meeting and suggests that youth of Narberth is urged to at- $1.50 a couple. Fancy articles left from the Nar- order to deliver their mail, and if 'Karberth affair, for in the party
any • bo~ \\'110 is thinking of be- tend. ' berth M. E. Church bazaar are on any home is not properly that will travel to the Golden State!\IaScout will get in toucll An announcement of the pro- Special Program. sale at the home of Mrs. W. T. equipped with a mail receptacle \Vin be Mr. and Mrs. Louis A.
wl~h· hlm\ as e~rly as possible, so gram will be made in these col- .' Christmas mu,sic at the Method· Bailey. 228 Essex avenue, Narberth or a number on the house to bring Young, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest B.
, tbat,heW/ilIbe able to benefit, not umns at a later date. J
1St Church on Sunday, December Pa. Children's dresses, fancy bags, the mail and packages back to the Cozens, Mr. and Mrs. Wilmer G .
. ' '0tll;yby:Jh.esplendid training th~'t
21. In the morning the Choru~ towels, etc., are incli.lded.
In the meantil1le remember the
post office to be called for by the Crowell and Senator and Mrs.
'ntemb.e !:llp·offersi but also by date, Wedrtesday evening, Janu- Choir will sing "O'er the World.' addressee. ' Fletcher W. Stites, all of Nar-
t~~,:s "Q{entertainments which ary 7, at the Scout House, Elm-
in Silence Sleeping"-Cuthbert The Women's Missionary Society Government orders are that no berth.
t~~:' ,rs' Association will pro- wood and Essex avenues. Harris: "0 Little Town of Bethle- of the Methodist Church will serve residence shall receive delivery by Lou Young, of course, is the fa-
1 '
hem/' Galbraith; "Christmas," a covered dish luncheon on Thurs- the letter carriers unless proper mous mentor of the championship
. Narberth Five to Open Season. Shelley. (lay December 18, at 12.30, o'clock receptacles are provided and the Red and Blue eleven, and Ernie
. :Fellowshlp Club. T he Narberth basketball team In the eyening the Chorus in the church. All members and number of the house appears in Couzens, as most of ye townsfolk
. ,ulai monthly men's Will open its season at home \Ved- Choir will sing a cantata entitlecl, friends are invited. plain sight for the letter carrier. know, is rrraduate manager of ath-
,'Jh~ Good Fellowship nesday evening, December 17, in "The Manger Throne," by Charles --- Please investigate to see if YOU letks at Penn. Mr. Crowell, \'\'ho
,e.. h.e1d Thursday eve- the Y. M. C. A. building, ,With the Fonteyn Manney. Miss Church, of the Narberth are properly equipped so that )rou is one of the be~t known football
. ber-l8. The ~peaker, E:. 1'. C. Club, of Germantown, ' The soloists will be soprano. School, chaperoned a party of girls will not fail to receive mail and officials in the East, will umpire
• Chalfont, wtll speak This club defeated Narberth last Miss Ruth Prescott; contralto, last Sunday who went in to hear packa'ges on time tor Christmas. the game, and Senator Stites; a

',ad.'J.! ,~"e~ar,'a;'r'be",~'r-t'~,"','l~,"S""'O-'t'l-t" f''o"r'·,'·rc'ev<-e::·n:,'g-e""'t·'I'l"l;S·Miss~-Mary
-MacFalls;tenor,. Mr. ,Heieti Kelier, at, th~ __ Aca:d,!;~l¥:;. pi X()pr. co-ope.J;at.iotl .. wUl be appre. gra,dup.te ,. Qf Pel:m, .a:n~l ~ c !OXP.1 r._"
w< _ EdwardSt~nley; baritone,', Mr. ,Music. ' rrhose, going were'MissescIated.. pitcher on its baseball'teamtwill
~~';"'" " ,'." time. A largeturn-<'ltlt ~s antici- Julius Bniselman;basso. Mr,Arina McCracken, Ann Speed; Betty FRED Co PATTEN, talk at a number of the banquetS-'
~pr:OurTown. , p~ted. : John Thivy. .Hubble and Virginia Maltby. Postmaster. to he given in the cities enroute.
~)I:.." "
v: : . '
\ '

,; . '.' .. ,' . ~ .. ' . . :'~. .'

