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NIN : PO7124318141

Tugas Bahasa Inggris

1. Simpel Past tense ( S + Verb II + Obj + Adv )

 She Worked at Hospital 2 Month Ago
 dia bekerja dirumah sakit dua bulan lalu

2. Past continuous tense

 She was Working in Hospital
 Dia sedang bekerja di rumah sakit

3. Past perfect tense

 I had worked in Hospital
 Saya pernah bekerja dirumah sakit

4. Past perfect continuous tense

 I had been working in the Hospital
 Saya telah bekerja dirumah sakit
NIN : PO7124318142

Tugas Bahasa Inggris

1. Simpel Past tense ( S + Verb II + Obj + Adv )

 I went to tolitoli one Month ago
 Saya pergi ketolitoli satu bulan yang lalu

2. Past continuous tense

 She was going to tolitoli
 Dia sedang pergi ke tolitoli
3. Past perfect tense
 She had gone to tolitoli
 Dia pernah pergi ketolitoli

4. Past perfect continuous tense

 She has been going to tolitoli
 Dia telah pergi ke tolitoli

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