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Movement at a joint Definition Sporting Example Picture

Flexion Decreasing the angle In a bicep curl: the

at joint. This happens elbow joint flexes.
at a hinge, a ball and
socket and a
condyloid joint.

Extension Increasing the angle at Throwing a javelin:

a joint. This happens the elbow joint
at a hinge, a ball and extends.
socket and a
condyloid joint.

Abduction Moving a limb away When you’re hitting

from the midline of the ball onto the other
the body. This side of the net in
happens at a ball and volleyball.
socket and a
condyloid joint.

Adduction Moving the limb In swimming, the

towards the midline of butterfly stroke: the
the body. This arm moves towards
happens at a ball and the midline of the
socket and a body.
condyloid joint.

Plantar-Flexion The action of pointing In pike jumping, the

the toes away from toes point away from
the body. This the body.
happens at a hinge

Dorsi-Flexion The action of pointing In the long jump, the

the toes towards the toes point towards the
body. This happens at body.
a hinge joint.

Rotation The circular motion at The bowling action in

a fixed joint. This cricket: the shoulder
happens at a ball and joint rotates.
socket joint.

1. Isometric contraction- A muscle contraction where the length of the muscle doesn’t change.
2. Isotonic contraction- A muscle contraction where the length of the muscle does change.
3. Concentric contraction- A muscle contraction where the muscle contracts and shortens.
4. Eccentric contraction- A muscle contraction where the muscle contracts and lengthens.

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