"'," .,<. i ". , ~


WOULD LINK length. "Conditions which rival
~~--~~~~~~~~ .
~~~~~~ ... ..•.

It . v.It~~~~~,~~~:~ I
.. ' ;ome oi the worst housing of Phila-
line and Other Suburban delphia," it is said, "are to be found Justice of the Peace
A Co-operative Community Journal
Towns to Philadelphia. in Ardmore, Haverford, Bryn
Legislation Asked.
Owned by the Narberth CivIc Association Mawr and \Vayne." Fire Insurance-Best Companies I~gs and custom-made underwear, fancy-work lines and novel-
and publl~bed every Saturday at
Narberth, Pa.
Pennsylvania's Legislature, at its
forthcoming session, will be asked
The regional work will be de- Phone 1749-W-215 Haverford Ave.
veloped along voluntary co-oper-
ties. An inspection of my stock will save you a trip to the city,
and assure prompt delivery and a great saving. t
Philip Atlee Livingston
Eltltor and PublUher
to enact measures enabling commu-
nities within a radius of 25 miles of
ative lines so far as possible, al-
though ultimately it is purposed cre- GEORGE W. BOTTOMS
An inspection solicited, regardless of purchase. ,
J. Richmond Magney
a.80al4fe BIU,.". Philadelphia to carry out a regional
- - - - - planning movement. ating some official board. Volun-
tary action at the outset is necessary
't My Motto: Courtesy at all times. I
-Contractor and Builder-
Fifty Centll per One
year In Dollar lUId
sdvanoe l'hl's n10\'en1ent, a development of because of limitations imposed by
Hemstitching Shop, •
--- ------------------
'-- - - - - [he city planning idea on a broader the Pennsylvania constitution, which Narberth, Pennsylvania , Phone Narberth 2510. 318 Dudley Avenue.

~: :.'.
3'. scale,
western will
sidetake in territory
of the Delaware on
south as Wilmington, as far west as
as the
prevents such a board or commis·
sion from levying taxes.

Coatesville and north to Norristown Upper Darby Annexation.

• I at least. On the Jersey side it will Talk of annexing Upper Darby
extend northward to Trenton, take township and possibly some other
in Burlington and coming south- of Delaware county, to the city of
Give Gifts That Make
All correspondence and remittances ward, include Camden and the nu-
should be sent to Post Office Box 966, merous suburbs on its environs. Philadelphia. is being heard fre-
or may be left at the oRice, the Log
quently these days. There has
Although considerable progress been a growing sentiment in some
has been made in selling this idea
Jobbing promptly attlmded to.
Nlcbt Pbon... Narbertb 687
Happier Homes
'Phones: Narberth 2545 or 2261 quarters in favor of annexation, Day Phone, Narbrrth 17112
to the people of. the communities. h whl'le'III 0 th ers t here IS . d eter-
Entered as second-class Dlatter, October affected, the fact It was gomg on as . db' t" n t I th t
tilth. 1914, at th" Post Ottice at !'iarberth.
Pennsylvania, uniler tbe act ot March 8, not been revealed until the present mlll~d 0 Jec It 0 a~y
1879. time. It had its inception in a wl~u caluse. Pl?d er
.ar .y bo~n-
a ~ii'i*O Cas and Electric Home Devices are last-
ing gifts of usefulness, that save labor and add
. h Id' I C' Cl b d ' s ltp to ose Its I entIty III emg
Saturday, December 13, 1924.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 1 the spring and was made possIble'
meeting e In t 1e Ity u • sw II \ d b ' PI '1 d I h'
a 0 ve up ~ 11 a e pIa.
to the comfort of the entire household.
through the financial assistance of
OPENS WITH A BANG a group of well-known Philadel- Ardmore Wants New Post Office. Plumbing, Gas Fitting
Representative Watson, of the and Heating
N. E. Leads Main Line Church phians. WHITE ENAMEL
These include Edward Bok, Mrs. Bucks-Montgomery Congressional
Seymour Davis. Maurice Fels, L. district, has introduced a bill at
The opening league games W. Fogg, Harry B. French, M. E. \Vashington for the purchase of a Phone, Narberth 1602-J CAS RANGES
played last week were peppy ~n­ Leeds, L. T. Rosenwald, Samuel P. site and the erection of a new post
counters and predict tough g01l1g Wetherill, 'E. D. \Villiams, Thomas office in Ardmore.
for the teams desiruus of obtain- S. \Villiams, Senator George \Vood· PAINTINO GLAZING are displacing the older type
The measure was referred to the JOBBING
ing the Y. M. C. :\. cup. Two of ward, William C. Schottle and the Committee on Public Buildings and DECORATI~G ranges in nearly every instance
the games played were WOll by a late George Burnham, Jr. Grounds.
WM. NEWBORG & CO. where the old range is worn out.
rather large margin. 1)ut the other Howard Strong, who has had ex-
was a hectic struggle, being de- perience in similar work in Minne- What could make a more accep-
cided by a fuur-point margin.
ESTATE NOTICE Painting and Decorating
apolis and Rochester, was placed in 183'T-E AU-Enamel BaDce table gift?
Last Week's Game•. charge of the preliminary survey. ESTATE OF A~NA ~1. TROXELL. 212 Woodbine Ave.. Narberth, Pa. lII0.00 DOWN and the balance
Narbertb E. LeaKUe.1I2 Ardmore Meth. . U He has had co-operating with him dect'ulll'd-Lt'tters tt'stamentl1Q' on Ihe Pbone. Narbertb 1'TG8-W at tlI.OO per month.
Ardmore Presb. . 4:! C'YIIW)'rl 1U
l~ nbon> t'slnle hovin,:: bef>n grauted to Total. lIOO.lIO
8t. llary'e ......•. 19 ='urberth Pre!'-h
League Standings. a group of technical and eng-ineer- thl' uIHI... rsi~nl'd, all pt'rsons indebted to
ArdmOTP Pre~h:rterllln
w. L. PT, ing advisers including Solomon t hI' said estate n"l' reqll.....ted to mIlkp
1 H 1.000 Swaab, ;Vlayor Kendrick's engineer- pn~·nH'nt. and thosI' ha"ing claims In
:'iarberth E. ]..eUlCUt· ••••.
l't. Ma,,·', .. ~ ...... "
~JlrbprtlJ l)resb,.terIHn . _. ,
" •••• 1
0 1.000
U 1.0011
1 .000 ing adviser; John I rwin Bright, AI- pl"'st'nt tht' "11mI'. without dt'ln.\·. to :, N. R. PEACOCK :'
('J'n w)'d
Ardmoft."' Melli. . .......•.... \.,. 0
1 .(lOI)
!lert Kelsev. Bernard T. I'\ ewman,-
T. Borton - \\'eeks, Samuel Price
FItA:\'K L1:\' l'A:\'FJo)L.
Interior and
' :
Don't be disappointed at Christmas time. Select a valu-

Next Week's Schedule. Wetherill. C. C. Zantinger and An- EXI'ClItnr,. ~07 GrR~-ling a\"t'.. , , able. worthwhile present and pay only a small amount now and
the balance a small payment each month.
drew \Vright Crawford. secretary
:\'arb"rth. Pa. : , Exterior Painting :
Dec. 11. :\rdmore Pre~. ,"s. ~ar­ Electric or gas table, floor and boudoir lamps, vacuum
of the art jury. : Kitchens and Bathrooms made :
berth Pres. at I'\ arberth. Junior
In discussing the movement :\1r. Inside Draperies , Attractive, Bright and Clean ,
cleaners, electric washers, percolators, toasters, fireplace heaters

High School, b P. M. and many other beautiful and acceptable gifts all on convenient
Strong said the approach to the '
Dec. ] ;3, Narberth E. L. \·s. St. people of the communities whose
Mary's and Cynwyd Meth. \'5. co-operation was sought had been
of all
made to order
kind. , \VIII be clnd to Estlmat.. , terms. ,
Ardmore Meth.-double-header at on a different basis than that adopt- The Hemstitching Shop ,
: 401 ESSEX AVENUE : ,
Ardmore Y. :\1. C. A .. 7.30 P. M. ed in previous attempt to promote 318 DUDLEY A VENUE , Phone, Narberth 16U-W : The Counties Gas and Electric Co.
Narberth E. L., 32; Ardmore Meth., 9.
regional planning.
"Since July 2 the needs of the
Phone, Narberth 2510 ~---,--------------,---,-,.
Ardmore 17 Bryn Mawr 327 Wayne 47
The red and white quintet of various cities and smaller places In
the ?\ arberth Epworth League the area plotted out have been stud-
looked like championship material ied and discusseCi with the leading •
8_ _"_.I\IIO.II.II.,I.II'IIIO II.II.II.n.II.IIIIIIII'II.IIIII.II.0.1I.1I.1I11111'1I1••Ift.n.n.II II .

i ~
as they swamped the representa- I citizens of..l. the communities." Mr.
tives of the .-\rdmure :\1 ethodist Strong saId.
"The purpose has
been to demonstrate that the end
The varied plays of the t\. E. sou.ght .is not political annexation.
L.'s worked to perfection durinl; whIch 111 the pa~t. seems to have
the opening period ui the game. engendered ?PPosltlon, bu~ to show • ;j

giving them an o\crwhelming that economic betterment IS sought.


lead. The score at hali time was

"Everywhere a very friendly atti-
tude has been noticeable. The dif-
Winter Clothes Altered Furs Remodeled Wall Board Shelving 3

,'," ~. E. L.
S8\'1I1 (F.)
F. G. Fuul ,nul•. Total ferent communities realize that·
(.'.) ..."" .... "" .. ". 64 1 13 tl1rougI1 tl1e me d'lum 0 f regtOna . I HEWIT'S White Pine Capping ;j

¥~rd G\It
FOO~.:u( .i .:::::::::::: 0
g planning they will be benefited.
Each community has some problem. Lattice Strips i

0 0
Tailors, Cleaners and Dyers i~

:rn~troR:E' iiETH·.· ·1\~. FouI 4,nal" Tot~,1 traffic, water, housing, lighting.
~~':r.oi\V.·)' .::::::::::: g
u~ve, (G.)"::::::::::: 0
·~ g
~ ~ parks and playground which require
g serious planning, and many of these
~ cannot be adequately solved with-
~ out co-operation with communities
234 Haverford Avenue 'Phone, Narberth 1254

co. I
3 3 ;j
We Call for and Delive1'
--- around them . i
Presbyterians Win.
"Most of these communities are
Presbyterian really satellite cities of Philadelphia.
• . . . tit. .. . ftt:w • .. ft

• . . .

Church bowed to St. Mary's £pis- Many of their problems have arisen O~D Sunday E .... nlDC. G to '1 IIABTIN A.. LANG. Prop.
copal Church, of Ardmore. on and will arise because of their near-
Monday evening. ness to it. Naturally, they can MARLAN
It was a close game all through. handle these questions more effi- Firat·Cla..
St. Mary's came through with a ciently and economically if they are
spurt in the last minutes. and the working with Philadelphia and the. DELICATESSEN
score stood] 9-15 at the \"histle. other outlying communities similar- I . 31 N. NARBERTH AVE.

- ....
ST. MARY'S. Iy affected. '1 Milk and Cream Burk Products
~~Ilkohia~':::: ~:
.'leld Foul Foul
Pos. 1rO.~IS. tl'l,;;,' goa;. Totnri "New York. Chicago, Cleveland. ~..... • •••• .....
~.:r·~ohfa'''·:::: 8:
Pedrick :-'Anlli:tfTH prU~SBYTJRlA~O
:l 6 2 6 Los Angeles, Baltimore, Detroit and
8 ? g ~ Milwaukee are now making regional ...~ ~~.-.~~~ .....
~~~~~~~~~ ..

planning surveys. Boston and A?

Field Foul Foul ~

goal•. tries. goul•. Tobli of its satellite cities joined in han-
4 3
2 1
, 109 t 1e water supp y question an d
cli' I I ' ; REO '
WlllK)n ... ,
JIm )\lle~lveu. Il. c. 0
n f I h
n were so success ute same proce - ,
d "The Gold Standard of Value" ,
Smith )\~cNi'v"ri ..G :
John I
0 ure wil I be followed regareli ng sew-
-------- age."
The New 4-Door Sedan
What Will Jenkintown Do?
Dr. George W. Grim, Milk Con- Philadelphia committee points out
trol Officer of Lower Merion, up- water furnishes one of the problems
In its preliminary report the

on invitation, 'recently attended a here which ought to be studied along

I! $1595
F. O. B. Lansing, Mich.

