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1. Teaching about Islam (NC State 6hrs)
This day long workshop focused on teaching about Islam in a culturally sensitive manner.

2. Microaggressions and how to Avoid them (Wake County 2hrs)

This workshop, led by admin, focused on identifying potential microaggressions, and the ways in which they
could be reworded, rephrased, or eliminated, to reduce bias in the classroom.

3. Using TIP Charts and Content Maps in the Classroom (Wake County 2hrs)
Learning specialists from Wake County explained how to use TIP (Term, Information, Picture) Charts as well
as Content Maps to engage students in the learning standards.

4. Culturally Responsive Teaching: How to implement it in the classroom (Wake County 2hrs)
This admin-led seminar focused on how to teach with student’s culture in mind. Topics included using
culture to promote student engagement, as well as pluralistic classrooms.

1. Big History Project (Online Program 9hrs)
Sponsored and created by Bill Gates, this online program introduces a new way of teaching history. It starts
with the Big Bang and moves through the ages as a way to put history into context. The program
encourages critical thinking and in depth understanding.

2. Using the Diary of Anne Frank to Amplify Student’s Voices (Teaching Tolerance/Anne Frank House Webinar
This webinar focused on using the Diary as a lense for discussing adolescent identity, and the difficulties
involved with developing said identity.

3. ​North Carolina Conference on the Social Studies (Conference 12hrs)

This 2-day conference was made up of presentations by educators from all over the Carolinas. I attended
presentations on teaching English with the use of Modern Art, the Gullah culture of South Carolina,

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