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1. How to plan and deliver an effective oral presentation

2. Why is the topic relevant to audience?

2.1. The audience can use the information in the future

3. Why are presentations difficult?

3.1. Reasons:
3.1.1. Hard to organized
3.1.2. Hard to deliver
3.1.3. Hard to plan
3.1.4 Hard to comunicate our ideas to a second language
3.2. Difficulties:
3.2.1. Timing
3.2.2. Tutor sitting at the back
3.2.3. Visual aids
3.2.3. Body language

4. Overcoming difficulties:
4.1. With carefull preparation, planning and practise you could overcome this

5. Presentation outline:
5.1. = 6. Introducction
5.2. =7. Sensors classification
5.3. =8. Methods classification

6. Introduction
6.1 Purpose:
6.1.1. General and specific information
6.2. Whom? Audience
6..2.1. Teacher

6.3. Context. Where

6.3.1. Alone at home

7. Sensors classification
7.1. Body.
7.1.1. Main points
7.1.2. Secondary points to support the main ones
7.1.3 . Transitions between points

7.2. Tools to help:

7.2.1. Prepare detail outline: Speaking notes Notecards with keywords

8. Methods classification
8.1. Body.
7.1.1. Main points
7.1.2. Secondary points to support the main ones
7.1.3 . Transitions between points

8.2. Tools to help:

7.2.1. Prepare detail outline: Speaking notes Notecards with keywords

9. Summary/ outline:
9.1. Introducction
9.2. Sensor classification
9.3. Methods classification

10. 6 Principles of presentation:

10.1. Purpose
10.2. People
10.3. Preparation
10.4. Planning
10.5. Personality
10.6. Performance

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