cereal so full of
of no other


meeting of
Borotlgh Council. where the Milk
the Jenkintown regional lines.
'.'A study of the water supply Let Me Send a Catalogue ,t Realth-
Ordinance as adopted by Lower available, not simply for Philadel-
Merion and Haverford Town· phia, but for all of the territory --~ ~ t
..... ~~~~~~~~..-.~~
Phone Narberth 356-J
~~~~: .... Growth-
ships was under consideration. within 30 miles of Philadelphia,
".PPlne,s- i

.·.Fahrenheit, and holding it at that elares. "These facts should be de- ==:
HE'A L T H - .
This ordinance requires the pas- is an essential clell1ent of re- .1I11I.1I.1I.1I.1I11I.1I'IIIIIInlllllllllllllllllllllallllllllllll.lfln.n.II.1I11I11I11I.II.UIU.II.II.II.II.IIIIIIIIIII."IIIIII.n.IIIIII".II,IIIII."
t~uri~ation of milk at 145 degrees gional planning," the' report de- ~ !!

Cooked as quickly as coff~;
temperature for 30 minutes. Sev- termined, if possible, before paving
'" .
Eateri· aSe8gerly as deSsert.
eraL milk d«:alers from the Main is put down Over water mains. Sew- ~ i Digested. as easily as ~
'Line were present and oppos(;d age disposal is linked up with the ~
. the proposed ordinance, which re- problem of water supply. The pal- ;_=
,... 'qllirespastellrization ata tern" lution oJ available supplies isal- il
WET feet-cold feet-perspiring or tired
." .. feet are very often. the direct cause of

···.'R;·'.. 1\1
....• ··:s:······t··:··O··:::·I\···.",\ . \


:'; . perature . "higher than 142 de-ready a serious proble~l1 .in metro-
,'~,greesY Bolitan Philadelphia. ~p.wa:ge t~eat- ~
. The Council appointed a. com- meltt is usually too expensive for a· ~
.mittee to confer with the Cortl. small town, and co-operation among ~
.. ' .niissionersof Abington and Chel~ several towns is the only solution." :.:_:~
t¢nham townships concerning the The report deals extensively with
i sickness.
. Grippe, coldsJ headaches, nervous troUbles,
~~illB, fever. and aches and pains are often the
dIrectresult of the 4rain on your vitality caused
by improper p r 9tectionof tl1e feet.' The proper
care of'your shoes today will avoid sickness with
. __
'. ':


. •~~," ,." "."

. '.

'. . .' ., .adoption of the regulation. the' hi~hway and traffic situation, ~ its sllffering andexllense. ~
,The·13orough and the two' town- and pomts out .that co-operation be- .~. . _ .•... ". . i
':shjp.s are.ab~utto join theMilktw~enthe~sma.ner communities a~dIGOODWEAR'SHOEREP
. '. Control Dlliltl'lct now cOmposed. of .Phtladelphla IS the only waym::; " ,.'. .' . . ; '....
AIRING ·SHO.p.. i··.
'.. •... ." . .• :1,
'. ·::~:~t;~~~rid::~~~db~~~1~:Q~1· ·:je~ft~~e~·.c~rti~Ptope.tly 'hilndl~·;·tl1is; :1;.::;!G2··~B.a:v.~~tot()-'AVe".·:·~·.····_·· ."". 7' -.~··.-·N~~rtli;"t70ij:W.··_'J •·. ,' .
.~atberth,~1deri li,nd tan·sdCJwn·e·. .' Ho~s~rig also 'is dealt . with at :t'mt.nn~h~"'·illlillll.ll.i;.n.'I.lil"".II'U'1;;.lllil~Ii;/IIU~I;.n~~~~I;.n~"",.~~:,
•. '
.,.. ' . .' . .. , ".' .... ," ,

." ,~

.' ... .. ".'., ,',', " " .',.

·i,\·-:.,,\',;·;, ;. ,,t'....;;;.; ·"j·.':'~;·"'l il

, ,': ,".-' ... ~ '. ,,'-, ., . ..:. ,.. . :(:"''-'.: ':', ,:,"',,"


A Pleasing Concert. Music, Ardmore. It is to the credit
Immediate Funds Sdelum has the difficult art of uf .\Ir..\dulph \'ugel. director of
were neyer at the expense of en-
ensem ble playing been more satis- Hut it was perhaps in the l ~rieg Opens Season with 28-11 Victory Over Weakened Alumni in Annual
the school, that such a concert was
-for good First Mortgages and iactorily performed along the Over Haverford High.
made a\ailable to its patrons.
number that the quartet dem()n- L. M. High Clash.
Building and Loan Seconds. Our :\Iain Line than by the Schmidt Lower Merion High basketball
.\nel, tuo. it is tLl the credit of the
~trated its right t" he classed a!:> •. .,
service chiarge is is unusually Quartet on last Friday evening in team opened
audience that such a large number
an organization of the tirst water. its season Tuesday I he of the Alumni-
reasonable. the \\'oman's Club Building at Ilere. with most exacting tech- a fternoon with a victory over Hav- Lower Menon. HIgh Varsity game
of person,; genuinely enjoyed an
.\rdmore. nique. the intensely l\'urdic charac- edorel Township School, champions a .week ago, whIch sent many Alum-
entire program of chamber music,
C. L. WEGEFARTH & CO. In spite of most unfa\'orable ter "i the work \\'a~ painted in of Class B Suburban high schools 111 :tars home for t~e Thanksgiving
a form cl,nsiderec\ bv some as the
609 WIDENER BLDG. \\'('ather, an appreciati\'e audience dazzling culurs. It was so well last year. The hnal score was 28- I I. holtdays !.Jack to theIr respective col-
highest attainment "in music and
heard this splendid quartet at the The L. M. five had a hard time leg~s before they could appear in
iJ\· others the most difficult to
clone that the audience insisted
HlTTE;-;1I0U~E 2227 PHILADELPBIA tirst cuncert gi\'en tinder the aus- upon an encore, and the quartet getting started and didn't really get action 111 the a~nual graduate-under-
pices of the :\Iain Line School of played a delightful arrangement going until the second half. Then graduate claSSIC, proved the undo-
. The ::;chmidt Quartet. composed
lor strings of Percy l ~rajnger's it !.Jcgan to make things hum for its mg of the Alumni. when the game
ul Alexander Zenker, tirst violin:
...\Io]h· on the Shore," guests. In spite of its loose playing was tina!l!' pl~yed. 10 Ardmore Sat-
I rving Bancroft, second violin;
Th~ concert was gi\'en by the the first period, the Maroon and urday. I he VarSIty refused to give
Henri Elkin, viola, and \\'illiam
;\lain Line School of :\1usic pri- \Vhite took an early lead and was way to the "heroes of yesterday";
Schmidt, 'cello, has long been
LADIES marily for its pupils as a part of never headed.
kJ1()\vn in I'hiladelphia. \\'ith its
their general training in musical
turned upon them instead and
The score at the end of the first trounced them to the tune of 20 to o.
pre,;ent personnel, however, it
appreciation. That it was entirely half was to-8 in favor of Lower' The victory brought revenge to
comes in a comparati\'elv new
Sunshine Thrift- Tee Service successful from every standpoint. 1\1 erion.
furm. Captain GilfilIan, who the undergrads for last year when
except that of weather. was appar- shone at one of the forward berths the Alumni defeat marred an un-
\ \. eather conditions such as
ent to all those who had the privi- last season. was switched to centel blemished season for the Maroon
those on Friday enning, and ac-
lege of attending. III the line-up sent in against Hav- a~d W~ite regulars. But it brought
caustics which are none too good,
edonl High. The other men in the JIsappolOtment to hundreds of old
combined to make a difficult task
tirst comhination sent into action grads who came expecting to see a
harder. and one that would be
were: Jimmy Faulk and Jimmy powerful collegiate - professional
beyond the reach of a lesser group
Made Pledges for Support of Spiritual Lockwood. forwards; Eg Morris team represent them. Even Coach
8c Per Lb. of musicians.
Work Las~ Sunday. and Paul' Scull. guanls. Odiorne Frank Forstburg, who it was an-
Opening with the Mozart quar- In virtually all Episcopal church- got in as a sub for Paul Scull, Rein- nounced by Alumni authorities
(Minimum Bundle, $1.50) tet in G-major. there followed a es in the Diocese of Pennsylvania hold went in for Lockwood an(~ Pat- would get into action against his
delightful group of Bohemian folk and in all other diocese of that com- ten saw action in the place of Rein- proteges, did not play.
songs by Suk. The closing num- munion in the United States, mem- hold. The Alumni did not have the team
All your Flat Work washed, ironed and sent home ready ber was the brilliantly beautiful bets of congregations Sunday made on the field that they had last year
to use. Your Wearing Apparel is returned to you just Crieg quartet in G-minor, opus 27. their pledges for support of the THOUSANDS OF FISH when they defeated the undergrad-
I t is al\',;ays di fficult to break church's work in parish, diocese, uates 12 to 0, but there were several
damp enough to iron. the ice of a program with an nation and the world during the Planted by Montgomery Sportsmen college players on the team. Fore-
allegro movement. \Vith untried coming year. In Creeks. most of these were Miller, of Hav-
This THRIF-TEE Service will save you all the hard work tonal values uf the room and with By direction of the National A comn).jttee of the Montgomerv erford varsity; Barr, centre on the
cold instruments, such is an exact- Council of the Church it was offi- County Fi~h~Game Association has F~anklin and Marshall team, and
of a Wash Day. and it is so moderately priced that you can ing task. And, while these facts cially known as the Annual Every planted many small fish in the DIamond, Lafayette star of five
afford to send your whole Family Wash. showed just a little at moments Member Canvass: While a number Perkiomen and Skippack Creeks. years ago. Buddick,. of Swarth-
in the opening mO\'ement, they of parishes have adopted modified Some 5000 Lake Erie sunfish and more, also played on the line,
methods, the general plan caned for 3000 catfish were put into the two Roundtree, former Delco player,
TRY IT-YOU'LL LIKE IT visitations to the homes of every streams. was at quarter.
Narhrtb ;2616 Ardmore 163-J member of a congregation. In During the season the association There was a large crowd on hand
scores of parishes in Philadelphia has planted more than 60,000 fish for the game and the old grads had
SUNSHINE DAMP WASH ''LAUNDRY VERL PUGH and vicinity the general plan was in the streams of the county in an a great time seeing the old players
followed, and from 25 to upwards
Eledrical Contractor effort to improve fishing. The sea- in action.
'Phone: Ardmore 949 of ::;0 men and women canvassers son's stocking includes black bass, The Lower Merion team found it
ARDMORE, PA. Eledrl....1 Repaln and ApplJanc...
made personal calls 011 each com- yellow perch, trout and crappie.
314 Gra)"lIn~ A".... 8 Cricket A"e~ hard to gain through the Alumm
municant member of the church and
Narberth. Pa. Ardmor4. Pa. During the last two years more line with Miller and Barr in the
received the individual pledge.
than 100,000 trout have been placed way. Folwell Scull, last year's
Each pledge wtll represent the in- in the Valley Creek. Another con- Lower Merion captain and Pennsyl-
dividual's share towards the parish sig-nment of brook trout is expected vania Fresh star end, smeared all
School Supplies
support and also a definite pledge this week. Fishermen say many of the end· plays and so his brother
towards the support of the church's the larger trout are eating the small Paul, Lower Merion quarter, passed
on Sale at work in the diocese and in the gen- fish. them over his head. The punting
eral church, that of the general was all done by the Scul1s, too, and
church including the missionary DAVIS'
work in the nation and the world.
B. of H. Doe. the TrIck. they figured in most of the plays
Budg-ets and budget makers are run by each team. Folwell outpunt-
The diocesan program for 1925, the themes of conversation these ed Paul.
which does not include the amount days. The Lower Merion Board Lower Merion High won because
fixed by parishes for parish support, of Health has been better than of her ability to negotiate luxurious
Ben Phone. 8pruce 38-98 and 38-ll'a calls for $215,266 for diocesan its 1924 budget and will have a forward passes, three of them
maintenance, and $334,880 addi- balance of about $1000 at the end thrown at a distance of 40 and 30
tional. the latter representing the of the year from the appropriation yards, respectively, scoring the
GARAnteed Roofs
diocesan share in the general church of $18,000 made hy the Township touchdowns that won for the gladi-
maintenance program. Comm issioners. ators coached by Frank Forstburg.
The fi rst touchdown was scored
• when Peabody heaved a long for-
