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Am. Lit.

Unit 4 Assessment
Regionalism and Naturalism

For this unit’s assessment, we are going to focus primarily on the experiences portrayed in works of literature written by
female authors. Women have been an underrepresented group in this course so far, but were beginning to make
themselves well known at this time.

For your assessment, you will be writing a literary analysis of the writings we’ve gone over in this unit. You should:

 Focus on the writings by female authors

 Assess the themes present in these writings
 Analyze the authors’ purposes in writing the texts
 Assess women’s experiences and treatment of the time and explain how writing about their experiences
validated them within society

Here’s how you will be graded:

Criteria 4 3 2 1
Analysis of Student thoroughly Student used analytical Student provided Student did not analyze
Themes analyzed the themes skills to explain the minimal analysis of themes of the texts.
x2 presented in the texts, significance of the themes of the texts.
including making themes of the text.
unique observations
about the material.
Analysis of Student thoroughly Student used analytical Student provided Student did not analyze
Author’s analyzed the authors’ skills to explore the minimal analysis of the author’s purpose.
Purpose purposes as presented author’s purpose of the author’s purpose of the
x2 in the texts, including texts. texts.
making unique
observations about the
Analysis of Student thoroughly Student used analytical Student provided Student did not analyze
Subject analyzed the subject of skills to explore the minimal analysis of the the subject of the texts.
(women’s women’s experiences subjects written about subject of women’s
experiences as presented in the in the texts. experiences as
in the late texts, including making presented in the texts.
1800s, early unique observations
1900s) about the material.
Evidence Student cited more Student cited 3 pieces Student cited 1-2 Student did not cite
than 3 pieces of strong of strong evidence from pieces of evidence from evidence from the texts
evidence from the text. the text. the text OR not all OR evidence cited did
evidence supported the not support the claim.
Conventions Student’s writing Student’s writing Student’s writing Student’s writing was
and contained minute contained a few errors contained many errors very unclear due to
Grammar errors in conventions, in conventions, which in conventions, which many errors in
which did not impact only mildly impacted made the writing a bit conventions.
the clarity of the the clarity of the difficult to understand.
writing writing.
Length 600+ words 500-599 400-499 Fewer than 400 words

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