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LOPEZ, Kean Neil Arvee Yco


I could still remember, it was October 29, 2017 at Mega Tent, Libis, Quezon City, when
one of the doors were opened to us, Thomasian Civil Engineering Students, for us to get to know
our colleagues and faculty. It was named SPOTLIGHT: The Grandeur of Civil Engineering

At first, I am not that excited on our General Assembly because of fully loaded school
works. I admit it, I don’t want to attend the said event because I want to prioritize my acads first.
But then, I realized that I really need a break from these bunch of school works and school works
and school works. I started to roam around Divisoria to buy things I needed for the event like suit,
color hairspray, hat, some accessories, and props for our class
performance on the event because I was designated for the props
and costume committee.

After three days of shopping in Divisoria, I finally bought

my General Assembly checklist. I bought a suit for 1,400 pesos and
brought it to a tailor for some repairs because I want to achieve a
Broadway-styled theme suit for me to feel like I’m in a real
Broadway event. Shopping in Divisoria was a very memorable
experience I swear! There came a time when the nature called me
there. No choice but to release it in one of the fast food chain’s
toilet. Hahaha! And you can bargain as
much as you can.

A day before the event, I fitted my suit and

voila! It’s perfect! I feel like I’m one of the
Broadway Stars on Earth. Just kidding. My puppy,
Toby, didn’t recognize me at first because of the
suit that I’m wearing. He keeps on playing with

The day has finally arrived. The Civil

Engineering General Assembly 2017! When I
entered the door of the event place, I first saw my blockmates that
were super busy finalizing for our performance. Our president,
Abi, always telling us “3CE-G (our class)!!!!!!!! LABAS MUNA
KAYO OH!!!” And then the class followed. It feels great that we
built a strong bond with each other and also get to know more
each other because of
this event performance.
All of our hidden talents
were showcased in the
performance. Even
though, we are one of the
bottom five in the ranking, it doesn’t matter. What matters
the most is the family that we formed during the
preparations, during the performance, and after we go
back to the reality.
I really would like to thank the UST Association of Civil Engineering Students and the
Faculty for creating such event like this for us to fully understand what Thomasian Civil Engineers
are. #CEUltimacy

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