ward 25 yards over the goal line,
where Swartz caught it for the
As a dessert for your Christmas Dinner or to serve as score. Paul Scull took a bad pass
a light lunch to Christmas callers. F roit cannot be from centre and ran around left ......
surpassed. An assorted basket is a delightful gift end for the extra point. Toward
to a friend. the end of the quarter Peabody in-
tercepted a forward pass on the 30-
yard line and on the next play Paul
WHITESIDE BROTHERS Scull threw a forward to Swartz.
who was downed on the five-yard
line. lVIorris smashed through cen-
Cynwyd 841 Cynwyd 538 tre for the touchdown after three
Narberth 369 plays. Scull failed to make the ex-
tra point by running the ball.
128 BaJa Avenue 237 Haverford Avenue Shortly after the beginning of the
BaJa-Cynwyd Narberth last quarter Scull threw a pass to
Lockwood standing behind the goal
line from the 25-yard line for the
third touchdown and a minute later
dropkicked the extra point.
In the last quarter Diamond. of
Quicker Telephone Service Puts the Alumni, got off to some ~ub­
A .Gentle Reminder Baltimore Just Across the Street
stantial gains around the end.
The line-up:
LO\YI'r )I('rion. PositionR. Alumni.
Lockwood Left f'nd F. Scull

you .CAN now call Baltimore by giving the

BaltImore number to your local operator.
Lpft tackle ....•. Ruddidt
Left guard ..... Mitchell
Centre .........• Barr
U('tch '" .. Hight gunrd Purring
~hen she say~, U Nuwber, please," just say, Kuen
Higbt tnc'kle W. Miller
Rigbt end ...•.. Connelly
1 want BaltImore, and tell her the number. P. Scull
QUllrterbuck '" Roundtl'e~
L('ft hnlfback '" .l\IcCrea·ly
Don't hang up your receiver, but wait for the Odiorn(' Righthalfback RlCf!
~Iorl'iH l<'ullback SimmllOn
answer from the called telephone, just as you do Referee--Wilson, Swarth\nol'e. Umpire.
ona local call. -,"nile. Temple. Hend Iinesman-Gutter.
Amh('rst. Touchdown S--SWII I'tz. Morris.
Lo"kwoocI. Points nfter toucbdownl!-
If you don't know the number of the Baltimore Rcull. 2. Substitutes-Powell for Simm.
telephone, call .. Information JJ (right here in son. ]3(>n8011 for Connelly. Weiland for F.
SCUll. J. )Iillt'r for W. Miller. Diamond
town), who will give it to you. Then give it to for ~IcCI"'IJ(I,v. )IcCrend,v for Dillmolll1,
I·'nlk for SWllrtz. Rwartz for Folk, Mowery
yOU! ?perator. The usual reduced rates apply for Morris. Mund¢*! for Peabody, Wilb!l",
durllig evening ~nd night hours. fol' Kuen. Rubiscon for Scull. Rbeinholdt
COl' Dilworth. Time oC pflriod9--"l(} min-
.Snowy Weather will·be here again almost New York City and Jersey City can be reached in
before you know it, and that means more exactly the .same way. . . County G. O. P. CommIttee Has
. Coal. Balance of $125•
This service applies. to calls lor number only. If The· Montgomery County Reptib.
Order your supply today, then you'll have you Want to. talk to a particular' person, .call Hcan County Committee came
through, the recent Presidential elec- .
that off your mind. We will deliver it LoNG DISTANCE in the usual way. tion campaign with a balance of
according to your instructions. $ 125, as is shown by the statement
of Treasurer Robert C. Miller, who
. ~~~-:­ THE BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY OF PENNSYLVANIA reported the receipt of $9050 and
an expenditure of $8750, with about
... .- ... ·_4.:... ~,Unio.n-aJid,
"I ',".

. .ee"; .
One Polic,
One S,.stem Vnive1'sal Senrice
$175' estimated as outstanding bills.
o.f the e?Cpenditures, about$S500
comn'l1ttee, composed of a man and·· .
a woman in each district.· The re"-
.- 1
maining. outlayw~s, f()rprintin~,
postage. and sundrles.Thecontri~
butions rartged from $250 down;
.. ,
! .~ ~ .. : .

'· "~"'~:·1:', ;':':;;t·~:~~.";¥AAkt+i~~~v~~~~&t,~ik~~i;;I~~&~\i~~~~~~~~~~

' ."'. '. .' ... .....
~~. . ..
.' ;: .' ". " .• ' . ' r .•.••. ',' ,':.>.:. . . _:,. .... ;.
" .. : ...... ..
';.-:; ;-";' '.. :,' :' .


_ I
LIBRARY IN CHARGE The classified ach'ertisements Phone Narberth 672 or 2215 W 1 DAVID VERNON, JR
contain man v items uf \'alue. Do
lContinued from Page One) I (Continued from Page One) you read the;n:- Do you use them? Narberth Taxi Cab Co. CARPENTER
split the paving cost 40 per cen,t. Library staff closed the afternoon's Walter Roser GARAGES A SPECIALTY
on the property owners and hU pn Igra'm by presenting a skit Clusified Advertisemenb Jobbing
2 Cents per word in Advance Residence Office I
per cent. Oil the borough was lost LIBRARY CHRISTMAS TREE which might \\ell ha\'e been en- 28 HOMESTEAD AVENUE
by a 4 to 2 vote, with President . . titled ":\n :\itern()(J11 111 the FOR SALE-Exl'f>rtionull~' "ft,,"eti,'"
126 Conway Ave. 215 Haverford Ave. I Beechwood, Upper Darby P. O.
Hall alld Councilmen Leitch, E\'ery ~ne can help tnm It- LibraI' '."
\\. entz and R e d I'f er oppose d an d '~tl~tOlll 1)1 other !>!are<; adopted, fumNl ollk hookcuFI' with not hie,
-, " , '1' he )sCene opened as .\Irs. :\Ius- min~, Phon" :\urb..l·th ::!tIOO·\\'.
Councilmen Henderson and Gris- her,e. k II d Ichamp and :\Irs. :'Ilnore hurried to "-OR ~ . \LE-Lil'in~ ..oom fllrnilur,,-
wold in favor.

nercentage basis of dividing the \\ ~

I~arly next wee . ~ sma an en- Itheir desks i. II' an aftemoon's
:'Ill', Redifer maintained that the tirel\' unadorned Christmas tree
,'11'1 . t I) in the Community wor'.
>e se t I
. k H dl I I tl
ar y lac.
ley >ecome '1111' with 'trail(hl "'wi,' to match, )(11'
' settled whell the tJrst patron ar- hO~IlIl)' lI(1hol"t"I'I'c! ill j,·lIth..... Chl'lll'-
Christmas Pastry
Chl\·PllpOI"r. IWI) Inr~p rockfl'r~. n !·unnlll'l·

cost was not wise .
nor proper. I II' 1~'. Ibran' and e\'en' .: ..
man ',_\\'oman .
. I aCrllll1panled
rI\'el, . bv a crYing . ( '" II ;\' nrllt'tl h Wi:!·\\'.
fa "orell
• \"Orkl'll!!
'. ~
Otlt tIle costs on and chdd, \\'ho . . lee],.,I"so dIsposed, d' :la 1lY· '\'1 lis '. par t was ta k'-en 11\'"'I rs. - - - - ._-----_ . .- - - - -
LOST-~tIIIlIl to)' E,kimo do~; co!o...
a definite money basis of su much may help tn~l1 .It. n~tea ~l.l 01'- I. ~. Ilarris and the part 01 her whitf'. If found (lhn".. ;\'a..herlh I:!ll:l·\\'
a front foot of the property to be II1~mentsl ur tl1llseJ. the t.rl~e \\ d.1 be \'1.'1'\' life-like baby, .. '\n:lstasia," Ot" IH:tt.
· t- 11 tnmmel WIt 1 ;;tar..; () yanuu;; I . , .
assessed, ;\ reso I utlon was lna y . \: ., f. h\' a huge dull loaned by Ruth - - - _ . - - - - - - - - - - -
. . C I' CIlloI';; each recor< In'" a 'TIlt ()," . - FOR ~.\LE-I.'"·ll:" malllli d,tll, ""arl:.
, lI1struct1l1g I1 ahI'I' mant !none\' ., I )110 I,S (I) I I I " or IH~\\ to> • I l' I :-'l1pplee. :\Irs. II arn;; has . pm\'ed
<1 . .
I '1'1"11 . :\l~, ,,'oodbill(' U'·(,IlIIO'.
\\ entz to report more (elll11te cos ':. . .' herselt such all able comedIenne 111
'1 I ' t stlbscnptll)n;; tu ne\\' magazines . . :\L\LE HELl' WAXTED--$lO,OOO.O()O
figures am I d etal s at a ater mee -'. . I i'· II \ 11 the past that her audIence was In
. lor tle real1l1g tale, : n\' SUl I '
mg. . ' t 'II I u) ga e" 01 laughter ('\'en before her ('Honlt' 0111(11111.1' wunl_ lIlun to ><ell 'Valkin,'
;\'''''''8,il;I'' ill :\'urh('rth, :110"('
New Fire Engine. 01 monev, e\'en one cell, \\'1 ) " . I If . \. ,
, , tl t CUl111Ca I' tlrt,; to stop: naslasla s tlllln I:iO uti.-,I nail)'. Incom... $:~:i to :j;:>O
1'lle nleetl'llg, \\·lll·'-h lasted ulltil a sta~ lor ~e reI'. . IT\'ing had herrl1ll. wPfOkly. EXIlPripI)c11 t11l11P('I~~ary. \Yritp
~ ThIS Chnstmas tree custom ha~· ,.,
one o'clock in the morning, then been quite extensi\'ely employed . \'ex~ can~(e a little gi~~ i~l quest 1:1:1-:;9 R·:l. n"(lt. 11\l' .J. H. "'Iltkins Compun)'.
1'......). sll·.... I, ;\' .. w York. :\'. Y.
turned its attention to the formation 1)\' other libraries which have no: (" a tree 1.0\'1' Book lor her
of the 1~)25 budget, which comes up endowments or puhlic appropria-' sister wh<,), "';'-;" :'jl1st crazy" abOllt SEWI~G :\L.u'HI~ES--AII makes 1''''
for action next month. tions, and has been adopted by the bl~Ys. 1.llls part was t~ken \lllin'd. Libl'rul allowanc('s on old mu,
A decision of importance was the local Library only with some hy :\lls,.; :\la!lon Trotter. :\ eed rhill"'" for III'I\' Si ngf'r. Phon(' :\'arb('rtb
made when Council voted to buy a hesitation. I t has been a source we say more ~
new chassis and body for the chemi- of much satisfaction that the Li- Miss Roberts, one of whose SEWING :\I.-\CHINES--All makes r('·
cal truck. A four-cylinder type d H .
hrary has been able to maintall1 hooks was overdue, and :\[iss chin('s for n"\\, ~inl: ..r. Phone Narberth
puir('d. LihPl'1l1 ullol\'llnce on old rna- Place your order now for your Christmas
Autocar truck will be purchase, on itself and steadily extend its use- :\lacKeag. who had read "e\'ery- W~\)·.J. Pastry, then you will be assured prompt and
which a new Fulton and \Valker fulness on a se}f--supporting basis, thing in the Libary," played their careful attention, Of course we can handle last
body wil\ be instal\ed. The present and without making any appeals parts to perfection while twu I11nre
chemical equipment wil\ be added or dri\'es for cash contributions. "children" l:\lrs. T. F, Donnell\, minute rush orders, too, but naturally the early
to the new machine, f It has been rightly felt that this alld :\Ii% Trotter) 'on mller skatc's
Leadership-a orders are best for both you and for us. Try our
This improvement has beell elt . '
necessary for sOl1le time as the 0 II (
sclf-sul>llnrtinL.T polic,v has tn- showed J'ust one more reas()n wll\'
Reward of Merit old-fashioned Plum Pudding and Mince Pies.
chemical truck was on its last legs. creased the popularity and sup- the Library staff must ha\'e paticllt The Travelers was the first
The meeting adjourned at ~i1e port of the Library. dispositions. American company to write
o'clock until December 19, when an true that the s~ea<1ily in-
adjourned meeting will be held to creastng use of ~he L.lbrary, es- had arrived and :'III'S, :'1'[0. Irf.' was
At last when the closing hour Automobile Liability Insurance. WHITE'S SWEET SHOP
Toda)' it is the largest auto-
clear up the btlsines,s still. on the pecially iu the JU\'el11le depart- frantically trying to hang up the mobile liability company in the
docket after :'Ionday s seSSIon. ment. whe:e all books and school "Library Closed" sign, came the held the lead. 210 Haverford Avenue
helps are CIrculated free of, inrush 'of last-minute visitor,;. Did It writes a good policy at a
ha\'e ~xceeded the present earr~tng \\'1' say librarians must be patient:- fair price.
KUEN IS CAPTAIN capaCIty of the ren~a,1 col1ecttO~. -;[ 1110st inadequate word!
Narberth, Pa.
Ib; representatives are every,
(Continued from First Page) The expense ()f repaIring- hooks IS 'I 1 . . where, assuring prompt service.
natura II v 1I1creas1l1g ' .anI ' i h a~- a I· -, d'.\ rs. 'aeobs . called the .meetIng
the victories having necessarily to ready become a serious item. For a Journed alter annou~lcll1g that It is willing to write your
in succession. I ' tl I 'b does the next regular 11Iect1l1'" \\'o\lIc\ policy large enough to properly
l>e t lese reasons le .1 ran' .' I "- protect you.
The Suburban cup, which the need a "lift" in addition to its nor- ta I o~ January 6, .\n at~ernoon
1924 eleven won b)' virtue of the 111a I " t receptIOn It deals justly with both
earnmg capac I \'. 0 b and 3 tea to be ,.,<Tn'en 'In claimant and policyholder in
fact that it was the only unde- The Library, ho'wever, \\'0\11<1
feated Class A high schoul in the rather eke al~ng on the present
ecem er Oth as last year. making its claim settlements. DENNISON'S
Suburban League, was also basis than have any person, who
awarded at the· football dinner. came there fur books or hI' Li- .\ vall Apartments, ha \'e left for
:\11'. and :\lrs, Ralph Perkins. of I You make no mistnke when
you insure in The Travelers.
The award marked the first time hran" sen'ice. made to feel UnI::0'11- Gloucesler. l\Ias.s., where they plan J. Baird Caldwell
