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328 BOOK NOTES [J. F. I.

physiologic responses were not compatible force problem is presented with clarity and
with the absence of a g field. completeness, and so are the topics of rigid
On the whole, this companion volume to body dynamics, and normal coordinates. The
"Physics and Medicine of the Upper Atmos- examples solved are well chosen and illustrate
phere" is a most welcome addition for the directly the principles. The numerous prob-
serious student and worker in the space flight lems proposed at the end of the chapters,
sciences. The Arrangements Committee and taken mostly from recent English examina-
Editors are to be congratulated on the uni- tions, are rather traditional and narrow in
form excellence of this volume. scope. They will nevertheless contribute to
I. M. LEVITT give a good working knowledge to the
The Fels Planetarium students.
of The Franklin Institute It is however regrettable that some topics
of considerable importance in modern physics
CLASSICAL DYNAMICS, by R. H. Atkin. 273 have been omitted. Let us mention the
pages, diagrams, 5½ × 8½ in. New York, scattering problem, the Hamilton-Jacobi
John Wiley &Sons, Inc., 1959. Price, $5.25. Theory and relativistic dynamics among
Classical dynamics and electrodynamics others. The rich illustrations provided by
constitute the essential basis of classical electrodynamics have been neglected. Re-
physics. Yet the relative time alloted them grettable also and rather surprising is the lack
in academic curricula has been progressively of an index.
reduced, in view of the rapid growth of many Despite these omissions, which can be rem-
modern branches of physics (atomic, nuclear edied by an instructor, the topics considered
and solid state physics, for example). Hence are treated with an unusual skill. The work-
the need for well written and concise presenta- ing knowledge has been emphasized at the
tions. To the excellent treatises of Goldstein, expense of the philosophical foundations. As
Synge and Griffith, etc., Atkin has added a it stands this little book is eminently teach-
new one which, in a sense, is more old fash- able and could constitute an excellent text
ioned and more elementary. at the junior-senior level.
The vector notation is used throughout, HENRI AMAR
and the mathematical preliminaries are intro- The Franklin Institute Laboratories
duced in the first two chapters. The central and Temple University


THEORY OF THERMAL STRESSES, by Bruno A. tion of the theoretical foundations, methods

Boley and Jerome H. Weiner. 586 pages, of practical thermal-stress analysis, utilizing
diagrams, 6 × 9 in. New York, John Wiley strength of materials approximations, are
& Sons, Inc., 1960. Price, $15.50. treated fully in both the elastic and inelastic
This volume gives a comprehensive account domains.
of all the presently available theoretical tech-
niques for determination of stresses produced SELF-SATURATINGMAGNETICAMPLIFIERS, by
in a solid object when it is subjected to spec- Gordon E. Lynn, Thaddeus J. Pula, John
ified heating conditions. Thermal stress is F. Ringelman and Frederick G. Timmel.
explained through the basic subjects of ther- 217 pages, diagrams, 6 X 9 in. New York,
modynamics, heat-transfer theory, elasticity McGraw-Hill Book Co., Inc., 1960. Price,
and inelasticity. Realizing that many persons $8.00.
involved in thermal-stress analysis have little This thorough treatise on self-saturatiug
familiarity with heat-transfer theory, a self- magnetic amplifiers, on facts of their operation
contained review of the subject--together and on precise accurate design techniques,
with a discussion of methods of problem form- shows the reader how to design complex mag-
ulation and methods of their solution--has netic amplifier circuits with a minimmn of
been included. In addition to the presenta- cut-and-try experimentation, Clearly ex-

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