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Analysis of Classroom Tests: Conducting Item Analysis

Objective: at the end of the lesson the students must be learn:

1. To identify and examine common misconceptions among students

about a particular concept.
2. Able to measure the differences in mastery that occur.
3.value of these test items can be systematically assessed using
several methods representative of item analysis.
Discussion of Content:
item analysis gives you a way to exercise additional quality control over your tests.
Well-specified learning objectives and well-constructed items give you a headstart in that
process, but item analyses can give you feedback on how successful you actually were.

Item analysis are intended to assess and improve the reliability of your tests. If test
reliability is low, test validity will necessarily also be low. This is the ultimate reason you
do item analyses—to improve the validity of a test by improving its reliability. Higher
reliability will not necessarily raise validity (you can be more consistent in hitting the wrong
target), but it is a prerequisite. That is, high reliability is necessary but not sufficient for
high validity (do you remember this point on Exam 1?).

However, when you examine the properties of each item, you will often discover how they
may or may not actually have assessed the learning outcome you intended—which is a
validity issue. When you change items to correct these problems, it means the item
analysis has helped you to improve the likely validity of the test the next time you give it.

Test analysis examines how the test items perform as a set. Item analysis "investigates
the performance of items considered individually either in relation to some external
criterion or in relation to the remaining items on the test
Item Difficulty

Item difficulty is simply the percentage of students taking the test who answered the item
correctly. The larger the percentage getting an item right, the easier the item. The higher
the difficulty index, the easier the item is understood to be (Wood, 1960). To compute the
item difficulty, divide the number of people answering the item correctly by the total
number of people answering item. The proportion for the item is usually denoted as p and
is called item difficulty (Crocker & Algina, 1986). An item answered correctly by 85% of
the examinees would have an item difficulty, or p value, of .85, whereas an item answered
correctly by 50% of the examinees would have a lower item difficulty, or p value, of .50.

A p value is basically a behavioral measure. Rather than defining difficulty in terms of

some intrinsic characteristic of the item, difficulty is defined in terms of the relative
frequency with which those taking the test choose the correct response

One cannot determine which item is more difficult simply by reading the questions. One
can recognize the name in the second question more readily than that in the first. But
saying that the first question is more difficult than the second, simply because the name
in the second question is easily recognized, would be to compute the difficulty of the item
using an intrinsic characteristic. This method determines the difficulty of the item in a
much more subjective manner than that of a p value.

Another implication of a p value is that the difficulty is a characteristic of both the item.

Table 1

Minimum Item Difficulty Example Illustrating No Individual


Group Item Response


Upper group 4 5 0 6

Lower group 2 6 0 7

Note. * denotes correct response

Item difficulty: (0 + 0)/30 = .00p

Discrimination Index: (0 - 0)/15 = .00

Table 2

Maximum Item Difficulty Example Illustrating No Individual


Group Item Response


Upper group 0 0 15 0

Lower group 0 0 15 0

Note. * denotes correct response

Item difficulty: (15 + 15)/30 = 1.00p

Discrimination Index: (15-15)/15 = .00

In discussing the procedure for determining the minimum and maximum score on a test,
Thompson and Levitov (1985) stated that

items tend to improve test reliability when the percentage of students who
correctly answer the item is halfway between the percentage expected to
correctly answer if pure guessing governed responses and the percentage
(100%) who would correctly answer if everyone knew the answer. (pp. 164-

For example, many teachers may think that the minimum score on a test consisting of
100 items with four alternatives each is 0, when in actuality the theoretical floor on such
a test is 25. This is the score that would be most likely if a student answered every item
by guessing (e.g., without even being given the test booklet containing the items).
Item Discrimination

If the test and a single item measure the same thing, one would expect people who do
well on the test to answer that item correctly, and those who do poorly to answer the item
incorrectly. A good item discriminates between those who do well on the test and those
who do poorly. Two indices can be computed to determine the discriminating power of an
item, the item discrimination index, D, and discrimination coefficients.

Item Discrimination Index, D

The method of extreme groups can be applied to compute a very simple measure of the
discriminating power of a test item. If a test is given to a large group of people, the
discriminating power of an item can be measured by comparing the number of people
with high test scores who answered that item correctly with the number of people with low
scores who answered the same item correctly. If a particular item is doing a good job of
discriminating between those who score high and those who score low, more people in
the top-scoring group will have answered the item correctly.

In computing the discrimination index, D, first score each student's test and rank order
the test scores. Next, the 27% of the students at the top and the 27% at the bottom are
separated for the analysis. Wiersma and Jurs (1990) stated that "27% is used because it
has shown that this value will maximize differences in normal distributions while providing
enough cases for analysis" (p. 145). There need to be as many students as possible in
each group to promote stability, at the same time it is desirable to have the two groups
be as different as possible to make the discriminations clearer. According to Kelly (as
cited in Popham, 1981) the use of 27% maximizes these two characteristics. Nunnally
(1972) suggested using 25%.

