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Class II EVS


New Words:
Hobbies: ________________________________________________________________________

Similar: _________________________________________________________________________

Special: _________________________________________________________________________

A. Fill in the blanks:

1. As we grow older, we __________________________________________.

2. The activities that we enjoy doing are called our ______________________________________ .

3. Even though we look ___________________________, we are different in many ways.

B. Write T for true and F for false:

1. We do not change as we grow. _____

2. Things we do not like are called our favourites. _____

3. We like to do different things in our free time. _____

C. Answer the following questions:

1. What happens as we grow older?

Ans: ____________________________________________________________________________


2. What is a hobby?

Ans: ____________________________________________________________________________


3. What makes us special?

Ans: ____________________________________________________________________________


New Words:

Organ: _________________________________________________________________________

External: _______________________________________________________________________

Internal: _______________________________________________________________________
Digest: ________________________________________________________________________

A. Fill in the blanks:

1. The ______________________________ body can do many clever things.

2. _____________________ organs can be seen by us.

3. The __________________ helps us to think.

4. Our lungs Helps us to ____________________________________.

5. Our ________________________ digests the food we eat.

B. Match the following:

1. Seeing

2. Hearing

3. Smelling

4. Tasting

5. Feeling

C. Choose the correct answer:

1. Which of these is not an external organ?

a. The Nose b. The Heart c. The Head d. The Hand

2. Which of these controls other organs in the body?

a. The Eyes b. The Heart c. The legs d. The brain

3. Which of these pumps blood to all parts of the body?

a. The heart b. The hands c. The legs d. The Head

4. Our eyes helps us to

a. see b. Taste c. Feel d. Hear
5. If something touches us, we can feel it because of our.
a. heart b. Skin c. Face d. Fingers
D. Answer the following questions:
1. What are the different types of organs in our body?

Ans: ____________________________________________________________________________

2. What are external organs? Give two examples.

Ans: ____________________________________________________________________________


3. What are internal organs? Give two examples.

Ans: ____________________________________________________________________________


E. Complete this list.

I like to see ______________________________________________________________________

I like the smell of _________________________________________________________________

I like the taste of __________________________________________________________________

I like to listen to __________________________________________________________________

________________________________________________________________ feels nice to touch.

F. Write five lines about yourself.








Chapter 2: My Body

New word:
Organ: __________________________________________________________________________

External: ________________________________________________________________________

Internal: _________________________________________________________________________

Digest: __________________________________________________________________________

A. Fill in the blanks.

1. The ___________________________________ body can do many clever things.

2. ___________________________________ organs can be seen by us.

3. The ___________________________________ helps us to think.

4. Our ___________________________________ digests the food we eat.

B. Match The following:
1. Seeing a.

2. Hearing

3. Smelling c.

4. Tasting d.

5. Feeling e.

C. Choose the correct answer:

1. Which of these is not an external organ?

a. The nose b. The Heart c. The Head d. The Hand

2. Which of these controls other organs in the body?

a. The Eyes b. The Heart c. The Legs d. The Brain

3. Which of these pumps blood to all parts of the body?

a. The Heart b. The Hands c. The Legs d. The Head

4. Our eyes help us to

a. See b. Taste c. Feel d. Hear

5. If something touches us, we can feel it because of our

a. Heart b. Skin d. Face e. Fingers


D. Answer the following questions:

1. What are the different types of organs in our body?

Answer: _______________________________________________________________________


2. What are external organs? Give two examples.

Answer: _______________________________________________________________________


3. What are Internal organs? Give two examples.

Answer: _______________________________________________________________________


4. How many sense organs do we have? Name them.

Answer: _______________________________________________________________________


Complete this list:

I like to see __________________________________________________________________

I like the smell of _______________________________________________________________

I like the taste of ________________________________________________________________

I like to listen to ________________________________________________________________

_______________________________________________ feels nice to touch.

Chapter 3: My Family

New Words:

