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A town to be progress,ive No worth••hile town rna· J'

must aense its limitations, teriaUy . b~nefited by the
then broaden them braying of bra.. banda

- ..- ...•. _-~_._----~--------_.-._---,.



FIRE COMPANY Y. M. C. A. Optimism. New Addition to Narberth Scenery.

Considerable cxcitement occurred i Any person who has travelcd bCII\'{'en
last Friday morning when, for some I Philadelphi~l an? New York via the
I N I fi ' d' ·
tYIme, 't d a s thougll the local Pennsylvama Railroad, even though .. but
The old alarm whistle of t le ar- t le apparatlls rst arnve It was stor- M IC seeme '\ B 'Idi might be a vic- once, will , dOUbtless recall the dIfficult)'
berth Park ASSOCiation , , was bl own on e d at t Ile s t a bl e 0 f M r. "'. ~1 S . "" ~Koore , ,. .f fi '" UI ng w IIIC
. I1 Ile Ila d'111 0 b" tallllng an unmter- .
Ii night in the fall of
18 6
9 , and answered un Haverford avenue (l.lOW occupied tll~l~r ~~;I'S Game Room, including I rupted view oflhe, landscape, o~ing to
to a fire in the Narberth Presbyter-, by Mr. Loos). At th:at time 111'. J. B.
ian (hurch, d frame stllicture, situatec ' 1 at CI ot I' Her Ila d a \'cry j'1I1e pair . 0 f coac I1
twoI JOW I11g
I a cys
II I tl
I ane l' tree I
pool the fact that practIcally the entire dis-
\\'e re tance IS an endless cham of sign boards. '.
the same location now occuple
- d b I bl d' tl
y wrses sta e In le rear a
it. The church was a total loss, amI the allli for a short time. the serious
f tl t
Ie ruc
THE FIRESIDE' tll b ~s WHC c "mage! serious)'.
thankful to sa that the damage will 1 OU r~call tillS! do you nott Try as
, 11 Y d l'
H · ',' •

e you WIll you sunph' cannot escape the

homes in the immediate vicinity were trouble of sccuring horses in time of be practlca ~ covdere . IJy lIlsuranc . I persistent ohtrusiOl; of these tiresome
in danger. Sparks fell on the roofs of lire was overcome. At the IIrst alarm By Ladv Narberth \-\le are conlronte Wlt,l many.ques- signs on your range oi vision. You
houses on Greyling avenue aud of lir.:, however, the mcmbcrs and alse. Hl'\'. and Mrs. C. R. B1ackall entcr-, tions, iucluding, "\\'hat IS the estnnate look out at on sid f tl d' t
ignited them. Before help came in the lhe horses were so excited that part laincd Dr. and Mrs. Romaine C. Hoff. 0 f t Ile d amage. y , t" and "\Vhen
'f I will
' the
'" as you have caught ceo ,Ie carofa
a glunpse an par-
shape of the Merion Fire Compauy, of the stablc door was taken ;Jlong, l11an at dinner Thursday, Octoher 5. game room he open or 1~lsm<;ss. ticularly attractive piece of landscape
of Ardmore (in those days it did take when the huck WlIS tllken oul. Thc Beta Chaptcr of the Chi Pi Sor- Owing to the fact that all thIS has to the whole tl,ting is blotted out by a
some time for assIstance ' to arnve, , ) From ?llr. 1I100re's slable the ap- urlly , \\'1'II' gll'C a p Ia)' ancIance dS on at- be taken care of hl.' J the Insurance. boareI w I' IIC I1 manns
' f you that \'ou WIll .
the people 0
f N b h I d t
ar ert 18 · I paratus was removed to a stable on urday e\-en,ng,
rlec , ' IleI' ~Sth, 1'I Ie C 0ml>any
:'\o\,eln , I ' we can report" nothll1'''' I
'" I e\'entua II)' bu)' a eertalll . brand'of type-
to ex ti n g u i s b the sparks b)' the property now occupied by Mr. title of thc play is "Tonlll1y's Wifc.' defimte. Howcvcr, an cst1l11ate. t~at writer. Now you may ha\'e 110 use
throwing mud at them. Thanks to Norman ] efferies, on Narberth avc· Those taking part arc: Miss Mary Row· will cover thl: damage to the blJlldmg 1 whatever for an)' kind of a typewriter, I
some of the very good baseball play- nue. Here the truck 1\')IS a grand and, ~Iiss 11e1~~1 Jones, !lIiss Linda Kirk, and fixtures. may he place~ ':etwee,n so you look h,l anothe~ direction in the I
ers then in our midst, the flames roosting place for chickens and it kept AI r. Stanlcy l\..lrk, MISS Bertha Harsch, $200 and $2aOO. Our bowhng alle) s hope of catclnng a ghmpse of another
were kept down. One of the roofs on the acth-e members very bnsy to keep .\1 iss Kathryn McDowcll, .\Ir. GeorgI: will have to be th,oroughly gone over, restful 'hit of landscape, only to tind
the Greyling avenue houses, however, it clean a II d i n s It II P e for i{ose, lIlr, Maurice Du ;\'iarais. and two, or ~losslhly three new pool your view obstructed hy even a larger
did get beyond the control of the service. On one visit hy the activl: MISS Ethel l<idge and Mr. I{o)' Ridge lablcs, inc1uchng ncw cucs and howl- sign informing you that ccrtain pIlls
"mud-throwers" 'and no ladders be- mcmbers for the purpose of c:eaning anllounce that lhey arc prepared tu g,\"\: ing halls, Unfo:tunatc1y the fire are good for your liver. After you re-
iag abailable, a board was finally put the apparatus an end to thc roosting ,nstrlllllun in thc modern dalKcs. weakened somc 01 the heams undcr peat this cxperience a number of times
out of a window and a man stood on was madc by !lIr. T. B, duMar.ais, who .\lrs, Edgar S, Taylor cntcrt;uned tht the g-ymnasium floor and the insur- and lind the hill boards growing more
the board. while on the inside, to keep administcred a good beating to the .\a,bertll IlI'e hundrccl Weunesday c\'cn- ance pcople will not permit us to use numerous each passing mile, you con-
the balance, two or three men sat Oil iather of that particular tribc of chick- mg, .\lr_ .\Iullcn \\Inlllng thc IIrst PflZt dIe "g-ym" until that is fixed, dudc some things arc worse than oth-
the board. Buckets oi water were ens and thns endcd our chicken trou- 101' lhe gentlcmcn, Mrs. l'Iagnorn I,I'S, \\' hen the rooms will be opened for ers and give up in disgust and begin
then passed out and in that way the ble, lor thc laCllcs; Mrs.•\lul1cn second an" Ilusmess cannot he defilllte ' I y answer- to read the latest war news, ' congram-
blaze was extinguishcd. The truck I\'as then mm'ed to the ,11 I'. ~uutherJan secont!. Tile huuse wa~ cd. 1£ the insur.ance people do the!r lating yourseli on the fact that you Ii\'e
It was on this night that the life of stable, un the property at lIaveriord Dealltlluf!y dccoratui witll l'llrysantne (lart promptly, things ought to be 111 on thc Main Line where such nuisances
the Narberth Fire Company r e,aII)' and Dudley avcnues_ lllU,lIs. shape by the middle of Decemhcr, and are not tolerated, and especially in Nar-
commenced, a few citizens getting to, At about t his time the new and .:III'S, John 1,etcham, of Hal'erion. ,n lull swing hy Christmas. bcrth, where-but wait! The lirst thing
gether on the scene of contiagration, lll'esent building- of the Narberth Pres. ;\\,enuc, ellterlallled at lards at lIer ltuml Ncvertheless we arc optimistic and that greets your vision at the statlull
pledging subscriptious for the or, iJ)'lerian Church was eomplcted and eln ~aturda)' alternoon, I\'uI'ClI1lJer 'tn. feel that everything in the present IIpon your arrival home, is one of those
gamzing of a fire department. lhc lire company bought from thc The Wedne,,<lay alteflluon sCII'm\: state of afia.lrs wilt be for the best. obnoxious signs again which in this par-
In the spring of the year of 1897, a PresbYlerian Church the woodcn club willmcet at \lIe homc 01 .Ilrs, jOlln We will hold all gymnasium classes ticular instance calls attention to Mich-
large tent was erected on the plot 01 structure in which church services i\.ctcham on .\ Ol'em,ler 1iilh. at the Ardmore Buildll1g untl1 our clI's seeds, and yOIl immediatel)" want to
ground at Esseex and Haverford ,avc- wcre heid dUring the building of the 'llIe l.1I1 1'1 ~urunly will huld an ".Gym" is pcrfectly sale. Those in- kr,ow why such ;1I1 outrage must be ~n­
niles, where an el1tcrta,lI1m~nt wa, I ncw House oi \\ urship. This wood- auctlun sale at tile llo.. ,e ut .111SS t-Julda lerested in pool and bowliug arc cord- dured, and mentalIy vow you wiII grow
given and the Narberth hre Company cn struclure was movcd un rollers JeheLcs lor Cilarllallle purposes, ::>at- ,ally inviteu to use the Ardmore tables potatocs in your lawn rather than pur-
In the fa I
irolll \\'illdsor and Grey!lllg a\'cnues, llraay, .\ol'emb~r
Hl,l. allel alleys, and matches wilt be ar- chas~
grass' 'Or flower seed from a linn
ll of 18"7 the charter f through or thc, I"ndncss of :'Ilr. Thcn. •·11 r. \V' »m<:o I l'Y Ilas tl Ie con- Iqngcd.
