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Cultural Competency

For Cultural Competency I had to present a Social Science artifact and a Social Justice

artifact. For the first, I chose a group presentation that I made with a partner for AP World

History during my tenth year. For the social justice artifact, I chose a group project from my

tenth grade English course.

The AP World History project required us to find a partner in the class, pick a

hypothetical scenario, and hypothesis what the world would be like if it had happened. My

partner and I chose the “What if the concept of agriculture was never discovered”. Our

hypothesis was that without agriculture forcing early humans to settle and develop towns and

cities, we would still just be nomadic tribes living off of the animals we raised. I wrote the script

for the presentation while my partner made a slideshow with images and bullet points to help the

audience follow along.

The Social Justice project was from my Sophomore English class. We were put into

groups of five and had to pick a current social justice topic to research and present. For awhile

my group and I couldn’t think of anything to use for our project. But eventually, we decided to

use the at the time hot topic of transgender bathrooms. We all split up our research and helped

work on the powerpoint. After the weekend we presented to the class on our chosen topic.

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