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Observation Task 10: Integrated subject areas

Focus: Integration
1. Ask your MST which e.g. maths and/or science concepts the children are
learning at the moment.
2. Find out how she helps them to understand these ideas.
3. Ask about how language is part of this learning. Record the activities and
language used for the math and science concepts on the table below.
4. Get a sample of any documentation of the science or maths curriculum you
can add this to your TP portfolio (ADEC Lesson Plan, teacher’s lesson plan,
5. Observe a math or science lesson and notice student participation (for

For example:
Concept Activity Language

Learns how to put

Biggest place value biggest number with Big 900
the biggest place

learners how to put Ones 2, tens 30,

Ones, tens, hundreds
ones, tens, hundreds hundreds 600
in the right place

Zero story Learns how to use Plus, zero,0,+,x,

zero when adding multiply, place value
and multiply

Ones, tens, hundreds Teacher explain it by Ones 7, tens 40,

using the different hundreds 200
size of squares to
show them how they
can identify the ones,
tens, hundreds
 What math's or science concept the learners are studying e.g. numbers,
addition, measurement?
 Did the students seem to enjoy the lesson? Why or why not?
 Were students using the new math or science language in English? In Arabic?

All the schools should have a math subject and all of the grades take the math
subject in the different ways. The math it's very important in our life because
mathematics develops their cognitive thinking and they will have ability to think, and
speed our minds to think about the equations, also the mathematics make the
children smarter. The teacher taught the students the math lesson and the concepts
of the math the teacher provide the students the numbers and the number of the
place value, the digit number, also she teach them about the number zero and how
we can use it on the equations or when we count the numbers of the place value.
The students were very active and interested in the lesson and they are very
interacting with the teacher and respond her while she is asked them. She gave them
some activities and all the students want to joined to answer the activity, also they
are very enjoyed in the lesson because they love math and they like to think and
gave the teacher the perfect, good, and correct answer, every time when the
teacher asked them they tried to build their answers and think about it. In the
classroom the students and the teacher use the English language in the math session
because it will help them in the future to understand the mathematics terms and
give the students chance and opportunity to improve their skills like cognitive skills
while they will think about the difficult words, and improve the social skills while ask
the teacher about what the difficult things that he\she face in the math. All of the
people need to have some experience about the math and what the terms of
mathematics because it will help us in the future in our life not only for the learning.

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