V. ' " ~"0 Illde- bOllnd b"J C0 mmercla • I
Ism 'as to-,
the Narberth Fire Company ~vas rle-I Harsch (onc ui the many of the old Lract to build a ne\y IIOl1le IUr Mr. 1"1. 1~OW
OJ , 'Ill.
IS the opportune time to place ruthlessly tra,mple on your ;esthetic feel-
ceived from Harrisburg nanling t It ", ' . \ J Itt mgs
' I and lalthlul workcrs lor the hre com, 1 . aco)s a ne nurtilcast COl'ner u. speCIal emphaSIS on other leatures ot . .
following gentlemen,as Charter 1\lem' pany) to lh\'erford and Narberth ~hll\I'oud and Wynnc\\UOu ,1\~llues, our work. V\e will commence some We must say we sy'mpathlze and agree
bers' h. A. M. L' ~tallg 1'. H. I res- "
, ,,', with d "II f tl k
co lt • S J Baker " ' a v e n u c s where the blllldll1g IS still Ilarl 01 the ground recllluy used lur tne educational work which Will be unOer
C. 1\. ::i. McClellan, " , .' d t t tl
,you, an WI say ur ler we thm'
thl" I _ all lIt ag t '
, ", standll1g, and IS now belllg used by pro UCllon otlle page"lll. 1 IS 1(; Llle supervisioll 01 compctent leaders. ~ ~ r e o ollr commul1lty,
~' l-~. ~nd
J. Ketcham, w. l{ussc,lI, ,1\ • .1:'••\11'. C. P. CO"k, as a storage place IIltcntlOn 01 Mr, jalOus allli Mr. 1111- \\'OIlIU you be inlercstcd in an Ur- shows a lamentable lack of ,business
A \Vm. L. Owens, \v. G. ::;lIllck, luI' limc ecment clc. This litt,e struc- legas Wllo jOlnl1y own tillS plot to elll- cllestra, a l<.eading ClUb, a ::ialesman- Judgment on the part of the hnn that
lei Faber C Hownrd McCaneI' ' .' I d d t I
•• ,. , lurc \\ as tltc hrst real home of the plO)' tIe sen'lles ot a lall scape arClll- sIll Course;' 11 so, just drop in and eSlres 0 secure, not on your patrOllilge,
J. B., Caldwe.l, l<'lchard H. \Va,Hace, ~,' lire coml)al1)'. In back ui the appa- lell to supcn',se Its development. _\'Ir. p, hut the patronage of other residents
J i K 11 I CI
MUlhneaux, r.: 1, . ' Ig 1,
las., ' rat us chairs were piaccd and it was Hillegas mtenos DlIIld\l1g a home lOr ~ 1 lle Tnree Questions).
lalK thmgs over. . ,
along the ,Mam Lllt.e. I.t, also shows a
Kreamer, M. ::;. Moore, 1-. H. HarJes, lhne that the meetillgs uf the com- Illmsell 011 allotner pan 01 tile grounds. wuetul lack of pubhc SPirit on the part
.1:'. ~' Jones, Cardcn Warner, T. H. p,any were held. The company at that 1\11'. and Mrs. WlIualll 1'. _(wrra anu ??? "The Three Questions," ? ?? of a property owner who, for the sake of
Helheld, ]. tv!. M;lrch, 1'. A. Bellder, lime could not afford tu keep the Lllelr Cl1llOrell l1a\'e n:turnt:d Irom i\t- We need not explain this title. Ev- a few dollars, will permit it to be used
G. B. Haines, Geo. w. Yardley, Geo. hOUse heated all the time and it there- lantic Cay to tneir 110111e on Chestlllh cry residcnt at J.\arberth knows what for such purposes.
Goodman, S. H.. nlcDowcll, A. t1. lore was nC(;eSsary to 'take lire ex- aI'C:nuc. we mean. This IS the wcek ior our \Ve cannot help wondering how long
Muller, James I{eed~ Carl l\lmtz~r.' l\l. tinguishers, etc., to somc place to pre- The lIIoving picture enler,ainmen, Membership Campaign, About ~5 or it will be before the Main Line, now that
1{. Thomas, 1,1. ::S. Atwoo~, Iheo. \'cul thclII lrom frcezing. For this wc glHU by tile veil 'lelepholle l,.""IIJ~n)
'JO of our active bnslllcss men have a. s~a.rt m~dc,
is. wi,u rh'al the Ne,w \'o~k
Harsch, ]. ~' Cloth~er, W. A. ::;taulltou, cuuld rely on a guod and faithful work- unuer llle auspIces 01 lIle Mdl,S UUu ueen diVided into teams of two men dl\'ISIOU m Its vaned and attractl\'C (:)
A. E, Clotluer, J. G. Bucher. er of the cumpany, F. S. Key and 01 llle l'reslJ)ter,all l,l11in;1I UII .\!O.h.Ja) cach, and Will visit evcry home in bill hoard scenery.
The first chief. engineer of the N ar- lamily, who,;e hUllle was at Haverford el'(;l1Ing was a greoll succ~ss. 1\ arlJerth. \ \' c are out for members, GEO. M. HEN RY.
berth Fire Company was Geo. O. ,and Narberth al'euues (now occupied Vu Hot lorget tile minstrel show to aud with such all active year's work
Goodman (an eX-lIIember of tht: l\leri- by M I'. .:Ilarkle), and which arc used DC gl,ven by tne lJU~,s ell t~le jhc,,'~dISI ahcad 01 us, we will have something POltal Savinarl
on Fire Company 01 Ardmore), who as a sort uf an annex. ;:,uUUa) ~1l1001 III !.;Ull Hall v .. ;:,atur- lhat will mtercst every reSIdent 01 'fhe growth of postal savings in the
devoted>t lot ot tnue to the necessary The next muve of the lire company lIay e\'ellll1g, Novembcr ~lst. As tnt: Narberth. \Ve are here to lill a com- Unitcd Statcs has been stcady and
• of org'auizing the lire depart- was tIe I purc Ilase ot' I t le c Ilenllca
' I en- cast ccnS,Sls mustly 01 local talent, anu mUl11ty ' nee d . " 11caltllY _.. '1IId tllc svstelll ' lIas j'llled a I I
ment. .
gme ,
wfllch apparatus has truly served llle boys arc wurl\lllg hard to make It a illlilortaut , ,'. p b C't \\' eCII
ga , th e ti n-c a n d'- c
Some of the tirst active members, its purpose alld is still in the active great success, It sllould receive ) our Big Sunday Men's Meeting. pository and the factory paymaster.
of whom some arc still active mem- service of the company today. \Vhen t1~arty support. , " '. _,' A meeting of unusual interest to On July 1, whcn aff,airs were running
bers alld I'll our midst were: T. B. l'
t us e IIcnllca ' I eugme ' ' d 'III Na
arnve ll1e r )'oung mcn - S IIl1u,trel
, sho\\ \\ III Ill-ell 1"111 he held next Sunday 'smouthlv. here and abroad and the
dpMarias, VV. L. ,Trotter, Geo. Clciss, Lerth, lhe cumpany was pleased to ente:·t,aln thelrpa~~'ol1s. W~tll a ,mst-class afternoon at fuur o'clock, at the Pal- tran:,missiun of monl'y across the At-
F S K C \ S
. . ey, . f . • 1,'1 CCI e I,an, A . R ,have ,uuly hall' 01. the prcscnt struc- 1"111 III ogramIla\'e on "\01
a" COI1l ellloer our
1lan)"Il" ;H, sllow We ace Theatrc, :\rdlllore. 'the lact that lantic \\"1'
lUH. a ten- ,s ','s,tfe and expeditiou'
. ~, there
,Miller, T. C. Trotter, Jr., A. P. Rcdi- turc on Fore,;t a\'cnlle, ready to re- lllele • ~..
orcnestra, Wltll tile 1I0ted little makes tillS a nlcetlng 1 t ot1- sucn great W,'S approxllnate Iy $ -la, 0 00,000 0 f pos-
Ii 'reell
eelve it. The house then consistcd of lllalllst, A1lss belle ~now.. ' o t \Vcst Cnester j;,;orl1lal ~chool, will lHI ~;l\.ing~ standing. to the..crcdit of
IInportallce, IS tHat ' 1 0 . '. . u "
fer, R. H. Harjes, Jr.