in the three years L. M. has been fort<;:ble by requests for contribu- to spend the hohdavs with relatiws, Over the Bank A full line of Dennison's fine Engraved Christmas
a serious contender for the cup tions, The Christmas tree '>Ian, ~fr. Perkins is "Si" Perkins. the
that the trophy has finally gotten therefore. has beea adopted 'with catcher of the .·\thletic baseball Phone Narberth 1733 Cards, Crepe Paper, Tissue and Wrapping Paper, Labels,
into its possession. Last year and the distinct understandiT'.2· tllat team. Seals, etc.
the year before, the ~laroon and there shall be no solicitation of
White elevens, because ~f unde- gifts either in or outside the Li- ; - _ _ ,
feated seasons, were mentIoned aSI bran' Fre.e-will contributions' :
prospective .recipients of the cup; franl ·people. \\'ho have found the ,
b~t both tltl~es the ~rophy was Library a source of pleasure and Ready For Christmas? :
gIven to Nornstown HIgh because satisfaction for themseh'es or :
Lower Merion ,ya~ to play their children, will be very grate- : Candies
post-season eltm1l1atlOn. games fi.tllv received. but if the gifts ar~ ,
with other contenders, whtle Nor- few'in number or amount the Li- The question of "What to Give" and the other queries : Shellenberger's Famous Chocolates and Hard Candies
ristown did. brary ,.... ill go ahead with 'cheerfui of "price" and "where procurable" are solved daily : Whitman's Candies-All Kinds
There were nearl,Y 100 persons good-will to make scanty funds by the patrons of this store. Come in, look around a '
present Saturday 1~lght whe~ ~he and materials do a bigger Library ~ bit and it's a safe bet you'll settle your gift problems :
banquet start~d m the d1l11llg joh for Narberth than the same·
~ooms of the hIgh school. Forty· means could produce in any other : right away and economically, too. :
five of these were members of the town in the State, : A full line of Christmas Cards, Perfumes. Cameras, : Gilts
football squad, letter-men and Many stars on the tree will "t : Fountain Pens, Toilet Articles and similar things ap- :
scrubs, wh,? were the ,guests of least indicate wide-spread intere~t : propriate for gifts. : The Largest Line of Toys Ever. Come in and see them
honor. InVIted to the dmner also and approval and that in itself, rc- , ,
were the fathers of the 20 letter- gardless of the total sum of: : Full Line of Cigars and Tobacco
men. . money. will be a source of great : : in Christmas Packages
The dmner was served by the satisfaction and encouragement to ;
girls of the .domestic scien.ce the group of mare than 30 local •
classes of the hIgh school. At Its women whose volunteer services : The Brightest Spot in Narberth :
concJ~s~on, pound box~s of candy, keep the Lihrary open and serving , _
contammg chocolates 111 the shape the community fiye davs a week.'
()f footballs, were distributed ' . ,
A Drug Store in the Most Modern Sense of the Term
a.mong t h e squa. d Th e coco h Ia t es, Three Alarms for Firemen Wednes. :, Telephones: Narberth 1267 and 1268 ,, The Oldest· Store in Narberth-and Still the Best
fonowing all annual custom, were da y.. ,.. • -.·
donated by t h e A r d morec M I ntyre \\'ednesdav was a husy day for:
store. the ~arberth Fire Company~ It " " . I ......"""""'"
responded to three alarms. X one
BOWLING LEAGUE of them was serious.
Presbyterian Seniors Win Flrst·Half
The first time the siren sounded
. the company was called to the
The Nation's

The first halt of the Inter- :-\arberth Variety Store on Hayer-
Church Bowling League ended on ford a\·enue. where a h!aze had
Friday night, December 5, when broken out among box~s 111 a st~)r­
the Methodist Srs. and Lutherans ag: room,. It was. qUIckly ext1l1-
met. Prior to this match the !?,ulshed WIth chemIcals before any
Methodists were leading the da.m.age had heel~ callsed. The
league but the Lutherans romped ongl11 of' the fire IS unknown.
away with two games and the The second alarm was t? a field
Methodists dropped below the fire on M~nor .Road,. whIch was has broadened and developed
Presbyterian Srs.· The Lutherans p~t out wI~h httle dIfficulty. It
were again unable to put a full "as spreadtng to nearby houses
team on the alleys but, neverthe- when the company was cal1ed. hut
under the protection of in-
surance. r
less, made a very creditable show- no damage occurred. We represent the oldest
iflg. The second half of the sea- American fire and marine
son starts on January 5, Melody Meeting.
The December meeting of the insurance company, to whose
LUTIIERAXS Melody Club of Ardmore will first forms of business insur- Now Is the Time
Stnlker ,... 153 1M 14{J take place in the First Baptist
: Weiss " 131 164 147 Church, Ardmore, on Monday ance there has now been
A.ibl!rt 184 145 168 evening, the 15th, to look over your wardrobe and let us have those
Bliink 14-1 124 122 added practically. every form
Blunk ;., : ,' . 112 120 A . special Christmas program. of commerCial insurance and suits and coats that need to ,pe pressed up and
has been arranged by the .chair- repaired for the Christmas holidays.., We do
Total .... ,..... 612 Gnu 70:1 111an, Mrs. Nelson D, \Varwick, property protection.
. METHODIST SRS. . including organ solos. played by ladies' and gentl~men's work. Just phone us;
Jenkins 124
!tiller .. , ., .. ,
102 137 ~~ Mrs. MacGregor and Professor we'll call,
White 144 112 126 Ingle i tenor solos, by ~r r. Donald
Reger •... , ,... 189 122 Bauder, winner of the Eastman
. Bailey 161 IG7 120 medal; soprano solos and carols
643 under the direction of Miss L:lttra
·Total ..• " . ; . . . 668 669
. TEAM STANDING Staley. Realtor
;..·.· . -·.w.... :-·L..
.: :·Presbyterlan·Bre..... 12 3
l'llt...·Adniissioo ,.to: the· . Christmas
.800 meeting is tree to members and'
Tailors", C·leaners,·; ·Dyers .
k~ihodlsf S~il, .. .• .. • 11. 44 . .73::1
,7lJ3 .guests of the club.
at Narberth Station
, .. Lutherans· ,;....•...• 11
::Method18t Jre, ;..... [j 10 .833 . ;Phone Narbedh 1710 102-04 Forest Avenue 'Phone: Narberth 2602,
W,eappreda~e your help
Baptbits ".. 2 10 .166
: P!:'esbYterlari Jrs.... • • 1 11 ,083 <endlt1g U!o1 personal items.
........ . , " .. '. '. .,~ ....
~ .~. '~'.,~ ":

TAGS DEAD ON JANUARY 1 LOWER MERION TWP. Contagious Hospital In Embryo. Cost 65 Cents Per Person•
No Extension for Use of Old Licenses Arrangement of Milks According to
.The Hospital for Contagious To enable the Lower Merion ,
to Be Allowed. DIseases desired by physicians of Board of Health to do its work
For the first time since automo-
Sanitary Grade.
November, 1924.
Lower Merion and adjoining , during the year just ending, re- 31 Per Cent.

townships may yet be erected in , quired about 65 cents in taxes for
biles became really numerous in Sanitary Butter Fat
Pennsylvania the State Highway Grade' Content the near future according to a re- fJl More than a quarter-'-almost a half. This is each man. woman and child,
Certified. port made on Monday eyening to , what based on a :10.000 population.
our Pea Coal sales amount to--31 per cent. of
Department has issued definite no- 4.3 the Board of Health by Dr. A.

9::! Delchester ,
91 Abbott , 4.2 R. Evans. . our entire lot of orders. There must be a reason.
tice that there will be no extension 81 \Vawa 3.9
of time at the beginnir.g of the new 6:2 Scott· Powell 3.6
The doctor said the Bryn :\fawr fJl There is. It is that many of our customers have

year for the use of old license tags. Inspected Raw. Hospital authorities, its friends found the surest way to economy in coal-buying-
"1\' 0 excuses, no al ibis, will go this !'I A Delchester (DcIAyr) 4.3 and many pUblic-spirited citizens to order two sizes, one for the bitterest weather
Duncan 4.4 are
time," said Paul D. \Vright, Secre-
tary of Highways. "The 1924 li-
95 \\'m. Markle
94 Curwen
working quietly but de-
4.2 terminedly for such a hospital to
(Egg, Stove or Nut), one for the milder days so fre-
quent in our winters here (Pea Coal). t
cense ceases to be legal and valid !l4 Dl'lchester 4.4 be located somewhere on the Main
fJl To fully realize the value of this suggestion you

at midnight of December 31, and 9:1 Ashbridge 5.0 Line.
immediatelv thereafter 1925 license
9:l ] ones : 4.9 MILK
During last month a few con- AND CREAM must try it out. Build another coal-bin, fill it with
91 Valley Hill , 4.0
758 LAN CASTER AVE. pea coal, and you will know WHY the 31 per cent.
plates aloiJe will prevent the car 90 Rabinovitz 4.2 tagious cases were taken to the
89 Emmons 5.2 Philadelphia Hospital, costing
owner from being subject to arrest."
A9 Fox Hill 4.3 ~ower Merion $30 per week, an
The department in its formal no- Phone, Narberth 375
tice to motorists, said the negligence A6 Penshurst
of the car owner alone can prevent 86 Highland, Inc
86 \Vawa
4.0 Increase of $10.
Telephone: Bryn Mawr 882 I
his haying the proper license tags on A5 Scott· Powell ,

time. AO Lawton 4.2
There always has been an elev- 96 ),Iarkle
enth-hour rush for tags, however, 94 Kings
and one appears to be imminent this 9') Abbott
year, although the department, the 90 91 Lawton
, 4.3
3.9 To order that home-made Mince Pie for your
Now Is the Time-
motor clubs and many business A9 McIntire (CL)
houses are doing all they can to pre- 89 D'Andrea
Abbott 5.0
Christmas Dinner. We are taking orders now
and suggest you place your order early to avoid
iIIlU .. ft.

vent it. A9 Morris

!..,~st year, although the depart- 87 Mc:I ntire (Ard)
disappointment. Our pies are delicious. MILK DOESN'T GROW IN
87 Smith Bros 3.7
ment was organized to handle the 87 Bertes
issuance of tags better than for A6 McIntire (BM)
Have You Tried Our Famous 90c Sunday Dinners? BOTTLES!
some years, delays were occasioned 86 Main Line Drug 3.8
because of the automobile titling H5 85 Brown
, , 3.9
ARCADIA RESTAURANTIt comes from cows in the country. Some
dairies are forced to get their milk from
law, which required every owner to A5 :Marmer
show a clear title to his car just as 85 Roma Cafe , ,
239 HAVERFORD AVENUE dairies a hundred miles away. It has to be
he would if he owned real estate. 84 Lang 4.9 Phone: Narberth 699 shipped in milk trains. That takes time.
84 Highland. Inc. . 4.5
This process is simplified now, for A:l
when a new car is purchased the 83 Jackson
Lerner 3.9 NARBERTH WAYNE Scott-Powell "A" Milk comes from nearby
title goes with the car, and there can 83 Aldred 3.91:.... _ _ _...;.. _ _ _ .. _ _ _ _ _ .. _ _ "..
. farms and is transported in our large, glass-
be no delay at the automobile di- A2 Scott-Powell 4.2 lined wonder trucks in just four hours. The
81 Grossman 3.7
vision on that account.

A1 \Vawa · :l.9 nearness of our farms and our unique transpor-
The motor division now is able to Al D'Angelo 3.5 tation system Sa'L'es a Day and gives you milk
handle many more applications in a AI Abbott · 3.6

day than in any former year. and 81 McManus 3.9
also many thousands more than are 80 Zarkadas 3,6 IIFresher by a Day"
79 Engler , , 4.0
being received daily. This week the j'j' Scott-Powell 4.7 " The latest addition to our line of quality cars-truly
license applications have been com- 73 D.]. Morris
ing in at the rate of 5500 a day, and 71 Brennan
, 3.7
the most comprehension group on the Main Line. I I
66 1larkle 3.6
the sets of license plates have been 53 Scott-Powell
going out at the same rate. The To and including November 25. 1924.
tags are placed in the mail the same DA VID WILBUR HORN, Ph. D .•
day the applications are received. Chemist. Lower Merion Township
Owners who purchase new cars Board of Health.
early in 1925 can have their license
numbers transferred from the old to
the new cars by paying the transfer
license. If an owner disposes of Congressman Guy Hardy, of
Narberth Ave_, (Opposite Garage), Narberth, PL - f Ii ,1 45th & PARRISH STS.
his car and does not purchase a new Colorado, himself a country publish-
car the license plates of the old car er, has a faded old clipping in his
are destroyed. A license to drive is possession about the difficulties of
not transferable, and license tags a pioneer newspaper out in his ~ -,~ ~
Phones: Narberth 1633 or 1203·W