Nuclear family: ___________________________________________________________________


Single parent family:_______________________________________________________________


Joint family: ___________________________________________________________________

A. Fill in the blanks:

1. Sometimes, children live with one __________________________ only.

2. Mr Aruna Mehtra is Nina’s __________________________.

3. Priya lives with her __________________________ and her brother.

4. Family members __________________________ works among themselves.

5. Rashid makes his own __________________________ every morning.

B. Write T for true or F for false:

1. All families are big. ____

2. Nina’s family is a nuclear family. ____

3. Rashid’s family is a single-parent family. ____

4. Parent do all the work in a family. ____

5. Children should not help out at home. ____

C. Match the following:

1. Nuclear Family a. One parent and children

2. Single-parent family b. Take care of each other.

3. Joint family c. By doing small tasks at home

4. We can help d. Parents and children

5. Family members e. Parents, Children, Grandparents, Uncles, Aunts, Cousins

D. Answer the following questions:
1. What is a nuclear family?

Answer: _______________________________________________________________________



2. What is a joint family?

Answer: _______________________________________________________________________



3. How does work at home become easier?

Answer: _______________________________________________________________________



4. What is single parent family?

Answer: _______________________________________________________________________


Chapter 4: Good Habits

New words:

Regularly: _______________________________________________________________________

Surrounding: _____________________________________________________________________

Cavities: ________________________________________________________________________

Shampoo: _______________________________________________________________________

Trim: _______________________________________________________________________

A. Fill in the blanks:

1. A habit is something we do ____________________________.

2. We should brush our teeth every ________________________ and every _______________.

3. We should throw litter in the ___________________________.

4. We should ___________________________ for at least 8 hours a day.

5. We should treat everyone with ___________________________.

B. Write T for true and F for false.

1. All habits are good. ____

2. We should leave the toilet clean after we use it. ____

3. We should only be polite to our friends. ____

4. We should drink water once a day. ____

5. We should be kind to everyone. ____

C. Choose the correct answer:

1. Which these habits helps us to stay clean?

a. Bathing b. Brushing our teeth c. Combing our hair d. All of these

2. We should trim our

a. Fingers b. Toes c. Hands d. Nails

3. We should clean our nose with

a. a Handkerchief b. Our cloths c. Our hands d. None of these

4. We should eat
a. Whenever we want b. On time c. Once a day d. None of these

5. We should treat others with

a. Politeness b. Kindness c. Respect d. All of these

D. Answer the following questions:

1. What is a habit?

Answer: _______________________________________________________________________



2.What kinds of habit are there?

Answer: _______________________________________________________________________



3. Write two habits that helps us stay clean?

Answer: _______________________________________________________________________



4. Write two good manners that we should learn?

Answer: _______________________________________________________________________



E. Complete the sentences.

1. If my hands are dirty, I will ______________________________________________________.

2. If I use the toilet, I will _________________________________________________________.

3. If my nails grow long, I will _____________________________________________________.

4. If someone gives me a gift, I will say ______________________________________________.

Chapter 5: Safety First

New words:



Corridor: ________________________________________________________________________

First Aid: ________________________________________________________________________


A. fill in the blanks:

1. ____________________________ means protecting ourselves from getting hurt.

2. We should never talk to ____________________________.

3. We should always cross the road at a ______________________________________________ .

4. We should paly in a ____________________________ or a ____________________________.

5. We should not go to ____________________________ places alone.

B. Write T for true or F for false.

1. We should only follow safety rule at home. ___

2. We can play with knives and blades. ___

3. We should not run in school corridor. ___

4. standing on a swing is safe. ___

5. If we get hurt, we should call a grown-up. ___

C. Match the following:

1. We should not touch electric gadgets. a. On a footpath.

2. We should not leave school b. Near water.

3. We should walk c. With a starnger.

4. While travelling, we should not d. With wet hands

5. We should not play e. Disturb the driver.

D. Answer the following questions:

1. What is safety?

Answer: _______________________________________________________________________



2. write two safety rules we should follow at home?