The first apparatus to be purchased the engll.e 1.00111 • ' " , .,'
dUll lIstdlrs , ~lId Cal'lIecl"'e, \valtcr l.,ulltun, llarolO be thc speakcr. ! IS sUIlJec WI e, about
.t'rOI. HIU Velllns, Hass \~ arren, BIIt i" t II b 38M,000 depositors. Smce then
over $lO,O(lO,OOO of deposits have been
was the hook and Ia dder truc', k W IlIC ' I1 a Ila II an d sma II ante ,room upstaIrs. ~lleakl,,;,n, .. \V arren Anoersoll, .c.dwara "Our Cnulces." 11 you have heard addcd and the numbcr of depositors
is still in active service. This truck This part of the present lire house was :\ndre\\'s, WUham MCCargo, Ivatson Prof. Green, we need sOlY k nothll1g I las 'II1crease{I enormously. l' IllS . lin-
w:as equipped with a hand pump and Ill:arlv all paid fur by voluntary sub- Uunng, Bill jellenes, ' \vatter ,,\ev111, more;
who has, ii you haven't,
or cOl11e as' sOllie
yourselt, and one,we prccec.en.le' I 1 ga!n ' IS, t IIe more strl'k'lI!g
George I:snll, 1~lwoOd Smedley, I-rank ~\'hen It is consldcred tha! the net gam
::.hciley, Eugcne Vans, ::iamuel "lcUow- assure you It Will bc one ot the est III the. last three m~nths. IS larger than
- - " . B
a reel caJ},able of carrying about 209 scnpltOlls.
feet of fire hose. In those days, Nar- (To 1e COlltiuued) ell, l'1,eWlt Lompton, .t:<lrl ~mith, Ver- Men's Meetings you have ever at- t,he gall1 for the entlrc fiscal year 1\114.
berth could not boast of having fire non Fled" George l'leck, ~larold WI,lIte, tended. Scores, of offic~s have. done more pos:
plugs, and water ior lire lighting pur- Harry Hrown, l'rank Chit, J r" 1- nft . Ch 1 t;:( bus1l1ess smce the war has
Directors Formally Authorize Chmelison Martin CUll1mer !{obert bl'cn gOIl1'~ on than was donc hy them
The Main Lme ora.
poses d had t to be t takcn WI fromtl wells, fir Purchase 0
f P ar k P roperty .\Iueller Env111 Ward Edwar'd Scanlin.
, , Ull{ler gencral superv,isio. n 0, f during the previous existence of the
, TI' fi d t
pon s, s reams, e c. len le e Get your tlckets early. the Y. M, C, A., this orgalllzatlOn IS sen'lce., le ltJ.c:{'ases are con ne 0
plugs were install cd in Narberth the At a meeting of the Board of Direc- The Uoard oi Health held its rcgular starting its sccond year. Miss Anne no spl'clal 10cahtlCS, but have been felt
pump and reel were removed from the tors of the Civic Association, held Fri- month:y meeting on Saturday nigh~, all McDonough, who is director of the in cvery noo~ and c?rner of the COUll-
truck, making I the apparatus so muc I dHy cvening, form<ll action was taken mcmbers of the board
'I'lle ciliestion of guarding the milk Peoples' Choral Socicty, 0, f 1'11I1ad. e1- g,am
being present. try:. 111 ,New 'Y ork CIty
S.ePtember of more alonethanmade.a mil-a
lighter for t le orses, authorizing the purchase of propcrty ior supply on account 01 the disease now phia, tion. isShe alsoisdirectora 1110stotefllclCnt
t.llI,s orgalllza-
leader, 11.0n, \\' l!I.c. I B roo'kl yn s I}owecI a re Ia-
The first gala day for the Narberth the /lark de\'e1opment as PCI' recommen- among some of the cattle was taken up, and is having line success. This sod- tn'ely !lIg l!1c~ease. Chicago reported
F· C I' 1 f I dations of the Park Cummittee, published and al:;o the sanitary condition of our ety I'S l'llll'llg a need in this, community, a largcr gam In th,e past three months
Ire ompany was t le arnva 0 t le 11lIblic schools, and these ordcred to be than for the pre\'lOUS twelve months.
truck, The program consisted of pa- in our iast issue. This looks like busi- looked 1·lltO. and it is a great opportulllty for those More than. 7000 new. accot.lI1ts. were
rade, speeches and refreshments. ness. The general sanitary condition of the interested Narberth111ischoral not aswork. active as some openecI d unng I t 1~ per1~,
d b rmgll}g th e
The early history of the Narberth uoroug,1 is excellent. otller towns along the Main Line. ill nllmbcr of del>osltors 111 that cIty up
Fire Company meant it~
plain words Unclaimed Letters The members of the board answering
to roll call were: President, Mr. C. E. this organization. Several are gomg largest banks III th~
to over 21,000•. A number of the v~ry
country, ~hlch
very hard worl, for all-c'ollllected with Kremer; Mr. Perrv Redifer, Secretary; now, but quite a number should go. IHlVe ~er~tofore dechned t~ quahfy as
it. One of the great obstacles to be Mr. Richard E, Williams, Robert K, Mr. VI. S, McClellan, Health Officer j It meets every 'fuesday night, at the depOSItorIes for postal-saVIngs {unds,
overcome Was the, linding of a suit· Smith, Mr. John McGoveran, John A. Mr. Chas. Noel, Mr. T. B. DuMarias, Ardmore Building. For fcurther in- are now among the eager apphcantl
able .t~\;lle for the apparatus. When Ritter, Miss Abbie Lamb. Dr. Clarence T• F artes . formation caIl either Y. M, • A. for them •
------------------:----------------_.. ._-----------------:----------------_.
ON THE 8.14
?~------------_ . . -
•Custom of the Wedding-Cake
-The Goddess of Gauds NEW BOOKS
Owned nnd publlsbed c\'el'Y 'l'hur~,ln~'
- --_.
By Beatrice M. Parker.
The custom .)f clltting the wedlling-
cake in the presellce of Ruests is as
And Elsewhere in Our Town.
Here's a Narherth story that desen'es
Today nnt only is one handsomc
gown of ceremony required of a wom-
an who is swimming socially, or ol1e
who wishes to he known as a mntlel 01
"sartorial pl'rfectioll," but ,l (lu7...."n
Have You Read These?
by the Narberth Civic Association.
old as the hi1ls, so to speak. 1t used to go right along side of that famous equany handsome frocks, with acces- The Son of Timeus.
MUS. C, U. BLACKAI,L, to be said that if there was no wed- anecdote of the late Dr. S. Weir Mitch- so;ies in keepin,g, each ~uitable in fa- The restoration of Blind Bartimeus
Editor. ding-cake there would be 110 future ell, which relates how the celebrated bnc and c~lt to ItS occasion and to the is the inspiritin~ theme of Dr C. R.
taste of hgllJ'e of the wearer. More BI ckall' b k "1'1 S· f
happin css . In Scotland, especially, Philadelphia nene specialist- gorgeous lI1ust she be at after-dark 'f' a ,~,~f.w 00, Ie <;>n 0
v~ Ith great s!mpath~hc and
lInslncsR Monnger. Ihis was believed, and among the What? You knew Dr. 1\1 itchell wrote fnnctions than Sheba of old-she must IIneus:
twinkle and glittl'r and gleam though dramatic skill the glOriOUS miracle is
II. C. GAHA, poorest classes the wedding-cal_e was "UIII,(It Wynne" unll "The Red City," • 'SI ' related.
A,!verUsIllg Manager. Ihe only artic.le of ioclll furnished at \ allll yOIl thought Iw was u professional not tOll obVIously. Ie must no long-
er rustic stimy. as was the vogne five ~ e .. leI' \\T'tI er.s, D 1': BI ac.I. a III las
VI lik otl
llend all letters IIIHI lleWS ileUlR to P. 0, the werlding. ullth'lr, and 1I0thing mt1i'e! Well, take years ago; her gowns must bc softly lo~sldered It \,,:orth 1~ls wh:!e to mform
KurIJerth, )·u. )In lIut Setllt 111,,10 rich, her laces must be real and sup- S)
men tl~:lt thiS so-c~lIed Beggar" by
uted by supe.rb embroideries o,:er s le road'l~e . .was. neither beggarly in
til llilll,prtnter. '1Ne find old uccounts that say wed- heart, ne'g-hhor, there arc olhers-many
Xelld nil advertising copy to 1'. 0, llo" ding-cakes were common at Greek others. c~oth-of-~old, or Silver: these embrold- ' atI1l1 or IIJclll1a~lOn.. That he was
ellle ll
fl:!ll. '1'ownalltsremlttunees
on slIle at to O. Bolt
the1'.depot ncWs,a~, marriage feasts at least three centur- However, this is what happened to the eries enriched in turn by jewels, some- rO /7, of maJ~stlc mell1, and unusually
~llln<1. lind ut tile stnrc nf II. E. lJu\'ls. ies before the Christiun era. The Doctor-author. In his later veal'S he times "mock" oftencr real. And over IIllelhgent. \'1 e learn, mo.reover, that
____ -------- cake-cutting also is an old custom, suffered more or less from nerv~us trou- all is thrown' a \'eil of chiffon that adds h<; was posse~st;(1 of suffiCIent person-
AJll'lIrlltion for pntl'~' II" "l'('OIIl]·ellls" to the mystery, softens the shimmer, ahty t.l~ gr.a~p. h~s Jlre:~uma~Jlr Onc Big
lIIall"r lit the Jlost "f1h'e lit NlIl'hl'rth, I'll" und it is interesting to sec to what hIe and once while in Germany he call- and notablv increases the expense. Chance (,lga1l1s! the huslllngs of a
I,undlng. uses this was put. In Ireland, for ex- cd on a famous nerve specialist to see Thus she cx'presses herself through her e!amorous multitude) al~d so obtain
ample, it has been the custom for if the Teuton could help him. After he gown. BrieRy, she is dress-mad. The ~lI1l1ll.taneou,sIY th~ 1:lessm o! sight
----------_._------ 'chronicles of fifties have much to say :\I1d Immed!ate re,ease from hIS gall-
of women's wit ano charm; cnmpa r - I~lg occup:atlon of Alms-Seeke~. \Vith
THURSDAY, .NOVEMBER 12, 1914 years for the priest to cut the cake had heen thoroughly examined, this is
into small pieces; each guest took a what Dr, Mitchell heanl the German ati\'l'lv little of their frills and furbe- Iarc taste and c~mprehenslOn Dr.
