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Production Description

1. Sate Ikan (Lokcing)

- Price from supplier : RM 100 for 500 sticks (20 cents for 1 stick)
- Price sold : RM 1 for 1 stick

2. Grilled Sausage
- Price bought : RM 8 for 40 sausages
- Price sold : RM 1 for 2 sausages

Target Market

- Students/Passer-by Dataran Cendekiawan


- Stalls that are well known by students at Dataran Cendekiawan

Sales Forecast

- Duration : 4 hours
- Modal : RM 140 shared with 4 people, RM 35 each
- Profit : RM 60
- Loss : None
- Total= Profit + Modal =RM 140+RM60= RM200

Marketing Strategy (Price, Distribution, Pro motion)

- Provide testers
- Spread message through Whatsapp, Instagram and Twitter
- Posters
- Cheap and affordable prices

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