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boost weak signals from a tuner.
CD player, or tape deck to fill a
room with sound. This article
focuses on the operating princi-
ples and circuitry of low-fre-
quency power amplifiers based
on the bipolar junction tran-
~istor (BJT). Recent articles in
this series have discussed multi-
vibrators. oscillators, audio pre-
amplifiers, and tone-control cir-
cuits. all based on the BJT.

Power amplifier basics

A transistorized audio power
amplifier converts the medium-
Ievel. medium-impedance AC
output voltage of a preamplifier
into a high-level. amplified sig-
1nal that can drive a low-imped-
ance audio transducer such as a
speaker. A properly designed
power amplifier will do this with
minimal signal distortion.
Audio can be amplified with
one or more power transistors
in either of three configura-
tions: Class A, Class B. and

Class AB. Figure 1-a shows a
single BJT Class A amplifier in a
common-emitter configuration
with a speaker as its collector
load. A Class A amplifier can be
identified by the way its input
base is biased.
Fig. 1-a shows that BJT Q l's
collector current has a quies-
Learn about audio power amplifers
cent value that is about halfway
between the zero bias and cutoff and apply this knowledge to your circuit
positions. (The quiescent value
is that value of transistor bias at designs and experiments.
which the negative- and
positive-going AC input signals
are zero.) This bias permits the power consumed by the circuit. phase-splitting transformer,
positive and negative swings of At maximum output power, TI. provides the input drives for
the output collector AC current the efficiency of a typical Class A QI and Q2 180° out-of-phase.
to reach their highest values amplifier is only 40%, about The outstanding charac-
without distortion. If the AC 10% Jess than its theoretical teristic of any Class B amplifier
and DC impedances of the 50% maximum. However, its is that both transistors are bi-
speaker load are equal, the col- efficiency falls to about 4% at ased off under quiescent condi-
lector voltage will assume a one-tenth of its maximum out- tions because they are operated
quiescent value that is about put power ievel. without base bias. As a result,
half the supply voltage. A typical Class B amplifier is the amplifier draws almost no
The Class A circuit amplifies shown in Fig. 2-a. It has a pair quiescent current. This gives it
audio output with minimum of BJTs. QI and Q2. operating an efficiency that approaches
distortion, but transistor QI 180° out-of-phase driving a 79% under all operating condi-
consumes current continu- common output load. in this ex- tions. In Fig. 2-b. neither QI nor
ously-even in the quiescent ample another speaker. In this Q2 conducts until the input
state-giving it low efficiency. topology, the BJTs operated as drive signal exceeds the base-
Amplifier efficiency is defined common-emitter amplifiers emitter zero-crossing voltage of
1 as the ratio of AC power input to drive the speaker through the transistor. This occurs at
the load divided by the DC push-pull transformer T2 . A about 600 millivolts for typical 65
characteristics of both Ql and sis tor Q l acts as a current
Q2 must be closely matched . source with a very low output
The amplification of each tran- (emitter) impedance; it feeds a
sistor will be unequal if they are faithful unity-gain copy of the
not. and it will be impossible to input voltage signal to the
minimize output di s tortion. speaker. The transistor charac-
Figure 3a shows a dynamic teristics have little or no effect
transfer characteristic for a on this response.
a = Class AB power amplifier. Similarly. negative swings of
The Class AB amplifier shown the input signal drive Ql off and
BIAS POINT in Fig. 4 avoids both transfor- Q2 on. Because Q2 is a PNP BJT.
le mers and the need to match it becomes a current sink with
transistors. A complementary minimal input (emitter) imped-
zw pair of transistors (Ql an NPN ance. It also produces a faithful
a: (/)
:i - and Q2 a PNP) is connected as unity-gain copy of the voltage
a: an emitter follower. Powered by signal to the speaker, again with
§ g: 05 - - a split (dual) supply, the circuit's Q2's characteristics having lit-
two emitter followers are biased tle or no effect on the circuit's
0 response.
As a result, the Fig. 4 circuit
I I does not require that Ql be
1 +V
' I T2
matched to Q2 . and n either in-
I I 'i'-- 1NPUT SIGNAL put nor output transform ers