piece and left in its place a small hit specialist say: ":\Iy friend, there is only lo\\'s;' nothing of barbaric splendors. Blackall seek~ ~n~1 hnds beauty where
What a Worth.While Citizen of change to go toward giving the one man in the world who can help Veri:v, 1111 normal women wish to look less tender hlstonans have noted only
Writes of "Our Town" priest his fee. you; that's Dr. ~. \\'eir ;\{itchell, of well.:'lo wear good-looking clothes facts.
that arc well cut, and worthy of ten roses
or ,example, he e\'en sees the
chmbm~ o\,er ~he humble door-
"Please mark me as a subscriber to I n the making of the cake, the pres- Philadel pl,lia .!" thousand cagle eyl's; but few arc there wa Yr of the bhnd man s hom~.
your bright, snappy publication-the cut-day Greeks believe, so we are told, An~I, thIS IS what. happened to ~ne of among worth-while l.lames or demOi-\ \'\ e arc sIH'~J1 par.en~hettca!IY how
only local newspaper we have ever that the bride and bridegroom should our clhzens lust Fnday. 1 kuow It hap- selles who wonlo feel elated at hcing g~eat a lo\'c th!s ,~e.ggar s. family bore
had that is worth while. be taught a lesson. The ingredients p~ne(! because I sa: .directly ba~k of cited as a "Fashion Doll" or a hlln. The poss!blhheS, splrtual, physi-
"I enclose one dollar for the year, are first measured out and then placed hun m the trolley. ), nday, you WIll re- "Clothes Tree." If the gold. silver, and cal, and finan~tal, that came th~ough
jewel craze in oress-fabrics continnes, ~ boundles~ faith t,o tl!e son of Tnneus
and you may start ll1e from the No. in a huge mixing-trough. At one end n~l'mher,. was ~h~ d,a of the fire at. the contented minds in drawing-J'Ooms or IS the motIf of tIllS slIuple story o( a
1 issue." is a big saddle on which sits a boy, I:. ~1. C: .\, nt11ldm~. But our fflend office will be at a premium. Only tril- ~'oung man. of long a~o. As an
girded with a handsome sword; at the IS one oj the champ,lUn sound sleepers lionaires cun stand the metallic pres- t11~lstrated gift-book for Bible-lovers to
So many kind words arc being said other end is a little girl; her hands ~f the horough. esp~clallY .between ;; ~nd sure oi superfine raiment. Few weal- Blb!e-readers-especlal~y at t\.te great
thy modems have the courage to be festn'al season-notlun.g . could be
about "Our Town," that, once more, must be the first ones to touch the I A. :\1., and O~l thiS particular morn1l1g
"ori~inal" in drcss, nnless in extrav- chosen m;>re wholly satlsfymg.
sincere thanks is expressed. Such ap· 't' k d d 'fl tl he not only fUlled to hear the fire ben, agance or in cut; yet, scattered like • Geo. \\, Jacobs & Comp:any. Price
o e ore I ·IS 'nea I fi e. . I I len Iek hut It . SCI happened thut he arrived at the
preciation incites to better and high- d ugh b f dew-drops upon a parched earth. we aU cents.
er aims and should help materially in rca I coo'S k s t 1'1' 111 ant '1'1nls . 1 tIedd w oslatIOn r· at ahoul 1:13~ m1l1utes . past S. occasionally find scn'ne-eyed yonng
How It Happened.
as experts · on 1yf can. liS . 0 cc-re- . It also - happened that he sat beside ' a wives and mothl'r" with whom llress i,
efforts being made for the unlift of Mary Cary's crt'a'or has iu~t writ-
mony, (a
I t 1I1g rom centuries ago, IS
, r t' tl t I b'd I Id I stranger on the tram and (lid not, there- " not an ohsession. \Vhen prices soar.
our Borough. ten another joyous bnok wherein sim-
an Ill( Ica Ion 1'1. t l~ fI e s. IOU a - inre. leam of thl' tire durin the ride snch wOlllen prder one yester-ycur's plicity allll childish charm are dom-
Business Men to Help ways take an achve
hold affairs, and that the grol!lm 0
II1terest m house- t· I' I St
,m:\( • reet • auou.
St' t frock. for ccrelllonial occasions. aye,
ut . on a C\'l'n sans glitter, to the family stom-
inanl factMs. This book is called
Chestnut street cal' he bumped II1tO a ,\ch yearning for accustomed strength- "I~ow it Happened." Through many
A great memhership campaign is One solemn facl must Imght pages we go with Carl11incita
s IIOU Id ever stan d rea d y, to guard and f' fiend who IS . a photographer on one of giving fond
being conducted in the interest of the
protect the home, . even If. he l11ust .don tl Ie PI'I 11 a d e Ip Illa
. papers. 'l'h e woml'nnow hl' iacl'(I. to wit: that there 'are upon a quest fur happiness (chiel1y for
Y. M. C, A. Business men have band- ga'nre whose barbaric adorn- uthers). Kate Langley Bosher has the
thedsword and nde out II1tO the l11ght following is a stenographic report of the lI1ents arc slolen 111 part from the seeing' I'YC and understands better than
ed themselves into a large committee,
to 0 so,-Home and School. conversation, the letter "c" standing for "honsc-m<lnl'\,," and who sa\' me most authors how to write a Christmas
which, in turn, is divided into tcams
citizen of Narherth and the letter "p" "Na\'." The" creclulitv of Imsbalids on story, in which tears and smiles touch
of two. The town is to be canvassed this 'score is malched' on Iv hv the iond elhows sympathetically.
hy them for new members.
Foot Ball for the photographer: belief of wives regardilig "their hus- (HARPERS).
A splendid building and fine equip- Ritner Club defeated Narherth by the C-"Out on an early assignment to- band's "meagre" lunches. down-town,
sO perhaps this ('\'cns up matters Peter Piper.
ment, of which any borough might be score of 19-0. The feature of the game day, eh? Anything special doing?"
was the forward passing by J eltries, of P-"Fire story; pretty mean blaze, maritally. II an' vou read "Peter Piper" Doris
proud is all our own, and these men ~IINN.'\ TIIO~I:\S ,\NTRIM. Egl'rton- Jones' novel? If not: hasten
the home team, which enabled Narberth too, but the light inside the building was
will tell about it and give an oppor- lest yO:1 miss a good thing. Peter's a
to bring the ban up to the 12-yard line, so had I couldn't make much of a pic- linl' ~i·c ',irl is ri:.~ht :,nrl. though she
tunity to help sustuin our organiza- My Auto 'Tis of Thee l~omes ruther a crupper at lirst. she
tion, which is solely for commtmity only to lose it on downs. Lungren, Rit- ture."
ncr's star right end, was nnfortunate in C-"\Vherc 'bouls? Here in the cen- My :auto 'tis of thee. l"i(les strail!ht In cover at last. The
use, and has possibilities of great
having his ankle broken during the sec- tral part of the city?" Short cut to poverty, \ l1"vel In.; i;Cl'll eagerly snapped up fur
"pdwer for good. Of thce I chant. dramatic prodnction, and will be "put
ond quarter. The ankle was examined P-"No, OUT IN NARBERTH ,"' on" with"I'1 delay, which is about the
The interest and enthusiasm that I blew a pile of dough,
by Narherth's coach, "Doc" Town. This C-"Out in N-A-R-B-E-R-T-H! On you two years ago best pronf that though nothing lasts
they are showing should become uni-
is Nurberth's first defeat on the home That sonnds interesting! You know I live Now you reiuse to go, fon','el" ill ;he same (arm, a corking
versal in our town, and thc building Or won't or can't. lC;ood stor~ like "Peter Piper" is hound
gronnd. A fairly good crowd witnessed in Narherth and pay $3.0n a year to
and equipment' -of the Y. M. C. A, used In be oramatized or filmed for the jo)'
the contest, and it is hoped we will have helong to the tire company. Would you Through town and country-side,
Yon were my joy and pride, Ili Ihe m:tny.
to its limits. "~IORE" next week. Line-np: mind telling me something about this Oh, happy day. (GEO. W. JACOBS).
Narherth. Ritner. fire; tl1l'n ) can save at least one cent I loved thy gaudy hue,
The Junior Campaign, two weeks
B. Jcffl·ries, .. , .Ldt end"
ago, was wonderful1y successful, be- C. Ht1l11phrey .. ~eft tackle
,~kArdle 1 ont of the $:I.OO?" Thy nice white tires so lll'W, Goo:l Form for All Occasions.
Herratty (:en minntes later as the photograph- Hut now you're down allll out fill' ~Il onc eab with a shovel or says
cause the boys who went out werc in l}udS,on
earnest, They went in groups of ten, I,ro\\n ,
Left guar(!. .. ,
; Centre, , \\ool1e)
G,rahan~ er IS preparing to 1l'ave the trol1ey)
)'-"I\y the \V;IY Joe dl'l' k
1n cverv \\'ay.
"): l'S. ma'am" these days, yet there arc
11l1lli.-,ns who have lacked sponsors in
:\1 kl' tTl 1t ·
,. R I~. I .....•NT car d on there was an e!l'clion ' , (~ou no\v and To thel', oid ratl1l'box. good manners who would like to kno\\'
and in a short while secured one hun- • a.~ e_ guan, last Tuesday
0\\ mgs h.lgl.Jt tackle Ryan that tIle Athletics lost the \\'orld's Ser- Came many bumps and knocks. exactly how to beha\'e upon given oc-
dred and thirteen new members. W.. Humphrey,. Right end Lun~~en ies ?" For thec T grieve. casions and above all what not to do
What a splendid work for the boys ~I~k~y Quarter-back, . . . .. DlVme And now, as Ceorge Ade would say: Badly thy top is torn. to ha I-mark him or herself a novice.
of our town! Kerrigan Le~t half-back., Tola~d ~[oral;-A Wise Gny docs a Little Mix- Frayed :are thy scats and worn. To their rescue has come Florence
The whooping cough affects thy horn, Howe Hall, in a little book entitled
D y'? J cffcnes .. Right F 11 ba half-back
k B Bo) Ie' ' 1110-
' ' With the Boys 3 . 0 n tl Ie PI a tf orm antI 1 do believe. "Good Form for all Occasions."
a IS u.- c yrne Knows what's going- on in Our Town.
