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September 20th-24th , 2010 All About Me Lesson 2 Mrs.


Time Monday

8:30-8:45 boost-up: students will go to spin spots, play Spin CD- song 3:spin, song 7:rocking horse,
Boost-up superman, popcorn, stretch high, stretch low

8:45-9:00 Calendar and morning message; The students who brings snack is the helper for the day The K.L.VS.1.6
Circle Time helper will help with 3-6 snack calendar on side of tall file cabinet. K.L.VS.1.5.
1.Oral language/listening 2. Pledge of Allegiance 3. Calendar 4. Count days of K.R.1.2
school 5. Money in pocket chart 6. Shared Reading of the morning message K.M.1.2

9:00-9:10 Snack

9:10-9:35 Group 5-students will blend the syllables in longer words. Say; re-frig-er-a-tor. Students K.R.1.1
Guided will use an unifix cube to count number of syllables. use words anniversary, multiplication, K.R.1.3
Reading encyclopedia, and kindergarten. Read book Jen K.R.2.3

9:35-9:50 Big Book::”Rainbow Ribbons” Students will be introduced to Mr. R. Students will ask K.R.2.1
Shared questions about Mr. R K.R.2.2
Reading K.R.2.3
Sight Word: Students will read high frequency word “a” student will match “a” with the K.R.3.1
word on the board and use in a sentence K.R.3.2
Phonics: students will recognize R and r K.R.3.3
Robust Vocabulary:Students will be introduced to differ, stalking, mellow. T112 K.R.4.1
alphabet cards: M, S, R
9:50-10:00 Bathroom Break

10:00-10:35 Specials-library

10:35-11:05 Specials- music

11:10-11:25 Recess

11:25-1150 *Rhyme Time: Out in the Dark and Daylight” Students will listen and respond to the K.R.2.2
poem.T102 K.L.VS.1.8
*Phonemic Awareness: students will combine syllables to say words. Students will listen
for parts of words and put the parts together to say the words. T103
*Students will identify letters/sounds and match uppercase to lowercase.
*Students will identify the initial sound of 4 pictures. See chart tablets.
*Students will identify the letter/sound of an ABC card
11:50-12:20 lunch

12:20-1:00 Students will review patterns. Student will complete Johnny’s Crop Top, Students will K.A.4.1
Math complete the pattern, cut and glue correct object that completes the pattern. K.N.1.1
1:00-1:30 Rest Time

1:30-1:45 recess

1:45-2:20 Bathroom Break/Boost-Up

2:20-2:35 snack
September 13th-17th, 2010 All About Me Lesson 1 Mrs. Mattheis

Time Monday

2:35-3:20 Writing: Students will understand the purpose of a label. Review with the students that we label
items so we know what they are: For example show them how items are labeled in the room. There
are labels for their names, aquarium, window, bathroom etc. Follow Pg. 113-
Group 5- write a label for a classroom object:- can place by the item they wrote the label for.
Learning Centers: Centers run for 20 min K.G.2.1
Puzzles: Students will put a variety of puzzles together

Block:students will build a road and drive cars. K.L.V.S1.2


Art: students will paint 4 apples using the colors red, yellow, blue, Students will complete K.L.VS1.2
apple book, students will color apples reading the color word.
Handwriting: students will use white boards to write upper and lowercase R using correct
3:15-3:30 Closing/Dismissal business
September 20th-24th , 2010 All About Me Lesson 2 Mrs. Mattheis

Time Tuesday Activity/Objective Standard

8:30-8:45 boost-up: students will go to spin spots, play Spin CD- song 3:spin, song 7:rocking horse,
Boost-up superman, popcorn, stretch high, stretch low

8:45-9:00 Calendar and morning message; The students who brings snack is the helper for the day The K.L.VS.1.6
Circle Time helper will help with 3-6 K.L.VS.1.5.
1.Oral language/listening 2. Pledge of Allegiance 3. Calendar 4. Count days of school K.R.1.2
5. Money in pocket chart 6. Shared Reading of the morning message K.M.1.2

9:00-9:10 Snack

9:10-9:35 Group 4 students will blend the syllables in longer words. Say; re-frig-er-a-tor. Students will K.R.1.1
Guided use an unifix cube to count number of syllables. use words anniversary, multiplication, K.R.1.3
Reading encyclopedia, and kindergarten. Read book Jen K.R.2.3

9:35-9:50 Big Book:I am an Apple: students will discuss the lifecycle of an apple tree, and what K.R.2.1
Shared apples are used for. Students will discuss going to the apple orchard. K.R.2.2
Reading K.R.2.3
Phonics- Students will match /R/ to the sound /R/. Students will identify R in rhyme chart K.R.3.1
and photo cards. K.R.3.2
Sight Words: Students will read A and I. T118 K.R.3.3
Robust Vocab.-Students will use vocab. words in different contexts T127 K.R.4.1
alphabet cards: M, S, A, B, C

9:50-10:00 Bathroom Break

10:00-10:35 Specials art

10:35-11:05 Specials p.e.

