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Name: Grade Level / Track:

School: Date:

Activity 1.1
Take a look at your own self-concept and answer the following self-concept inventory in your journal. Give
yourself a rating using the scale: 0 = very weak; 1 = weak; 2 = somewhat weak/somewhat strong; 3 = strong;
4 = very strong
01. I have strong sex appeal.
02. I am proud of my physical figure.
03. I am physically attractive and beautiful/handsome.
04. I exude with charm and poise.
05. I can easily get along with.
06. I can adjust to different people and different situations.
07. I am approachable; other people are at ease and comfortable with me.
08. I am lovable and easy to love.
09. I am a fast learner, can understand instruction easily.
10. I am intelligent.
11. I have special talents and abilities.
12. I can easily analyze situations and make right judgments.
13. I can be trusted in any transaction.
14. I have a clear conscience and carry no guilty feeling.
15. I have integrity and good reputation.
16. My friends and classmates can look up to me as a model worth emulating.
17. I can express my ideas without difficulty.
18. I talk in a persuasive manner that I can easily get people to accept what I say.
19. I can express my ideas in writing without difficulty.
20. I am a good listener.
21. I am emotionally stable and not easily rattled when faced with trouble.
22. I am logical and rational in my outlook and decisions.
23. I feel and act with confidence.
24. I am a mature person.
Scoring: Copy this table in your journal. Write your score opposite each number and get the subtotal.
Physical appeal Human Relations Intelligence
01. 05. 09.
02. 06. 10.
03. 07. 11.
04. 08. 12.
Sub-Total: Sub-Total: Sub-Total:
Character Communications Maturity
13. 17. 21.
14. 18. 22.
15. 19. 23.
16. 20. 24.
Sub-Total: Sub-Total: Sub-Total:
How do you perceive yourself?
01. In what areas do you consider yourself strong (with score 14-16 or somewhat weak (score of 10-13) and very weak
(below 10)?
02. Are there qualities you consider as your weakness but other people consider as your strength? What are these?
check with a partner.

Personal Development Page 1

Name: Grade Level / Track:
School: Date:

Activity 1.2

In the spaces indicated by numbers, write down the following

1 and 2 two things I do very well
3 and 4 my two greatest achievements in life
5 what in myself am I proudest of
6 my happiest moment
7 positive words that my friends use to describe me
8 a personal goal that I have already achieved
9 three blessings for which I am most thankful to God
10 three of my positive qualities
11 difficulties, challenges and problems that I was able to solve and overcome

Personal Development Page 2

Name: Grade Level / Track:
School: Date:

Activity 2.1
Ask students to draw a circle on a blank sheet of paper and divide the circle into 8 segments. In each
segment they will write some descriptions of the different aspects of themselves as follows:

01. Physical Self: Describe yourself. Try not to censor any thoughts which come to your mind. Include
descriptions of your height, weight, facial appearance, and quality of skin, hair and descriptions of body
areas such as your neck, chest, waist, legs.
02. Intellectual Self: Include here an assessment of how well you reason and solve problems, your
capacity to learn and create, your general amount of knowledge, your specific areas of knowledge,
wisdom you have acquired, and insights you have.
03. Emotional Self: Write as many words or phrase about typical feelings you have, feelings you seldom
have, feelings you try to avoid, feelings you especially enjoy, feelings from your past and present, and
feelings which are associated with each other.
04. Sensual Self: Write how you feel as a sensual person. What sense do you use most – sight, hearing,
speaking, smelling, touching? How do you feel about the different ways you take in information –
through the eyes, ears, mouth, nose, and skin. In what ways do you let information in and out of your
05. Interactional Self: Include descriptions of your strengths and weaknesses in intimate relationships and
relationships to friends, family, classmates and strangers in social settings. Describe the strengths and
weaknesses which your friends and family have noticed. Describe what kind of son or daughter,
brother or sister you are.
06. Nutritional Self: How do you nourish yourself? What foods do you like and dislike? What do you like
and dislike about these?
07. Contextual Self: Descriptors could be in the areas of maintenance of your living environment: reaction
to light, temperature, space, weather, colors, sound and seasons and your impact on the environment.
08. Spiritual Self or Life Force: Write words or phrases which tell about how you feel in this area. This could
include your feelings about yourself and organized religion, reactions about your spiritual connections
to others, feelings about your spiritual development and history, and thought about your metaphysical
self. Think about your inner peace and joy. Think about your spiritual regimen or routine.

Personal Development Page 3

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