Answer: _______________________________________________________________________



3. What should we do if we get hurt?

Answer: _______________________________________________________________________



4. What is the right way to cross the road?

Answer: _______________________________________________________________________



5. Write two safety rules we should follow at school?

Answer: _______________________________________________________________________


Chapter 6: Healthy Eating

New words

Muscles: _______________________________________________________________________

Balanced diet: __________________________________________________________________

Nutrients: _____________________________________________________________________

A. Fill in the blanks:

1. We cannot live without ________________________________ .

2. People who eat meat, fish, chicken and eggs are called ________________________________ .

3. People who do not eat meat, fish, chicken and eggs are called____________________________ .

4. A balanced diet gives us all the ________________________________ that our body needs.

5. We eat ________________________________ meals a day.


B. Write T for true or F for false:

1. Food gives us energy to play, work and study. ___

2. We need to eat only one type of food. ___

3. Protective foods help us to build our muscles. ___

4. We have breakfast in the morning. ___

5. There is no need to wash fruits before eating. ___


C. Choose the correct answer:

1. Food gives us

a. Energy b. Money c. Time d. Fun

2. which of these is an energy-giving food?

a. Fruits b. Butter c. Meat d. Fish

3. Which of these is a body-building food?

a. Rice b. Wheat c. Sugar d. Milk

4. Which of these is a protective food?

a. Wheat b. Fruits c. Rice d. Oil

5. Which of these is the last meal of the day?

a. Breakfast b. Lunch c. Dinner d. None of these


D. Answer the following questions:

1. Name the three types of food that we eat?

Answer: _______________________________________________________________________



2. What is a balanced diet?

Answer: _______________________________________________________________________



3. Write two good eating habits that we should learn?

Answer: _______________________________________________________________________



4. in the space below, write the names of your favourite foods?

Breakfast: _______________________________________________________________________

Lunch: _________________________________________________________________________

Dinner: _________________________________________________________________________

5. What is energy food?

Answer: _______________________________________________________________________




6. What is body-building food?

Answer: _______________________________________________________________________






7. What is protective food? Give examples.

Answer: _______________________________________________________________________





Chapter 7: Cloths that We wear

New Words:

Spun: ___________________________________________________________________________

Woven: _________________________________________________________________________

Waterproof: ______________________________________________________________________

Uniform: ________________________________________________________________________

A. Fill in the blanks:

1. ____________________________ make us look neat and smart.

2. In ____________________________ we wear light cotton clothes.

3. Cloths made from wool keep us ____________________________ .

4. Some materials like __________________ and ____________________ are made in factories.

5. Children wear ____________________________ to school.


B. Write T for true or F for false:

1. We wear the same cloths all through the year. ___

2. Cotton cloths help us to stay warm. ___

3. Leather is made from the thick, soft hairs of sheep. ___

4. Synthetic materials are made in factories. ___

5. People in different parts of the country wear different cloths. ___


C. Match the following:


1. We wear cloths a. Are synthetic materials

2. Cotton cloths b. Are worn when it is raining.

3. woollen clothes c. Are worn in summer.

4. Rayon and nylon d. Are to cover our body-build

5. Raincoats e. Are worn in winter.

D. answer the following questions:

1. What do cloths protects us from?

Answer: _______________________________________________________________________



2. What kind of cloths do we wear in summer and in winter?

Answer: _______________________________________________________________________



3. What are uniforms?

Answer: _______________________________________________________________________



4. Why do we wear cloths?

Answer: _______________________________________________________________________



5. What are fibers?

Answer: _______________________________________________________________________



6. Give some examples of people who wear special cloths?

Answer: _______________________________________________________________________




Chapter 8: Houses

New words:

Temporary: _____________________________________________________________________

Permanent: _____________________________________________________________________

Floating: ______________________________________________________________________

Stilt: _______________________________________________________________________


A. Fill in the blanks:

1. _________________________ house are made of mud, straw and wood.

