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Audra Toop <mynameisaudratoop@gmail.


Audra Toop <> Sat, Apr 14, 2018 at 6:08 AM

Hi Attorney Stanton, I just wanted to provide you with this email from my accuser. Only to address the
service, NOTHING ELSE.

On 9/7/16 my accuser emailed me, although still unidentified, and never mentions they were trying to have
me served for the magistrate hearing. But as you can see from the warrant, Judge Coyne issued a warrant
for failure to appear. This warrant was printed up by my accuser, but I never saw it until Meg Stanley
mailed it to me.

Again, my defense is, Steven Rand threatened my life 2 months after I met with the Mass State Police with
evidence connected to the murders of John and Geraldine Magee.

Please take note of Steven Rand's titles in his email and on that warrant.

This guy doesn't want to be identified, and no attorney before you would have him identified. So, if this
keeps going on, you at least have some information supporting I don't know who my accuser is. I just have
a bunch if fabricated law enforcement titles.

This is usually where my attorneys start to turn on me. Whenever I push to have Steven Rand identified.

Steven Rand clearly had contact with me during their 1 attempt to have me served. So, obviously with this
email, had I been present at the magistrate hearing, I could have had Steven Rand identified.

He said he's not ICE, so I'm not sure how he accessed the CJIS to print this warrant using a password and
username he doesn't have.

363874465-scan20171108-12424554 (1).pdf

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