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This diagnostic evaluation is designed to assess your competence in the 5 skill

areas or teaching and learning OBJECTIVES:
1. Knowledge and understanding
i. Maths Diagnostic Test. (Individual test)
ii. Reading Test. (Individual test)
2. Application of knowledge and understanding, and problem solving
i. Case Study - Phosphorous mining on the Pacific Island of
Nauru. (Group work)
3. Research and communication in science
i. Research question, based on media article. (Group work)
4. Experimental investigation
i. Duckweed and Pollution of Water. (Group work)
5. Data analysis and making conclusions
i. Coral bleaching. (Group work)

You are also being assessed on:

1. Your compromiso personal
2. Your ability to work collaboratively with other students

Most of these diagnostic activities will be completed by small groups of

maximum 3, minimum 2 students working together. Think very carefully
about with whom you work!

The two Objective 1 (Knowledge and Understanding) tests, will be completed

as formal tests, in class time. 1 - Math test; 2 - Reading Test

You should create a section in your file, titled 'DIAGNOSTIC


It does not matter in which order you complete the activities, or how you
allocate your time, except you must begin by setting up the experimental
investigation and you must complete everything by the deadlines. No
extended time limits!

Although the work is shared, each student in a group has to present all the
evidence of all the assignments in their files. The evidence may be the
original work of the group, or copies of shared work, or photos or images of

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