I I I CURRENT are required . Modification of
this circuit. as shown in Figs .
FIG. 1-CLASS A POWER AMPLIFIER 5 -a and b , work from single-
circuit (a), and its dynamic transfer SPKR1 ended power supplies. In Fig.
curve (b). a
5-a, one side of the speaker is
connect e d to the amplifier
power transistor. through high-value blocking ca-
The major disadvantage of OUTPUT
pacitor C3, and the other end is
the Class B amplifier is that its __.. COLLECTOR connected to ground; in
output signal is seriously dis- Fig.5-b. one side is connected to
torted . This can be seen from its C3 and the other side is con-
dynamic trans fe r curve, also nected to the positive supply. All
shown in Fig. 2-b . three circuits are popular in
modern high-fide Ii ty audio
Class AB fundamentals
Audio distortion caused by
the crossover between two out- : INPUT SIGNAL
of-phase transistors is annoy- : CURRENT
ing. Tu overcome this defect, the b

classic Class B amplifier is mod-
ifi ed into the third category FIG. 2-CLASS B POWER AMPLIFIER
called Class AB for most high- circuit (a), and its dynamic transfer
fideli ty audio equipment. For- curve (b). SPKR1

tunately, Class B distortion can

usually be eliminated by apply- through RI and R2 so that their
ing slight forward bias to the outputs are at zero volts ; no cur-
base of each transistor, as rent flows in the speaker under
shown in Fig 3-a . This modi - qui escent conditions . a
fication sharply reduces the Nevertheless, a slight forward
quiescent current of a Class B bias can be applied with trim-
amplifier and converts it into a mer potentiometer R3 so that
Class AB amplifier. Ql and Q2 pass modest quies-
Many early transistorized cent currents to prevent
power amplifiers were Class AB. crossover distortion . Identical
as shown in Fig. 3-a. but that input signals are applied
circuit is rarely seen today. That through C 1 and C2 to the bases I

circuit r equires one trans - of the emitter followers, which i"'-- BIAS - AB
former for input phase-splitting avoid a split-phase drive.
and another for driving the When an input signal is ap- b

