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General Meeting

Date: June 5th, 2018

Sherry Halls, President called meeting to order at: 7:07pm

Members Attending: Sherry Halls, Val Merritt, Kassy Merritt, Art Kaehn, Linda Bolstad, Ruth
Burzek, Maureen Nielsen, Niels Nielsen, Joanne Kirkland, Kristine Brownscombe, Pat Suter.

Adoption of Agenda: Motion made to accept by Niels Nielsen. Seconded by Maureen Nielsen.
Discussion. All in favor. Carried.

Treasurers Report:

 Discussion.
o Kristine Brownscombe asked about grant money not showing on the Report.
o Art addressed the Fall Fair Grant etc.
o Motion to accept by Kassandra Merritt. Seconded by Kristine Brownscombe . All
in favor. Carried.

Old Business:

 Computer: Pat Suter

o Val Merritt & Pat Suter went and bought the computer and it is running
perfectly. Still need to get the Microsoft Office.
o Computer was more with a 3 year warranty.
o Can come out of Grant for software etc stated Art Kaehn.
 Spring Clean Up: Joanne Kirkland
o Disappointed about turnout but thank you to all who came and helped.

Committee Reports:

 Enbridge Presentation
o Went well and the food was good.
o They were happy with the turnout. 52 people over and above the Enbridge
people came.
 Bluegrass Festival: Val Merritt
o Had a great time, lots of fun but at a loss for the first time this year.
o Cleaning of hall prior had only one Community Association member and
Bluegrass people.
o A reminder to come and help would have been appreciated. Posters were
o Submission for next year’s rental is being deferred to Directors meeting.
 Hixon Seniors Society: Niels Nielsen
o Still going to do depending on weather conditions etc. It is slowing down.
o Briefly talking about one extra day either per week or per month. Ie. A movie
starting in the fall, depending on school. No cost involved but waiting on
 Hixon Hill Riders: Joanne Kirkland
o A bit of confusion over having a “fun” Gymkhana this coming Sunday ie…getting
“big”. But yes, there will be one.
 4H Club
o Has been dissolved.
 Building Committee: (Willie McAuley & Niels Nielsen on Committee) Niels Nielsen
o Outside Lighting
 Thanks to Pat Suter and Larry Thompson the solar activated light was put
up. Still a question as to if it gets enough sunlight.
 Larry Thompson recommended to place another one at the front steps as
it won’t reach from where the other one is.
 Pat Suter stated she will check into the possibility of getting a local
licensed electrician to help with wiring of lighting.
 Will wait with buying another solar light.
o Calendar Board: Niels Nielsen
 Purchased a cork board and it was turned down so he took it back.
 Joanne Kirkland stated we checked the board and with the way the
weather is, without the protective part over it, it will have a problem.
 Kassandra Merritt said that Doug Colebank might be able to do one
possibly if contacted. Sherry Halls asked if Kassandara Merritt could work
with Niels Nielsen regarding connecting with Doug Colebank. Kassandra
Merritt will talk with Doug Colebank regarding making a mounted
Calendar Board for outside the building and covered in such a way so that
it can be opened and closed.
 Fall Fair Committee: Kristine Brownscombe
o June 12th, 2018 next meeting at 6:30pm at hall.
 Email went out telling about it.
o On the Sunday there will be the Art class and ASAP needs to have people sign up.
 Wendy Haugan at Post office can be the one paid.
o Art Kaehn got hold of lady regarding Train at the museum.
o Val Merritt to get sandwich boards to Kristine Brownscombe.
o Kassy said that on the Sunday there is something for guys and girls. She will see
about a company donating a Wii for teenagers/kids/adults. A possible $5 per
person cost.
o Natasha Reichlin considering using arena for a sheep dog demonstration.
o Princess parade being set aside for next year as it is a large project.
o Survey will be at Fall Fair for comments / suggestions.
o Membership drive: still a go for at the Fall Fair as well.
 Membership if bought at Fair would give them a 6mth membership.
August – January is the thought.
 Sherry Halls stated that Constitution needs to be checked. Discussion is
 Stickers: Kristine Brownscombe felt would be nice for new memberships
bought at fair to have a sticker showing that they had.

New Business:

 Occupancy Permit
o Hall was measured and occupancy determined that 280 could be in the building.
This came from the office of the Fire Marshal. Niels Nielsen stated they said the
main doors were the correct kind and have the panic hardware.
o Thanks goes to Bruce Perrin
o Val Merritt stated chairs need to not be stacked as high in back room as it caused
a problem with the light fixture.
 WCB Reclassification
o Hiring of people; rate now is $0.84 per $100
o Affects if we have payroll.
 Grass Cutting: Sherry Halls
o Discussed at Director’s meeting. Consensus was to put out a form for volunteers.
o See how many people are interested.
o Cliff Halls would take a turn but can’t all the time.
o Willie McAuley also would possibly take a turn as well.
o Val Merritt to put a notice regarding people interested in volunteering at both
gas stations and on Facebook;
 Amount of time interested in.
 Commitment needed from anyone interested.
 Also could be split into exactly where they could take care of. “Grass
cutting, weed whacking, (doing a portion etc).
o Niels & Maureen Nielsen committed to cutting edge against their property to the
gates for the summer.
 Water Billing
o Now a 3 year billing cycle $200 instead of a yearly cycle. Probably $50 per year
Adoption of minutes from May 1st,2018 : Discussion.

 Moved until end of meeting as only 3 copies available – gives members time to read
 Motion made by Joanne Kirkland. Seconded by Niels Nielsen. Carried.
 Amending of Enbridge section. No Rental as a Town meeting. They will do a donation

Next Meeting Date: July 3rd, 2018.

Adjournment: 8:30pm Joanne Kirkland motioned to adjourn. Kassy Merritt.

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