11:10-11:25 Recess

11:25-1150 *Rhyme Time-¨” Eat My Peas with Honey ” Students will discuss what types of foood they K.R.2.2
like. T114- “Way Up High in the Apple Tree” K.L.VS.1.8
*Phonemic Awareness-students will combine syllables to say words. Students will listen
to parts of words and put them together. T115
*Students will identify letters/sounds and match uppercase to lowercase.
*Students will identify the initial sound of 4 pictures. See chart tablets.
*Students will identify the letter/sound of an ABC card

11:50-12:20 lunch
September 13th-17th, 2010 All About Me Lesson 1 Mrs. Mattheis

Time Tuesday Activity/Objective Standard

12:20-1:00 Students will complete Johnny Appleseed activity, students will listen and follow two step K.N.1.1
Math directions. The teacher will direct students how many apples to color and what color and K.L.VS1.1
ask questions related to how many apples are on the tree and the ground.
1:00-1:30 Rest Time

1:30-1:45 recess

1:45-2:10 Bathroom Break/Boost-Up

2:10 Nurse Rather

2:20-2:30 snack

2:30-3:00 Learning Centers:

Writing: Group 4- write a label for a classroom object:- can place by the item they wrote the label for.

Letter People hand writing sheet: Students will complete Mr. R handwriting sheet: K.W.2.3
students will trace and write the letter Rr using correct formation. Students will color Mr.
Game- students will play “Hi Ho Cherry O” K.L.VS.1.1
3:15-3:30 Closing/Dismissal
September 20th-24th , 2010 All About Me Lesson 2 Mrs. Mattheis

Time Wednesday Activity/Objective Standard

8:30-8:45 boost-up: students will go to spin spots, play Spin CD- song 3:spin, song 7:rocking horse,
Boost-up superman, popcorn, stretch high, stretch low

8:45-9:00 Calendar and morning message; The students who brings snack is the helper for the day The K.L.VS.1.6
Circle Time helper will help with 3-6 K.L.VS.1.5.
1.Oral language/listening 2. Pledge of Allegiance 3. Calendar 4. Count days of school K.R.1.2
5. Money in pocket chart 6. Shared Reading of the morning message K.M.1.2

9:00-9:10 Snack

9:10-9:35 Group 3-students will listen as I say the name of an animal in its word parts: mon-key, belnd K.R.1.1
Guided syllables to say the word aloud and pretend to be that animal. Continue with other words, K.R.1.3
Reading pony, rabbit, elepahnt, kangaroo students will read “A Kitchen” S8 K.R.2.3

9:35-9:50 Big Book:The Apple Pie Tree: students will discuss the life cycle of an apple, and what K.R.2.1
Shared are apples used for. Students will recognize sight words I and a in written text. K.R.2.2
Reading K.R.2.3
Phonics- Students will discriminate between R and S. T130 K.R.3.1
Robust Vocab. -students will be introduced to automatic, perfectly and resemblance. T142 K.R.3.2
High Frequency word:students will read I and A in a sentence.T132 K.R.3.3

9:50-10:00 Bathroom Break

10:00-10:35 Specials library

10:35-11:05 Specials music

11:10-11:25 Recess

11:25-1150 *Rhyme Time- “Way Up High in the Apple Tree” video- students will identify M,R,S K.R.2.2
*Phonemic Awareness-students will blend syllables to say words. Students will clap the K.L.VS.1.8
syllables and count how many. T129
*Students will identify letters/sounds and match uppercase to lowercase.
*Students will identify the initial sound of 4 pictures. See chart tablets.
*Students will identify the letter/sound of an ABC card
11:50-12:20 lunch

12:20-1:00 Students will complete 2 math dot to dot worksheets as a whole group. 1-15. K.L.VS1.1
Math K.N.1.1
1:00-1:30 Rest Time

1:30-1:45 recess

1:45-2:20 Bathroom Break/Boost-Up

September 13th-17th, 2010 All About Me Lesson 1 Mrs. Mattheis

Time Wednesday Activity/Objective Standard

2:20-2:35 snack

2:35-3:20 Learning Centers:

Writing Group 3- write a label for a classroom object:- can place by the item they wrote the label for.