The Steady Subscriber Subs-Derby, QUllln, Narberth; Caul- * * * * * Thy periume smells the breeze, There is next to nothing omitted.
How dear to our heart is the steady hane, Drew, Ritner. Whi'e good folks choke and whecze. The book is vividly illuminating. For
' By the way, 111y helligerant friend Mac As we pass by. youngster or oldster it offers not only
subscriber, Referee-Simpson Haverford Um- IS ~n the rampage again. but as usual 1 paid for thee a price, the correct way, but goes as far as the
Who pays in advance of the birth of . S II b U'· . . he IS more or Il'ss jnstitied He says' '1'would hn~' a mansinn nice,
each year, plre- he en urg, ~:lIJus. LlI1ema?- :'T hclieve in advertising, a~d I believ~ correct dress, and the food suitable to
Who lays down the money ~nd does it Ward, C. H. S. 1Imekeeper-Snllth, 1m sif.(ns-advertising and otherwise-in Now everybody's yelling "ice," offer a ~uest after the theatre 01' at
I wonder why? ~v~ek-en(k Full of points, all author-
quite gladly, the office a halo oi Narberth. Time of qnarters-10 min- I the right place. I also believe in beauti-
And casts rouno utes. ful lawns and fine flower gardens. But :I'h~' motnr has tli e grip, Ihve, (HARPERS).
cheer. It doesn't look like good husiness to me fhy spark-pIng has thl' pip,
nor does it seem consistent, for a con~ And WClC is thine. George M. Henry's New Book
He never says "Stop it; I can not A wan who will wil1ingly neglect his cern that caters to the lawn and flower- l, too, have suffered chills,
afford it, hody, or abuse it by lack of carc or by loving residents of a suhnrhan town for Ag-Ul' and kino red ills, Pennsylvania Trial Evidence.
Endeavoring' tn pay my hills. l\Ir. Henry's new reference manual
I'm getting more magazines now pernicious practices, is likely to be- their trade, to alh'ertise in a wav that Since tho1\ wert mine.
than I read;" come diseased, not only in hody, but offends these same ;:uburhan cust;lmers. Gone IS m), bank-roll nnw, re'ating to evidence in Pennsylvania
Bnt always says, "Send it; our people in soul as well
all like it- , I What do !ou think abaut it. Chief?"
So we, 111 turn, ask you, fel10w garo-
eners and cid(' (Ill' nerhaps T should
No more 'twould
As once bcfore,
chnl(e a cow,
cases sets forth with characteristic
clarity much that is lacking in other
more 'ambitious text-books. This work
In fact we all think it ;a help and a Y('t if I had the mon,
need." The adulteration of foodstuffs is by say "Borough-Priders"), \Vhat do von SCl help me honest John. will be of great assistance especially to
no means a new thing. It is, in fact, think. ahout? Take a loo~ tomorrow I'd Imy a l'ar al!ain. Irade lawyers in mallY instances where
., morl1lng: then ask vour neIghbor Se~ statnlory enactments have made matl'-
How welcome his check when it reach- as 01 as lIstory Itself. The annals what he thinks.' . And speed some more. rial changes a ~ in the case of Pennsyl-
es our sanctum; d I
How it makes our pulse throb; how of Greece, Rome, Egypt, Chaldea, and * * * * '" ~ania. Its. avolVed object is practicahil-
it makes our hearts dance! Assyria all reveal the fact that away .T (!~n't thil~.k. the advert;sing manager The Merion Title & Trust Co. Ity, to which end the following subjects
We outwardly thank him; we inwardly back' 111 those early times men were Will. cal1 me If T say a few words of arc treated: Admissibility in general or
. praise about a well-known fumiture of Ardmore, Pa relevancy, admission, book entries,
bless him- a.dd Icted to the practtce of adultera- mann factureI'; e\'en mention his name. character, confessions. custom and
The steady subscriber who pays in hon. I'm sure he won't, hecause the furniture The oldest. largest and bEst depository u,age, deposit ions, documentary evi-
advance.-The Lamp.

r --..
~~~-_---_--------.!-----_-----------_ in Ihis vicinity dence, exhibiu, hearsay, judicial notice.

C b-l:-naht.l~o
...o-m.. .n·.C
.. ...o••u··p··o·..n-···.C·.... k·y··..
he..c·... o.... ur-
_.. ·i·s··h·.·.e··s········
m an T ha\'e in mind is not only dead,
and thereforeadvl'rli"el''',
of poss!h!e entirely onthut
•' dean ol1lte a few veal's. I refer to the
of he's
the realm
he en
Capitol, :t150.0~(~ Surplll., $125,000 op,inions, parol evi~en~e, presnmptions
UndiVided Profits, $40,000 pn\'llege, COl11mUI1lCutIOIIS. trial mat-
\t'rs, pertaining to. and witnesses.
• I· late Wil1iam Morris. Both the author and those whom he
I Boyle's Market House seeks to serve are to be congratulated

Secretary, Civie Association, Box 34, Narberth.

; $1.('10
Enter my name on your books in accordance with the cheeking below: I: Morris
was a as
more, he
wellheliever in things
as useful, and
\111 to his beliefs
even in his husiness. Therefore I be-
Iieve William Morris would delig-ht in PRIME MEATS
liP on a work that furnishes documen-
tary evidence in abundance of not only
mucl~ thou~ht. ialid legal surity, bllt
no ltttle skill 111 arrangement of such
Voting Membership in Civic Association ii those Ilew street s;l!"ns at the corner of
Shirle\' Road and Haverford Avenue.
a fund of nseful data.
. (~:ONNY & SAGE).
Home Dressed Poultry, Buller
Voting Membership in Civie Association and One Year's i It will pay you to stroll over that wav
$L .50 Subseription to Our Town _ _ _ • and see those signs. They were de- Eggs and Game

j si~ned hv Walter T, Dothard, and they
i fol\ow the Morns line of reasoninll to a
$1.00 One Year's Subscription to Our Town T-they serve a useful purpose and they Fancy Fruit and Vegetables That Roof. Gutter, Etc.
are good to look at. we .,.Illll t ...lfMI or work

Which leads us to say that "art for
art's sake" doesn't make much of a hit "A Store for Particu'ar People" Our " ,..... pa1enct . .hi count for
Name with "us." but that we'l\ "0. K." ART
FOR PI!OPLE'S SAKE every time it NARBERTH, PAr At'" MCGIDIeY t.\
~dress •••••• ; •..•••••••••••.••••••••.•••...•••••••••.••••••••••••••• } comes up to our desk. ,~ ':J.. Ufll.1iiilJlDili~
......................................................................................................... ..... , L CHIEF WINGEBONE, ]UNJOR.
Telephone ~'""._' ......


cusing- and defending angels stand Semi-Finals - Kirkpatrick defeated Who Threw That There?
CHURCI-l.NEWS Ibefore the throne, concluding with the Staples, 8-6, 6-4; Warner defeated Sny-
final triumph. der, 6·4, 6-B. ., . Savill's Swan Neck Did you do it thol1ghtless!l' and from
habit, not realizing that )·ou added your
All Saints' Church These chapters will he preached as
Corncr "i Montgoll1ery and ,"Vynne- a continued story of the Bil.>le each rick -I-G. 7-5, 6--1, 6-1.
Final-\Varner defeated ].,Irkpat- FAUCET mite to make the sidewalks and thorough.
fares about the Post Office and Penn-
wood avenues. Sunday evening in . thc Narberth -rien's Doubles, preliminary round- sylvania Railroad Station unsightly?
TI1l' HI'I·. Andrew T. Bmke, Rector. Methodist Episcopal Church, hy the J. B. Esenwein and A. G. Staples de- Perhaps you didn't, hut somebody eer·
Rev. Chris G. Koppel. feated H. D. Hall and O. HumphreYs, tainly was careless about his waste paper
SUllday Services 6-4, G-2; W. J. Kirkpatrick and W. Co· after he received his mail or was on his
Thc first of thc series, "The Angels," win defeated W. S. McClellan and R.
8 A. IlL-The Holy Cot11111uni{ln. will begin next Sunday evening, No- E. Pattison, 0-1, 7-5*; J. A. Sny~er way home from the stores, and what he
!I.45 A. M.-The Sunday-school. vemher 15th. didn't want was leisurely cast away.
and \'1. P. Bent? defeated G, Engl!sh
11 A. M.-Morning Prayer and Ser- and S. En~lish. 6-2, 6-1; F. 1\1. Justice Take a look about the walks leading to
1110n. . Men's Class. and F. G. -Warner defeated J. S. Ket- the station and you will be shocked to
4 P. M.-Evening Prayer. The uniqne way the mcn of the cham and C. F. Clan?, 6-0, 6-1. realize that many persons regard so
There will he as second celehration l'lethodist Church take to advertise First ronnd-C. H nmphrcys and R. lightly the appearance of these places.
of the Holy Cot11munion 011 the first makes one think that "it pays to ad- Tuwnc defeated L. McLure and J. R. Discarded envelopes, paper bags that had
Sunday of each month at 11 o·c1uck. vertise," as a visit to thc class will Joncs. 6--1. 0--1; Kirkpatrick and Co- contained cigars, fruit or candy; tobacco
show. win defeatcd Esenwell1 and Staples, tins, pouches, and what-not of the small
1'01. trash that pedestrians drop, are seell
The Evangel Baptist C h u r c h . · . 6-4, 7-5; Snyder and Bentz def.eated JUlie /8.
