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Actividad: uso del diccionario

Infiera el significado de las palabras subrayadas según el contexto en el cual aparecen

y luego búsquelas en el diccionario para confirmar dichas inferencias.

What it is, and what it is not

New York
D. Appleton and Company

[First American Edition]

1. I know an intelligent humane house surgeon who makes a practice of keeping the
ward windows open. The physicians and surgeons invariably close them while
going their rounds; and the house surgeon very properly as invariably opens them
whenever the doctors have turned (TURNO) their backs.

2. And thus, as often happens, the nurse makes it her business to turn (TURNO) the
patient's room into a ventilating shaft for the foul air of the whole house.

3. Always sit within the patient's view, so that when you speak to him he has not painfully
to turn his head round in order to look at you.
4. … if, every time he lifts his cup to his lips, he has to carry the saucer with it, or else to
drop (SOBREPIQUE) the liquid upon, and to soil his sheet, or his bed-gown, or pillow,
or if he is sitting up, his dress, you have no idea what a difference this minute want of
care on your part makes to his comfort and even to his willingness for food.

5. Wenham Lake ice is used for this express purpose every summer, while the private
patient, perhaps, never tastes a drop of milk that is not sour, all through the hot weather,
so little does the private nurse understand the necessity of such care.

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