Computer- Students will play Clifford phonics Cd K.SI.1.2

Listening- students will listen to Mr. M, Ms. S and Mr. R tape and read the book. Students K.R.2.2
will learn how to run the tape deck and listen to a variety of tapes K.R.5-2
3:15-3:30 Closing/Dismissal
September 20th-24th , 2010 All About Me Lesson 2 Mrs. Mattheis

Time Thursday Activity/Objective Standard

8:30-8:45 boost-up: students will go to spin spots, play Spin CD- song 3:spin, song 7:rocking horse,
Boost-up superman, popcorn, stretch high, stretch low

8:45-9:00 Calendar and morning message; The students who brings snack is the helper for the day The K.L.VS.1.6
Circle Time helper will help with 3-6 K.L.VS.1.5.
1.Oral language/listening 2. Pledge of Allegiance 3. Calendar 4. Count days of K.R.1.2
school 5. Money in pocket chart 6. Shared Reading of the morning message K.M.1.2

9:00-9:10 Snack

9:10-9:35 Group 2 students will listen as I say the name of an animal in its word parts: mon-key, K.R.1.1
Guided belnd syllables to say the word aloud and pretend to be that animal. Continue with other K.R.1.3
Reading words, pony, rabbit, elepahnt, kangaroo students will read A kitchen S8 K.R.2.3

9:35-9:50 Big Book; ¨I Am Special” students will make predictions about the story and discuss K.R.2.1
Shared what makes them special. T73 K.R.2.2
Reading K.R.2.3
Phonics-students will build phrases using high frequency words. High Frequency Word: K.R.3.1
Students will read the word”I” in sentences. K.R.3.2
Robust Vocab.; -students will use vocab. in different contexts. T150 K.R.3.3

9:50-10:00 Bathroom Break

10:00-10:35 Specials art

10:35-11:05 Specials- p.e.

11:10-11:25 Recess

11:25-1150 *Rhyme Time: R letter chart, students will discuss rhyming words K.R.2.2
*Phonemic Awareness: students will blend syllables to say words and count the number K.L.VS.1.8
of syllables in a word. T145
*Students will identify letters/sounds and match uppercase to lowercase.
*Students will identify the initial sound of 4 pictures. See chart tablets.
*Students will identify the letter/sound of an ABC card
11:50-12:20 lunch

12:20-1:00 Students will complete apple pattern and various patterns with pattern blocks. K.G.1.1
Math K.G.2.1
1:00-1:30 Rest Time
September 13th-17th, 2010 All About Me Lesson 1 Mrs. Mattheis

Time Thursday Activity/Objective Standard

1:30-1:45 recess

1:45-2:20 Bathroom Break/Boost-Up

2:20-2:35 snack

2:35-3:20 Learning Centers:

Writing-Group 2- write a label for a classroom object:- can place by the item they wrote the label for.

ABC Students will place ABC cards in order and match the letters of the alphabet. K.R.2.2
Students will fill in the missing blank on Johnny Appleseed ABC worksheet. K.R.5.2
Independent reading: Students will read a variety of genre K.R.3.1
3:15-3:30 Closing/Dismissal
September 20th-24th , 2010 All About Me Lesson 2 Mrs. Mattheis

Time Friday Activity/Objective Standard

Apple Orchard Field Trip
8:30-8:45 boost-up: students will go to spin spots, play Spin CD- song 3:spin, song 7:rocking horse,
Boost-up superman, popcorn, stretch high, stretch low

8:45-9:00 Calendar and morning message; The students who brings snack is the helper for the day The K.L.VS.1.6
Circle Time helper will help with 3-6 K.L.VS.1.5.
1.Oral language/listening 2. Pledge of Allegiance 3. Calendar 4. Count days of K.R.1.2
school 5. Money in pocket chart 6. Shared Reading of the morning message K.M.1.2

9:00-9:10 Snack
Depart from school at 9:30
9:10-9:35 Group 1 students will learn that each word has two parts. quiet. The teacher will model K.R.1.1
Guided how to blend syllables into words, begin with two syllable words. Students will clap the K.R.1.3
Reading number of syllables they hear. Students will read and discuss the book “R” K.R.2.3

9:35-9:50 Big Book: K.R.2.1

Shared Phonics- K.R.2.2
Reading K.R.2.3
High frequency word: K.R.3.1
Robust Vocab.- K.R.3.2

9:50-10:00 Bathroom Break

10:00-10:35 Specials art

10:35-11:05 Specials p.e.

11:10-11:25 Recess
September 13th-17th, 2010 All About Me Lesson 1 Mrs. Mattheis

Time Friday Activity/Objective Standard

Apple Orchard Field Trip
11:25-1150 *Rhyme Time- K.R.2.2
*Phonemic Awareness- K.L.VS.1.8
*Students will identify letters/sounds and match uppercase to lowercase.
*Students will identify the initial sound of 4 pictures. See chart tablets.
*Students will identify the letter/sound of an ABC card

11:50-12:20 lunch


1:00-1:30 Rest Time

1:30-1:45 recess

1:45-2:20 Bathroom Break/Boost-Up

2:20-2:35 snack

2:35-3:20 Learning Centers:

Writing-Group 1- write a label for a classroom object:- can place by the item they wrote the label for.

Write the Room

Handwriting: Students will write uppercase and lowercase T using correct formation on
white boards.

Show and Tell

3:15-3:30 Closing/Dismissal

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