Thc pnnted matter seen, contall15 Justice and Warner, 6-4, 6-2; S. Kitchel JBJI. scattered about, even among the flow-
Emerson L. Swift, Pastor. only a suggestion, uut carries a con- and E. L. Kanaga defeated M. R. Jahn- Thos. Savill's Sons ers and the shrubbery on the south side.
. a -. f I viction with 1·t. .It lis to the efflect that I,e and H M. Remington, 6-3, 6-2. Bath Room F·,,,tllres and !'uppUes. The wagon stand just outside the post-
The twenty·thinl anl1lvers ry 0 t le the "psycho 1oglca moment las ar-
]'I'I>le S . F:nals I-lulnollrevs and 1310-12-14 Wallace Street. office is often littered with these things.
SCllOO!" will he ouserycd Tuesday . . I . h enll- I -
rived, your n~ind IS occuple~ WI.t ~ Townc defeated Kirkpatrick 'and Co'
4 0 o-~ o-~' Sllv{ler and Bentz
> The Pelllls)'lvania Railroad does its
evening, November 17th. The speaker thought. It IS the eternal question. .
will be Rev. J. Mi[nor Wilbur, D. D. - . N wIn. -, I .J, ", • ' best to keep its property and its accesses
This event has always drawn a large Before you d~clde,)~? to the .ar- defeated Kitchell and Kanaga, 0-2, ~-6, clean, but the. station attendant cannot
and appreciative audicnce. Two new berth Mcthodlst Ep,scop~1 Blblc 6.1.
ektsses were formed last Sunday, an- Class for Mcn, on Sunday. fhe class Final-Snyder and Bentz defeated
FRANK CRIST cope with general thoughtlessness, oc-
curing at all hours of the day. He can-
uther will be started soun. is ready fOIl study ~t 9.015 1\. M. e~ch Humphreys and Towne, 6-~, 0--1, -1- 3, MEATS AND PROVISIONS not be pushing a broom all the time.

Dr. H. W. Kirby, medical missiona.ry Sunday, :he diSCUSSIOn of VItal pomts 6-0. He has other duties.
t S d As am will speak at the mls- being takcn up at thc last period 01 Mixed douhles-Irwin and \V.. J.
~ion:d~raye~m~eting Wednesd~y ~v~n- the study h o u r . . . Kirkp,atrick d~feat,~d ~Iiss ~. J~lstlce HIGH GRADE BUTTER Don't forget that visitors to our
Year-'Rouna Home Town look about
ing, November l~th .. The pubhc IS ~n-I Go with your querlcs, go your and I·. :-'1. JUs,t.lce. ;.-6,6-1.7-." l\1!. and Telephone-Narberth 664 A them and expect to see cleanliness.
vited to hear tIllS Interestmg and m-. story and be for a.l~ mtellcc- Mrs. E. L. I~anag.l ~efe~tcd ~ 1\lIs.s L.
structive speaker. I tual treat, a spJrltual uphtt and a JacohJ: al)d f. G.. \V,lrnel. ~-I, 0-.3. - G & W J M kle The first impression might be a lasling

I eo .
one. The first impression is received
Tile ~u"?mage salell) ' ·1;'1 tI In Ie i social hour. - Sell1l-Fmals-l\llss C. Irwm and W. ar
\\ l.C 1 le Ill'
school IS mterested Will be. held Wec-
... , J Kirkpatrick defeated Mr. and Mrs.
They II1vlte you If yo.u arc not a \V R D Hall, 6-1, 6--1; l\lr. and Mrs.
.. at the railroad station and on the thor-
oughfares leading from it.
nesday, November 18th. It IS under the member of any other. Bible class, to r' I . I' ;nag-a defeated Miss E HUI11- ' Keep your em'e1opes, newspaper
able supervision of Mrs. J. \\T.. Shinn. come and meet with them. The age ~l' ". ~' I' 'C: "I'Cart{'r (._., Ii-:'
. I e WI'11 bega I dl y rec<;l\.'e (I ,at I·II1l1t . IS . not con fi ne d to tie I 0 sI er age p Ire\ s .tlll . j, e ,
SELECT DAIRIES wrappers and other things you don't
Any artie Fiila[-l\\iss C. Irwin, and ' . ) .-.
\\T. J.I want in your pockets until you get home
the church not later than l\Iund'l). nor to those who arc too young for K· k >atrick defeatcti l\l r 'lnd '111 rs F . • • and hum them. Or, if you feel over-
The Ushers' Association will be CI~- congeniality. If you arc. twenty-one L:rK'anaga, 6-:!: 1-6, (j_~, ·H~1. - .. ~. SpeCIal Nursery MIlk In Paper Carton burdened with such stuff, don't forget
tertained at the._home; of !II.". H. S. years of age you arc arlm:ttcd. on agc Ladies' Singlcs-:'.Iiss C. lrwin de- Filled at Penshurst Farm that there is a waste-paper receptacle on
H opper, Monday ev~nmg, ?\ O\:el11 her and as welcol11e as the Ll1rds 111 May. fcatcd :\[ i::s L. J acohy, 6-', 6-:3; :\1 rs. the north side of the station, near the
16th. T~e speakcr Will he Mr. I:~n~cst E. L. Kanaga defeated l\[iss E. Hum- postoffice.
L ..'fustm, .Esq., Re~order ~f D~.c,d: 01 PI'esbyterian Church. phreys, 6-8, Ii--I, 6-2; :',!iss C. Justicc Bell Phone-Narberlh 669 D Get acquainted with it and introduce
Phtla~elpl.lIa",who wdlspeak 011 Ele ) r
Rev. John Van N e,s Pastor dufeated
Miss C. Irwin. 6-a. 6-:\. it to the children.
]Jay Servlce., .... . fillal-l\liss C. Justice defeated 1\lrs. 100 Narberth Avenue WALT/lR M. W/lNTz.
The \Vomans MISSIOn CH~le .\VII! meet ?\ext Sunda,·, No\·emhcr l:;th, 10 A. E. L. Kanaga. 6-0, (j-:3, 6-1.
ncxt Tuesday: afte!"noon. PIIS IS tI\e M., Bible seho;,l, all departments; men's
annual thank offenng nleetlng. It a - Bible class, led by Mr. B. J. Myers; and Miss C. Irwin defeated !lliss E.
ways ~alIs out a large number:
Ladies' DOllbles-l\liss C. Justice: NARBERTH.

mixed Bible class led by the pastor. 11 HlIl1Iphreys and Miss H. Duff. 6--1, 7-5;
SU~ject. ot the serm?n next. Sundar. :\. 2\1., public worship. Topic of the Mrs. E. L. Kanaga and Miss L. Ja-
W. G. CUMMER =_ PA. Personalities
To indulge in personalities is evi.
dence of a narrow mind or a Pharisaic
nlOrn!ng ~~ The. L~rd s ReqUl;,emcnt. sermon, "Thc Disciples' Passion." In coby defcated Mrs. Bond and Miss L. disposition. It is very easy to injure
Evenmg, A Nation sDownfall. connection with this mceting there will Kirl· 6-'\ 0-" I'J\I'}:I~
IIANm:n ANI) l'AINn:l~ a person hy holding him up to a sort
The Young People'S Soci~ty will l1!e t be the installation of Mr. Rohert L.
b Fi~al":':!lli;~ C. lustice anrl Miss C. of public examination or a direct cen-
I}ext ~~nday at 7 oclo~k. Su - Beatty as ruling cider, and 2\lr. John S. Irwin defeated Miss E. L. Kanaga and 210 Elmwood Ave. surc. The late Dr. John Hall has
j~ct, .. The Meanll1g s and Me,lsure of Ketcham and Mr. Adam II. \Vllson as 2\Iiss L. Jacohy, 6--1. 6-4, 7-9, 3-6,6-3. left on record some good advice in
Life, 2 Cor. 5: 11-1 . deacons. 7 P. 2\1., Juniur congregation, Consulations, l\-]eu's Single:s, first Narberth, Pa. this direction, which it would be well
M thodist Episcopal Church. in charge of the 2\lissionary Committec. round-J<?ne,s defeated Humphreys, 6- Telephone-Narberth 675 W to keep in mind and to practice on
e :\'!iss Agnes ;\1. Rosc. chairman. 8 ~). ~?, O-~; W. S. :'.lcClcllan won from F. all occasions, to the greatest pleasure
Rev. Chris. G. Koppel, Pastor M. public worship. The pastor Will lJ. \~'alker oy defanlt; Redifer defeated
prdach from the text ":\nd Peter." S tl [ J 11 'l 6 1
Howard F. Cotter and profit of all concerned:
.. Keep clear of personalities in con-
94ii-Sunday school. Bihle classes for PI,.111S are l111dnr \Va.v for the il1lmc- on ler all(, -", - . r • '1' Ik fl' 1.'
