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Clinical Learning Plan

Lindsay Risch

NURS 151 – Practice 2

April 9th, 2017

Humber ITAL

I think my strengths in clinical are as follows:

Through my clinical experience, I have had the opportunity to practice and grow my nursing skills and
abilities. I feel that my I have demonstrated my strengths in accountability and responsibility throughout
this course. I understand that importance and significance of being a student nurse and providing care for
clients. I have been able to demonstrate my accountability and responsibility to the residents by
advocating for their health and well being, seeking assistance when I need it, and ensuring that I have the
competency and knowledge to provide safe care.
Clinical Teacher Response: coming prepared, supporting your peers, seeking opportunities for growth
such as observing a resident with nebulizer and g-tube. Researching your medications and linking to
diagnosis is also a strength.

I think my area’s for improvement in clinical are as follows:

While I do work very hard at ensuring I have the knowledge to provide competent and safe care to clients,
I recognize that I am a student nurse, and I know that my knowledge base is limited as I am new to the
practice. A specific area that I will work on continuing to develop is having a larger knowledge base to be
able to care for a wide variety of complex clients. With a broader knowledge base on the pathophysiology
of various medical diagnosis, medications, and the nursing process, I will be able to problem solve and
think critically in all aspects of my care.
Clinical teacher response: Continue to work on developing therapeutic communication with
clients/other health professionals

Effective learning strategies in clinical practice:

I will continue to expand my knowledge base by attending classes and being mentally present, as well as
by self-directed learning. I will continue to complete my readings and assignments. Furthermore, in the
clinical setting, I will continue to engage in all learning opportunities.
Clinical teacher response: Utilizing the CNO, RPNAO and Evolve to further develop your personal and
professional self is another strategy.

Date: April 9th, 2017.

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