~~~~~~.-..~.- .-..-.....-.~

- ....

can be transferred only from one car country, which reads:
to another owned by the same per- "V/e begin the publication ov the I ~
son. Roccay Mountain Cyclone with
The present drivers' licenses do some phew diphiculties in the way.

A Catch~up Year
not expire with the present year. but The tvpe phounder phrom whom
are good until March 1. By that we bought out outphit phor this
time the 1,300.000 car operators of printing ophphice phailed to s.upp~y
the State must have obtained new 'us with any ephs or cays, and It ~111
licenses, which cost $1. be phour or phive weex bephore we
"No motor car may be operated can get any. The mistaque was not
in Pennsylvania after January 1 un- phound out till a day or two ago.
less it bears 1925 license tags," said We have ordered the missing letters,
Secretary Wright. and will have to get along without
"Between September 2 and Oc- them till they come. We don't lique
S has been said before, the war-time demand A
tober 4 the Bureau of Motor Vehi- the loox ov this variety ov spelling for telephone service, particularly in the .rl..
cles. Department of Highways, any better than our readers, but mis- cities of size, came very close to swamping this
mailed applications to the 1.300,000 tax will happen in the best regulated
registered owners in this State. It phamilies, and iph the ph's and c's company. It failed to, but it came close!
has been learned that of this huge and x's and q's hold out we shall
number all but 24,000 have been ceep (sound the c hard) the Cy- In less than a year our reserves of plant were e)f-
delivered by the post office authori- clone whirling aphter a phasion till
ties and these 24.000 left no for- the sorts arrive. It is no joque to hausted, and it became a scramble to keep pace
warding address, when they changed us-it's a serious aphair."-Nation- with·a rush demand that seemed endless. It was
their residences. al Republican.
"The vast majority of owners Fijllffl IJununul miltS of Bt.l.l pole linn art ,"urI for an unfavorable time for expansion, but it had to
uilpluttu ,mnit .11 rAil stak. A mileI art atkkrl
having received their license applica- Please renew your subscription _tuJly 10 txpand 1M strW« be done.
tions, it being necessary only that to Our Town promptly. jflkl fIIWly iUrJn.oFd amu.
they sigil these cards, attach a re- -==============::;j
mittance and mail to Harrisburg, I~
. .
1924 bas been catch-up year, and fine progress a
there is no reason why the Depart- has been made.
ment of Highways in 1925 should
:.;.~ .
honor 1924 license plates, and it will
not do so. The State police and the GRAVITY ALONE
December 31 will see 61,500 more telephones
~;'" members of the motor patrol will be GOVERNS PRESSURE
in service than at the beginning of the year; wire
. given orders to arrest or report law mileage will have increased from 2,800,000 to
violators who operate with old tags
after January J. They will have 3,400,000 miles, and switchboard positions from
only themselves to blame. Many persons believe that 4,600 to 6,000.
"This is the. department's final the company is able to pump
word on this subject. directly into the pipe lines The year will have seen 13 new buildings
School Board Elects Officers from the main pumping sta- and 10 major building additions completed. 6
The Lower ~1erion School tions, thereby increasing or
decreasing the pressure to
new and additional structures will have pro-
Board met on Monday evening in
compliance with the State laws. the consumer at will. gressed toward the completion point, and 2
and elected unanimously William
Gravity alone governs pres-
more will have been started.
L. Austin and Richard T. Hamil-.
ton as president and vice president sure in the company's entire We have one foot out of the wood$,and the rest
respectively. . .. system (except between the
Every member of the Board pumping stations and di8~ seems to be a certainty for 1925. There are a few
was present, and .beforeadjourn- .tributing reservoirs' otstand- point's where facilities areutight"-where major
. ' ing did what all football stipport-
....... ers of "The· Red 'and White" will pipes), comprising 680 miles construction has not yet progressed to the stage
. . Fred Forst- of transmi88ion and dis-
where aU of the,varied demand can be met.
.~urg, football coach for 1921); tributing mains..
Drinking Water Good. But it has been a very satisfactory year in this re-
. Dr. D., "',T.
Horn. chemist for spect, to us and to bur patrons.
the . Lower. Merion Towll~h:p WATER ....
Board of Health, .examined "i:'(
$:i,~plesof wat~r dttring.NCI\em· Sprbi8field (ouolidated
·.Qer; . from the Springfield ('01'11-
. Water C~l,tlpany
i'.' .... p~~y's'rr,tain~ at different places in
. ..... : 'the. townshIp and reported last
.. ,"~~~¥,.Q.n.d~y;~,-i'Y..eP,cing.c. to ...'th ~. ,J:.IJar(\
General Office:
... ..:. :- .....
)' 6'1.:r:'M;~k;t"S~~~
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: .:. ' they were good.