2. _________________________ house are made of bricks, stone, cement and steel.

3. _________________________ have only one floor.

4. _________________________ are found in Kashmir.

5. People in Arctic region build houses called _________________________ .


B. Write T for true and F for false.

1. Houses protect us from heat, cold, rain and storm. ___

2. Pucca houses are not very strong. ___

3. Houses in hilly areas have flat roofs. ___

4. In places with heavy rainfall, houses are built on stilts. ___

5. Nomads live in tents. ___


C. Match the following:

1. Kuchcha houses a. Are permanent.

2. Pucca houses b. Are made of ice.

3. Types of pucca houses c. Help rainwater to flow to the ground.

4. Sloping roofs d. Are temporary.

5. Igloos e. Bungalows and multi-storeyed buildings.

D. Answer the following questions:

1. Why do we all need a house?

Answer: _______________________________________________________________________



2. What is the difference between a bungalow and a multi-storeyed building?

Answer: _______________________________________________________________________





3. Name two types of houses found around the world?

Answer: _______________________________________________________________________



4. What are stilt houses?

Answer: _______________________________________________________________________



5. What are portable houses?

Answer: _______________________________________________________________________



6. Write different parts of a house?

Answer: _______________________________________________________________________


Chapter 9: Good Homes

New words:

1. Ventilator: _____________________________________________________________________

2. Stale: _________________________________________________________________________

3. Germs: _______________________________________________________________________

4. Pests: _________________________________________________________________________

5. Chores: _______________________________________________________________________

A. Fill in the blanks:

1. Windows let in fresh air and ________________________ .

2. A good home os neat and ________________________ .

3. All the rooms are cleaned ____________________________ .

4. Plants are ___________________________ every day.

5. To have a good home, each member of the family has to ________________________ .


B. Write T for true and F for false.

1. A good home has no windows. ___

2. Windows let in stale air. ___

3. Sunlight kills germs in the air. ___

4. A good home has pests like mosquitoes and flies. ___

5. We all have to do our share to keep our home clean. ___

C. Choose the correct answer:

1. The house we live in is called our

a. Bungalow b. Building c. Home d. None of these

2. A good home has plenty of

a. Windows b. Pests c. Dirt d. Garbage

3. Windows let in

a. Fresh air b. Sunlight c. Both of these d. None of these

4. Which of these are household pests?

a. Mosquitoes b. Flies c. Cockroaches d. All of these

5. Which of these should not be wasted in a good home?

a. Electricity b. Food c. Water d. All of those


D. Answer the following questions.

1. Why does a good home have windows and ventilators?

Answer: _______________________________________________________________________



2. Name two things which are done regularly to keep a home clean?

Answer: _______________________________________________________________________



3. Name two things which help us clean our home?

Answer: _______________________________________________________________________



4. Write two qualities of a good home?

Answer: _______________________________________________________________________





5. How can you help in keeping your home clean?

Answer: _______________________________________________________________________


Chapter 10: Important places Around Us.

New words:

Valuables: _______________________________________________________________________

Jewellery: _______________________________________________________________________

Ambulance: ______________________________________________________________________

Money order: ____________________________________________________________________

Parcels: _________________________________________________________________________

Fire engine: ______________________________________________________________________

A. Fill in the blanks:

1. We keep our money in a _____________________________ .

2. When we fall ill, we are treated by __________________________ .

3. We send letters through the ________________________________________________ .

4. The __________________________ guard our neighbourhood.

5. __________________________ have open space where we can play.

