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Diverging lens – problems and solutions

1. A 5-cm high object is placed 15 cm from a 30-cm focal length diverging lens. Determine the image
distance, the magnification of image, the image height and properties of the image.
Known :
The focal length (f) = -30 cm
The minus sign indicates that the focal point is virtual or the rays do not pass through the point.
The object height (ho) = 5 cm
The object distance (do) = 15 cm
Wanted : The image distance (di), the magnification of image (m), the image height (h i) and the
properties of image.
Solution :
Formation of image by diverging lens :

The image distance (di) :

1/di = 1/f – 1/do = -1/30 – 1/15 = -1/30 – 2/30 = -3/30
di = -30/3 = -10 cm
The minus sign indicates that the image is virtual or the rays do not pass through the image.

The magnification of image (m) :

m = - di / do = -(-10)/15 = 10/15 = 2/3
The plus sign indicates that the image is upright.
The image 2/3 smaller than the object.

The image height (hi) :

m = hi / ho
hi = m ho = (2/3)5 = 10/3 = 3.3 cm
The plus sign indicates that the image is upright.

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