The discrimination index, D, is the number of people in the upper group who answered
the item correctly minus the number of people in the lower group who answered the item
correctly, divided by the number of people in the largest of the two groups. Wood (1960)
stated that

The higher the discrimination index, the better the item because such a value indicates
that the item discriminates in favor of the upper group, which should get more items
correct, as shown in Table 6. An item that everyone gets correct or that everyone gets
incorrect, as shown in Tables 1 and 2, will have a discrimination index equal to zero. Table
7 illustrates that if more students in the lower group get an item correct than in the upper
group, the item will have a negative D value and is probably flawed.
Table 6

Positive Item Discrimination Index D

Group Item Response


Upper group 3 2 15 0

Lower group 12 3 3 2

Note. * denotes correct response

74 students took the test

27% = 20(N)

Item difficulty: (15 + 3)/40 = .45p

Discrimination Index: (15 - 3)/20 = .60

Table 7

Negative Item Discrimination Index D

Group Item Response


Upper group 0 0 0 0

Lower group 0 0 15 0

Note. * denotes correct response

Item difficulty: (0 + 15)/30 = .50p

Discrimination Index: (0 - 15)/15 = -1.0


The procedure, Apply it to the sample results I gave you

1. Identify the upper 10 scorers and lowest 10 scorers on the test. Set aside the
2. Construct an empty chart for recording their scores, following the sample I gave
you in class. This chart lists the students down the left, by name. It arrays each
item number across the top. For a 20-item test, you will have 20 columns for
recording the answers for each student. Underneath the item number, write in the
correct answer (A, B, etc.)
3. Enter the student data into the chart you have just constructed.
a. Take the top 10 scorers, and write each student’s name down the left, one
row for each student. If there is a tie for 10th place, pick one student
randomly from those who are tied.
b. Skip a couple rows, then write the names of the 10 lowest-scoring students,
one row for each.
c. Going student by student, enter each student’s answers into the cells of the
chart. However, enter only the wrong answers (A, B, etc.). Any empty
cell will therefore signal a correct answer.
d. Go back to the upper 10 students. Count how many of them got Item 1
correct (this would be all the empty cells). Write that number at the bottom
of the column for those 10. Do the same for the other 19 questions. We will
call these sums RU, where U stands for "upper."
e. Repeat the process for the 10 lowest students. Write those sums under their
20 columns. We will call these RL, where L stands for "lower."
4. Now you are ready to calculate the two important indices of item functioning. These
are actually only estimates of what you would get if you had a computer program
to calculate the indices for everyone who took the test (some schools do). But they
are pretty good.
a. Difficulty index. This is just the proportion of people who passed the item.
Calculate it for each item by adding the number correct in the top group (RU)
to the number correct in the bottom group (RL) and then dividing this sum
by the total number of students in the top and bottom groups (20).



Record these 20 numbers in a row near the bottom of the chart.

b. Discrimination index. This index is designed to highlight to what extent

students in the upper group were more likely than students in the lower
group to get the item correct. That is, it is designed to get at the differences
between the two groups. Calculate the index by subtracting RL from RU, and
then dividing by half the number of students involved (10)



Record these 20 numbers in the last row of the chart.

5. You are now ready to enter these discrimination indexes into a second chart.
6. Construct the second chart, based on the model I gave you in class. (This is the
smaller chart that contains no student names.)
7. Now is the time to pick up your first chart again, where you will find
the discrimination indexes you need to enter into your second chart.
8. Study this second chart.
a. How many of the items are of medium difficulty? These are the best,
because they provide the most opportunity to discriminate (to see this, look
at their maximum discrimination indexes in the first row of headings). Items
that most everybody gets right or gets wrong simply can’t discriminate
b. The important test for an item’s discriminability is to compare it to the
maximum possible. How well did each item discriminate relative to the
maximum possible for an item of its particular difficulty level? Here is a
rough rule of thumb.
 Discrimination index is near the maximum possible = very

9. Go back to the first chart and study it.

a. Look at whether all the distracters attracted someone. If some did not attract
any, then the distracter may not be very useful. Normally you might want to
examine it and consider how it might be improved or replaced.
b. Look also for distractors that tended to pull your best students and
thereby lower discriminability. Consider whether the discrimination you are
asking them to make is educationally significant (or even clear). You can’t
do this kind of examination for the sample data I have given you, but keep
it in mind for real-life item analyses.
10. There is much more you can do to mine these data for ideas about your items, but
this is the core of an item analysis.

If you use scantron sheets for grading exams, ask your school whether it can calculate
item statistics when it processes the scantrons. If it can, those statistics probably include
what you need: the (a) difficulty indexes for each item, (b) correlations of each item with
total scores for each student on the test, and (c) the number of students who responded
to each distracter. The item-total correlation is comparable to (and more accurate than)
your discrimination index.

If your school has this software, then you won't have to calculate any item statistics, which
makes your item analyses faster and easier. It is important that you have calculated the
indexes once on your own, however, so that you know what they mean.

Developing the perfect test is the unattainable goal for anyone in an evaluative position.
Even when guidelines for constructing fair and systematic tests are followed, a plethora
of factors may enter into a student's perception of the test items. Looking at an item's
difficulty and discrimination will assist the test developer in determining what is wrong with
individual items. Item and test analysis provide empirical data about how individual items
and whole tests are performing in real test situations.


(Crocker & Algina, 1986; Gronlund & Linn, 1990; Pedhazur & Schemlkin, 1991; Sax,
1989; Thorndike, Cunningham, Thorndike, & Hagen, 1991).
Ebel, R.L., & Frisbie, D.A. (1986). Essentials of educational measurement. Englewood
Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall.

Nunnally, J.C. (1972). Educational measurement and evaluation (2nd ed.). New York:

Pedhazur, E.J., & Schmelkin, L.P. (1991). Measurement, design, and analysis: An
integrated approach. Hillsdale, NJ: Erlbaum.

pham, W.J. (1981). Modern educational measurement. Englewood Cliff, NJ: Prentice-

Sax, G. (1989). Principles of educational and psychological measurement and

evaluation (3rd ed.). Belmont, CA: Wadsworth.

Thompson, B., & Levitov, J.E. (1985). Using microcomputers to score and evaluate test
items. Collegiate Microcomputer, 3, 163-168.

Wiersma, W. & Jurs, S.G. (1990). Educational measurement and testing (2nd ed.).
Boston, MA: Allyn and Bacon.

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