. d omcn ' S e c o n d round-(,Ianz defeatec.1 Ket- Our Motto: Quality--Reasonable Prices versahon. a ' 0 t lings. oujects,
men an w.
11-Worshl'p and sermun,' . diate enlargelncnl of
l' the primary
This has bcen lI1a( e lI11peratJyc ly t lC 1
G.45-Epworth League. Conductcd cspe- increascd cnrollmcnt of the little ones a~l. ~.::., {'( I cr (e,ea e
I room. '1, 6 1 6 'I. J e d f t d 'I CI I
I C, lam. , - , ,-.~' 0!1 s e .~.a e "c e -
6 ~ l'l E R I f i t d J I k
a 111 e,
Ch Olee Meats • thoughts. Thc smallest
themselves with persons.
needlessly report ill of others. As far
Do not
tIll'S f,.lll. 'I'licre \,.ere ei'.rht.v present in 0._ -.3. ~-~, ["anaga defcated McLure, 6-1,
cially for young people.
7.45-Worship. and sermon. 1'1 Ie p~s- 1111·S cle!>artillelit last Sunda.\· " morning., . -: 7 r:J-: .
~eml. - FlIlals
_ - Jot'~s
Faney P Itry OU .
as possihle, dwell on TI the good side f of
tor will preach' tIe ·
I hrst
of ser mons on "An Angel's Story."
0 f a series TIle work is unrlcr the elficient manage-
ment of Mrs.
Subject "What Do We Know About L. Bcatty, who arc assistell by a faithful -'.
~ S 1I
1~. . ·aws anI
I '[
n'rs. . 6 0
.; defeated . Glallz .
R 6.-~, 6-.~; h.anaga deleat cd Redifer, G-~, I. K 11
1 e d t 0 Yo u r Or
: human bemgs.
depreciation, assigning
lere arc
boards where a constant process of
Singing of merit by a .Iarge chorus
staff of primary teachers.
The Prcshytc;.y of Philadelphia ~orth 6-.~" b-~~ 6-4.
,FII~al-! oncs defe~ ted Kanaga, G-3, V

ege.a es" hI Butter Strictly (Y~etil~~h~l~s ~~:fjiyte~.o:s.o~ot.
I .. f~~~r~ •
choir,· morning and evcnll1g. , mcets this week in the Hermon Church, ,]\[CII •. cOI~solatlOn doubles won by· Fresh Eggs. dine at a dissectin~-tijhle, There is
A notable service was held last Sun- of Frankford. Elders Peehles and Beat- 'v\. R.. D; Hall an~ O..1-1 ul11phre.ys. • eyil enough in man, God knows. But
day evening when members of the Ma- tv have heen elected conllllissi"ns f,rom
sonl·c fraternl'ty \vere the guests of tl.le this . church. Our pastor. mr. ~K \T an.'
Ladl{;s consolatIOn sll~gles-Mlss E.
'-' ess, 6H um.phreys
Y MeA BUl'ldlng it is not the mission of every young
3 6 defeated
6 l\ltss L. Jacoby. • • • • man
. II andK woman I to detailh and report
church. The 1\lasons, lilty-three .m has hecn honored hI· bcing chosen l\lod- -J, 6-!3, ; -. -2. . It a. eep tIe atmosp ere as pure
number occupied front scats. Despite '~tor of this Preshyterv for this pres- l\I~adl.esHconsolatlOn doub.les won by Good Service and Moderate as possihle "nd fragrant with gentle-
threate~ing weatl,ler. the church' was ~~'t year. . '.. . ISS Eo umphreys and 1\lIss H. Duff. For ness and charity."-Home and School.
crowded. The smgll1g . of the large· Pdces in
chorus choir was espeCially commend- 51. Margaret's Church Use the Bulletin Boards There is a movenlent started, if
ab~. new record was established in the Sundays: Early 1\lass, May to Sep- 13y the way, now that we have public Plumbing, Heating carried out, will entirely change the
course of study pursued in our public
Sunday school Sunday when lOS \I'ere \ tember, inclusiyc. O.B~ -,:-. 1\1;; early ~nd church bulletin hoards, why should.
present. 13 even n.wre ne\,,: scholars were Mass, October to i\'pnl. 1I1,c1usl\·e, 7.00 It bc neces~ary or permissible to have
received m the JIltermedlate and adult :\. ?II.; late l\b S5. !1.•,0 A. 1\1. posters and notices of various kinds
I R,oofing, Spouting schools. At present the child's mind
is filled with the cultural side, the

an d Range Wor k
departments. I\'Ias~es 011 hc!ydays: 6.30 antI 8.30 nailed to trecs, telephone poles and other vocational clement not being develop-
The young, yet ent~rpnsll1g men's A. l\f.; Masscs on weekd~ys, 8.00 1\.. 1\1. objects in all parts of the hornugh? This ed until the student reaches the high
Bible class, is growing m numbers and Lcnt{:n and other evening devotions, is not only an eyesore, but a positive school. As only one in five reach the
interest. Though but two week~ old 8 o'clock, dolation of law, punishal:.le by a fine of Call on
high school, and one in thirty is gradu-
the attendance of. 18 on Sunda~' IS en· from live tu twenty dollars. The en- ated, the class that needs vocational
couraging. We wlll be glad to w~lcome Tennis forcell'ent of this .law would help give training is compelled to go without it.
any man who does not attend Sunday lour town a more tIdy appearance. N. E. SMEDLEY
school. The annual tournament of the Nar-
berth Tenllis Association was the most NARBERH, PA, Querie?
The Angel's Story. successful of any ever held by them
and was capably managed by the com-
I GARAGE FOR RENT Telephone-Nalberth 368
Do the children in our schooi have
regular fire drills? Please answer.
While w~ know very little about mittel' W. Cowin, chairman; Kanaga
angels, they know al! about. us. One and K'irkpatrick. The resul~ of some
of them tells a very II1t~restll1g ,story, ot thc matches was a surpnse, upset-I·
Gar;·ge for rent, or will rent space EDWARD HAWS 8 . fl S
. 1
in six chapters, concernmg man s cre- ting the usual dope. such as the de-. 111 gar;:ge at $-1.00 per month. 210 Essex Plaster and Cement Work ne y artonca
ation, fall, redemption, judgment and fe:lts of C~win hy. Bentz, and Bentz avenuc. NarbcFth. Pa. The affinity betwcen plaids and cor-
rewards. I by Staples II~ the slngle~; also .the dc- , Estl'mate,s Furnished JOBBING pulence has 1H"'cr bel'n no~ed t.y I-:I)\~I
The first chapter tells about ange,s fcat of Cowin and h.lrkpatnck by taste.
as ministering spirits b~fore man s Towne and Humphreys in the dou- The right color for a blonde is a
creation, and how, they wl!1 close the bles.
books when man s race .IS r~n. It The hardest fought match of the
cACHSAH M. WENTZ D RUG S I problem. The answcr is found in th'l
blonde's eyes, hair <Ind age.
speaks of their number, II1telltgence, tourname!lt was .tl~e final of the ladies' Inslrutrr ill Piano, Organ and ECONOMICAL, EFFECTIVE Stilted heels upon 3n elderly wom-
and employment, conc!udil}g with the doubles, It requiring five sets to de-I TI1C01J' oj 1I1usic
part they arc now playll1g 111 the mod- eide. A. K. HO USE K E E PER. an should make the angels weep. _
ern world. Men's singles, preliminary round: G. STUDIO: 6 ARCADE BUlI.DING. NARBERrH, PA,
Then follows the fall of the angels English defeated E. L. Kanaga, 6-3, 9- •. T I •
and the origin of evil angels. The 7', A. C. Staples defeated O. Hum-
'1' I . t1 e leader J E .
1elcjJIIOIlC-J\",'herlll 60-1 ---------------
Ben Phone. Spruce 5469

Devi IS t le name given I . phreys. 8-0, 6-2; . 13. • senwell1 won Londscope Architect
His personality recognized, hc chal- hy default from C. Mc Carter; W. P.
len~es tl!e Creator. . T~lc chapte: Bentz defeated W. S. McClcllan. 6-4,
G df 0 reY-the real estate man
~rrtttlllllll11 ttril1ttltg <.!Ill.
(';he (J.,rden ~ H

closes With the descnptl?n of t.he 8-6; W. CGwin ~deated C. I'. Glanz, . 34 S. 16th 51., PH[LADELPHIA NAR..BERXH _ PENN8Y.LVANJA.
battle between God and Satan, With 6-1 6-2: R. Towlle defeated J. R. at 114 Woodside Ave., will be pleased POllers, Program•. Tickets. Circulars, General
the control of. man as th.e, stake.
JOI;e::.. 10-8, 6--1; S.. Kitchen defeated!
Man being I~ th,~ pevII s.po.wer, the L. R. Southcrland, 0-0, 0-1; J. A. Sny- to auut you tn gettmg a home.
. .. .
'job Printing.
need of a SavIOur IS mal1lfested and der defeated L. McLure, 6-0. 0-1; R. A Complete Line of
the angel tells how angels came to E. Pattison defeated A. P. Rcdifer, 6- Telephone-Narberth 685 A
introduce Him. The Sacred mystery O. 0-2. HARDY
of His birth is explained and ~h~. ques- First round-W. J. Kirkpatrick de-
tion is raised as to the POSSlblhty, of feated F. S. 'Walker, 6-1, 6-a; C. H um- Wm. F. J. Fiedler VERL PUGH NURSERY STOCK
Christ's sinless human. natu:e.. 'l1~e phreys defcated G. English, 9-7, 6-3: I ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR Right at your door.
fulfillment of the Divll1e I1IISSlon IS A. C. Staples defeated J. B. Esen-
wein, 0-4, 1-6, 6-3; Bentz defea~~d Co- :225 lona Avenue
prophesied. . Narbelth, Pa.
