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Students: Felipe Felipe Sosimo UTAL152017, López

Francisco Adriana UTAL152040, Matias Alonso Yesenia

Angelica UTAL152021, Yescas Vásquez Alejandra
Teacher: Lic. Eleazar Mijangos Cruz.
Major: Ing. En Tecnologías Bioalimentarias.
Unit: III: II Discutiendo el pasado.
Team: 5
Group: TBA1A
Period: Jan- April 2018


The most popular traditional food in Mexico, 100 years ago, was the mole of dried
chilies (mole is a special sauce made out of dried chilies and others ingredients). In
the past, this sauce was cooked in clayed saucepans served with grilled meat and
fried beans in addition, people would drank coffee or wine.

The people would wear traditional clothing as well, men wore serious and elegant
suits and woman wore long dresses with long sleeves to cover all the body.

At that time, school wasn’t considered a need, because it was more important to
work, rules were more stricted, there was more order and people had better
behavior, since the punishments were strict.

The most common job in Mexico was to be a worker in different areas like the
agriculture and trade human rights weren’t respected and people had minimum

Children would play popular games such as loteria (bingo), balero and yoyo.
People would go to the teather.

The main means of long distance communication were the telephone and
telegraph and it was the beginning of the radio and television.

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