speaker, both costly electronic plied to the Fig. 4 circuit, the FIG. 3-CLASS AB POWER AMPLIFIER
componments. positive swing drives PNP Q2 off circuit (a), and its dynamic transfef
66 In addition, the electrical while driving NPN Ql on. TI-an- curve (b).
component makes it possible to In Fig. 8 , Q2 and Q3 are a
adjust bias voltage over a lim- Darlington NPN pair. but Q4
ited range. Low-value resistors and Q5 are a complementary
R4 and R5 in series with the pair of common-emitter ampli-
emitters of Q2 and Q3 provide fiers . They operate with 100%
some negative DC feedback. negative feedback. and provide
The impedance of the Fig. 4 unity-voltage gain and very high
circuit equals the product of the input impedance. This quasi-
speaker load impedance and complementary output stage is
the current gain of either Ql or probably the most popular
INPUT Q2. The circuit can be improved Class AB power amplifier to-
by replacing transistors Ql and pology today. Notice the three
-V silicon biasing diodes, Dl, D2.
and D3 .
FIG. 4-CLASS AB POWER AMPLIFIER Finally, in Fig. 9, both pairs
with a complementary emitter- follower +V
output that must be powered by a dual Q2 and Q3 and Q4 and Q5 are
supply. complementary pairs of unity-
C1 gain, common-emitter ampli-
power amplifiers based on inte- 10µf
fiers with 100% negative feed-
grated circuitry. back. Because the pairs pro-
duce outputs that are mirror
Class AB variations images of each other. the circuit
The circuit in Fig. 4-a is a has a complementary output
unity-voltage gain amplifier so stage . Notice that this circuit
one obvious improvement is to
add a voltage-amplifying driver
stage, as shown in Fig. 6. n-an-
sistor QI. configured as a com-
mon-emitter amplifier, drives
two emitter followers, Q2 and
Q3. through its collector load re- C1
sistor Rl. 10µf
Note that Ql 's base bias is de-
rived from the circuit's output
through resistors R2 and R3 .
This configuration provides DC
feedback to stabilize the cir-
cuit's operating points and AC INPUT
feedback to minimize signal
The Fig. 6 circuit illustrates
how a form of auto-bias can be FIG. S-ALTERNATIVE CLASS AB power
applied to Q2 and Q3 through amplifier that can be powered with a sin-
the silicon diodes Dl and D2. If gle-ended supply. FIG. &-COMPLEMENTARY POWER am-
the simple voltage-divider bias- plifier with a driver and auto-bias.
ing method in Fig. 4 is used in Q2 with Darlington pairs which
the Fig. 6 circuit. its quiescent will significantly increase the
current will increase as ambient circuit's input impedance and
temperature rises and decrease increase the amplifier's collector
as it falls. (This is caused by the load capacity.
thermal characteristics of a Figures 7 to 9 show three dif-
transistor's base-emitter junc- ferent ways of modifying the
tions.) Fig. 6 circuit by replacing indi-
The biasing in Fig.6 is de- vidual transistors with
rived from the forward voltage Darlington pairs. For example.
drop of series diodes D 1 and D2 in Fig. 7, transistors Q2 and Q3
whose thermal characteristics form a Darlington NPN pair, and
are closely matched to those of Q4 and Q5 form a Darlington
the base-emitter junctions of PNP pair. There are four base-
Q2 and Q3 . Consequently. this emitter junctions between the
circuit offers excellent thermal bases of Q2 and Q4. and the
compensation. output circuit is biased with a
Practical amplifiers include a string of four silicon diodes, DI
pre-set trimmer potentiometer to D4. in series to compensate FIG . 7-POWER AMPLIFIER with
in series with Dl and D2. This for the Darlington pairs. Darlington output stages. 67
driver stage in Fig. 6, the basic high value. the power amplifier
complementary amplifier, is to Input impedance must be even
give the amplifier significant greater. That can usually be
voltage gain. At any given value done by replacing Q2 and Q3
ofQl collector current. this volt- with high-gain transistor pairs,
age gain is directly proportional as was done in Figs. 7 to 9.
to the effective Ql collector load The second reason is that Ql
value. It follows that the value of in Fig. 6 must be biased so that
resistor Rl should be as large as its collector assumes a quies-
cent half-supply voltage value to
provide maximum output sig-
nal swings ; this condition is set
by the Ql 's collector current and
resistor Rl 's value.
The true value of Rl is pre-
determined by biasing require-
ments. To achieve high voltage
gain, a way must be found to
FIG. 8-POWER AMPLIFIER with partial make the AC impedance of Rl
complementary output stages. much greater than its DC value.
This is accomplished with the
has only two silicon biasing di- bootstrapping technique
odes, 01 and 02. shown in Figs. 12 and 13.
In Fig. 12. Q l's collector load
Amplified diodes consists of Rl and R2 in series.
The circuits in Figs. 6 to 9 The circuit 's output signal.
include strings of two to four which also appears across
silicon biasing diodes. Each of lil
SPKRl. is fed back to the Rl -R2
those strings can be replaced by FIG. 9--POWER AMPLIFIER with com- junction through C2. This out-
a single transistor and two re- plementaty output stages. put signal is a near unity-volt-
sistors configured as an ampli- age-gain copy of the signal
fied diode, as shown in Fig. 10. appearing on Ql's collector.
The output voltage of the cir- If resistor Rl has a value of 1
cuit. Voul' can be calculated kilohm, the Q2-Q3 stage pro-
from the formula: vides a voltage gain of 0.9. As a
Vo uT = V 8 E x Rl +R2/R2 result, an undefined signal volt-
If resistor Rl is replaced by a age appears at the low end of
short circuit, the circuit's out- resistor R2. and 0 .9 times that
put will be equal to the base- undefined voltage appears at
emitter junction "diode" voltage the top of R2 . In other words.
-V ./
ofQl (V 8 E). The circuit will then ~
only one tenth of the unknown
have the thermal charac - FIG. 10-FIXED·GAIN AMPLIFIED diode
signal voltage is developed
teristics of a discrete diode. circuit. across R2. Therefore, it passes
If resistor Rl equals R2, the
circuit will act like two series-
connected diodes. and if Rl
equals three times R2. the cir-
cuit will act like four series-con-
nected diodes , and so on . voor 1
Therefore, the circuit in Fig. 10
can be made to simulate any de-
sired whole or fractional
number of series-connected di- ..v
odes, depending on how the Rl/ -w: ~""' - .....JI.
R2 ratios are adjusted. FIG. 11-ADJUSTABLE AMPLIFIED di-
Figure 11 shows how the cir- ode circuit.
cuit in Fig. 10 can be modified to
act as a fully adjustable "ampli- possible to maximize voltage
fied diode, " with an output vari- gain. However, there are several
able from 1 to 5 . 7 times the reasons why this does not work.
base-emitter junction voltage First, the elfective or AC value
(VBE). of Rl equals the actual Rl value
shunted by the input imped-
Bootstrapping ance of the Q2-Q3 power ampli- FIG. 12-POWER AMPLIFIER with a
68 The main purpose of the Ql fier stage. Therefore, if Rl has a bootstrapped driver stage.

