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General Meeting

Date: October 2nd,2018

Sherry Halls, President called meeting to order at: 7pm

Members Attending: Sherry Halls, Val Merritt, Kassandra Merritt, Willie McAuley, Ruth Burzek,
Niels Nielsen, Stephanie Smith, Kristine Brownscombe, Pat Suter, Art Kaehn (Regional District)

Guests: Sam Wolf, Lisa Wellington

Adoption of Agenda: Motion made to accept agenda by Niels Nielsen. Seconded by Willie
McAuley. Discussion. All in favor. Carried.

Adoption of minutes from : Discussion. Motion made by Niels Nielsen. Seconded by Kristine
Brownscombe. All in favor. Carried.

Treasurers Report: Pat Suter

 Discussion. Motion to accept Treasurers Report made by Niels Nielsen. Seconded by

Stephanie Smith. All in favor. Carried.

Old Business:

 Water System Repair

o Thanks to Lisa for working on the outside tap. She stated that there is still a little
bit to do.
o A sign has been made by Val Merritt to put by the tap.
o Sign ok to put up as board agreed to the email that was sent out of it.
o Lisa stated that it might be an idea to add a short piece of hose to help with
people filling jugs.
 Cooler Repair
o A mechanic has been contacted but hasn’t come yet. He is the only one known
that will come to Hixon.
o Sherry asked that if anyone knows of another mechanic that would be willing to
come out, please let her know.
o Sherry is hoping to have it repaired before Bluegrass.
 Picnic Table – Concrete Pad
o Niels got a quote for 6 yards of concrete for under the picnic table & 3 benches.
Also and idea to pull out the trees and put a curb along paved area and possibly
at end of the septic field.
o Quote is $1,500. Delivered.
o Need 6 people to do forms and someone with a bit of expertise.
o Need to wait until spring to do. (defer to spring)
o NEED wood picnic tables to be moved for storage for the winter under the
concession deck roof.
 Put on website. Need minimum 4 people
 Stephanie will contact fire department regarding help of moving the
picnic tables.
 Motion to adopt Old Business Reports: by Niels Nielsen. Seconded by Pat Suter. All in
favor. Carried.

Committee Reports:

 Hixon Seniors Society: Ruth Burzek

o Still meeting 1-4pm on Thursdays at the Hixon Elementary School, first room on
right hand side.
o Tea on 3rd Wednesday of the month, may be shorter due to not having someone
to do the lunch. Might just be soup and sandwiches. Looking for volunteers to do
lunch and possibly some baking.
o Seniors are planning an old time/Halloween dance.
 October 27th, 2018. 7-11pm
 Use of the hall has been donated and cost is by donation.
 Kassandra Merritt to do music and set up sound.
 Val Merritt to put it on the website.
 Hixon Hill Riders: Sherry Halls.
o They will be having a show on Oct. 13th, 2018.
o Would be very nice for people to come out and support this.
o Joanne Kirkland has done a lot of work. She will not be in town for 3 wks. She will
be unable to attend due to health issues.
o Questions to go to Lana Rempel and Caroline Sutherland.
o Different events will be on.
o Around May 25th will be another show.
o No Christmas Bazaar this year.
 Fall Fair
o Someone has been found to do dinner for next year and it will be for free.
Tammy Colebank found him.
 Motion to accept Community Reports: by Kassandra Merritt. Seconded by Stephanie
Smith. All in favor. Carried.
New Business:

 Bluegrass – Additional Day: Val Merritt

o Reguest was made by Val Merritt that an extra day be added to the Bluegrass
Jamboree for set up without extra cost due to needing extra time to set up.
o Val Merritt and Kassandra Merritt were asked to leave the room while discussion
took place.
o Motion was made by Niels Nielsen that in lieu of paying for an additional day,
the bluegrass committee will commit to putting the picnic tables undercover in
the concession and removing them in the spring. Seconded by Kristine
Brownscombe. All in favor and carried.
o Stephanie Smith no longer needs to contact Hixon Fire Department to volunteer
for moving of picnic tables.
 Lakeland Donations – Priorities
o Gave $2,000 this year. $1,000 was left from the Endowment grant. It wasn’t
used. In total $3,000.
o Examples were given: fence around playground, signage coming into the
community, canvas for paintings in hall.
o Jack van Ryn & Val Merritt to bring back proposal with a cost for what is needed
to do the paintings.
o Art Kaehn brought up Joanne Kirkland’s idea of the Penny sign for signage
coming into the community.
o Val Merritt mentioned would it be a possibility to do both signs & paintings.
o Kristine Brownscombe mentioned using the back of the tack shed to put one of
the blackboards up with cork board on it for community use.
o Niels mentioned that we should use money in the bank to do the signs.
o Motion made by Niels Nielsen that we put $2,000 towards replacing the
paintings on the walls in the hall onto canvas. Seconded by Kristine
Brownscombe. Discussion. Amendment: Val Merritt stated that we wait until
next general meeting when prices can be brought forward. Discussion. Val
Merritt withdrew amendment. Art Kaehn mentioned that maybe a grant could
be done for the artwork. Niels Nielsen pulled motion until prices are found on
both artwork supplies and signage.
o Pat Suter addressed the idea that kitchen supplies ie. Can opener, tea spoons
need priority. Discussion can be done at another time with the Fall Fair
committee stated Sherry Halls.
 Special Resolutions – October 9th, 2018 at 7pm.
 Annual General Meeting Date / Election of Directors – November 6th,2018 at 7pm.

Next monthly General Meeting Date: November 6th, 2018

Adjournment: 8:32pm.

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