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Katherine Ness

Transcript Reflection

High school is a place where students attempt to balance academics, advanced

classes, athletics, clubs, and other extracurricular activities while trying to have a social

life all at once in half the time we are allotted. Some students fail to juggle it all, some

excell, and some are simply subpar. In my own biased opinion, I believe that I fall

between “subpar” and “excell.” While I may not have an A average, my grades are

decent and reflect most of my abilities. I understand that I could have tried harder in

several classes, but ultimately tests and quizzes destroyed my grade. Anyone who

knows me well comprehends the fact that I have the memory of a goldfish. You know

Dory from “Finding Dory?” That is the hyperbole version of me. I have a 3.6 GPA if you

do not count my last semester of high school, so I consider myself intelligent but I also

completely understand that I have limitations. I agree I should have studyed harder than I

have in many classes, but the fact that I didn’t just proves that I deserve the transcript I


On a separate note from a student’s responsibilities to do well in school, I feel that

certain classes do not reflect a student’s abilities. I can note a few classes such as my

freshman year biology course that was insanely easy. Let me paint you a picture: I had

154% at one point in the semester because of all of the extra credit my teacher gave out.

Sometimes I wish that each teacher was more consistent and actually graded fairly, but

this is reality. While your grade in a class may not reflect your abilities, it does prepare
you for real life, which I am grateful for. Overall, I believe that my transcript reflects my

abilities well.

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