(1) (81
1000µ F

(3,4,5,10, 11, 12)

fier with a bootstrapped driver stage. ductor. It has a 2-watt output rating.

only one-tenth of the signal cur- and R2 allows the circuit to

rent that would be expected work over a wide supply voltage
from a I-kilohm resistor. range . The feedback resistors
This means that the AC signal can be AC decoupled (as shown)
impedance value of R2 is ten through C2 to increase the gain
times greater (10 kilohms) than and input impedance, but at
its DC value, and the signal volt- the expense of increased signal
AMPLIFIER age gain is increased correspon- distortion. 1tansistor QI can be
dingly. In practical circuits. replaced with a Darlington pair
"bootstrapping" permits the if very high input impedance is
OUTPUT effective voltage gain and collec- desired .
tor load impedance of QI to be Another alternative driver
increased by a factor of about stage, Fig. 15. depends on series
twenty. DC and AC feedback to give it
FIG. 14-DRIVER STAGE with decoupled more gain and higher input im-
parallel DC feedback.
Fig. I3 is the schematic for an
al ternati1Je version of Fig. I 2 pedance than can be obtained
without one resistor and one ca- from the Fig. 6 circuit. In this
pacitor. In this circuit. SPKRl is circuit, PNP transistor Ql is di-
part of Ql 's collector load. and it rectly coupled to NPN transistor
is bootstrapped through capaci- Q2.
tor C2. Finally. Fig. 16 is the sche-
As an alternative to boot- matic for a driver circuit specifi-
strapping, the load resistor can cally intended for use in ampli-
be replaced with a simple tran- fiers with dual or split power
sistor constant-current gener- supplies that have direct-cou-
ator. This design is found in pled input and output stages
many integrated circuit audio · referenced to ground. The input
power a mplifiers. stage of this driver stage is a
FIG. 15-DRIVER STAGE with series DC long-tailed pair. Both the input
feedback. Alternative drivers and output will be centered on
Returning once again to Fig. DC ground if the values of re-
6, notice that parallel DC and sistors RI and R4 are equal.
AC voltage from the Rl-R2 divid- This circuit is found in many
er network is fed back to the Ql integrated circuit power ampli-
driver stage. This is a simple fiers .
and stable circuit. but its gain
and input impedance are low. An IC power amplifier
Morover. it will work only over a Improvements in the power-
limited power supply voltage handling capabilities of mono-
OUTPtJf. range. lithic integrated circuits have
+ Figure 14 is a variation of the
Fig. 6 circuit intended to func-
tion as a driver stage. Current
permitted power amplifiers to
be integrated on a single silicon
substrate or chip. The tech-
FIG. 16-DRIVER STAGE with a long-tail-
ed pair Input. feedback throu~h resistors RI niques for designing integrated 69
circuit power amplifie rs are
similar to those for discrete de-
vice circuits. It turns out that
the similarities between dis -
crete and IC power amplifier de-
sign are closer than for most

