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Question Bank

Artificial Intelligence (6CS6.3)


Q.1 What is “Artificial Intelligence and Artificial Technique” ? Briefly explain how A1 Technique can
be represented list out some of the task domain of A1.

Q.2 Enumerate Classical “Water jug Problem”. Describe the state space for this problem. Solve this
problem by giving its opera loss sequence.

Q.3 What is production system? Explain it with an example. Discuss the Characteristics of a
production system.

Q.4 How to define a problem as state space search? Discuss it with the help of an example.

Q.5 Define the following problems. What types of control strategy is used in the following problem.

I. The lower of Hanoi

II. Cryp Tarithmetic
III. The Missionaries and cannibals problems
IV. 8-puzzle problem

Q.6 Discuss the following search Technique with the help of an example. Also discuss the benefits
and shortcoming of each.

I. Breadth First Search.

II. Depth First Search.

Q.7 Define the heuristic search. Discuss benefits and short comings.

Q.8 Discuss any four from the following heuristic search techniques. Explain the algorithm with the
help of an example.

Hi Climbing : Steepest Ascent.

Best First Search: The A Algorithms.

Problem Reduction: The Ao Algorithms.

Constraints Satisfaction.

Generate and Test.

Means – End – Analysis.

Q.9 Solve the following Crypt arithmetic problem using constraints satisfaction search



+____________ +MOON

DANGER _____________



Q.1 Explain briefly the difference between procedural and declaration knowledge.

Q.2 Discuss various approaches and issues in knowledge representation. Also discuss various
problems in representing knowledge.

Q.3 Explain the algorithm of predicate logic resolution.

Q.4 What is resolution principle? Construct truth tablefor logical expression. (AV)

Q.5 Write unification algorithm and explain resolution in predicate logic.

Q.6 Explain Non – Monotonic reasoning and discuss. Various logic associated with it.

Q.7 Explain the difference between forward and backward reasoning and under what conditions
each would be best to use for given set of problem.


Q.1 What is probability reasoning? How logical reasoning is differing with probabilistic reasoning ?

Q.2 What is reasoning under uncertainty?

Q.3 Write Short note of certainty factor and rule based system.

Q.4 Explain and prove the Bayes Theoreen. What is meant by conditional probability?


Q.1 Explain Minimax Search procedure.

Q.2 In Addition to Alpha Beta pre what are the modifications to the minimax procedure that can
improve its procedure.

Q.3 Write short notes on “Hierarchical Planning”

Q.4 Discuss ant two the following.

I. Component of planning System.

II. Non – linear planning.
III. Reactine System.

Q.5 Write Short note on “Non linear planning using constraints posting”

Q.6 write short note Reactive System.

Q.7 Consider and solve the following block word problem.

Start on (C,A) goal on (A,B)

On table (A) on (B,C)

On table (B)


Q.8 What are the Steps in natural Language processing? List and explain them briefly.


Q.1 Discuss “Winston’s Learning Program”.

Q.2 Discuss any two from the following.

I. Learning in problem solving.

II. Learning from example.
III. Explanation based Learning

Q.3 Discuss “Formal Learning Theory”.

Q.4 Explain the following terms with reference to biological n/w

I. Fault Tolerance.
II. Adaptability.
III. Requirement of hidden layer.
IV. Squashing function.
V. Activation potential.
VI. Bios.
VII. Brain plasticity.
VIII. Perceptron.

Q.5 Explain the back propagation of error in multilayer ne network.

Q.6 Explain the basic architecture of an expert system. Also give its applicability it different areas
with suitable examples.

Q.7 Write short note on.


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