."<',':. Ti1~' 8(1:'-y"'·"e.,..r"'-:t-is;;,.:in-g....·.-c..o-tu-m-.....ns form ~ Philildelphi~ .
One' ;Policy One System
. '.

Universal Service

'.... dire~tory. .··of. ··.progressivemer-. ,.

chants. Refer to themofte~. P'~;;;;;;;;;;;=;;;;;=;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~,


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Always Look Your Best Landmark on Washington Route to Lower Merion Health Board Will Of Water Company From Cynwyd to
Valley Forge Will Remain. Ask I ncreased Appropriation Next Lamb Tavern Half Completed.
Look your best at Christmas time as well
as any other time of the year. Do not be so Irvin P. Knipe, president of the Year. Contractors busily engaged in lay-
taken up with other matters that you neglect Montgomery County Historical So- ing the big sixteen-inch water main
your personal appearance. ciety, has informed the organization The closing meeting of the year
of the Lower :\lerion Township
BOOK REVIEWS for the Springfield Consolidated
Regular treatments of hair, scalp and skin that famous "overhanging rock" at Board of Health was held on \\'ater Company, which runs from
work wonders. Gulph Mills has been preserved per- 'I'lle I.uUok'::> selected for short the Lamb • Tavern to C)'owyd, are
:\londay e\'ening in the to\\'nship •
manently by the intervention of re\'ie,\,s this munth are rather dis- nearly h~1t way.through with th~lr
building, Dr. B. K, \\'ilbur pre-
members of the society, who car- tinctive. There is one uv Gals- t~sk. . \\ hen fil1ls~ed the ~ew p.lpe
siding and e\'ery member present
Narberth Beauty & Gift Shop ried its case to the State officials at
except ~irs. Ste\'enson, who was
wurthy, an autobiography by Ime will be approximately nine miles
103 ESSEX AVENUE ~Iark Twain, an interesting book long.
ahsent for the first time since she .
In rebuilding the famed old road- became a member. on what to read, by May Lamber- At ~h~ present. time. the workm.en
Narberth way over which the rock hangs and Secretary Anderson's report
tun Becker; a story founded on the have hl1lshed layll1g pipe to a POlOt
where Washington and his army showed th~ receipt of over $2100,
most popular play of the year, in Eagle ~oad just ~st of the West
marched on the ay to Valley on account of the burials in local
"The Shuw-Off," and une of enter- Chester Pike. Startmg from Cyn-
Forge, it had been decided to re- taining fiction. by Richard Pryce. ~yd, th~ work has progressed stead-
cemeteries of non-residents of
move this ancient landmark to
COMPLETE PRINTING SERVICE straighten to road. This action
Lower Merion. For III munths now "The :;how- Ily, and Ideal weather has helped the
Marvin Reynolds, lIealth Of- ()ff" has been playing in a New engineers.
raised a stoml of protest, with the . d'IS- York theatre, with hilarious The modern exca\'ating equip-
result that the case was carried di- ficer, reported .j 7 contagious
rectly to the State authorities at eases during the munth and that l'rowds pouring out into the ment used by the contracting finn
11arrisburg, and the old rock saved 2l houses and .'iii roums had been streets at each ending, and many of Vincenzo Di Francesco, of Llan-
fumig·aterl. ha-ha-ha's, in imitatiun oi ;\ubrey erch, who has the contract, and a'
from being blasted away. Piper. float thruugh the air, And desire on the part of the Springfield
Buyers of printing in the eastern The, r.eport u!' ~Iilk ~:ontrol Of- nuw "The Show-Off." by George Consolidated \Vater Company to e,x-
ALL fieer (,rtm was lI1terestlllg. Among Kelly, ui Philadelphia, has been cavate for the pipe line without dis-
part of the Main Line can have their needs KINU"
the many matters cover~d. \\as ~he put in buok form. The stury tells turbing the presen~ roadbeds has
well taken care of at home. local or out of toWli statement that the 1..0\\ el ~I enon lof the Fisher family-~Ium, Pop, caused favorable comment frol11
Quick and Efficient Service ~~(}ard of Health. wl.I1 not stan? ;\m)', Joe and the married daugh- Township officials.
A few visiting cards--or a set of t,or th~ stand,ardlzatlOn of certl- tt;r, Clara.. The. Fishers live in In days gone by public utilities
hed mIlk, which means that raw \orth Phtladelpilla, and are not have excavated for their lines in the
books--any branch of printing or en- 335 Dudley Avenue 111!lk be sold as .n.atural cows' highly.elated when,. Amy falls in' road bed, thus causing interruption
graVIng can be taken up through our Phone. NarberUa 1111"~ milk ~Itho.ut the addlt~on of cream 10\'e w!th A~ll~;ey 1-lper, or, as, he to traffic and making ugly patches
or sl<lm milk. Dr. Gnm takes the calls hll!lselt, the kid from \\ est in the roadbed after they had pass-
organization. stand it would be unwise to I 'hilly," J I is clothes are the latest ed.

Periodical and program work a

For Permanent stand that it \\·ould. be unwise to style, .he always wear~ a white The \~;ater Company, in an en-
change the regulatll 1ns. at least l'arnatllln alld. worsl 01 all, he IS deavor to save time and trouble !lot
lIf" throughout the al,\\·.ay: "hll\\'ing utl. ()j cuurse, only for the townships and the 'citi-
specialty. S atislaction of PedlatrtClans throughout the he IS tunny t" read alll ,ut, for he zens as well but to do the work as
BUY A country indicate" standardization i" a iamiliar figure to l:\'ery one: quiCkly as p~ssible without interrup-
IS necessary. and the whole. st"r::. IS one ot tion to traffic specified that the road
Dr. Grim has continued tuber- el'cry-day :\menean lIte. beds were not to be disturbed while
Smedley culin tests of cuws. hal'inl.; ex- ",\ Reader's Cuide (look" is an excavating for the new line.
PHILIP ATLEE LIVINGSTON amined 62 herd,.; comprising 1 i::l amaziug compilation I,i advice on The contractors have used a small
cows. In four oi ~he (;'2 herels. all things dealing with hooks. Hear Cat gasoline tractor clam shell
Built Home c~ws were found WIth tuherculo- .\ra~· I.amhertllll I\ecker. the auth- scoop. which digs a trench just wide
SIS, The dealers \\'110 ha\'(' been re- "r. IS WIdely knO\1'I1 U11 the lecture enuugh at the side of the road for
Printer and Publisher
WM. D. & H. T. SMEDLEY qllested to install adequate pas- plati"rlll and at literary gather- the pipe to be laid. In addition the
teurization plant,; hal'e done. so, in;.:,.;, and is al present nne of the scoop places the newly-excavated
Business Office at Narberth He reported t\\O pr()Seclltlon~ cdit"r" (Ii the "~atllrday !\n'iew earth in the fields instead of in the
I\'er~ !)~ollgh~ <,I,u;ing-. tl~e month "i Literatllre." Jn her newspaper road. a~d in this way there,is no in-
Cynwyd Office, 306 Cyn\\Td Road Plant at Wayne
ASHCANS fllr \'Islble dIrt In n1l1k. ,'"lullln "he has been a 1.1elp tu terruptlon to traffic and the roadbed
1>r. \\'ilhllr asked the j-)':lard llIany puzzled readers. and 111 COIll- is not Illarred in anywav. The work
and otticials to ha I'C all data ready piling' this boo~ she has ~tarted of refilling is done by g;ngs of labor-
'Phones: Narberth 25-15 or :!2(lJ; C~'nwyd SII: Wayne 12:~
H. RICKLIN'S ior the annual reports as soon each chapter with a qllestlun as ers with pick and shovel. and in
aiter December :\1 as pos:,ihle. a.sked her b~' Slllne one at son~e order to make quicker time and
Hardware Store The Board will ask ior an appro- t1l1~e. In thiS way tl~e readel: IS hasten the job to completion these
priation of about $20,000 for ]92,). gUided ~o bouks un 1~lStury~ blol- men have been working Sundays
ogy, sCIence. hll"k" tor dlt1dren, and holidays.
the "ick and thllse \\'ho desire an
Oftll,e Phone. Narberth 1871
in('xpensi\'e series illr home study. PLENTY TREES
B(laldClnC'll Phone, Narberth 2:116 Thos. A. Kerrigan & Son "~rark T\\'ain's .\utobiogTaphy"
Building and Contracting I in two volumes) is. as might well For Yule Season at Reasonable
Edward J. Hartzell Homes For Sale or Rent
he expected. unlike any other Prlces--Flrst Lot Arrive Here.
LET US HELP YOU WITH YOUR Real Estate ;l\lt"bi"gTaphy that has el'er been Celebrators of the Yuletide sea-
Plans & Estimates \I ritten. Disregarding all the rules
son in this vicinity will have no
CHRISTMAS SHOPPING. YOU AUSTIN E. HARTZELL Furnished For and prel'edent" of autobiugraphi- diffiC'ulty in obtaining Christmas
WlLL FIND ATTRACTIVE Insurance--Notary Public
Alterations & Repairing cal writing', the great humurist trees and other seasonal greens at
WRITE, 'PHONE, CALL and hUlnanilarian-ior 'I'1\'ain was reasonable prices, as far as the un-
GOODS, LOW P RIC E S AND 226 Haverford'.Avenue a" much tIlt, latter a" the iurmer-- obstructed supply is concerned, ac-
GREATER CONVENIENCE NARBERTH, PA. 42.g BROOKHURST AVE. range" back and i"rth "\'t'r his cording- to the statement is:;ued by
interesting' and extraordinary life; the Cnited States Department of
:=:=: :===:=:=:=:::= ; := =: ; :: now dealing with his bo).'hood A.griculture.
Christmas Cards-the most complete line in
Narberth. Many attractive designs. da\'s IIl1t in :'li"souri and .\rkan- Last year, previous to the time
Fine Stationery, Fountain Pens, Cigars, Cigar- sa~. and no\\' Slating with utmust for the shipment of trees from New
The Hall Mark ;rankne"s his upinions (If the great England and Canada, a quarantine
ettes, Smoking Tobacco.
A full line of Perfumes-Houbigant, Cot~' and
many others.
Enjoy a Winter and the near-great "f past and was established by the Department
present generations, ma ny 01 of .c\griculture, but it has been
whom he knew intimateh'. In a greatly modified this season. Ex-
Vacation Under