-- ---

other linear circuits .
Figure 17 is a simplified cir-
cuit diagram for the LM380, an
IC power amplifier. drawn in the
with LCD Readouts at Analog Prices. Out-
manufacturer's data book style.
SEMBLY! MONEYBACK GUARANTEE! At- put Vo ltage/Current Programming and Read- The LM380 was developed by
tach 3 wires and hear every whisper up to 2 back via LCD Panel • Data Entry with Front- National Semiconductor Corpo-
miles away on any programmable scanner or Panel Keypad • Power-off Memory • Voltage ration for consumer applica-
VHF surveillance receiver. Pre-tested surface and Current Step-up/Step-down Function • tions. It features an internally
mount module uses standard 9V battery tor Microprocessor Controlled • Superior Line/ fixed gain of 50 (34 dB) and an
100mW output! Includes battery box and Load Regulation • Output Enable/Disable •
Optional RS-232 Interface tor Remote Oper- output that automatically cen-
crystal tor 140MHZ. Custom frequencies
available tor Law Enforcement. Model VX-100 ation (standard on LPS-305) • Intelligent ters itself at one-half of the sup-
only $79.95 + 2.00 S&H . VISA, MC, MO. Forced-Air Fan Operation. AMERICAN RE- ply voltage.
COD add $5.00. DECO INDUSTRIES, BOX LIANCE, INC., 11801 Goldring Road, Ar- An unusual input stage per-
607, BEDFORD HILLS, NY 10507. cadia, CA 91006. Tel: (818) 303-6688 •Fax: mits inputs to be referenced to
914-232-3878. (818) 358-3838 the ground or AC coupled. as
the LM380 is protected with
both short-circuit current lim-
iting and thermal-shutdown
The LM380 has two input
therminals. Both Ql and Q2 are
connected as PNP emitter fol-
lowers that drive the Q3 and Q4
differential amplifier transistor
pairs. The PNP inputs reference
CABLE TV 50dB NOTCH FILTERS tor inter- the input to ground, thus per-
ference removal or channel censoring. Filters mitting direct coupling of the
are user-adjustable to desired channel # or input transducer.
frequency. Eight Models available, each tor The output is biased to half
certain channels : 2 & 3; 4 to 6; 7 to 13; 14 to the supply voltage by resistor
17; 18 to 22; 23 to 29; 30 to 36; 95 to 99 plus O
& 1. Just $30 each or 3 tor $75, includes
ratio Rl/R2 (resistor Rl is
shipping. ONE MONTH MONEY BACK, fast form ed by two 25-kilohm re-
delivery. Visa, MC, check or M.0. (C.O.D. is sistors and R2 has a value of 25
$5 extra) Huge discounts tor higher quan- kilohms). Negative DC feed -
tities. STAR CIRCUITS, P.O. Box 94917, Las back, through resistor R2, bal-
Vegas, NV 89193. Call 24 hours ances the differential s tage with
the output at half supply, b e-
cause Rl = 2R2.
The output of the diffe rential
amplifier stage is direct coupled
into the base of Ql2, which is a
common-emitter. voltage-gain
amplifier with a constant cur-
rent-source load provided by
Qll. Internal compensation is
provided by the pole-splitting
WORLD ' S SMALLEST FM TRANSMIT- capacitor C'. Pole-splitting com-
TERS! New Surface Mount Technology AFFORDABLE LABORATORY POWER pensation permits wide power
(SMT) makes all others obsolete! XST500 SUPPLIES. Direct keyboard data entry tor
Transmitter- powerful 3 transistor audio am- Voltage and current settings-or slew up/
bandwidth (100 kHz at 2 watts,
plifier, transmits whispers up to 1 mile . down to sweep outputs. DC enable/disable 8 ohms).
XSP250 Telephone Transmitter-line control. Large LED readouts. RS232 is stan- The collector signal of Ql2 is
powered, transmits conversations up to Y• dard. Program Voltage with your PC and read fed to output pin 8 of the IC
mile. Both tune 88-108 MHz. Easy to assem- back the current. Free communications soft- through the combination of
ble E-Z KITS (SMT components pre-as- ware provided. Models from 12.5V to 125V; 75 emitter-coupled Q7 and the
sembled to circuit board)! XST500-$44.95, Watts. $429.00-$449. MC, VISA, and AMEX
XSP250-$34.95, VISA/MC. COD add $6.
quasi-complementary pair of
are OK. KEPCO INC., Flushing, NY 11,;352.
XANDI ELECTRONICS, 201 E. Southern 718-461-7000; FAX: 718-767-1102. emitter followe rs Q8 and Q9.
Ave., Suite 111, Tempe, AZ 85282. The short-circuit current is typ-
70 1-800-336-7389. ically 1.3 amperes. n

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