Hell as prepared for the Devil and win 0-2, 0-:3: Towne defeated I'-Itchell. I Te1ephon~Nalberth 381.D If You're LOOKING tROUND
his angels, is the subject of the fourth 0-0,' 2-G, 7-5; Snyder defeated Patti-
,Of'..- ..... llLBNP

·chapter. The angel tells ab.out the son, 6-4, 3·6, 6-2; F. G. Warner de-
certainty of Hell and what kll1d of a feated M. R. Jahnke, 6-1, 6-0; F. M.
place it is. Justice defeated J. S. Ketcham, 6·1, 6- J. A. MILLER Charles Schwartz TI
t Roof, Gutter.
Then fbllows the story of Heaven. o. [Succ...." to E. J. HOOD I NARBERTH'S TAILOR Our" )·,.r•• l ~ ahouId
It is described as the place prepared Second round-Kirkpatrick defeated HE \TER AND RANGE WORK I
for the saved. 'fhe angle's story· 0' C. Humphreys, 6-J, 6-4; Staples de- SLATE AND TIN ROOFER ! Pressing. Scouring and Altering
the people met there is very vivid. I feated Bentz, 3-6, 6-4, 9-7; Snyder de-
104 Forrolt Avenue I Ladies' and Men's Clothing
The last chapt~r deals with !he partJfeated TO\'fne, 6-1, 9-7; Warner de· l04~ Forrest Ayenue
lln~le~ will have In the separation. Ac· feated Justtce, 6-1, a-6, 6-2. Jobbine a SF~ialtl Narberth, P.· I
4 NARBER.TH, .PA.:-:-OUR rOwN-NOV£M8E,R ,2 L 1914

Packing, Shipping, Hauling Plumbing, Gal Fitting

Phone Narberth 672

Many folks living in the suburb" and being in town during the usual busineas
Narberth, Pa. ! houn. find it most agreeable to have their bank account in Philadelphia. We en-
joy a large suburban patronage on account of our convenient. central location.
progreaaiveness, and courteous and efficient allention to all details. A special
room is maintained for the exclusive use of the ladies. Safe deposit vault located
on the first Ooor. Boxes of liberal size may be rented as low as $2.50 per an·
n~m . You are cordially invited to inspect our ollices and to open an account
with us.
I wlft mttttu~Oltst Wfltsl mOll1pat1!l
I Witherspoon Building 1323 Walnut Street Philadelphia


, Howard Loogstreth. President

I A. C. Shand, Vice President S. W. Waterman. Sec. and Trust Officer

W. C. Fitzgerald, Vice Pres. and Treas. Thomas Ridgway. Solicitor

WARNOCK Frank P. Off

V. Gilpin Robinson A. C. Shand Howard Lonpll'etIt

"It's the pace! It's the pace!" was re- AND I S. S. Pennock C. R. SimoDl
A~_R_.p.e_rkin__s_Edward C.J. Dixon
lewis Twaddell
Wm R Doullherty Burrow. Sloan
Wm. C. Kealor
Th";, PresserW. C. Filzllerald

marked a few days ago, in explanation of EMLEN I -- .._--- ---.----_. ---------~--_._---_.-. __ ._--------_.
a prominent man's suicide. Succeaaora to S. S. Richards
Ollr times arc <1rl\'lll~ peo- e\"el'~' mun DUll wolllnra of lIR
IIII' too hard, 'l.'he RlInntllr- "holliu
huos filII of nCT\'OIlR prost rll-
tion el181'8 I1re sufficient 1'\'1-
llence or thl". "'l'he world Is
'ln~' 011 luenns use f=omc tlU1Pt4
to he nlolll',
too mUCH with us," 11'1 the old Xulll'" th~'sl'lf~ :<1'1' wll:lt t1J~'
sl)ul 110th w('.1r."
writer sar", Material pU\'l's
are killing' thousands,
) t is tlut ('uoIIg'h to

nlllu(' on tltf' ;.rulf ('t1tl)'!oH' 01'

"'hut Is the rl'mPll~--or. III
leust, wlll'rl' Is a rl'fllg'l' '! IIlIw in tllP w«lolls. "'p 11t"l'll, fur
llIa~' ollr hurrll'l1 Ih'l's !ln,l nUl' ~onrs JlotSt~ nUll 1,1t'llh:h~ PROPEl{TIES
help? illg', :qwrtlleNS fl'tlll1 the
00l' h'lI',l-orln>l1 l'<lltor gil,','
t'Yf'r~'tln~' thtuJ.{s, btlt
('qnul1~' tll'l'(] uenrnes~ to
tl'rse un,1 1'0JlOlJIlIat anS\\'l'r
wilen. n"l.ed why bo went to Ttl (;nd's house 011 God' ~ MANAGED
Churl'1I l'\'l'r~' Sun<luy morn- Ilay. fllntl) IJeoplt' ~·t~klll;.r
ing, be ~nill: h]'d ~() (·ru7.y if c:o<1, WI' ghouhl ..-1t. 0l i C'u-
Nouh'll to th~ YO:(,I'~ nf un· Prompt a!t('ulion given to renls.
I old not:'
ull1l'f world. rel>airs. etc.
'J'hls Jlhrllse h'lI~ liS 1l11",11
as a trenUsl' 00 Ils:;"h"loi~" \\'orshl(. of the 1,I~hl'~t lIlltl
)l~VerY one of us
rpfuge from tile \\'orll1 lIu,1
ll(Jpds It ml'IIl:lUOIl IlJlOIl th" thlnjts
thllt Ill'/' h,,~·ol ..1 tim!' stcadl.."
Narberth Office Open
Its throol':ln~ "ures, In tI", thp ~tCll'lll-tOS~1 (1 ship l l f tlw Monday. Wednesday. Friday
words of Gl'org'/' IIl'rl,..r!. !'\01i1.
8.30 to 9.311
or by Appointments
City Office
612 Commercial Trust Building
In cue of iIlne.., death or other trouble, any minister will be glad to help.

----- -1_..
Churches of y.. Narberth,
N_O_T_E_-_'S_Su_ed__ _dS_U.perv-ioed-b.. the-pas Pa. lh_e-M_eth_od_itl_'
..I_OIS-of.. Printed by courtesy "Our...
. Town:'
. .a.n._Ca_Ih..oI_ic_a_nd_B_a.Pl_ist
R_om . __
Narberth Civic
Geo. Hansells' Sons It is reserved for the MISS XIMENA McGLASHAN
of TrUCKee, California
Little House, on Avon Road
The only girl in the world that earned a living by
MILK Next to the Log Cabin
9. raising rare Moths and Butterflies

AND ."Thl' Ohjl'ct of ihis Association shall

be to iinprove and beautify the Bor- !I----------------------~-- ...---_--I
CREAM Properties For Rent and S~le ouglt alld \'idnity; to assist and co-
operate with the allthorities in enforc- ~--------------.,Contented Consumers Commpnd
Fire Insurance ing laws and orelinances relating

Narberth, Pa. Wan Buildins

Bell Phone 352 W
thereto; to promote a ny project ha v-
Narberth, Pa. ing for its pmpose the betterment of
Cook's Coal "Meet me at the
the community as a whole; to pro- Cabin"
John A. Mowrer J-r>h C. Mowrer
:tames (1;. ScanItn
vide a means of '\cquiring and dissemi-
MOWRER BROS. nating information on any subject of· -to consider the purchase of C. P. COOK
Contracting_ Painter gcneral intefl'st; and to foster and
Home Building Plot, or having
Carpenters, Contract.>rs and maintain a fratl'rnal spirit among the
Builders Narberth, Pa. pcople of 0\11- community:' Dues for any kind of Building Allera-
Telephone Voting ),1 emhcrship for one year, ~1.
T e1epbone Connection Narberth and Merion Estimates
E,'ery resident of Narberth and vicin-
tion or Repaira made.. COAL, WOOD AND
ity eligible.
Have you and the members of your
household been registered as Narberth ---------.------..!
Sugar 5c. lb.
What the Narberth Civic Association
Has Done in Seven Months.
Howard E. Davis I

(Omitting Details) Prompt Deliveries Assured
Pbnned anu conducted slogan and Whitman's Candy
THE ONLY '-·STORE ON chihlrcn's essays contests.
THE MAIN' LINE THAT Org'anizl'd and conductl'd a Clean-
Up \Veek campaign.
SELLS SUGAR AT Sc. Planned anrl proll1otl'l! Fcte Daj George B. Suplee Famous Ice Cream and Cake
an(1 1I istorical Pagean t.
Cut grass on "al"ant lots during Steam and Hot Water Heating We do all our own Baking and
Other Goods Equally as Low Originated and organizl'l1 plan for Plumbing
a $.iO,OOO park developmcnt, which is Bell
Make our own Ice Cream

about to be pushed to completion.

Startcd a weckly newspaper.

THE IMPERIAL- In Sl'veil months that's what thl'

Association has been ahle to accom-
It can du more, howcver, if you ;Ire Painting in all its Branches
Narberth's Leading Grocery wiIling to help. Write us of what YO\l
are especially iriterestl'd to see ac- Estimates Cheerfully Given
complished. TelephonE- Narberth 311·D


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