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Magazine Project

By: Lucie Lu Okuszka

ɾ​Cover page​ɾ 
Top favorite reptiles in the
world today
By: Lucie Lu Okuszka
Cost​: $5.00
Table of contents

Page 1: News article

Page 2: Water Dragons V.S Corn Snakes
Page 3: Interview
Page 4: Water Dragons on sale at petco!
Page 5: Costs for all of the reptiles and what they need to be healthy
Page 6: Top favorite reptiles word search puzzle
Page 7: Comic
Page 8: Poll- What’s your favorite reptile??
Page 9: Citations

News article
Top Favorite pet reptiles in the world today
The top pet reptiles that people like in the world today are the water dragon, russian tortoise,
crested gecko, ball python, corn snake, leopard gecko, and the bearded dragon. They are easy to
care for and are very unique in all of their own ways. Also they are hypoallergenic, which makes
them a very good pet.
Water dragons are full of personality, they are medium sized and less aggressive. They are
very easy to care for and they have some similar physical qualities. They eat a lot of animals and
insects such as ants, crickets, worms, mice or smaller reptiles. Also they live up to 15 years of
age. They seem like such a cool pet to have.
The Russian tortoise can live up to be 50 years old, and can grow up be six to eight inches
long. They have a social personality, like a dog. They do not grow large, but females are a little
bit larger in size than males are. Russian tortoises are diurnal, meaning that they are active during
the day. Also they love to climb and explore. Russian tortoises seem like they need a lot of
attention. They seem like a really cool pet, but you need to make sure that you give them the
attention that they need.
Crested geckos have been nicknamed the “eyelash gecko”. They do not have eyelids, and
they moisten their eyes by licking them. Their tail allows them to grab onto branches, and their
toe pads grab onto imperfections on the surface, even glass. They live up to 10-20 years or more.
They grow up to about 8 inches long. They seem like a very interesting pet, and seem like a good
pet to have.
Well, I have a Pastel ball python and she is very nice and doesn’t bite, but if she felt
threatened then she would most likely bite if she wanted to. They eat mice at least once a week.
Ball pythons are nocturnal, meaning they sleep during the day and are active at night time. They
love to be handled and they love to explore around, and they love wrapping around peoples neck.
I would recommend getting a ball python, because they are easy to take care of and they are very
loving animals to have as a pet.

Corn snakes have a slender body which reaches up to about 24 to 72 inches in length.
They are usually orange or dark yellow in color with red blotches on the back and the side, and
their belly is covered with black and white markings. Corn snakes are nocturnal meaning that
they are active during the night, and are asleep during the day. Corn snakes are carnivores, when
there younger they eat lizards and frogs, but when they are adults they hunt down rodents, bats,
and birds, and eventually bird eggs. Corn snakes are constrictors. I probably wouldn’t get a corn
snake if it’s a constrictor, but they still seem like a nice pet to have if you like snakes.
Leopard geckos are absolutely the best pet to have! They are super cute, playful, and
lovable. Leopard geckos live up to about 20 years and grow up to 10 inches long. They are
nocturnal, meaning they sleep during the day and are active during the night time. They eat
mealworms, waxworms, superworms, pinkies, and crickets. Leopard Geckos can drop their tail if
they feel threatened or from poor handling. They are carnivores to. They are such a nice pet to
have because they are small, easy, and clean.
Bearded dragons can live up to 15-20 years, and grow up to 10 inches long. People
say that bearded dragons are affectionate. They can have any fruit or vegetables that aren’t citrus
or white. Also people say that they are cuddlers. They seem like such an amazing pet to have

Water Dragons ​ v.s​ Corn Snakes

I think that water dragons are a more better pet to have than corn snakes because
water dragons have more of a personality, and because they are more easy to care for.
I don’t think corn snakes are the best pet to have because they are constrictors. Also
water dragons seem to be more playful than corn snakes seem to be. Because corn
snakes are nocturnal meaning that they are active during the night, and they sleep
during the day. So that could be evidence that water dragons are more active and
playful more than a corn snake would be. Corn snakes are more expensive than water
dragons. Corn snakes are up to $70 and water dragons are 20 or more.

1. What reptile do you like best out of these?
Water Dragon, Russian Tortoise, Crested gecko, Pastel Ball python snake, Corn Snake,
Leopard gecko, or Bearded Dragon?
Mr. Lewis- Russian Tortoise
Violet Okuszka-
2. Why do you like this pet?
Mr.Lewis- Because they are slow and easy to deal with.
Violet Okuszka-
3. Would you buy this pet?
Mr.Lewis- Probably not
Violet Okuszka-


Financial article
Costs of the reptiles and what they will need to be healthy
Water Dragons cost $20 to around $80.They need a cage where they can climb up on it, and
they need artificial plants too. A Russian tortoise costs $149 to $229, they need a cage that is a
36”x12”. Crested geckos cost $35 to $65, they need a 10 to 20 gallon tank. Pastel Ball Pythons
cost about $100, it depends on the cage you get, because it depends if the snake stays at its
size, or if it grows super big. Corn snakes cost $70, for the caging it would be the same as the
Pastel Ball Pythons cage. Leopard Geckos cost $20 to $40, they will need a 10 to 20 gallon
tank. Bearded Dragons cost $30 through $60, caging would be like a 20 through 40 gallon tank.
Word Search Puzzle 

Favorite animals in the world today


Question- W hich reptile do you like the best out of these?
Leopard Gecko → 45%
Bearded Dragon → 55%
Pastel Ball Python → 60%
Corn Snake → 20%
Water Dragon → 15%
Russian Tortoise → 50%
Crested Gecko → 30%

Citation page

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