B. Write T for true and F for false.

1. There is only one shop in the neighbourhood market. ___

2. An ambulance takes us to school. ___

3. We buy stamps and envelopes from the post office. ___

4. If there is trouble in the neighbourhood, we report it to the post office. ___

5. Firefighters helps us by putting out fires. ___

C. Choose the correct answer:

1. We keep our money in the

a. Hospital b. Bank c. Chemist’s shop d. Grocery store

2. In the neighbourhood market we find

a. the grocery store b. The chemist’s shop c. The greengrocer’s shop d. All of these

3. When we get hurt, we go to the

a. Hospital b. Post office c. Fire station d. Bank
4. The police help us by
a. Posting our letters b. Selling medicines c. Selling milk d. Guarding our neighbourhood

5. We go to the park to
a. Play b. Walk c. Jog d. All of these

Answer the following questions:

1. Name two shops that we find in the neighbourhood market and write what we buy from them.

Answer: _______________________________________________________________________



2. What do we send through post office?

Answer: _______________________________________________________________________



3. How does the fire station helps us?

Answer: _______________________________________________________________________



4. What is a neighbourhood?

Answer: _______________________________________________________________________



5. Write any five neighbourhood places?

Answer: _______________________________________________________________________




6. Write three qualities of a good neighbourhood?

Answer: _______________________________________________________________________








Chapter 11: People Who Helps Us

New words:

Delivers: ________________________________________________________________________

Leaking: ________________________________________________________________________

Irons: ___________________________________________________________________________

Iron: ___________________________________________________________________________

A. Fill in the blanks:

1. The _____________________________ delivers milk to the house.

2. The _____________________________ stitches cloths.

3. The _____________________________ builds our homes.

4. The _____________________________ treats us when we are ill.

5. The _____________________________ sells medicines.

B. Write T for true or F for false.

1. We can live comfortably without anyone’s help. ___

2. The electrician fixes leaking pipes. ___

3. The washerwoman washes and iron our clothes. ___

4. The farmer grows our food. ___

5. The policeman brings us letters and parcels. ___


C. Match the following:

1. The postmaster a. Makes and repairs furniture

2. The plumber b. Delivers letters and parcels.

3. The carpenter c. Grows our food.

4. The mason d. Fixes leaking taps and pipes.

5. The farmer e. Builds our homes.

D. Answer the following questions:

1. Write how these people help you at home:

a. The Postman b. The Plumber

Answer: _______________________________________________________________________




2. Write how these people help you at home:

a. The Policeman b. The Blacksmith

Answer: _______________________________________________________________________




3. How should we treat people who helps us?

Answer: _______________________________________________________________________




4. What does a grocer use to measure the things he sells?




5. Who are these people?



3. Reading the jumbled words?

1. F R F E A M R ________________________________

2. R O A T I L ________________________________

3. U S R E N ________________________________

4. T R C O D O ________________________________

5. E C H M A N I C ________________________________

6. I L K A M N A ________________________________

7. A N O M S ________________________________

8. P T A O S M N ________________________________

9. O B E C B L R ________________________________

10. U E M B P E R ________________________________


A. Who sells medicines?


B. Who mends our shoes?


C. Where do you play?


D. Where do we to buy things?


E. What should we plant to keep our environment clean?


F. How many sense organs do we have?


G. Where should we throw the litter?


H. Where do we go to study?


I. Which is the second meal of the day?


Fill in the blanks with correct word.

1. The old man’s bucket was ________________________ (NEW / OLD)

2.The old man changed into a ________________________ . (Magician / Fairy)

3. The John’s bucket is ________________________ . (Empty / Full)

4. The old man wanted to ________________________ . (rest / dance)

5. John was a ________________________ boy. (greedy / kind)

6. The old man and John met each other one day in ________________________ .

(summer / winter)

1. A florist sells ________________________

2. A baker bakes ________________________

3. A doctor treats the ________________________

4. A barber cuts ________________________

5. A carpenter makes ________________________

Write the special names

1. I am capital of India. ________________________

2. I am called the festival of lights. ________________________

3. I am the third month of the year. ________________________

4. I am the day after Monday. ________________________

5. I am the worlds highest mountain peak. ________________________

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