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(Episode 7 8, 9, 10)

April Abaigar
Chrizian Kyle Empeno
SS -41
Make a list of 10 websites where you can source
references and instructional materials for this episode.
Paste your Classroom / Remote Plan


Philosophical Statement
 I'll establish a welcoming, fun, and collaborative learning atmosphere. Discipline will
be implemented as soon as it is required. Every day will start off clean for every
student in my class. Every student will receive the individualized instruction they
require to succeed.

Classroom Rules and

Classroom Rules and
Classroom Rules and
Classroom Rules and
Classroom Rules and Procedures
 To ensure the discipline of my students, I will establish classroom rules and
procedures such as:
 Show your teacher respect and pay attention to what he or she is saying.
 Be considerate of your classmates.
 Be prepared for class.
 Raise your hand to speak if you want to.
 Remain silent when your teacher speaks.
 Maintain a clean classroom at all times.
 Stick to the seating arrangement.
 Use positive language.
 Remain alert at all times.
 Take part in the discussions
 Obey all school regulations.
 Be on time.
 Finish your homework on time.
 Tell the truth.
Teacher Student Relationship
 I'll treat my student fairly and with respect in order to keep a good rapport with
them. I'll impart to them the values of morality and respect for others. When
interacting, I've discovered that utilizing kind words is more efficient. They'll learn
how to speak and how to listen from me. I'll remind them that since I am their
teacher and they are my pupils, they are required to keep me updated on any
Schedule Timeframes
 In terms of time and scheduling, I will set up my class schedule in accordance with
what my fellow teachers and I decided. I should always take into account the
viewpoints of my pupils and workers. To retain my pupils' focus on the task at hand,
I'll make every element of my lesson engaging and dynamic. I should make sure to get
everyone's attention, especially the ones in the back. I should also consider their
situations and feelings.

Classroom Structure, design, and Arrangements

 In order to create a supportive learning atmosphere in my classroom, I will give my
students with resources that will aid in their growth and development. I'll also
mention some of the equipment that we regularly utilize in class.
Classroom, Safety, Rules, and Procedures
 I'll have a medical cabinet available for my students use in case something goes
wrong in order to assure their safety and security. In addition, I should get rid of any
potentially hazardous items like blades, chemicals, or anything else. The classroom
ought to have two doors and a fire extinguisher for security purposes. To protect
their safety, I will set regulations including the need for students to contact me or a
security officer if they have any worries, publishing a cellphone number for
emergencies, and forbidding students from leaving campus during class hours.
Strategies for Rewards and Consequences
 I intend to impose class rules and procedures that will hold students accountable
for their actions, and I believe that students will comply if sanctions and rewards
are attached to each rule.

Better Lesson Plans, Better Lessons: Practical Strategies for

Planning from Standards.

By Ben Curran

4 Very 3 2 Moderate In 1 Not

Difficult Difficult Difficulty Difficult
1. Stating Learning outcomes /

2. Identifying Learning resources to /

be used.
3. Sequencing the Lesson in an /
engaging and Meaningful Manner.
4. Planning Specific Learning /
5. Identifying Strategies to be Used. /
6. Formulating Higher order thinking. /
7. Integrating Lesson Concept to real /
life situation.
8. Integrating Lesson Values. /
9. Fomulating Lesson Tools. /
10. Identifying Performance’s Task. /
11. Giving Assesment. /
12. Planning For Lesson Closure /
13. Other Specify.
Realizing the various skills that you need to master in preparing the learning/lesson plans,
which are the most difficult? the easiest to write? Conduct a simple survey from among your
peers by requesting them to answer this simple questionnaire. Instruction: These are basic skills
in lesson plan writing. Rate yourself on the level of difficulty of doing the following based on
your experience.
4 - very difficult
3 - difficult
2 - moderate in difficulty
1 - not difficult

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