Manicure Sets and Toilet Articles. ;"reword til this remarkal;le bouk. l'ept for trees coming from certain
Candy in Gift Boxes. which the author stipulated should infested areas in the New England
Oameras, Films and Supplies. )10~ be published until after his States, the ban has been entirely
Razors and other shaving supplies.
Southern Skies of Service
death, he wrote: "1 am ''''fiting removed.
irom the gra\·e. On these terms I t was made effective in October.
•Inly ran a man be approximately 1923, because of the threatened
THEM TODAY From Chilly Blasts to Sunny Climes irank. Ill' cannot be straightly spread a f the gypsy moth and the
\. "
Down in Dixie, the Carolinas and Georgia and 11llqualitiedly frank either in brown-tailed moth, both dangerous
the gra\'e or out of it." :\11 in all, and injurious insects, infesting trees

C.O.CRANE Growing each year in popular favor thp monntains of the

Carolinas and the resorts of Virginia and Georgia present a satis·
fying, pleasing vacation.
this autobiugraphy is probably the and shrubbery of the North. The
most typical. and certainly the quarantine was imposed by agents
most self-revealing, hook. that of the Department because of the
222 HAVERFORD AVE. Narberth 1620 THE LAND OF THE SKY, HENDERSONVILLE, THE l\lark Twain e\'er wrute. There increased areas believed to be in-
SAPPHIRE COUNTRY AND LAKE TOXAWAY isn't a dull or uninteresting page fested by the gypsy moth last year
REGION, VIRGINIA 'HOT SPRINGS. WHITE SUL· in the two volumes. and. through- and because of the uncertainty as
PHUR SPlblNGS, CAMDEN, AIKEN, SUMMER- out. it fairh' scintillates with to the exact extent and degree of
THOMASVILLE. Each with an appealing charm invites Twain's richest and most pene- infestation. in the areas concerned.
the tourist in quest of a winter vacation. trating wit and humor. The first shipment of Christmas
Redolent of the balmy fragrance of the pines, the Carolinas

Help each year attract an increasinJr of visitors. Here nature
has been lavish with her majestic handiwork. Its beauty and
impressive grandeur will surprise and delight you, .while the res~rts
In "Romance and Jane ''''es- trees arrived here early this week.
ton," bv Richard Prn:e. there is
an enj~yable story 'of a young SCHOOL PLAYS FORBIDDEN

Wanted- -:r~~ ,.
of Virginia and Georgia present a happy eombinnllon of attractions English woman who has nursed
for healthful pleasures. outdoor life and enjoyable sports. IN JAPAN AS MORAL EVIL
an ill\'alid mother through a long
. ~
illness, while young people of her .Female Impersonations Are Bahned.
A land of charming resorts of fashion. amid sunshine and
in a hurry? flowers. on both the east and west coasts, delightful nnd alluring,
where surf bathing may be enjoyed and fishing is.nt il;8 best. Cen·
own age were going to parties. Student plays have been banned
.\ case of love at first sight. with in all middle schools, colleges and
tral Florida, with its benntiful bi!1 nnd lake regIOn. IS oue of the a man whose name she did not universities of Japan by order of
Un~lq>eCted company in. thehQuse-a most attractive plnygrounds of tillS wonderful Stnte. .:.

party in prolipect-feeling not quite up Even' \'ariety of sport and pleasure. witb Ke~' West and Cuba e\'en know, left a lasting impres- the Minister of Education on the
but a fe\v hours distant. sion upon her whole life. and the g-round that they promote promis-
to standard? And a week's washinlt A cross·State railroad, connf'Cting the East and West coasts,
staring you in the face--I story is a hunt for thi~ man, on cuous love affairs and are injurious
will be opened for service about January 1, 1925.
the streets of London, at theatres to the public morals.
Just step to the phone. call ournum- NEW ORLEANS MARDI GRAS and wherever she went. In response to a storm of protests
·ber. and we'll have our representative The cartiiyal in New Orleans is a pageant of surpassin It beauty Galsworthy's new boole "The from language schools that contend-
there in a ,iffy to take this big load off and splendor, embracing magnificent pnrades and brilliant balla.
The seneon befins twelve nights after Christmas with thl.' BaH of White Monke,·." is another of his ed that plays furnished one of the
your sbouldera. the Twelfth Ntght Reveier.s, con.tinuing daily until Monday hefor,? stories which' brings in some of best means of promoting·· foreign
DOn"\:· hesitate to can
upon us sinlply Lent, and the followinlL dar, February 24. is observl.'d a8 Mardi
Gras-Fnt Tuesday in English~when gayety reigns supreme. the Forsyte family. Fleur, with language conversation, the Minister
because you ha"eQ'~ ~n sending us A visit to New Orlenns, with a glimpse of the oid French her husband, living under the finally consented to modify his rul-
your.burtdle .reg1,1Jarl~'1l: fin<l. us quarter. its quaint scet1es anll .·b.eautilul .en\"ironment, will prove watchful eye of Soames, whoirig slightly. He will allow student
j~st liS prompt and·88 amdoustopl~se delightful.. .. . . .
adores her, is typical of the youth plays in the boys' schools with. the
.dthougl\ ,y'o1.1we~· o~Ofour oldest of .the present day,' who do not stipulation that there be no female .
custOmers. WI~TER:SERVICETO'FLORIDA kno\vwhat they want. but will impersonations and plays may be
lllll'eetive D~ember2D,l\nd·cont1nulng until
Ardmore, Pa.
'Phone: Ardm~re 115
., April la, the Seaboard Jrlo·rlda LImIted•. !lnd "FlorIda
Sp~clal" will be plo~ln "service· by the PennsylvanIa
ttnllrol\d, Senbonrd AlrUoo and Atlantic COllllt Line.
hi· connllCtion wIth the Florida Eliilt Gout· Rallrond.
II: vlnp; dRily ·llOlId Pullman trains frOm 'New York,
Plilladlllyhla, Bammore and WlI8blngton to the
prlnclpa Florldat:e80rt.·.
never be happy ~lnti1 they get it. produced in the girls' schools if
The story is written of England there are no male roles enacted. He
after the war, with its discontent first stipulated that the plays for
and unemployment, hut ends hap- boys' schools should have none but
pily for both of the yotrng couples male parts and those for girls none
,... involved. but female parts, but eventually can.
Tuoughsleeplilg carll oPer!'ted br the Pennsylvania Rallroad sented in special instances to per-
andconnectlna lines, supplrcol1venient. and adequate servic:e t() f I
practically, aU resortsip..thll S~uthlaild..,.. Dr. and Mrs. Wray H. Hopkins, mit acting of both male and· ema e

.~.~ . ;,J!.'~.:.imsyt¥.·JIOl.·_~.:~I.· .-.

:~,...~ad.··~~SYS.t~lIl·:~:.~· "·,br~he~t~n.;o~~l:si-~~~~~~ ~M~~~~~~i~~:~~:~".~:d~t:,;i~:
. " . Jlop~itiswasMissGrotI, a: fonner impersonating male parts did not

~·~· !:'.'!i!' ..!.~~~.O!,11T~.~iIl!!.o!,,!.:!:~!~~'·'!"'1!"'E·;!'~!.~!.!w!.A~.T.1'!'
. ," ...... ',;' .....
! .,~.~!.,.!..,!·BD!"~"'!'·'!·.1!'.!.. !".1!:'!::'!'~!.t~cherin

the Lower Merion Public attempt to make their costumes fit
the part.


1925 New Christmas Club


In line with serving our friends, the No formality about joining. Just
public, in all possible ways, weare make the first small payment.
again conducting our Christmas Club
for the convenience of everybody. y ou w~JI he agreeably surprised to
Weekly deposits ,are made through see ho~ fast the money grows.
the year. In early December the
Speak to yourfri¢ds and relatiyes
entire principal, increased by interest,
is paid hack at a time when it is about the Club. You can all save
most welcQme. at the same time.

The Start is Easy MONDAY The Finish is Pleasant

Requires a deposit .of$5.00 each w~ek for
the next 50 weeks. On December 1, 1925,
you will receive a check for $250.00,' plus


Requires a deposit of $2;00 each week for Requires a deposit of $1.00 each week for
the next 50 weeks. On December 1, 1925,. the next 50 weeks. On December 1,1925,
you will reeeivea cheek for $100.00, plus you will receive a eheck for $50.00, plus
interest. . interest.


Requires a deposit of 50 centseaeh week for' Requires a deposit of 25cents each week for
the next 50 weeks. On December 1, 1925, the next 50 weeks. On December 1, 1925,
you will receive aeheck for $25.00, plus you will receive·.a check 'for $12.50, plus
interest. interest. '




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