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tjjgglioE 3i;is" 9ft, , '.I,:?

rarg ucrr.pleted :y, Er':_ bckn,l
"... _ ComoietaL__
Perscn calleo:
Telcphone numbe

tr..' name , L ,"-bt*!-and I work ut V u. F,-*n F''1'lilourolike ro ask l/ou jcme quesrions rbour.q,pp+if,zmTgeaie, who has appl t
- ', i /
;rtrt*r L rhis a good time to speak with you?

Shat was your relationship to the appiicant?

-Arout-.lurL r,
\I4:at rvere his,/her strong points?
' V.-e*:__ l_alh (h rlol,en, J,"L._.:_b_tcls_1Lv-n,l n b,^t
Vihat were irisAer weak points?

__0;tJi; _;;,--
ilc'.iz well did heishe work with srudents or collcagues?

A:e you awarc ofany allegations, complaints or concerns about the applicant's perfonnance or
cr:nduct including allegations ofinappropriate behavior with children or any allegations
c(r:ltained in sealed records,
Il'yes to the above question, please provide detail.

If youwerepcr': ;r,a!lyresponsiblq,wouiJJ'ourehirethisapplicar,lt 1.8.f

,,.4r.',. 4ay
;, ;rr to the above questioir, list reasor,/s why you u,o, l i not rehire this applic,r '.

Is there anytirirr;, else you would likc to :,':rrc?

r j,4rt
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Pagc i of 1
l- Cornpie:etl ;:y: P.r,x lxKargl ienr Otr:
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lerr:)n caiie(; trllD
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tbr Q 1w*iposition. Is this a good time to speak with you?
\):lhat was your relationship to the applicant?

\r.:iat were his/her weak poir,ts?


Hciv well did he/she work with students or colleagues'l

Ar': you arvare ofany allegatioos, complaints or concerDs aL<rut the applicant's perforinance or
conduct including allegaiions ofinappropriate behavior with chil&en or any allegations
cnntained in sealed records?
lf l,^

If you v.,r;rc personally rcsponsibl:, r',,r;uld you rehire tlris apj,li.-).i1rt? Y Cg

,f no to the above qui.'stion, list reason/s why;',ri' worrld not rehire this a1,;rlicart.

i._.___ ; ___-_

Is theri: ::,rything else yr;u would iii:.-, i,-r share?

-SLIA-;-*;--5;r/- 1E

Pagc I of I
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Corloleled '.': frft LocEa4 r. ; i

S, i-r Bv: .-- *_.lgi43g,-g,_.

fttr Fa Is tbis a good time to speak wilh you?

l.l'_t_lllryl,ti9ry!,,t .!!!y""9
-i\ 1,11 lg_.thg

:j,'irrt u'ere
: !,{,!1s!'91q pointsr
,-t.Lu*7a. ,- l, ^. -, f ,"tt n Sal-e-
11 l,:t .y:_': *4:r weat polntsJ
.-*llin" ..91 ,ot) aa*

li,rw well did he/she work rvith students or colleagues?

-__ut..y $,4__tA-__a*^+._
Are you aware ofany allegatioas, complaints or concerrs about the applicant's performance or
co:rduct iucluding allegations ofinappropriate bchavior rvith chil&en or any allegations
contained in set'lcrl records?

Ilires to the above qucstion, pleasc provide detail.

Ii .y,.,u rvere personally respr:r,silJ9, would you rehire ii,, r applicant?

Ifno to the al.r,,'c question, list reason/: ; hy you would uot rehiri. r;ris applicant.

I:r , lere anythiug else you i', ould like to sbarc?

il!a;; ri- !r- -{"b=J,^* -", ;;er* ;;,r+-+.;,r-

i'}age I of I

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